Re: [VFB] Re: Sowbug Roundup 2015 - Your Invitation - Reminder

2014-12-04 Thread Robert G Haering
Hope you get feeling better

Jimmy D. Moore wrote:
Hi Pat and Chet.

My physical  problems prevent me from attending .  I had hoped
to be back to 100 %, but  blood clots are wreaking havoc with my life.  It and
my Essential Tremor keep me tied down. I had hoped to get my physical problems 
ironed out, 
Hope and pray I can make it next year, please keep me on the list.  Please 
tell the VFB bunch
Hi for me.



Chet  Pat Smith wrote: 

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[VFB] Re: VFB] A death in the family here... Sorta/Prayers needed

2014-08-08 Thread Robert G Haering
All I can say is wow.  I am glad she got to say good bye.  Of course you are in 
our prayers

Joyce M Westphal wrote:
Prayers indeed!   I am hoping Ashley's supervisor has a change of heart..and 
fast.  Joyce

On Fri, Aug 8, 2014 at 12:53 AM, Chuck Alexander wrote:

Folks: We just had kinda, sorta death in the family this Tuesday night/Wed 
morning about 12:30am.  And check out this story. My son has been dating and 
engaged to this girl Ashley for about a year and a half now and he  she lives 
with her grand parents, and my son lives there with them as well. Well, they 
kept talking about “Papa Fred this, Papa Fred that”. And Nana this, and Nana 
that. Well, My son one day asked me if I knew Fred Dempsey, and I said, “Only 
for 35 yrs now”. He said “THAT’S “Papa Fred”. Fred and his brother Bruce (who 
just lost his wife to cancer less than three months ago) owned a garage and I 
was their main mechanic (that was when plugs, points, condenser and rotor and 
you were “on the road again” most times. 


Anyway, Billie and I started going over there and seeing Fred and his wife 
since I found out who it was, and  anyway, all my son’s grand parents on mine 
and my wife’s side died before he was just a few yrs old, so “Nana” (and Fred) 
have been like grand parents to him and when she died this week (from 
Parkinson’s complications” it has been devastating for him and his fiancé’ as 
well as Fred. Her funeral will be this Saturday at 2pm. Took so long as “Nana” 
has a grandson in the military stationed in Hawaii and  Friday is the soonest 
he can make it home. Hawaii is getting a whale of a hurricane and he said they 
were moving GI’s to different bases in California etc till the storm passes, 
so he’d be kinda headed this way even if his grand mother had not passed away.


To top it all off, Fred and Bruce’s oldest brother’s wife just died less than 
a yr ago, as did their only Sister. It’s been a rough family for the Dempsey 
family this yr so even though ya’ll don’t know them, please keep them in your 
thoughts and prayers. One last thing. Ashley is working at the local nursing 
home as a Nurse (The lady who died was also a nurse for 30 yrs, so that’s why 
Ashley wanted to become a nurse) on a 4pm till midnight shift, and they had 
called the hospice ppl in on Tuesday after Ashley had gone to work and they 
said they didn’t think she’d make it through the night and to “call in the 
family”. Well Ashley hasn’t been working there long and is still on probation, 
so her supervisor (old bitty) told her she HAD to finish out her shift. Ashley 
worked her shift, then flew home real fast. Her Nana had stopped breathing 
just 30 SECONDS before Ashley got home. Basically, she had died. Ashley went 
in to see her, and her Nana opened her eyes for about 10-20 seconds, smiled, 
then passed away for good after that. 


