Re: [vchkpw] vchkpw auth trouble 5.3 and above

2004-01-19 Thread Trey Nolen
We had similar problems and went back to 5.2.  For us, pop3 auth would work
for a few hours and then quit. We do not have a softlimit in our script.

Trey Nolen

>I had the same problem and it was solved increasing softlimit parameter in
>/service/qmail-popup/run script.
>-Mensaje original-
>De: Upgrade Studiopiù [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Enviado el: jueves, 15 de enero de 2004 14:21
>Asunto: [vchkpw] vchkpw auth trouble 5.3 and above
>i'm webmaster for an internet ISP. I've upgraded during last day my
>5.2.1 to 5.3.28: afted the upgrade some of my customer find any trouble in
>pop3 auth. Client ask for password while password is currect: if you press
>cancel without password input all work fine.
>I try to upgrand to last 5.4 versione but trouble still exist... can you
>give ma any information? I must convert archive format from 5.2 version to
>5.3? Is there any patch?
>Thank You
>Luca Giroletti
>::.. Studiopiù Srl ..::

RE: [vchkpw] vchkpw auth trouble 5.3 and above

2004-01-19 Thread Alberto Gonzalez

I had the same problem and it was solved increasing softlimit parameter in
/service/qmail-popup/run script.


-Mensaje original-
De: Upgrade Studiopiù [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Enviado el: jueves, 15 de enero de 2004 14:21
Asunto: [vchkpw] vchkpw auth trouble 5.3 and above


i'm webmaster for an internet ISP. I've upgraded during last day my vpopmail
5.2.1 to 5.3.28: afted the upgrade some of my customer find any trouble in
pop3 auth. Client ask for password while password is currect: if you press
cancel without password input all work fine.

I try to upgrand to last 5.4 versione but trouble still exist... can you
give ma any information? I must convert archive format from 5.2 version to
5.3? Is there any patch?

Thank You


Luca Giroletti

::.. Studiopiù Srl ..::

[vchkpw] vchkpw auth trouble 5.3 and above

2004-01-15 Thread Upgrade Studiopiù


i'm webmaster for an internet ISP. I've upgraded during last day my
vpopmail 5.2.1 to 5.3.28: afted the upgrade some of my customer find any
trouble in pop3 auth. Client ask for password while password is currect:
if you press cancel without password input all work fine.

I try to upgrand to last 5.4 versione but trouble still exist... can you
give ma any information? I must convert archive format from 5.2 version to
5.3? Is there any patch?

Thank You


Luca Giroletti

::.. Studiopiù Srl ..::