[vchkpw] Forwarding spec. users w/o local domain

2006-06-28 Thread Ted Fines

Our system: netqmail-1.05 on RHEL4.

I have a 'gateway' qmail system. It delivers nothing locally, and just does 
some filtering and logging before passing all messages through. locals 
contains only LOCALHOST, and there are no virtual domains. smtproutes 
contains the line macalester.edu:, and rcpthosts contains 

I'd like to do something I would think is very simple and possible, but I am 
stuck. I would like to setup some user forwards on this system. For example, if 
a message comes in for [EMAIL PROTECTED] I would like to be able to set a 
forward for that address to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or wherever. I would like to 
have a file with entries like:
...and so on... Of course I don't care about the syntax, but you get the idea. 
All other addresses would just follow the rule in smtproutes.

Here's the line of thinking I've been following and the conclusions I've come 
1. Since no mail is delivered locally, creating local user qmail accounts with 
.qmail files has no effect.
2. The moresmtproutes patch is not applicable here because it is for forwarding 
a given address to a specific destination host, not a specific destination 
3. Since no mail is delivered locally, the ~alias/.qmail-default file isn't 
processed either. I had tried populating that file wth the line | 
/var/qmail/bin/fastforward -d /etc/aliases.cdb, created an aliases file, 
installed fastforward, etc., but it just doesn't get used.

A user on the qmail mailing list suggested using qmailtap.  I think it would 
almost do what I need, so I thought it was worth posting the question to this 
list too.  qmailtap sends a copy to a specific address, however it would still 
allow qmail to attempt delivery of the original message, which would result in 
a failure notice for the sender.  The end result would be that the user would 
receive a forwarded copy of the message, but the sender would think it didn't 

Does anyone have any ideas on how to accomplish this goal, using qmailtap or 
something else?

Thanks in advance,

[vchkpw] 5.4.17

2006-06-28 Thread Steve Cole
Any word on rolling up a new tarball release?


Re: [vchkpw] Forwarding spec. users w/o local domain

2006-06-28 Thread Tom Collins

On Jun 28, 2006, at 6:11 AM, Ted Fines wrote:
Does anyone have any ideas on how to accomplish this goal, using  
qmailtap or something else?

If the server that accepts mail for macalester.edu can be convinced to  
accept mail for somehost.macalester.edu, you can use vpopmail and  
qmailadmin to accomplish your goals.  Make sure  
[EMAIL PROTECTED] is working correctly before modifying your  
gateway system.

Stop qmail-smtpd and qmail-send before doing any of this, to make sure  
you get it set up right.

You're going to add macalester.edu as a vpopmail domain on your gateway  
system.  Change the catchall to [EMAIL PROTECTED].  If  
you're using qmailadmin, you can just enter @somehost.macalester.edu  
as the catchall email address, and it will automatically set it up.

Here's the feature request on that undocumented feature:  

Remove the entry from smtproutes.  At this point, you might be able to  
start qmail-send (leaving qmail-smtpd off) and use qmail-inject to  
inject a test message.  Watch the logs to make sure it gets through.   
If so, you can start qmail-smtpd back up.

Now, add aliases for the addresses you want forwarded elsewhere.  Use  
QmailAdmin, or just create a .qmail-user45 file in the domain  

If an alias exists, the email will be forwarded.  If it doesn't exist,  
it will go to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  You'll probably also want  
to modify the postmaster user to have its mail get forwarded to  

If you really want to be safe, you could add the domain as test.com  
first, make sure everything works (using qmail-inject, or manually  
telnetting to port 25 on localhost) before doing it with the real  

Tom Collins  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Vpopmail - virtual domains for qmail: http://vpopmail.sf.net/
QmailAdmin - web interface for Vpopmail: http://qmailadmin.sf.net/

[vchkpw] Vpopmail with existing user table

2006-06-28 Thread Luciano Bolonheis

i'm installing qmail+vpopmail+etc. and I want to know if can I use an
existing users table (the used to authenticate in my Intranet) with
vpopmail... So, vpopmail should check user and password from this
other table instead of a new one.
Is it possible...

Luciano Bolonheis

[vchkpw] make alias domain the main domain?

2006-06-28 Thread Paul Theodoropoulos

vpopmail 5.4.10 vqadmin  2.3.5

i have a customer that began a new business using one domain - 
rfpowerdevices.com - and shortly thereafter decided to use hvvi.com 
as their domain. since rfpowerdevices.com was in place with users and 
mail, i just added hvvi.com as an alias domain.

a year later, and they are definitely not going to use 
rfpowerdevices.com any longer, so they want to drop it completely. 
'so what?' you may ask. indeed. the reason this came up is because 
just the other day, one of their users set up an out-of-office 
autoreply - and the autoreply gives no option to specify the 'from' 
address - it uses the 'main' domain, in this case rfpowerdevices.com. 
So their 'i'm out of the office until xyz' message was being sent out 
with a return address that none of their current customers even 
recognize. thus i believe, their desire to truly drop 
rfpowerdevices.com from the equation.

so how the heck can i do that? i'm baffled how to change the name of 
an existing domain. i don't see any options in vqadmin or in the 
command line interface to accomplish this.

clues for the clueless?

Paul Theodoropoulos

Re: [vchkpw] make alias domain the main domain?

2006-06-28 Thread Tom Collins

On Jun 28, 2006, at 1:26 PM, Paul Theodoropoulos wrote:
so how the heck can i do that? i'm baffled how to change the name of  
an existing domain. i don't see any options in vqadmin or in the  
command line interface to accomplish this.

