We are rebuilding a dev netbackup instance and in the process adding a
second robot and drive to an existing system. Somewhere along the way I
removed all information about the old robot and drive so this is as if I
had a brand new install.

I'm on solaris 10, netbackup 6.5.

The OS sees the drives and changers:

(from cfgadm -al output)
c4                             scsi-bus     connected    configured
c4::rmt/0                      tape         connected    configured
c4::scsi/changer/c4t2d1        med-changer  connected    configured
c5                             scsi-bus     connected    configured
c5::rmt/1                      tape         connected    configured
c5::scsi/changer/c5t4d0        med-changer  connected    configured

bash-3.00# mt -f /dev/rmt/0cbn status
/dev/rmt/0cbn: no tape loaded or drive offline
bash-3.00# mt -f /dev/rmt/1cbn status
/dev/rmt/1cbn: no tape loaded or drive offline

Yet no matter what I try with the whole sg.build and sg.install process,
sgscan never sees the tape drives.

Does anybody see anything totally obvious that I'm missing?

Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

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