[vchkpw] vmoduser set quota is fail

2009-12-11 Thread 孙俊

I not find vmoduser maillist ,so send mail to this

My question is set user quota is fail!

OS is FreeBSD ns.egotop.com 8.0-RELEASE FreeBSD 8.0-RELEASE #0: Sat Nov 21 
15:48:17 UTC 2009
r...@almeida.cse.buffalo.edu:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC  i386

Auth mod is Mysql

Server version: 5.0.88-log Source distribution

[r...@ns /data/vpopmail/bin]# cat /data/vpopmail/etc/vpopmail.mysql

vpopmail version

[r...@ns /data/vpopmail/bin]# ./vadduser -v
version: 5.4.29
vadduser: usage: [options] email_address [passwd]
options: -v (print the version)
 -q quota_in_bytes (sets the users quota, use NOQUOTA for unlimited)
 -c comment (sets the gecos comment field)
 -e standard_encrypted_password
 -n no_password
 -r[len] (generate a len (default 8) char random password)
[r...@ns /data/vpopmail/bin]# ./vadduser t...@egotop.com 123456
[r...@ns /data/vpopmail/bin]# echo $?

[r...@ns /data/vpopmail/bin]# /data/app/mysql/bin/mysql -uroot -p
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 50
Server version: 5.0.88-log Source distribution

Reading history-file /root/.mysql_history
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

mysql> select pw_name,pw_domain,pw_gecos,pw_dir,pw_shell,pw_clear_passwd from 
vpopmail where pw_name='t2';
| pw_name | pw_domain  | pw_gecos | pw_dir | 
pw_shell | pw_clear_passwd |
| t2  | egotop.com | t2   | /data/vpopmail/domains/egotop.com/0/t2 | 
NOQUOTA  | 123456  |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> quit
Writing history-file /root/.mysql_history

[r...@ns /data/vpopmail/bin]# ./vuserinfo t...@egotop.com
name:   t2
passwd: $1$3QbypzV/$4dgi/S3wDdOoCm/UMKEGH1
clear passwd: 123456
comment/gecos: t2
flags:  0
gecos: t2
limits: No user limits set.
dir:   /data/vpopmail/domains/egotop.com/0/t2
quota: NOQUOTA
usage: NOQUOTA
account created: Sat Dec 12 10:09:39 2009
last auth: Never logged in

## add user ok

[r...@ns /data/vpopmail/bin]# ./vmoduser -v
version: 5.4.29
vmoduser: usage: [options] email_addr or domain (for each user in domain)
options: -v ( display the vpopmail version number )
 -n ( don't rebuild the vpasswd.cdb file )
 -q quota ( set quota )
 -c comment (set the comment/gecos field )
 -e encrypted_passwd (set the password field )
 -C clear_text_passwd (set the password field )
the following options are bit flags in the gid int field
 -x ( clear all flags )
 -d ( don't allow user to change password )
 -p ( disable POP access )
 -s ( disable SMTP AUTH access )
 -w ( disable webmail [IMAP from localhost*] access )
( * full list of webmail server IPs in vchkpw.c )
 -i ( disable non-webmail IMAP access )
 -b ( bounce all mail )
 -o ( user is not subject to domain limits )
 -r ( disable roaming user/pop-before-smtp )
 -a ( grant qmailadmin administrator privileges )
 -S ( grant system administrator privileges - access all domains )
 -E ( grant expert privileges - edit .qmail files )
 -f ( disable spamassassin)
 -F ( delete spam)
 -m ( disable maildrop)
  [The following flags aren't used directly by vpopmail but are]
  [included for other programs that share the user database.]
 -u ( set no dialup flag )
 -0 ( set V_USER0 flag )
 -1 ( set V_USER1 flag )
 -2 ( set V_USER2 flag )
 -3 ( set V_USER3 flag )
[r...@ns /data/vpopmail/bin]# ./vmoduser -q 1000 t...@egotop.com
client_connect: warning: config_begin failed
Segmentation fault: 11 (core dumped)
[r...@ns /data/vpopmail/bin]# echo $?

