I'm wondering about server load during backups.  Netbackup 6.5.1.

If I kick off a Differential-Inc backup of a standard Unix File system,
where does the load of calculating the differences between the last
Differential Backup or Full Backup exist? Given the load on my master
server, I'd imagine it's the Master Server that sits, and calculates the
differences.  Is that a wrong assumption?

I'd also imagine that the load of a Full Backup of a Standard Unix File
System is then less CPU intensive than a Differential-Inc Backup.  It's
just copying one file at a time, no differential calculations to make.

And since Netbackup uses RMAN for Oracle backups, the load of backing up
an Oracle DB is more so on the Media Server / Client than on the Master
server.  Full or Differential.

Any thoughts?

Mike Sponsler
Northrop Grumman Information Technology

Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

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