[Veritas-bu] How dedup replication controlled by nbu

2010-10-13 Thread bolobaboo kabootar
Though i get some help here.
Heard netbackup controls dedup replication from one dedup to another
dedup. How this work ?
Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

[Veritas-bu] Creating basic disk storage unit

2010-10-07 Thread bolobaboo kabootar
Don't know is this question to right group... Recently got new system
and testing 7.0.1. Got SAN lun, do any body have steps how to discover
new lun and then create file system on solaris 10 ?

Thank you
Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

[Veritas-bu] How to setup/use Netbackup Opscenter in 7.0

2010-10-05 Thread bolobaboo kabootar
I see symantec incorporated NOM/VBR in Opscenter. Any body have any
clue how to setup/use in nutcell ?

Thank you.
Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

[Veritas-bu] Major new feature in 7.x release

2010-09-30 Thread bolobaboo kabootar
I am planning to test 7.x release. Can anybody point out any major
feature introduced in this release compare to 6.x ?
Thank you
Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

Re: [Veritas-bu] Veritas-bu Digest, Vol 53, Issue 27

2010-09-29 Thread bolobaboo kabootar
If you want to recycle part of a tape cartridge, I would say try
Tivoli storage manager. It has tape reclaimation process which
consolidate partially full tapes in single tape. I love this on TSM
side. Otherwise turn off Allow multiple retentions per tape
Good luck ..

On Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 1:00 PM,
veritas-bu-requ...@mailman.eng.auburn.edu wrote:
 Send Veritas-bu mailing list submissions to

 To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
 or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to

 You can reach the person managing the list at

 When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
 than Re: Contents of Veritas-bu digest...

 Today's Topics:

   1. Expired Backup ID Doesn't Free Up Some Space (Mark Hickey)
   2.  Updating bp.conf on a *nix client (rmg)
   3.  VTL Recommendations (mitch808)
   4. Re: Updating bp.conf on a *nix client (Dean)
   5. Re: Expired Backup ID Doesn't Free Up Some Space (Dean)
   6. Re: Expired Backup ID Doesn't Free Up Some Space (Adrian Soetanto)
   7. Expired Backup ID Doesn't Free Up Some Space (Mark Hickey)
   8. poll: checkpoint restart (Justin Piszcz)
   9. Re: poll: checkpoint restart (WEAVER, Simon (external))
  10. Re: poll: checkpoint restart (Martin, Jonathan)
  11. Re: poll: checkpoint restart (Justin Piszcz)
  12. Re: poll: checkpoint restart (Lightner, Jeff)
  13. Re: poll: checkpoint restart (Peacock Dennis - dpeaco)
  14. Re: poll: checkpoint restart (judy_hinchcli...@administaff.com)
  15.  TKLM vs KMS (v2akme)


 Message: 1
 Date: Tue, 28 Sep 2010 13:40:42 -0400
 From: Mark Hickey mark.hic...@hds.com
 Subject: [Veritas-bu] Expired Backup ID Doesn't Free Up Some Space
 To: veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

   Your problem , especially in the =case of physical tape, is that you put 
 multiple retentions on the sane tape.  I understand that in the short term 
 this  might reduce an initial tape purchase, but in the long term, you 
 probably end up buying more tapes because the ones you are using contain 50% 
 (or more) expired images, and at least one image that has not expired.  Since 
 it is very complex to try to recycle part of a tape cartridge, I don't 
 think any vendor does it.

 You have two basic options here:

 1.       turn of Allow multiple retentions per tape an create separate tape 
 pools for policies with different retentions to pull from

 2.       Suspend the tapes from each backup session until all the images have 


 Mark Hickey
 Principal Technical Consultant
 62 Beach Road
 North Weymouth, MA 02191
 O 781.331.3508
 C 781.254.6441

 -- next part --
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 Message: 2
 Date: Tue, 28 Sep 2010 14:30:58 -0400
 From: rmg netbackup-fo...@backupcentral.com
 Subject: [Veritas-bu]  Updating bp.conf on a *nix client
 Message-ID: 1285698658.m2f.343...@www.backupcentral.com

 I'm building a new NBU environment and I want to add the names of my
 new master and two media servers to the bp.conf file on my *nix hosts.
 I picked a box at random, logged in, fired up the bp.conf file in vi
 and added 'SERVER = servername', saved and exited.

