Hi List,

It seems that neither vdelivermail nor qmail-pop3d are updating the
maildirsize file for SOME users and not others, even though it is far
older than 15 minutes.  I have qmail+vpopmail, with qmail patched
using Bill Shupp's qmail-maildir++.patch file.

Here is an example. I'll give it to you step by step:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] /home/vpopmail/domains/speedfactory.net/someuser]# ls -lR
total 5
-rw-------    1 vpopmail vchkpw         13 Nov 14 12:17 lastauth
drwx------    5 vpopmail vchkpw        152 May 27 10:09 Maildir/

total 10
drwx------    2 vpopmail vchkpw         48 Sep  6 11:52 cur/
-rw-r--r--    1 vpopmail vchkpw       4682 Nov 14 12:17 maildirsize
drwx------    2 vpopmail vchkpw         48 Nov 14 12:17 new/
drwx------    2 vpopmail vchkpw         48 Nov 14 12:15 tmp/

total 0

total 0

total 0
[EMAIL PROTECTED] /home/vpopmail/domains/speedfactory.net/someuser]# vuserinfo [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]:   someuser
passwd: $1$6GQHg$QJ6rNHXxWTSUl64/U0hz80
clear passwd: cbrown
uid:    1
gid:    0
        all services available
dir:       /home/vpopmail/domains/speedfactory.net/someuser
quota:     10485760
usage:     201%
last auth: Fri Nov 14 12:17:26 2003
last auth ip:


So you can see that this user has no mail in her maildir, yet her
quota is reported as 201% of 10 megs.  Her quota has not recently been

So now I go to send her a small test message. It should bounce back,
but it goes right through.  Here is the new listing. Notice that
maildirsize has not been updated:

(0)(0j)[EMAIL PROTECTED] /home/vpopmail/domains/speedfactory.net/someuser]# ls -lR
total 5
-rw-------    1 vpopmail vchkpw         13 Nov 14 12:17 lastauth
drwx------    5 vpopmail vchkpw        152 May 27 10:09 Maildir/

total 10
drwx------    2 vpopmail vchkpw         48 Sep  6 11:52 cur/
-rw-r--r--    1 vpopmail vchkpw       4682 Nov 14 12:17 maildirsize
drwx------    2 vpopmail vchkpw        112 Nov 14 13:25 new/
drwx------    2 vpopmail vchkpw         48 Nov 14 13:25 tmp/

total 0

total 4
-rw-------    1 vpopmail vchkpw       1533 Nov 14 13:25 

total 0

The vuserinfo output remains the same.

Even logging in through pop3 and deleting a message doesn't seem to
make a difference.  The quota usage still shows 201% after the pop3

The user's base dir is owned and writable by vpopmail.vchkpw.

Any clues as to what might be going on?

Thanks in advance,

Moshe Jacobson 
AIM: Jehsom

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