Re: [Veritas-bu] Strange question

2011-05-31 Thread David Stanaway
Here is a perl script I use on my master server for checking SLPs in the 

It my have some win32ism's, my master is W2K8

I would be curious to see nbstlutil list -l output for one of your 
images that shows as COMPLETE

I may need to rework this script.

#! /usr/bin/perl -w

use constant NBSTLUTILCMD => 'nbstlutil list -l';

my %badcopystates = (1 => "NOT_STARTED", 2=> "IN_PROGRESS", 

#LIST -l columns for record header I
my @STLIMAGEHEADERS = qw(Version RecordHeader Master BackupID Client 
BackupTime Policy CType SType SLP SLPState SLPStartTime DataClass);

#Index it for reference
my %stlimageheadersidx = ();
for (my $i=0; $i<=$#STLIMAGEHEADERS; $i++) {
$stlimageheadersidx{$STLIMAGEHEADERS[$i]} = $i;

my $incompletecount = 0;
while() {
my @jobinfo = split(/ /,$_);
if ( $jobinfo[$stlimageheadersidx{RecordHeader}] eq 'I'
&& defined($badcopystates{$jobinfo[$stlimageheadersidx{SLPState}]}) ) {
printf ("Got IMAGE: %s\n", $jobinfo[$stlimageheadersidx{BackupID}]);
for(my $i=0;$i<=$#STLIMAGEHEADERS;$i++) {
printf ("\t%s: %s\n",$STLIMAGEHEADERS[$i], $jobinfo[$i]);
close NBSTLLISTOUT or die NBSTLUTILCMD . " completed with error $!";

if ($incompletecount > 0)  {
print "Found $incompletecount images that were not complete.\n";
exit 1;
} else {
print "Found no images that were not complete.\n";
exit 0;

Here is another script I was working on but got left on the cuttingroom 

#! /usr/bin/perl -w

use List::Util qw[min max];

use constant BPIMAGELISTCMD => 'bpimagelist -hoursago 72';

my @IMGHEADERS = qw(RecHdr client_name date1 date2 version backupid 
policy_name client_type proxy_client creator sched_label sched_type 
retention backup_time elapsed expiration compression encryption kbytes 
num_files copies num_fragments files_compressed files_file version name1 
options primary image_type tir_info tir_expiration keywords mpx 
ext_security raw dump_lvl fs_only prev_BItime BIfull_time obj_desc 
requestID backup_stat backup_copy prev_image jobid num_resumes 
resume_expr ff_size pfi_type image_attrib);

my @FRAGHEADERS = qw(RecHdr copy_num frag_num KB remainder media_type 
density file_num id_path host block_size offset media_date dev_written 
f_flags media_desc_f_unused1 expiration mpx ret_level checkpoint 
resume_nbr media_seq_no media_subtype_unused4 
ss_try_to_keep_date_unused3 copy_date_unused2 unused1);

my %imgheaderidx;
for (my $i=0; $i<=$#IMGHEADERS; $i++) {
$imgheaderidx{$IMGHEADERS[$i]} = $i;

my %fragheaderidx;
for (my $i=0; $i<=$#FRAGHEADERS; $i++) {
$fragheaderidx{$FRAGHEADERS[$i]} = $i;


my %images;
my $currentimg;

while () {
my @rec = split(/ /, $_);
if ($rec[0] eq 'IMAGE') {
my %data;
$data{'IMG'} = \@rec;
$data{'FRAGS'} = [];
$images{$rec[$imgheaderidx{backupid}]} = \%data;
$currentimg = $rec[$imgheaderidx{backupid}];
if ($rec[0] eq 'FRAG') {
my %data;
push @{$images{$currentimg}->{'FRAGS'}}, \@rec;

# Verify images conform to our expectations
# 1 - Each copy of the image has the same number of fragments
# 2 - Each fragment within a copy is on the same media ID (FALSE 

my $errors = 0;

foreach my $bid (keys %images) {
my $nfrags = scalar(@{$images{$bid}->{'FRAGS'}});
if ($nfrags > 0 ) {
my %cpmap;
for ( my $i=0; $i < $nfrags ; $i++ ) {
my $frag = $images{$bid}->{'FRAGS'}->[$i];
push @{$cpmap{$frag->[$fragheaderidx{copy_num}]}}, $frag;
my $ncopies = scalar(%cpmap);
my $mincpy = min(keys %cpmap);
my $nfragspercp = scalar(@{$cpmap{$mincpy}});
foreach my $cp (sort keys %cpmap) {
my $cpfrags = scalar(@{$cpmap{$cp}});
my %cpmediaids;
my $cpmedia = $cpmap{$cp}->[0]->[$fragheaderidx{id_path}];
my $cpmediaclass = classifymedia($cpmedia);

