
We currently have 2 Netbackup domains each with a master and media server 
and each with a pair of Symantec 5020 appliances.  We have the 5020's 
configured as disk pools in each domain and we have a storage lifecycle 
policy that duplicates the images between both domains.

We are fairly new with Netbackup, moving from a number of different backup 
solutions.  We are thinking about adding a small tape library (LTO-5 
drives with 30 or so tape carts).  We would like to keep most of our daily 
/ weekly images on the 5020's but we are going to need to copy our monthly 
images to tape.

My question is, given the above configuration, can we add a single tape 
library to one of the backup domains and can we configure the overall 
solution so that we can get our monthly backup images from either domain 
not only on the 5020's but also write them to tape?

Thanks, Kevin

Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

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