 In my experience, that does work, without restarting anything on the client.
 I've used cfengine to push out a consistent server list to a bunch of unix
 clients, for example. I haven't tested this since upgrading to 7.0 though.

 When I try to connect to the client from my new master server, I get a
 status code 59 that the new master isn't allowed to talk to the

 From what I've seen, that's often related to reverse DNS. The client gets a
 connection from some IP, and tries to resolve it into a hostname before
 checking the server list (as opposed to going the other way around and
 forward-resolving all the hostnames on the server list). You can list IPs in
 the server list in case name resolution is completely broken on the client.

 |This was sent by r...@ua.edu via Backup Central.
 |Forward SPAM to ab...@backupcentral.com.


 Message: 3
 Date: Tue, 28 Sep 2010 18:24:59 -0400
 From: mitch808 netbackup-fo...@backupcentral.com

[Veritas-bu] Any body have script to accomplish following ?

2010-08-20 Thread bolobaboo kabootar
I have NBU 6.5 enviornment. I want report which lists client name and
total data as per policy type. Example ...which are excahnge client
and what is total data size , which are unix client and their data
size...etc ..Then at end give total size for entire enviornment.

Thank you.
Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

[Veritas-bu] NBU certification

2010-07-30 Thread bolobaboo kabootar
I am preparing for test ..can any body ansere correct naswere with
explanation it each ?
A. Which media management device process must be running to display
drive properties, such as it name, host, and type?

B. Your backup plan includes the backup of Microsoft SQL Server 2000.
You must define an open window for which types of schedule in
NetBackup 6.5?
 SQL Policy type
 Both calendar-based and frequency-based
 Neither schedule requires an open window

C. In which order should you run NetBackup LiveUpdate?
 Media servers first, then master servers, and then clients
 Clients first, then master servers, and then media servers
 Master servers first, then media servers, and then clients
 The order in which you run NetBackup LiveUpdate is not important
  Don't know

D. Which of the following does the Maximum Partially Full (MPF) setting limit?
 The maximum number of volumes that can be partially full for all volume pools
 The maximum number of volumes in a volume pool that can be
concurrently used, at the same retention level
 The maximum number of volumes that can be drawn from the scratch pool
 The maximum number of slots in a tape library filled with resident media
  Don't know

E. Given the following scenario about a policy with a single client:
Allow Multiple Data Streams is enabled.
ALL_LOCAL_DRIVES is specified.
One tape drive is available in the storage unit.
MPX for the storage unit is set to the default value.
Max Jobs per Client is set to 5.
Media Multiplexing in the Schedule is set to 5.
The client specified has five local file systems with no exclude list.

How many backup jobs will be active (versus queued) after the policy
successfully initiates?
Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

[Veritas-bu] Migrate profile from one NBU server to another NBU server

2010-07-07 Thread bolobaboo kabootar
I have old NBU server 5.1. It has tons of profile. Our new nbu server
is NBU 6.5.4. Does anybody has any script which would migrate all
profiles from old server to new server ?
Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

[Veritas-bu] ACSLS script for removing scratch tapes from 8500 tape library

2009-12-08 Thread bolobaboo kabootar
I am planning to remove around 100s of scratch tapes from ACSLS. Does
any body has command or script I can use to remove at ACSLS LEVEL ?
Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

[Veritas-bu] Need urgent help with backup jobs reporting

2009-09-02 Thread bolobaboo kabootar
We have NBU 6.5.2. Clients are in many policy and schedules. I am
trying to generate email report for all clients. Does any body have
script which checks all backup for each client in each schedule/policy
 and reports successful or failed backup with their schedule/policy
name with start and end time ?
Example :
   TEST2RMAN   23:00
 23:30 FAILED

   TEST2RMAN   18:00
Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

[Veritas-bu] Any body has sample test for 250-265 ( certification )

2009-06-24 Thread bolobaboo kabootar
I am appearing for this certification in next 2 week. Any body has any
suggestion things like what to refer just brushup and sample test ? I
want to take this serously :) cost $150.00
Thank you.
Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

[Veritas-bu] Howto remove disk media server from disk staging

2009-06-17 Thread bolobaboo kabootar
I have NBU 6.5.2 enviornment.
Backup goes to dsik staging then then disk gets copied to tape pool in
morning. But plan is to remove disk staging from path and let backup
go directly to tape. Future restore also go tape. My question is What
are steps to decommision disk media server ?

Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

[Veritas-bu] Do anybody have script to shut down master server and then copy all catalog to NAS then start master.

2009-04-06 Thread bolobaboo kabootar
I have master 6.5.3 on Solaris 10. We want to add one more precaution other
than backing catalog to tape. We have NAS mount point on master server. I am
looking for script which can stop master gracefully and copy catalogs (
/usr/openv/db/*  , /usr/openv/netbackup/db/* and /usr/openv/var/* ) to a NAS
mount point and then start Master.

Thank you.
Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

[Veritas-bu] How to turn tape to scratch right away ?

2009-02-24 Thread bolobaboo kabootar
I am running out of scratch tapes. And i have few tapes which have data and
i don't care their content. How do i turn them to scratch right away ?

Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

[Veritas-bu] Image cleanup throws following error.

2009-02-24 Thread bolobaboo kabootar
There was NFS mounted file system where i have created storage unit. But
that unit does not exists anymore.And i don't care any data reside on it.
But image cleanup fails with following error. How do i tell NBU not to worry
( i mean how do i do cleanup ) ?


02/23/2009 16:19:13 - Info nbdelete (pid=17628) deleting expired images.
Media Server: bwps06 Media: /nbupool/unixpool
02/23/2009 16:11:41 - started process bpdm (pid=2594)
02/23/2009 16:11:41 - Critical bpdm (pid=2594) sts_get_lsu_prop_byname on
LSU /nbupool/unixpool failed: 2060013 no more entries
02/23/2009 16:11:41 - Critical bpdm (pid=2594) Invalid storage device:
/nbupool/unixpool no more entries
02/23/2009 16:11:42 - Critical bpdm (pid=2594) failure to open disk at path
/nbupool/unixpool: plug-in reports error 2060013 no more entries
02/23/2009 16:11:42 - Error bpdm (pid=2594) volume /nbupool/unixpool does
not exist or is not available.
media open error (83)
Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

[Veritas-bu] Database backup is currently disabled

2009-02-05 Thread bolobaboo kabootar
I have 6.5.3 enviornment. I do see catalog backup do complete successfully.
But when i run report under problem section of NBU gui administration tool ,
i get above error. Any idea what i am missing ?

Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

[Veritas-bu] How do i migrate disk pool ?

2009-01-26 Thread bolobaboo kabootar

We are planning to have 8 fulls, each full runs every week. Last two weeks
of incremental. Full will have 2 months of retention and incremental will
have 2 week of retentions. We will be implementing NBU 6.5.3

But planning to have last two full and last one week incremtnal on disk ,
rest to be flushed to tape. I don't know how do i plan this out , i mean how
many policy , schedules etc ... Any idea ?

Thank you
Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

[Veritas-bu] How to setup standby master server for 6.5.3 ?

2008-12-20 Thread bolobaboo kabootar
I have one master server 6.5.3 on solaris 10. We are not planning to cluster
it. I was thinking is there way to synch existing master server with another
stand by solaris system. Then bring this stand by server if anything goes
wrong with this pimary master server. This way will have minimum down time.
   Does any body has implemented this approch ? If you have done this can
you passs on steps ?

Thank you.
Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

[Veritas-bu] How to plan out policy(schedules), stgunit, stggroup, pools etc ...

2008-12-06 Thread bolobaboo kabootar
I am very new to NBU. Our enviornment has 300 intell and 100 unix system.We
have 1 master ( sun t5120) for entire enviornment and 2 media ( sun x4500
disk storage) for lan based backup. one media server ( sun t5220 ) for SAN
client for exchange and RMAN. One more media server ( sun t5220 ) for NDMP
backup. We also have stk 8500 tape library.
 Our plan is to have 45 days retention for all data
and do increamental daiy and full on weekend. As of now we not planning for
cloning ( VAULT ( offsite)). There is alos plan to migrate data if LAN media
server ( x4500) fills to 80%  to Tape library. NDMP and SAN client backup
will go directly to 8500.
  Now big question infront of me how do i plan for
policy(what would be their schedule) , stgunit, stggroup, pools etc ?  Is
there any body can assists me in planning these ? I am looking for your
expertise, don't want make mesh then rip apart in future and start all over
  Thank you again.
Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu