Re: Scandinavian characters in filenames breaking Versions Browser

2009-11-07 Thread Dirk Stoop

Hi Samuli,

I just wrote something about this exact problem in another thread:

In short, my suggestion to get stuff to work as expected is to delete
the missing files and add the unversioned files (try it with one file
first), the problem should not reoccur with the same files again..

I'm sorry for the hassle.  We hope to implement a good solution for
this problem in a future release of Versions.  Sadly, the problem is
pretty complex, in that, any possible solution – which really is a
workaround a peculiarity of HFS+ – brings along problems of its own.
It's been on the 'top annoying issues to fix' list for a while..

All the best,
- Dirk

the Versions team

On Nov 6, 9:37 am, Slintone  wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am using Versions 1.0.6 build 71. The problem is that after checking
> out a repository, all files with scandinavian characters in their
> names (ä, ö, å) are displayed immediately as "missing/unversioned" in
> the Versions' Browser tab. I have never had problems with scandinavian
> characters with any other Subversion client. We cannot avoid using
> these characters in our file names.
> Is this a known bug or am I doing something wrong? Our repository is
> hosted on Ubuntu Server 9.10. No problems whatsover with Windows/
> TortoiseSVN or Linux/pySVN Workbench.
> This is very frustrating, since I just bough two Versions licences for
> learning purposes, and was wishing to buy a bunch more for the entire
> product development team.
> I need to know asap, if this can be fixed in Versions configuration or
> in the Ubuntu Server. If no resolution is present in the near future,
> we have to start looking for an alternative Mac OS SVN client.
> regards
> Samuli Lintonen
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Re: MacTech: pitfalls of using Subversion with OS X(?)

2009-11-07 Thread Dirk Stoop

Regarding bundle files, it's really surprising to me that not more
developers safeguard the .svn folders in those during a save.  We have
one internal app that uses bundles for its file format (a localization
tool) and I can't say it was all too hard to make sure the .svn
folders are persisted between saves..  All that said, most apps don't
check for those, so it's definitely a pitfall.

I have seen some scripts online that restore .svn folders in bundle
files, by renaming the modified file, copying the original over from
the BASE revision of the file that's stored locally, and replacing the
contents of the BASE copy with what's in the bundle.  Tricky stuff.
Personally I just avoid versioning bundle files.

With regard to CR or LF line endings, you can set a property on text
files to automatically convert them to the native type in working
copies.  To do this in Versions, select a file in the working copy
Browse view, show the inspector, and set the popup under "Line Breaks"
to "Native".  More info about this feature of Subversion is offered
over here:

The Icon files are indeed a problem, although few people actually run
into it.  Versions doesn't do anything right now to work around this
issue.  We usually recommend people to add them to their list of
globally ignored files in their .subversion/config file for now, but
hope to have some kind of workaround implemented in Versions at some

Another pitfall, but isolated to cross-platform environments is an
issue that pops up here on the Versions google group every now and
then, regarding non-ascii characters in file names.  If you commit a
file called "Chêvre.txt" on windows, check it out on a Mac and make
changes to it there, SVN will see two "Chêvre.txt" files, a missing
one, and an unversioned one.

The cause of this problem (simplified explanation) is that Windows can
encode these special characters in two different ways in a file name,
both are seen as distinct from eachother by Subversion.  Mac OS (or
more precisely: HFS+) can accept file names with either encoding, but
always stores them with only one encoding, the one that's not the
default on Windows.  The result is that the modified file looks like
it's another file even though the human-readable file names are
identical.  Ocassionally you'll run into someone's workaround online
for the problem, but I have yet to run into a really robust solution
that'll work in all cases.  Afaik. the Subversion community is still
trying to figure out what the best 'real' solution for this problem
is.  The only real workaround for now is to delete the missing file
and add the unversioned file, other platforms will respect the
character encodings generated on the Mac.

A final pitfall, but really an edge case, is that the version of
OpenSSH bundles with Mac OS X has a problem with terminating ssh
processes that are done with their task, they tend to linger around
eating up system resources instead of properly terminating.  But (if I
remember correctly) you'll only run into that problem with Subversion
1.6.0 and 1.6.1 where the workaround in Subversion's code was
temporarily ripped out.

With the reservation that I may have forgotten something, these are
the only notable Mac-specific pitfalls – beyond the ones you listed –
with Subversion that I know to exist.

All the best,
- Dirk

the Versions team

On Nov 7, 2:05 am, Rob Rye  wrote:
> I have a long and frustrating history with bundles and their  
> interactions with subversion.
> The short answer is that Apple and the developers of subversion argued  
> for years over how this problem should be solved. In the end, Apple  
> abandoned the bundle structure in iWork '09 (though one can still  
> choose that structure it is not the default). Also, OmniGroup used  
> bundles for some of their applications (e.g. OmniOutliner), and then  
> offered a "save as flat file" option to accommodate svn users.
> There are scripts out there for checking bundles into subversion. The  
> makers of ZigVersion (a long-abandoned MacOS X GUI for subversion)  
> probably still have one available for download, if you search their  
> website for
> update_bundle.tar.gz
> However, it sounds like you wanted a GUI workaround. I am skeptical  
> about anyone having come up with one, as their having done so might  
> well have saved the bundle structure for iWork '09.
> On Nov 5, 2009, at 8:50 AM, Rob Lewis wrote:
> > Forgive my talking over my head here; if it weren't for Versions I
> > probably wouldn't be able to use Subversion at all.
> > I happened to see an article in the January 2009 issue of MacTech
> > magazine, called "(Avoiding) Subversion Troubles on Mac OS X". It
> > mentions a few possible pitfalls:
> > --Invisible "Icon" files with a CR as the last character in the
> > filename. It says they can corrupt the repository and must be ignore