What process do you guys go through to add new fiber chanel tape drives
under Solaris?
my standard process is as follows:
/> cfgadm -al -o show_FCP_dev
...gets a view of devices attached to FC controllers, and verify they
all show up similar to the following:
c4::10000000c954e9de,2         tape         connected    configured
but sometimes things show up like:
c4::10000000c954ea4c,0         tape         connected    unconfigured
..in which case, I'll run:
/> cfgadm -c configure c#     <- where # is the relevant controller (HBA
then hopefully, everything will come up configured....if it doesn't,
powercycle the device, verify it logs into the fabric, then repeat the
once everything above is complete, I will run...
/usr/openv/volmgr/bin/sg.build all -mt 15 -ml 6  <- which allows up to 6
luns (tape drives) on each controller...typically there's only one, LUN0
per tape drive
I'll verify the proper strings are in the /kernel/drv/st.conf, then
reboot with the reconfigure option.
after rebooting:
/> /usr/bin/rm -f /kernel/drv/sg.conf
/> /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/driver/sg.install
then devfsadm, or reboot -- -r again.
then sgscan, and config the drive in NBU.
that seems to be the standard process, that *should* work, and does
probably 50% of the time....the other 50% of the time, if it doesn't
work the first try, then I can spend hours upon hours upon hours, trying
to get everything working.
sometimes, all the devices show up as "configured" when I do a cfgadm
-al -o show_FCP_dev, then when I configure the drivers, and reboot,
they're "unconfigured" again, or worse, configured but
then there's the times when everthing show up as configured, and usable,
, the driver rebuild is fine, but devfsadm, or a reboot -- -r only
creates device files for half the drives......it's absolutely
Any advice for easy, reliable, repeatable, stress free device


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