## set user quota  is failed, this is why ?

## /var/log/messages
Dec 12 10:23:27 ns kernel: pid 1037 (vmoduser), uid 0: exited on signal 11 
(core dumped)

[r...@ns /data/vpopmail/bin]# ./vuserinfo t...@egotop.com
name:   t2
passwd: $1$3QbypzV/$4dgi/S3wDdOoCm/UMKEGH1
clear passwd: 123456
comment/gecos: t2
flags:  0
gecos: t2
limits: No user limits set.
dir:   /data/vpopmail/domains/egotop.com/0/t2
quota: NOQUOTA
usage: NOQUOTA
account created: Sat Dec 12 10:09:39 2009
last auth: Never logged in

vpopmail config

./configure \
--prefix=/data/vpopmail \
--exec-prefix=/data/vpopmail \
--enable-roaming-users=y \
--enable-auth-module=mysql \
--enable-file-sync \
--enable-incdir=/usr/local/include \
--enable-libdir=/usr/local/lib \

[vchkpw] RE: WELCOME to vchkpw@inter7.com

2009-12-11 Thread 孙俊

I not find vmoduser maillist ,so send mail to this

My question is set user quota is fail!

OS is FreeBSD ns.egotop.com 8.0-RELEASE FreeBSD 8.0-RELEASE #0: Sat Nov 21 
15:48:17 UTC 2009
r...@almeida.cse.buffalo.edu:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC  i386

Auth mod is Mysql

Server version: 5.0.88-log Source distribution

[r...@ns /data/vpopmail/bin]# cat /data/vpopmail/etc/vpopmail.mysql

vpopmail version

[r...@ns /data/vpopmail/bin]# ./vadduser -v
version: 5.4.29
vadduser: usage: [options] email_address [passwd]
options: -v (print the version)
 -q quota_in_bytes (sets the users quota, use NOQUOTA for unlimited)
 -c comment (sets the gecos comment field)
 -e standard_encrypted_password
 -n no_password
 -r[len] (generate a len (default 8) char random password)
[r...@ns /data/vpopmail/bin]# ./vadduser t...@egotop.com 123456
[r...@ns /data/vpopmail/bin]# echo $?

[r...@ns /data/vpopmail/bin]# /data/app/mysql/bin/mysql -uroot -p
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 50
Server version: 5.0.88-log Source distribution

Reading history-file /root/.mysql_history
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

mysql> select pw_name,pw_domain,pw_gecos,pw_dir,pw_shell,pw_clear_passwd from 
vpopmail where pw_name='t2';
| pw_name | pw_domain  | pw_gecos | pw_dir | 
pw_shell | pw_clear_passwd |
| t2  | egotop.com | t2   | /data/vpopmail/domains/egotop.com/0/t2 | 
NOQUOTA  | 123456  |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> quit
Writing history-file /root/.mysql_history

[r...@ns /data/vpopmail/bin]# ./vuserinfo t...@egotop.com
name:   t2
passwd: $1$3QbypzV/$4dgi/S3wDdOoCm/UMKEGH1
clear passwd: 123456
comment/gecos: t2
flags:  0
gecos: t2
limits: No user limits set.
dir:   /data/vpopmail/domains/egotop.com/0/t2
quota: NOQUOTA
usage: NOQUOTA
account created: Sat Dec 12 10:09:39 2009
last auth: Never logged in

## add user ok

[r...@ns /data/vpopmail/bin]# ./vmoduser -v
version: 5.4.29
vmoduser: usage: [options] email_addr or domain (for each user in domain)
options: -v ( display the vpopmail version number )
 -n ( don't rebuild the vpasswd.cdb file )
 -q quota ( set quota )
 -c comment (set the comment/gecos field )
 -e encrypted_passwd (set the password field )
 -C clear_text_passwd (set the password field )
the following options are bit flags in the gid int field
 -x ( clear all flags )
 -d ( don't allow user to change password )
 -p ( disable POP access )
 -s ( disable SMTP AUTH access )
 -w ( disable webmail [IMAP from localhost*] access )
( * full list of webmail server IPs in vchkpw.c )
 -i ( disable non-webmail IMAP access )
 -b ( bounce all mail )
 -o ( user is not subject to domain limits )
 -r ( disable roaming user/pop-before-smtp )
 -a ( grant qmailadmin administrator privileges )
 -S ( grant system administrator privileges - access all domains )
 -E ( grant expert privileges - edit .qmail files )
 -f ( disable spamassassin)
 -F ( delete spam)
 -m ( disable maildrop)
  [The following flags aren't used directly by vpopmail but are]
  [included for other programs that share the user database.]
 -u ( set no dialup flag )
 -0 ( set V_USER0 flag )
 -1 ( set V_USER1 flag )
 -2 ( set V_USER2 flag )
 -3 ( set V_USER3 flag )
[r...@ns /data/vpopmail/bin]# ./vmoduser -q 1000 t...@egotop.com
client_connect: warning: config_begin failed
Segmentation fault: 11 (core dumped)
[r...@ns /data/vpopmail/bin]# echo $?

