Re: [vdr] xine-plugin and vdpau

2010-01-24 Thread Jussi J
So, what I ment when I said that I use vdr-xine with vdr-sxfe.
Vdr have that vdr-plugin-xine loaded (of course) and then I call it using
vdr-sxfe --video=vdpau xvdr://localhost

Jussi J

Mike Ditka  -
If God had wanted man to play soccer, he wouldn't have given us arms.

2010/1/24 Petri Helin

 On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 7:44 PM, Stefan Taferner wrote:
  Am Samstag 23 Januar 2010 21:59:10 schrieb Jussi J:
  Sorry.. My fault.. It's vdr-plugin-xine.. :-)
  Anyway, now I can use it thru vdr-sxfe (but not using xine-ui; but
  not relevant)
  You need a patched version of the xine library, and xine-ui must use it,
  in order to get the VDR driver in xine.

 The VDR plugin for xine (vdr, used by vdr-xine) is included with
 xine-lib 1.2, if that's what you mean. But I still don't understand
 the configuration of the original poster, where he states that he is
 using vdr-xine's xine plugin with vdr-sxfe. That just doesn't make any
 sense. Using vdr-sxfe with xineliboutput's xvdr plugin for xine or
 xine-ui with vdr plugin would be much more sensible.


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[vdr] xine-plugin and vdpau

2010-01-23 Thread Jussi J
I have nVidia Corporation G96 [GeForce 9400 GT] (rev a1) what is VDPAU
capable. I have loaded xine-plugin and try to use vdr-sxfe in vdpau mode,
but no success..

In messages-log:
Jan 23 11:50:24 htpc kernel: [ 1920.821235] vdr-sxfe[2865]: segfault at
7f17a5df76e8 ip 7f17a6240509 sp 7fff1dfe4540 error 7 in[7f17a6228000+51000]

vdr-sxfe gives next:

v...@htpc:~$ vdr-sxfe --video=vdpau --audio=alsa xvdr://localhost
vdr-sxfe 1.0.90-cvs  (build with xine-lib 1.1.90, using xine-lib 1.1.90)

Video driver: vdpau
Audio driver: alsa
VDR Server: xvdr://localhost

[2865] [vdr-fe]Error: The name org.gnome.ScreenSaver was not provided by
any .service files
[2865] [vdr-fe]   (ERROR (tools/gnome_screensaver.c,126): Resource
temporarily unavailable)
vo_vdpau: Can't create vdp device : No vdpau implementation.
[2865] [vdr-fe]fe_xine_init: xine_open_video_driver(vdpau) failed
Error initializing xine
Segmentation fault

System is vdr-1.7.10 @ Ubuntu 9.10

Any ideas where problem lies?
Jussi Jaaskelainen
vdr mailing list

Re: [vdr] xine-plugin and vdpau

2010-01-23 Thread Jussi J
updating nvidia drivers to 195 (from 184) helped..
Now I can use 'vdr-sxfe --video=vdpau', however xine cannot connect directly
to vdr, says that there is no plugin to support vdr format.. :-/

Jussi Jaaskelainen

Marie von 
- Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.

2010/1/23 Petri Helin

 On Sat, Jan 23, 2010 at 11:59 AM, Jussi J wrote:
  I have nVidia Corporation G96 [GeForce 9400 GT] (rev a1) what is VDPAU
  capable. I have loaded xine-plugin and try to use vdr-sxfe in vdpau mode,
  but no success..

 AFAIK xine-plugin normally refers to vdr-xine, but I think you mean
 xineliboutput, since you also mention vdr-sxfe.

  Any ideas where problem lies?

 Check the following:

 1. Make sure you have a xine-lib which supports vdpau. Since you seem
 to be using xine-lib 1.2, it might be best to get the current hg in
 case you haven't yet.

 2. Make sure you have everything installed from nvidia drivers pov.
 The simplest choice is to install manually the driver which nvidia
 provides on their web page. But if you use a distribution package,
 make sure you install the vdpau library as well.

 3. Check that you have configured xineliboutput with vdpau enabled.

 If you do all of the above steps properly, you should have no problems
 with vdpau.


 vdr mailing list

vdr mailing list

Re: [vdr] xine-plugin and vdpau

2010-01-23 Thread Jussi J
Sorry.. My fault.. It's vdr-plugin-xine.. :-)
Anyway, now I can use it thru vdr-sxfe (but not using xine-ui; but that's
not relevant)

Jussi J

2010/1/23 Darren Salt

 I demand that Petri Helin may or may not have written...

  On Sat, Jan 23, 2010 at 11:59 AM, Jussi J wrote:
  I have nVidia Corporation G96 [GeForce 9400 GT] (rev a1) what is VDPAU
  capable. I have loaded xine-plugin and try to use vdr-sxfe in vdpau
  but no success..

  AFAIK xine-plugin normally refers to vdr-xine,

 In context, that seems reasonable.

 However, we have a browser plugin named xine-plugin. Don't call the VDR
 plugin xine-plugin...

 | Darren Salt| linux at youmustbejoking | nr. Ashington, | Doon
 | using Debian GNU/Linux | or ds,demon,co,uk| Northumberland | Army
 | +

 You are under surveillance.

 vdr mailing list

vdr mailing list

[vdr] Transcoding video on-the-fly ?

2007-10-18 Thread jussi salmi
Hi gurus

I'm newbie with VDR (version 1.5.10/1.5.10) and I have a few question about

I need to record one channel 24/7/364 and I would like to record and
transcode on-the-file videos using one-file-per-show basis.

Because the channel is scrambled I need  vdr to handle the CONAX in this
case. So my idea is that writing a perl script, it would be able to

1. read the epg-data
2. make a recording list
3. start recording at the time show will start
4. hand over the video for transcoding by mencoder or ffmpeg  (for exsample:
vdr | ffmpeg -i -  -b 500 -vcodec xvid MULHOLLAND_DRIVE.m4v)

So, is't possible to use any transcoding program by vdr ?

Please, any help would be higly appriciate
vdr mailing list

[vdr] VDR recordings and Apple iMovie / iDVD

2006-11-25 Thread Jussi Mantere


has anyone successfully used a Mac and the apps in Apple's iLife suite to 
(edit and) burn VDR recordings? I'm happy playing them back using VLC, but 
since the Apple apps only understand the formats supported by Quicktime 
(and mpeg2 not being one of them), they don't work directly.

I'm looking at a couple of options, and before trying further I thought 
I'll ask if someone's had success already.
1. Buy Apple's MPEG2 decoder. Wouldn't want to invest $20 before knowing 
it will definitely work.
2. Use VLC to transcode. Takes forever and with my short trial, the output 
didn't quite work with iMovie.

3. Find a 3rd party application to cut and burn the mpeg2 files directly.


. jussi mantere

vdr mailing list

[vdr] xinelibout Overscan doesn't work with local frontend

2006-10-21 Thread Jussi A

Seems that when runnin xinelibout with local frontend Overscan crop
doesn't work.

If I run remote frontend vdr-sxfe it crops just right.

I'm running vdr-1.4.3-2 and xineliboutput-1.0.0pre6

-Pxineliboutput --local=sxfe --video=xv --remote=37890


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