Now how do you account for that other than God allowing Ashley to say good bye 
to her beloved Grand mother, who raised her. The nursing home didn’t even want 
Ashley to miss any work on Saturday, which is the day of the fumeral, but she 
told them to “kiss her hiney”, and I told her “good for you, and if that’s how 
they treat their workers you need to go to work at the hospital which is 
ajacent to the nursing home here. She said that’s just what’s she’s going to 
check about. She has to jump through a lot of hoops as she is in a local 
college to become and LPN (and hopefully an RN), and that job is part of her 
“OJT” agreement with the school and the nursing home. Thanks a lot. I didn’t 
mean to write a book. Chuck




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Re: [VFB] MASTER - Summary of Are we to Old Survey 9/7/14

2014-08-07 Thread Robert G Haering
BobH 5:

Jimmy D. Moore wrote:

OK GUYS, and gals AT THIS WRITING I have 27 who answered the survey.(four) 
forgot to give me their age. Steve and Bob and Mel, and Joyce. In addition to 
adding your name add your Age.  Send copy to the list and  also to me.  Easier 
to keep up with it that way.  Mark it MASTER LIST

 Add your name.and age to the bottom of the list.  This thing is already FUN , 
and could possibly turn nto a swap.   Just fall in line, don't be embarrassed. 
 Add your name  to the bottom of the list 

The response from us old timers tells me one thing LET'S LEAVE THE LIST ALONE 
THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH IT.    Thank you very much as, so well put by TONY.
    Jimmy D. 77 
    Tony Spezio --85 
    Denny Conrad--79 3/4 

Allan fish--78 
Don Ordes - 63 
Peggy Brenner - 65 
Nev Gosling - 68 
Wayne Blake-Hedges - 54 
Jerry Caruso - 66 
Dan harrington - 63 
Reuven Segal - 38 
Ron Boutin - 64 
Alan Di somma - 71 
Walter Shockley - 65 
Gary Webb - 67 
Jimi - Desert Eagle - 57 
Joyce Wetphal - agless 
J Balmer - 61 
Mel Hocken - agless

    Rick 64
    Jack 45
    Thomas 70
    Brian 62
    Scott 37
    Gary  67

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[VFB] Re: VFB] Prayers also needed.

2014-07-12 Thread Robert G Haering
Thanks Guys!!  Thanks for remembering me!!  I needed to have my pain meds 
changed.  Also my potassium was very low.  Hopefully this works and may be able 
to start fishing again

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Re: [VFB] Jimmy D Update

2013-03-19 Thread Robert G Haering
Our prayers are with you Jimmy!!!

Jimmy D. Moore wrote:

I continue to have good days and bad days.  The Essential Tremor 
continues to worsen, then
will subside for a few days. A couple drinks of bourbon a day seem to 
help, as per the docs
suggestion. :-P  However, the tremor hasn't affected my fly tying yet, 
because I can still think
Stop and it stops. I can hold it indefinitely.  In fact the members of 
my Rotary club weren't
aware of the tremor until I told them during my program last week on 
rattlesnakess.  ;-)

The worse part of the deal is the atrophying of the muscles in my calves 
and pain in my feet.
This is not part of the essential tremor, just another rock in the 
road for me to navigate
around.  It's Osteo Arthritis in my feet. This is what makes it 
impossible to wade anymore.
There's a neme for this one, but with all the ailments I have with feet 
and legs, it doesn' seem
important anymore.  The bottom line is that my balance is shot. I can 
wade, but takes two wading
staffs and that's abundle what with my chest pack and the other must haves

If you guys could come up with a simple FLY for me to tie, I'd love to 
enter a simple swap.
and see how it goes.  If I can handle it, I'll enter some more difficult 
swaps. I always said, If
I can no longer wade, then tying is the next best thing.

Looking forward to hearing from you guys.  What say - A Handicapped Swap 
for Jimmy D.



  º  *
JIMMY D. MOORE, ARS WB5RHT,author Moon Holler Misfits 
Fishing  Hunting Club, Member, TOWA, Past VP Guadalupe 
River Trout Unlimited,   North Zone Fishing Editor Emeritus,
Texas Fish  Game Magazine, Virtual Fly Box  Fly Fishing
World Moderator, Scout Exec. Boy Scouts of America, Retired
*  º   ***

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