I'm not sure that the following behavior is by purpose, but it makes
'vdominfo' confusing:

$ vdominfo |egrep -A 4 '^domain:\ mydomain'
| domain: mydomain.com
| uid:    12345
| gid:    12345
| dir:    /srv/vpopmail/domains/mydomain.com
| users:  1
| --
| domain: mydomain.de (alias of mydomain.com)
| uid:    12345
| gid:    12345
| dir:    /srv/vpopmail/domains/mydomain.com
| users:  1

But if I use the '-n' option to get only domain names the result is

$ vdominfo -n |egrep '^mydomain'
| mydomain.com
| mydomain.com

Ok, I'm using an old version of vpopmail (5.4.10) and this issue has
probably been gone. But if not, can somebody explain the different

Lars Uhlmann


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