Hello All:

Just a quick note to let you all know that SF Simple Admin (Beta) is now
available for download from www.symantec.com/sfsimpleadmin.
You can use the Simple Admin utility for pretty most most of the basic
file system commands and also for implementing storage pools if you so
desire using one simple command "sfop". The file system commands of sfop
allow you to create, mount, umount, and remove pooled file systems. File
systems clones can also be created using sfop. Please check the User
Guide on the website for more details.

Of course there are a number of limitations currently with the utility,
given that it is Beta launch, so try stuff out on your test/dev boxes
and post any feedback directly or at

Veritas-vx maillist  -  Veritas-vx@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

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