[VFB] Re: Hear me on this.

2008-10-24 Thread Anthony Spezio
I stay out of countervail posts but I will say this. I have been with this list 
since day one.
Yes, it has changed some and we have lost some members that used to contribute 
a lot of good info on tying, I for one did reply to any questions on tying that 
I could reply with a reasonable good answer.I have to admit, I don't do it as 
much anymore.
My opinion on that post is my own, (I replied OFF LIST) but lets not leave the 
list because of this. This is a close knit group and it will pass.Let's stay 
together and not let the list fall apart like the other two did in the past.

--- On Fri, 10/24/08, Chris Cook [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
From: Chris Cook [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [VFB] Re: for fly fishing/tying discussion only - DUH !
To: vfb-mail@googlegroups.com
Date: Friday, October 24, 2008, 4:44 AM

I have to agree with you and BIll.
This is primarily a fly tying group and all topics should be about fly tying or 
fly fishing.
I am not religious at all and find all of these prayer requests to be a bit 
grinding at times. Surely there are better places to post this sort of thing 
such as a local church group?
Political threads with regard to the Iraq war should be avoided. I accept some 
people will have family members who have fought or are fighting in Iraq or 
Afghanistan, but this isn't relevant to a fly tying or fly fishing group. I 
don't agree with American politics (or a lot of UK politics under Labour) but I 
would never start banging on about it on VFB.

I was never a hugely prolific poster on VFB but I've now taken to deleting most 
of the e-mails I get rather than reading them because the amount of on topic 
useful information is becoming smaller and smaller.

Can we please stop the off topic prayer requests and other things and get back 
to what this group was set up for - discussing fly tying - the name Virtual Fly 
Box kind of gives it away ;)
Moan over
Complete Fisher Forum

Complete Fisher Site

On Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 10:07 AM, Ronan MacLoughlin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

No, not NUFF said..

Im afraid I have to agree with Bill et al.

Ive not participated much over the last year or so, mainly because of the 
non-fly tying related material.
I realise that this is a mainly US of A based group, and so topics for 
discussion will likely be related to what is pertinant to US folk but obviously 
there will be some US folk not interseted in specific topics.

8 years ago I signed up for a fly tying forum, not anything else and so, 
despite the tying gems that I still read in my daily review of posts, I am sad 
to say that I am going to unsubscribe. 

I have my own interests and one of them is most certainly not america's 
involvement in a war. If it was, I am sure that there are plenty more forums 
that would cater to me. I could come out strongly and tell you all exactly what 
I think of it, but then i'd wouldnt have a leg to stand on re: this mail.

I could also have simply unsubscribed and said nothing, Im sure not many would 
have noticed, but I felt it was necessary to at least back up the call for a 
return to a more fly-tying related forum..as it was in the past. This 
WAS, in my opinion, the best forum related to fly tying and fishing on the web. 
I have enjoyed the banter, the jokes, and participating in some fantastic fly 
swaps, but I draw my line at listening to war related stories.

Yes, everyone is entitled post a pic of a grandson et cetera, but not when 
there is a political bent behind it. And even then it takes from the fly tying 

I will say a prayer, but it is going to be for an end to this and all 
unnecessary righteous acts of violence.

It is obviously hard for some to agree with, and that is certainly 
understandable if you have spent and risked life and limb for your country. 
This just isnt the forum for it.

Good luck to you all.

From: Bill and Tina [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: vfb-mail@googlegroups.com

Sent: Friday, 24 October, 2008 0:49:32
Subject: [VFB] Re: for fly fishing/tying discussion only - DUH !

I agree Jay and everyone else Fly Fishing and Tying is why I joined the list 
not prayer groups or political rantings. I've been a member for over 8 years 
and I do not participate much anymore because of all discussions of other 
subjects I don't come to the list for birthday updates, prayer lists, sport 
team discussions etc. 

I joined for Fly Fishing Stuff so if this is a prayer list I'll have to say bye.

From: vfb-mail@googlegroups.com [mailto: vfb-mail@googlegroups.com ] On Behalf 
Of Jimmy D. Moore

Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2008 3:58 PM
To: vfb-mail@googlegroups.com

Subject: [VFB] Re: for fly fishing/tying discussion only - DUH !
I've been a member of the VFB for 10 + years. And . . . .we've always treated 
each other as family, including births, deaths, birthdays and other info that 
friends pass along to each 

[VFB] Re: Hear me on this.