for ( my $i=0; $i < $cpfrags; $i++ ) {
my $m = $cpmap{$cp}->[$i]->[$fragheaderidx{id_path}];
if ( ( classifymedia($m) ne $cpmediaclass )
 || ( $cpmediaclass eq 'ADVDISK' && $m ne $cpmedia ) ) {
printf("GOT %s COPY %d FRAG %d ON %s\n",$bid, $cp,
   $cpmap{$cp}->[$i]->[$fragheaderidx{id_path}] );
printf("EXPECTING %s COPY %d FRAG %d ON %s:%s\n", $bid, $cp,
   $cpmediaclass, $cpmedia );
#print "$bid|$cp|".join(',', (keys %cpmediaids))."\n";

if ($errors == 0) {
print "Images look OK.\n";
exit 0;
} else {
print "There were $errors problems found.\n";
exit 1;

sub classifymedia { # scalar - mediaid
my ($mediaid) = @_;

Re: [Veritas-bu] Strange question

2011-05-31 Thread David Stanaway

What kind of backups are these?

GRT backups and Synthetic backups to my knowledge result in dataloss if 
used with an SLP expecting the SLP to function.

On 5/31/2011 7:40 AM, Patrick wrote:

Hi All,

I have a strange question which may be related to my misunderstanding 
of how SLP works.

I ran the nbstlutil command on a particular client with the following 
results (many lines)

Image  for Lifcycle SLP is COMPLETE

   Copy to Disk is NOT_STARTED

   Copy to Tape is NOT_STARTED

What is confusing me is that the image for the specified backupid does 
not exist anywhere that I can find. Bpimagelist --backupid 
 show no entity found.

So how can the Lifecycle be complete if there are no images? The 
actual backup does not exist on disk. The SLP backups to disk then 
copies to tape, ONLY. Also this particular SLP has a retention level 
of infinite. L

Any enlightenment would be greatly appreciated.


Patrick Whelan

VERITAS Certified NetBackup Support Engineer for UNIX.

VERITAS Certified NetBackup Support Engineer for Windows. 

Veritas-bu maillist  -

Veritas-bu maillist  -

Re: [Veritas-bu] Strange question

2011-05-31 Thread Gregory Demilde

Which version of Netbackup are you running? In 6.5.x, there are some
conditions in which a SLP process gets status SLP_COMPLETE without all
copies being done.

Now infinite retention is standard as long as slp status is not


On Tue, May 31, 2011 at 2:40 PM, Patrick

>  Hi All,
> I have a strange question which may be related to my misunderstanding of
> how SLP works.
> I ran the nbstlutil command on a particular client with the following
> results (many lines)
> Image  for Lifcycle SLP is COMPLETE
>Copy to Disk is NOT_STARTED
>Copy to Tape is NOT_STARTED
> What is confusing me is that the image for the specified backupid does not
> exist anywhere that I can find. Bpimagelist –backupid  show
> no entity found.
> So how can the Lifecycle be complete if there are no images? The actual
> backup does not exist on disk. The SLP backups to disk then copies to tape,
> ONLY. Also this particular SLP has a retention level of infinite. L
> Any enlightenment would be greatly appreciated.
> Regards,
> Patrick Whelan
> VERITAS Certified NetBackup Support Engineer for UNIX.
> VERITAS Certified NetBackup Support Engineer for Windows.
> ___
> Veritas-bu maillist  -

Email :
GSM : +32 476 304008
Veritas-bu maillist  -

[Veritas-bu] Strange question

2011-05-31 Thread Patrick
Hi All,


I have a strange question which may be related to my misunderstanding of how
SLP works.

I ran the nbstlutil command on a particular client with the following
results (many lines)

Image  for Lifcycle SLP is COMPLETE

   Copy to Disk is NOT_STARTED

   Copy to Tape is NOT_STARTED


What is confusing me is that the image for the specified backupid does not
exist anywhere that I can find. Bpimagelist -backupid  show
no entity found.

So how can the Lifecycle be complete if there are no images? The actual
backup does not exist on disk. The SLP backups to disk then copies to tape,
ONLY. Also this particular SLP has a retention level of infinite. L


Any enlightenment would be greatly appreciated.




Patrick Whelan

VERITAS Certified NetBackup Support Engineer for UNIX.

VERITAS Certified NetBackup Support Engineer for Windows.



Veritas-bu maillist  -