Edit /var/qmail/users/assign.  You'll find two entries related to the  
domain, like this:


Change the second field from rfpowerdevices.com to hvvi.com:



Run qmail-newu, HUP qmail-send (you may not need to do that step), and  
you should be all set.

If you want to change the directory for the domain, that gets a bit  
more tricky.  You have to change it in /var/qmail/users/assign, the  
vpasswd file (for CDB) or database table (for the DB backends), .qmail  
files that have a hard-path to a maildir, mailing list configurations,  

Believe me, it's easier to just keep the old directory name.  You (the  
server admin) should be the only person who will se it.

Tom Collins  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Vpopmail - virtual domains for qmail: http://vpopmail.sf.net/
QmailAdmin - web interface for Vpopmail: http://qmailadmin.sf.net/

Re: [vchkpw] make alias domain the main domain?

2006-06-28 Thread Paul Theodoropoulos

At 02:23 PM 6/28/2006, Tom Collins wrote:

Believe me, it's easier to just keep the old directory name.  You (the
server admin) should be the only person who will se it.

excellent - thanks very much, that makes sense and is a heck of a lot 
easier than what i was thinking i'd have to do (tar up the existing 
accounts, delete main and alias, create new main, untar, etc)

Paul Theodoropoulos

RE: [vchkpw] Vpopmail with existing user table

2006-06-28 Thread Tren Blackburn
Should be fairly easy to do.  You'll need to extend your table with the
necessary fields that vpopmail uses.  Assuming you're using MySQL, here is
the default schema that vpopmail uses:

| Field   | Type  | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| pw_name | char(32)  | NO   | PRI | NULL|   |
| pw_domain   | char(64)  | NO   | PRI | NULL|   |
| pw_passwd   | char(40)  | YES  | | NULL|   |
| pw_uid  | int(11)   | YES  | | NULL|   |
| pw_gid  | int(11)   | YES  | | NULL|   |
| pw_gecos| char(48)  | YES  | | NULL|   |
| pw_dir  | char(160) | YES  | | NULL|   |
| pw_shell| char(20)  | YES  | | NULL|   |
| pw_clear_passwd | char(16)  | YES  | | NULL|   |

pw_clear is the password in clear text, pw_passwd is the password md5
crypted, and the other fields should be pretty self explanatory.  You'll
need to modify vmysql.h to handle your new table structure.

Hope this helps a bit.


-Original Message-
From: Luciano Bolonheis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2006 1:27 PM
To: vchkpw@inter7.com
Subject: [vchkpw] Vpopmail with existing user table

i'm installing qmail+vpopmail+etc. and I want to know if can I use an
existing users table (the used to authenticate in my Intranet) with
vpopmail... So, vpopmail should check user and password from this
other table instead of a new one.
Is it possible...

Luciano Bolonheis

[vchkpw] quotawarn not always working

2006-06-28 Thread Charles Sprickman

Hi all,

I have a user that came complaining (he's actually a lawyer and has sent 
four snail-mail, certified letters... ugh) that he's not being notified 
when going over quota.  So I grabbed a test account in the same domain and 
sent email to that account until the usage went above 90%.  Everything 
worked as expected - quotawarn file was created, warning email delivered, 
and it worked both with maildrop (used for spam/virus scanning here) and 
vdelivermail as the final delivery agent.

I figured it might be PEBKAC, but the user still complained, so we got 
permission to test on his live account.  And he's right...  No matter what 
I do, the warning message never gets delivered and no quotawarn file is 
created.  He has no filtering, so he's got direct vdelivermail delivery.

Looking in the db, other than his username, password and directory, he's 
exactly the same as my test user.

This is vpopmail 5.4.10, haven't gotten around to looking at all the 
release notes on newer versions yet for gotchas.

Anyone else see this?  Any appropriate fixes in vdelivermail dealing with 
quota warnings since 5.4.10?  I noticed vdelivermail does have a few 
printfs with error messages, but I'm not seeing anything in the mail logs 
regarding this user or quotas or errros in general...




Re: [vchkpw] quotawarn not always working

2006-06-28 Thread Michael Bowe
- Original Message - 
From: Charles Sprickman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi all,

I have a user that came complaining (he's actually a lawyer and has sent 
four snail-mail, certified letters... ugh) that he's not being notified 
when going over quota.  So I grabbed a test account in the same domain and 
sent email to that account until the usage went above 90%.  Everything 
worked as expected - quotawarn file was created, warning email delivered, 
and it worked both with maildrop (used for spam/virus scanning here) and 
vdelivermail as the final delivery agent.

Is vuserinfo reporting accurate values for this quota and usage amounts ?

Do the permissions on his dir look same as the permissions on your test 
account dir ?

You could probably test sending a message like this

EXT=someuser HOST=somedomain.com strace vdelivermail '' bounce-no-mailbox

That might show up whats going on with regards to access to the quota 
related files


Re: [vchkpw] quotawarn not always working

2006-06-28 Thread Tom Collins

On Jun 28, 2006, at 5:58 PM, Charles Sprickman wrote:
This is vpopmail 5.4.10, haven't gotten around to looking at all the 
release notes on newer versions yet for gotchas.

vdelivermail was rewritten for 5.4.11 (or so).  5.4.16 is a pretty good 
release, I have a few patches to put into 5.4.17, but nothing serious 
enough to keep you from trying 5.4.16.

Tom Collins  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Vpopmail - virtual domains for qmail: http://vpopmail.sf.net/
QmailAdmin - web interface for Vpopmail: http://qmailadmin.sf.net/