Re: [vdr] Centralized VDR solution?

2007-01-06 Thread Friedhelm Büscher

Peer Oliver Schmidt wrote:

I am using Hauppauge MediaMVPs to connect to a central VDR system
containing 3 DVB-S cards. VOMP is running on the MediaMVPs
( and apart from missing
* DVD support
* Cutting

right now i'm working on implementing full cuttingmarks support on vomp. After Chris 
accepted the basics of cutting marks (loading from server, display & jump), i'm now 
working on setting/deleting/moving and uploading marks to server. News about this will be 
posted to loggytronic board.


vdr mailing list

Re: [vdr] VDR shutdown question

2007-07-15 Thread Friedhelm Büscher
Norbert Goebel wrote:
> Hi,
> does vdr (especially version 1.4.7 as I am using this right now) tell 
> the shutdownscript in any way what caused the shutdown-request (pressing 
> the poweroff button on fb or the idle timer)?
> For this it would be nice to have
> a) a direct vdr feature (like no idletimer from x to y (and maybe more 
> than one range)) or
> b) a way to distinguish between manual shutdown and idletimer shutdown 
> in the shutdownscript.

simply write an intelligent shutdownscript.

mine does:

(only snippets)

if [ "`ps aux | grep noad | grep -v 'grep noad'`" != "" ]; then
  logger -t vdr "not shutting down, noad is running"

if [ "`smbstatus -p | grep -c 192.168.42`" != "0" ]; then
  logger -t vdr "not shutting down, samba-users are connected"
  exit 1

if [ "`w -hs | wc -l`" != "0" ]; then
  logger -t vdr "not shutting down, users are connected"
  exit 1

simply do a timecheck. if its ok to shutdown, do it with an wakeuptime of $5 or 
if its a
manual shutdown without timer, with a wakeuptime of `date -d "tomorrow 8am" 

you can script vdr very well, imho.


vdr mailing list

Re: [vdr] VDR shutdown question

2007-07-16 Thread Friedhelm Büscher
Norbert Goebel wrote:

> as always it's a problem of knowing how to do what you want to do.
> I for example am trying and trying to get rid of the onscreen message 
> "Taste drücken, um Ausschalten abzubrechen" automatically, but somehow 
> commands like
> $svdrpsend HITK Ok > /dev/nulll &
> with svdrpsend=/usr/lib/vdr/
> do not get through to vdr when issued in a shutdown-hook script (debian 
> vdr), but work flawlessly when issued by hand.
> Any suggestions on that problem?

let me guess: it gets a timeout? VDR is busy waiting for the shutdownscript to 
return, so
no new svdr-connection is accepted. Spawn the svdrpsend (with at, if you like) 
and your
problems will vanish.

> My biggest problem might be understanding how to make an intelligent
> shutdownscript for vdr and there are almost no examples given - if you
> got a longer "example" I would be glad to learn from it ;)

my shutdownscript consists of the some lines above and some ssh-commands to my
house-controlling (NSLU2), which tracks, which computer is online and offline, 
and which
computer wants to wakeup when (via wake-on-lan). I don't know if this would be 
since its quite complex.


vdr mailing list

[vdr] EPG: Events with same on different channels?

2007-07-16 Thread Friedhelm Büscher
Hi everybody.

I wonder, if  (according to vdr.5) must be uniq among *all* events 
known to vdr
or only among the events of the current channel?

Is it valid to have a  of 4711 for "ard" and a  of 4711 for 
"zdf"? Or
will these both events clash?


vdr mailing list

Re: [vdr] audio skips on NFS recording playback

2007-08-07 Thread Friedhelm Büscher
Simon Baxter wrote:
> I have a remote VDR box which holds a bunch of recordings.
> I attach from the local VDR box via an NFS share.
> Every 2-5 minutes I get a 1/2 second slip in audio, but no logs are written
> in /var/logs/messages, kernel messages or on the VDR console.  There are
> also no reported errors on eth0.  I don't get these audio slips playing
> locally recorded files.


Whats your mount-options? I'm doing the same with these options:


and have no Problems ..


vdr mailing list

Re: [vdr] Convert video clip to .vdr format

2007-09-16 Thread Friedhelm Büscher
Hi Dick,

i wrote a small shellscript which does the job. It looks, if the original video 
is a mpg
or different and do the right steps to get a vdr-video. You need mencoder and 
genindex for
the script. Let me know, if this works for you, too.