2008-10-24 Thread Jared DuBach

We have to remember we're fly-fishers and tyers first. Yes, we are also humans 
and thus have differing views on politics, religion, etc. And we're legally 
entitled to voice our opinions under First Amendment issues. My personal 
opinion is since it's a fly-tying and fishing list is should be kept on that 
issue. But as humans do many of us have become faceless friends to each other. 
I've had friendly e-mails with most if not all of you in the past. As a newer 
member I value the advice people on this list have given me, so I plan to stick 
around for as long as I am tying. In general, I would urge avoiding non-fly 
issues as tempers can flair very quickly. As one who deals with blog comments 
on news stories every day (I'm a newspaper reporter), people have a BAD habit 
of attacking each other instead of sticking to an issue. More than anything, 
that's why I urge people to avoid non-fly issues. It's not so much to avoid 
controversy, so much as it is to keep from turning on each other. If we do get 
political, I'd rather see issues relating to conservation and waterway 
conditions addressed by the EPA and groups such as Trout Unlimited.

Just my 2 cents. Again, I'd say to avoid such issues, but if they are brought 
up please remain civil and don't start going after each other's opinions. 
Simply stick to the issue and move on. Or, better yet, simply avoid the e-mail 
all together. I urge people to use OFF TOPIC in the subject line in all non-fly 
related e-mails.

 Date: Fri, 24 Oct 2008 05:02:19 -0700
 Subject: [VFB] Re: Hear me on this.
 To: vfb-mail@googlegroups.com
 I stay out of countervail posts but I will say this. I have been with this 
 list since day one.
 Yes, it has changed some and we have lost some members that used to 
 contribute a lot of good info on tying, I for one did reply to any questions 
 on tying that I could reply with a reasonable good answer.I have to admit, I 
 don't do it as much anymore.
 My opinion on that post is my own, (I replied OFF LIST) but lets not leave 
 the list because of this. This is a close knit group and it will pass.Let's 
 stay together and not let the list fall apart like the other two did in the 
 --- On Fri, 10/24/08, Chris Cook  wrote:
 From: Chris Cook 
 Subject: [VFB] Re: for fly fishing/tying discussion only - DUH !
 To: vfb-mail@googlegroups.com
 Date: Friday, October 24, 2008, 4:44 AM
 I have to agree with you and BIll.
 This is primarily a fly tying group and all topics should be about fly tying 
 or fly fishing.
 I am not religious at all and find all of these prayer requests to be a bit 
 grinding at times. Surely there are better places to post this sort of thing 
 such as a local church group?
 Political threads with regard to the Iraq war should be avoided. I accept 
 some people will have family members who have fought or are fighting in Iraq 
 or Afghanistan, but this isn't relevant to a fly tying or fly fishing group. 
 I don't agree with American politics (or a lot of UK politics under Labour) 
 but I would never start banging on about it on VFB.
 I was never a hugely prolific poster on VFB but I've now taken to deleting 
 most of the e-mails I get rather than reading them because the amount of on 
 topic useful information is becoming smaller and smaller.
 Can we please stop the off topic prayer requests and other things and get 
 back to what this group was set up for - discussing fly tying - the name 
 Virtual Fly Box kind of gives it away ;)
 Moan over
 Complete Fisher Forum
 Complete Fisher Site
 On Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 10:07 AM, Ronan MacLoughlin  wrote:
 No, not NUFF said..
 Im afraid I have to agree with Bill et al.
 Ive not participated much over the last year or so, mainly because of the 
 non-fly tying related material.
 I realise that this is a mainly US of A based group, and so topics for 
 discussion will likely be related to what is pertinant to US folk but 
 obviously there will be some US folk not interseted in specific topics.
 8 years ago I signed up for a fly tying forum, not anything else and so, 
 despite the tying gems that I still read in my daily review of posts, I am 
 sad to say that I am going to unsubscribe.
 I have my own interests and one of them is most certainly not america's 
 involvement in a war. If it was, I am sure that there are plenty more forums 
 that would cater to me. I could come out strongly and tell you all exactly 
 what I think of it, but then i'd wouldnt have a leg to stand on re: this mail.
 I could also have simply unsubscribed and said nothing, Im sure not many 
 would have noticed, but I felt it was necessary to at least back up the call 
 for a return to a more fly-tying related forum..as it was in the 
 past. This WAS, in my opinion, the best forum related to fly tying