## set user quota  is failed, this is why ?

## /var/log/messages
Dec 12 10:23:27 ns kernel: pid 1037 (vmoduser), uid 0: exited on signal 11 
(core dumped)

[r...@ns /data/vpopmail/bin]# ./vuserinfo t...@egotop.com
name:   t2
passwd: $1$3QbypzV/$4dgi/S3wDdOoCm/UMKEGH1
clear passwd: 123456
comment/gecos: t2
flags:  0
gecos: t2
limits: No user limits set.
dir:   /data/vpopmail/domains/egotop.com/0/t2
quota: NOQUOTA
usage: NOQUOTA
account created: Sat Dec 12 10:09:39 2009
last auth: Never logged in

vpopmail config

./configure \
--prefix=/data/vpopmail \
--exec-prefix=/data/vpopmail \
--enable-roaming-users=y \
--enable-auth-module=mysql \
--enable-file-sync \
--enable-incdir=/usr/local/include \
--enable-libdir=/usr/local/lib \

Re: [vchkpw] Re: vpopmail + Dovecot + CRAM-MD5 problem

2009-12-11 Thread Ro Achterberg

At 16:29 11-12-2009, Eric Shubert wrote:

Shane Chrisp wrote:

Ro Achterberg wrote:

You will need to enable plain text passwords in the database to 
be able to use cram-md5.

In dovecot-sql.conf, I tried setting default_pass_scheme to both 
PLAIN and PLAIN-MD5, but none of which seemed to work. I'm 
probably missing the point.

Did you perhaps mean to have vpopmail store the user passwords in 
plain text? I'm just checking, because to me it seems to lower 
security and it seems to defeat the purpose of working with hashed 
passwords. Could you please confirm this?
Yes, thats what I meant by my comment. You need the plain text 
passwords in the vpopmail database. Having plain text passwords in 
the database doesn't necessarily lower the security as your 
database can be on a host which is not accessable to anything by 
the authenticating machine.


cram-md5 is a bit outdated. It has two weaknesses, the first of 
which you've identified, which is that passwords need to be stored 
in plain text. This is unsuitable for some environments. The second 
weakness is md5 itself, which is vulnerable in a few different ways 
(see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MD5).

I believe that currently the best approach to secure connections is 
to use TLS/SSL along with either plain or login authentication methods.

In dovecot.conf:
# Disable LOGIN command and all other plaintext authentications unless
# SSL/TLS is used (LOGINDISABLED capability). Note that if the remote IP
# matches the local IP (ie. you're connecting from the same computer), the
# connection is considered secure and plaintext authentication is allowed.
#disable_plaintext_auth = no
disable_plaintext_auth = yes

You'll also need to configure TLS/SSL.

-Eric 'shubes'

Hi Eric,

Thanks for your reply. I totally agree with you on the weaknesses of 
(CRAM-)MD5. I'll be offering both CRAM-MD5 and TLS/SSL secured 
connections, as per your suggestion.

Bye, Ro 


Re: [vchkpw] vpopmail + Dovecot + CRAM-MD5 problem

2009-12-11 Thread Joshua Megerman

>> Did you perhaps mean to have vpopmail store the user passwords in
>> plain text? I'm just checking, because to me it seems to lower
>> security and it seems to defeat the purpose of working with hashed
>> passwords. Could you please confirm this?
> Yes, thats what I meant by my comment. You need the plain text passwords
> in the vpopmail database. Having plain text passwords in the database
> doesn't necessarily lower the security as your database can be on a host
> which is not accessable to anything by the authenticating machine.
Just to elaborate on the point, CRAM-MD5 authentication REQUIRES that the
passwords be stored as plaintext, as that's the only way to verify the MD5
hash provided by the client. Server send the seed string, client
concatenates the seed and password (and maybe username, don't remember),
and sends the MD5 hash of that.  Server then concats the seed it sent with
the known plaintext password and compares the MD5 hash it comes up with to
that which the client sends.