Dick Streefland wrote:
> I'm trying to convert video clips from my camera (KonicaMinolta A200)
> to .vdr format, so that I can watch them using vdr, but so far I had
> no success. The format is MJPEG 640x480 30fps, with PCM audio
> (7875x16x1). I can convert it to MPEG4 with:
> transcode -i "$in" -x mov,ffbin -y ffmpeg -F mpeg4 -N 0x55 --no_audio_adjust 
> -E 11025,16,1 -o "$out"
> but i cannot convert it to MPEG2. I found some hints that I could use
> mplayer to do the conversion, something like:

> However, when I play this with vdr (after generating the index.vdr file
> with genindex), this video is not the right size, it skips every few
> seconds and there is no sound.
> What do I have to do to get a proper vdr recording?


set -x


if [ $# -lt 1 ];
echo >&2 "`basename $0`: import mpeg file in vdr"
echo >&2 "Usage: `basename $0` filename.mpg"
exit 1

if [ ! -d $VIDEODIR ];
echo >&2 "Target video directory does not exist"
exit 1

echo $1

BASENAME=`echo "$1" |perl -pe  's#^.*/(.*)\..*?$#$1#' | perl -pe 's# #_#g'`
SUFFIX=`echo "$1" | perl -pe 's#^.*\.##'`

DATE=`date '+%F.%H:%M.50.50.rec'`;

mkdir -p "$TARGETDIR"

if [ "$SUFFIX" <> "mpg" ]; then
nice mencoder -ofps 25 -oac lavc -ovc lavc -of mpeg \
-mpegopts format=dvd -vf scale=720:576,harddup \
-srate 48000 -af lavcresample=48000 -lavcopts \

-o $TARGETDIR/001.mpg "$1"

nice genindex -i $TARGETDIR/001.mpg -r -d "$TARGETDIR" -s 400
rm $TARGETDIR/001.mpg
nice genindex -i "$*" -r -d "$TARGETDIR" -s 400
touch $VIDEODIR/.update
vdr mailing list

Re: [vdr] Convert video clip to .vdr format

2007-09-17 Thread Friedhelm Büscher
Dick Streefland wrote:
> Friedhelm Büscher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> | i wrote a small shellscript which does the job. It looks, if the original 
> video is a mpg
> | or different and do the right steps to get a vdr-video. You need mencoder 
> and genindex for
> | the script. Let me know, if this works for you, too.
> Thanks! It works, I only get a few audio glitches in the first few
> seconds.
> BTW: where did you get your genindex.c source from? My version does
> not have any options.

Look here:


vdr mailing list

Re: [vdr] Transfer-Mode without remux

2008-02-10 Thread Friedhelm Büscher
Klaus Schmidinger schrieb:
> On 02/02/08 16:27, Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
>> In a crude attempt to run VDR's Transfer-Mode without using a cRemux
>> (and thus avoiding all the extra buffering and processing) I am
>> trying to send the payload of the TS packets directly to the device.
>> The attached patch implements cDevice::PlayTS() and handles video
>> and audio packets with fixed PIDs (just for testing).
[ .. ]
> Nevermind, I just found it myself: it must be +5 instead of +4 in
> inline int TsPayloadOffset(const uchar *Data)
> {
>   return (Data[3] & ADAPT_FIELD) ? Data[4] + 5 : 4;
> }
> Now it works - and Transfer-Mode never switched as fast as this :-)

I don't know what causes this issue, but with this patch enabled, VDR 
refuses to play radio-channel (audio) with the radio-plugin (with RDS 
enabled). When i disable the radio-plugin, audio works; when i remove 
the patch, audio works with the plugin enabled.

-> i removed this patch.


vdr mailing list

Re: [vdr] [ANNOUNCE] VDR version 1.6.0 released

2008-03-24 Thread Friedhelm Büscher
Works like a charm. And finally, my Umlauts are correct on Premiere thanks to

Great Work, Klaus!

Klaus Schmidinger schrieb am 23.03.2008 12:14:
> VDR version 1.6.0 is now available at

vdr mailing list

Re: [vdr] [ANNOUNCE] VDR version 1.6.0 released

2008-03-24 Thread Friedhelm Büscher

i set it to ISO8859-15. I feed most channels via tvmovie2vdr and collect EPG 
for the
Premiere Direkt Channels via premiereepg-plugin. With the above setting, all 
umlauts are


Volker Schierz schrieb:
> Hello!
> To what did you set VDR_CHARSET_OVERRIDE?
> Thank's 
> Bye,
> Volker 
> -Original Message-
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
> Friedhelm Büscher
> Sent: Montag, 24. März 2008 17:05
> To: VDR Mailing List
> Subject: Re: [vdr] [ANNOUNCE] VDR version 1.6.0 released
> Works like a charm. And finally, my Umlauts are correct on Premiere thanks
> Great Work, Klaus!
> Klaus Schmidinger schrieb am 23.03.2008 12:14:
>> VDR version 1.6.0 is now available at

vdr mailing list