It's a tradeoff - keeping plaintext passwords on a (hopefully) secure
server vs allowing the client to send the password in plaintext over the
network (though possibly over an encrypted channel).  I like it, but YMMV.


Joshua Megerman
SJGames MIB #5273 - OGRE AI Testing Division
You can't win; You can't break even; You can't even quit the game.
  - Layman's translation of the Laws of Thermodynamics


[vchkpw] Re: vpopmail + Dovecot + CRAM-MD5 problem

2009-12-11 Thread Eric Shubert

Shane Chrisp wrote:

Ro Achterberg wrote:

You will need to enable plain text passwords in the database to be 
able to use cram-md5.

In dovecot-sql.conf, I tried setting default_pass_scheme to both PLAIN 
and PLAIN-MD5, but none of which seemed to work. I'm probably missing 
the point.

Did you perhaps mean to have vpopmail store the user passwords in 
plain text? I'm just checking, because to me it seems to lower 
security and it seems to defeat the purpose of working with hashed 
passwords. Could you please confirm this?

Yes, thats what I meant by my comment. You need the plain text passwords 
in the vpopmail database. Having plain text passwords in the database 
doesn't necessarily lower the security as your database can be on a host 
which is not accessable to anything by the authenticating machine.


cram-md5 is a bit outdated. It has two weaknesses, the first of which 
you've identified, which is that passwords need to be stored in plain 
text. This is unsuitable for some environments. The second weakness is 
md5 itself, which is vulnerable in a few different ways (see 

I believe that currently the best approach to secure connections is to 
use TLS/SSL along with either plain or login authentication methods.

In dovecot.conf:
# Disable LOGIN command and all other plaintext authentications unless
# SSL/TLS is used (LOGINDISABLED capability). Note that if the remote IP
# matches the local IP (ie. you're connecting from the same computer), the
# connection is considered secure and plaintext authentication is allowed.
#disable_plaintext_auth = no
disable_plaintext_auth = yes

You'll also need to configure TLS/SSL.

-Eric 'shubes'


Re: [vchkpw] vpopmail + Dovecot + CRAM-MD5 problem

2009-12-11 Thread Ro Achterberg

At 16:07 11-12-2009, Shane Chrisp wrote:

Ro Achterberg wrote:

You will need to enable plain text passwords in the database to be 
able to use cram-md5.

In dovecot-sql.conf, I tried setting default_pass_scheme to both 
PLAIN and PLAIN-MD5, but none of which seemed to work. I'm probably 
missing the point.

Did you perhaps mean to have vpopmail store the user passwords in 
plain text? I'm just checking, because to me it seems to lower 
security and it seems to defeat the purpose of working with hashed 
passwords. Could you please confirm this?

Yes, thats what I meant by my comment. You need the plain text 
passwords in the vpopmail database. Having plain text passwords in 
the database doesn't necessarily lower the security as your database 
can be on a host which is not accessable to anything by the 
authenticating machine.


Thanks, I'll be trying that now. I agree with you on the security 
impact if you in fact had the luxury of building a setup like that. 
Unfortuntaly though, my colo box provides for a lot more than just an 
e-mail authentication backend.

I do however have it tightly locked down in a rather complex chrooted 
setup on top of a grsec hardened kernel, so I won't be worrying about 
it too much.

Thanks for your help!

Bye, Ro 


Re: [vchkpw] vpopmail + Dovecot + CRAM-MD5 problem

2009-12-11 Thread Shane Chrisp

Ro Achterberg wrote:

You will need to enable plain text passwords in the database to be 
able to use cram-md5.

In dovecot-sql.conf, I tried setting default_pass_scheme to both PLAIN 
and PLAIN-MD5, but none of which seemed to work. I'm probably missing 
the point.

Did you perhaps mean to have vpopmail store the user passwords in 
plain text? I'm just checking, because to me it seems to lower 
security and it seems to defeat the purpose of working with hashed 
passwords. Could you please confirm this?

Yes, thats what I meant by my comment. You need the plain text passwords 
in the vpopmail database. Having plain text passwords in the database 
doesn't necessarily lower the security as your database can be on a host 
which is not accessable to anything by the authenticating machine.



Re: [vchkpw] vpopmail + Dovecot + CRAM-MD5 problem

2009-12-11 Thread Ro Achterberg

At 15:36 11-12-2009, Shane Chrisp wrote:

Ro Achterberg wrote:

Hi all,

I'm currently fine-tuning my qmail + vpopmail + Dovecot + MySQL 
installation and I believe I've run into a problem. Dovecot is 
servicing both IMAP and POP3, using MySQL as the authentication 
middle-man. It seems however that vpopmail is storing its passwords 
as MD5-CRYPT in the MySQL tables, while I want Dovecot to use 
CRAM-MD5. This seems to be the most used authentication scheme by 
far, and I'd like to avoid using PLAIN or LOGIN authentications as 
they're not up to my security standards.

When I try setting default_pass_scheme = CRAM-MD5 in 
dovecot-sql.conf, Dovecot's auth worker complains with the following line:

Dec 11 12:31:52 onion dovecot: auth-worker(default): 
sql(r...@greyhat.nl, Password in passdb is not in expected 
scheme CRAM-MD5

Which makes sense, because the passwords are stored as MD5-CRYPT by 
vpopmail. I assume that my setup is not unique in its kind, which 
makes me wonder what I'm doing wrong here! Any insights on how to 
make this work using CRAM-MD5 passwords throughout the whole system 
would be greatly appreciated.

Bye, Ro

You will need to enable plain text passwords in the database to be 
able to use cram-md5.

In dovecot-sql.conf, I tried setting default_pass_scheme to both 
PLAIN and PLAIN-MD5, but none of which seemed to work. I'm probably 
missing the point.

Did you perhaps mean to have vpopmail store the user passwords in 
plain text? I'm just checking, because to me it seems to lower 
security and it seems to defeat the purpose of working with hashed 
passwords. Could you please confirm this?

Bye, Ro 


Re: [vchkpw] vpopmail + Dovecot + CRAM-MD5 problem

2009-12-11 Thread Shane Chrisp

Ro Achterberg wrote:

Hi all,

I'm currently fine-tuning my qmail + vpopmail + Dovecot + MySQL 
installation and I believe I've run into a problem. Dovecot is 
servicing both IMAP and POP3, using MySQL as the authentication 
middle-man. It seems however that vpopmail is storing its passwords as 
MD5-CRYPT in the MySQL tables, while I want Dovecot to use CRAM-MD5. 
This seems to be the most used authentication scheme by far, and I'd 
like to avoid using PLAIN or LOGIN authentications as they're not up 
to my security standards.

When I try setting default_pass_scheme = CRAM-MD5 in dovecot-sql.conf, 
Dovecot's auth worker complains with the following line:

Dec 11 12:31:52 onion dovecot: auth-worker(default): 
sql(r...@greyhat.nl, Password in passdb is not in expected 
scheme CRAM-MD5

Which makes sense, because the passwords are stored as MD5-CRYPT by 
vpopmail. I assume that my setup is not unique in its kind, which 
makes me wonder what I'm doing wrong here! Any insights on how to make 
this work using CRAM-MD5 passwords throughout the whole system would 
be greatly appreciated.

Bye, Ro

You will need to enable plain text passwords in the database to be able 
to use cram-md5.


[vchkpw] vpopmail + Dovecot + CRAM-MD5 problem

2009-12-11 Thread Ro Achterberg

Hi all,

I'm currently fine-tuning my qmail + vpopmail + Dovecot + MySQL 
installation and I believe I've run into a problem. Dovecot is 
servicing both IMAP and POP3, using MySQL as the authentication 
middle-man. It seems however that vpopmail is storing its passwords 
as MD5-CRYPT in the MySQL tables, while I want Dovecot to use 
CRAM-MD5. This seems to be the most used authentication scheme by 
far, and I'd like to avoid using PLAIN or LOGIN authentications as 
they're not up to my security standards.

When I try setting default_pass_scheme = CRAM-MD5 in 
dovecot-sql.conf, Dovecot's auth worker complains with the following line:

Dec 11 12:31:52 onion dovecot: auth-worker(default): 
sql(r...@greyhat.nl, Password in passdb is not in expected 
scheme CRAM-MD5

Which makes sense, because the passwords are stored as MD5-CRYPT by 
vpopmail. I assume that my setup is not unique in its kind, which 
makes me wonder what I'm doing wrong here! Any insights on how to 
make this work using CRAM-MD5 passwords throughout the whole system 
would be greatly appreciated.

Bye, Ro
