Re: [videoblogging] Re: Best Editing software for cutting out words?

2009-08-25 Thread David Jones
On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 4:33 PM, ratbagradio wrote:
> --- In, "ratbagradio"  wrote:
>> As they say in radio: forget about the hardware.
> They also say in radio: write out your script! because unless you are master
> of your domain you can fall victim to so many traps and mistakes.
> Unless you have cue cards that's not very viable in video production but it
> is the norm nonetheless for most of television and especially news
> reporting.
> There's even of course reading style in sync with writing style with cute
> little tricks for page layout...and inflexion.
> But if you are going to improvise then you'd need full prep as to what you
> are going to say and to whom you intend to say it.So it's a big ask when you
> decide to wing it and it's no wonder the umms and errs can creep in.

Perhaps foolishly, that's what I've decided to do with my blog, it is
really "off-the-cuff" winging it.
I've never had a script, and the most prep I've ever done is maybe a
couple of points scribbled on a bit of paper.
The main reason for that is simply time, I usually have just enough
time to sit in front of the camera for the 15-20min I need to produce
my 10min blog each week. And then there's editing time of course, so I
try and keep that as minimal as possible too.

I figured it's better to get "something" out there, at least to start off with.

If you haven't seen it, here is an episode with me talking about how
and why (#22):

> The best way round is to go do some Improv training or Theatresports. Some
> handy techniques there. Even your everyday stand up comic goes out on stage
> fully prepped and scripted only with a very small margin of improvisational
> change each night and often with palm cards.

Not my favorite comic Ross Noble, but he's pretty unique.
I'd love to do improv training, but if I had time for that then I
guess I'd have more than enough time to write a script for each
episode and do rehearsals and re-takes! :->

> I used to do Punch and Judy and it was totally scripted performance which
> was only added to when some thing really good came up or was suggested.
> Other techniques I've used and rely on is to write out Mind Maps and
> visualize the presentation that way. Online I now use Mindmeister:
> People I know before giving a lecture will lay it out first in Powerpoint
> because it anchors their mind and gives formatted order to their
> presentation. Even when they don;t use projection they mentally visualize
> their presentation slide by slide .
> I think that's a great ideabecause it's all about being in control of
> your material.

I guess time will tell how my blog evolves.
At the moment it's just fun getting "something" out there with my
minimal effort off-the-cuff style.
If I had to spend a lot of time planing each episode then the fear is
that the fun might go out of it. But it's worth some experimentation.
I've attracted a following, but I don't know if that's because people
actually like the off-the-cuff style, or it's simply the material...


[videoblogging] Re: Best Editing software for cutting out words?

2009-08-25 Thread ratbagradio
--- In, "ratbagradio"  wrote:

> As they say in radio: forget about the hardware.

They also say in radio: write out your script! because unless you are master of 
your domain you can fall victim to so many traps and mistakes.

Unless you have cue cards that's not very viable in video production but it is 
the norm nonetheless for most of television and especially news reporting.

There's even of course reading style in sync with writing style with cute 
little tricks for page layout...and inflexion.

But if you are going to improvise then you'd need full prep as to what you are 
going to say and to whom you intend to say it.So it's a big ask when you decide 
to wing it and it's no wonder the umms and errs can creep in.

The best way round is to go do some Improv training or Theatresports. Some 
handy techniques there. Even your everyday  stand up comic goes out  on stage 
fully prepped and scripted only with   a very small margin of improvisational 
change  each night and often with palm cards. 

I used to do Punch and Judy and it was totally scripted performance which was 
only added to when some thing really good came up or was suggested.

Other techniques I've used and rely on is to write out Mind Maps and visualize 
the presentation that way. Online I now use Mindmeister:
People I know before giving a lecture will lay it out first in Powerpoint   
because it anchors their mind and gives formatted order to their presentation. 
Even when they don;t use projection they mentally visualize their presentation  
slide by slide .

I think that's a great ideabecause it's all about being in control of your 

dave riley

[videoblogging] Re: Best Editing software for cutting out words?

2009-08-25 Thread ratbagradio
--- In, David Jones  wrote:

> Perhaps it actually takes less time overall to relax and prepare or
> reshoot each scene to get it right, than trying to slice'n'dice that
> stuff in editing?

As they say in radio: forget about the hardware. Focus on to whom you address 
your words. Imagine someone you are talking to: your mother, your best friend, 
your partner, the workmates, your registered muse or whoever and focus on 
explaining your POV to that very specific audience.

And place that audience -- singular  or plural -- in a specific location and 
line of sight as you would if you were talking to a lamp post.

Even yourself! -- by putting a mirror out of shot to one side and behind the 
line of camera sight.Given my theatrical vent and my ready ease talking to the 
bathroom mirror -- this isn't as stupid as it sounds. Remember though to make 
it to one side not directly above  the camera  -- or right behind the lens  [so 
that you can remake the last sequence  of SUNSET BOULEVARD with Gloria Swanson 
looking directly into the camera. Just think:"I'm ready for my close up Mr De 

Another approach is to be someone else -- adopt a persona that takes you 
outside yourself with its umms and errs.Go up  pne manic notch or two. Rule the 
world. Become the ring master at the circusPerform.

That's what theatre is all about: pretending.

If you wanna know hard times do a radio interview live to air where as the 
person who is being interviewed you speak into empty silent space and the 
interviewer just let's you prattle on. And you have no face in front of to 
register how you are going in way of delivering your POV.

I hate'em!

dave riley

Re: [videoblogging] Re: Best Editing software for cutting out words?

2009-08-25 Thread David Jones
On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 12:58 PM, ratbagradio wrote:
> --- In, David Jones  wrote:
>> At present I have to edit each clip individually which is a step I'd
>> rather not have to do.
> I use VideoStudio 12 for my put together but for sharp slice and dice
> editing I use VirtualDub which will allow you to slice and edit or add
> 'frame by frame' so to speak.
> So if you import your piece into VD you can delete the umms. You won't have
> to do it clip by clip either as VD will aggregate a succession of clips or
> edit the whole project if you want to. Just make sure to use interchangeable
> file format -- such as AVI -- that will import into both VD and VideoStudio.
> You can get VD here:
> and the manual is now free here:
> and a few other sites
> or online help here:
> My VirtualDub bookmarks (with links to video DIY) are here on delicious
> But can't you drag down the audio in VideoStudio by creating a clip around
> your target audio edit using the Cut (Ctrl C?)option, then dragging that
> clip's audio to low or switching it to mute? Or copying the whole audio
> segment and editing it in a program like Audacity to bring down the audio at
> those sections and normalise it for the rest? That's a bit cumbersome
> perhaps as dragging down audio for short sections is always problematical.
> However, the problem with editing audio in an audio editor is that you have
> to go by sound cues and it isn't so easy to target your spots as it is with
> video editing.
> In comparison to audio, video editing is an easy DIY.
> Nonetheless, when I've edited audio for radio or podcasting -- when a
> speaker umms and errs -- I used to take it out but now I leave it in.
> Editing such hesitancies is such a pain and inevitably you'll end up cutting
> the speech into staccato segments where words are clipped and cadence is
> lost. And for long speeches or interviews, it takes too much time and too
> much effort. If you do it in video and take out the umms and errs by
> deleting video you'll also get a succession of short video disjunctions.
> Radio and TV journalists get around this complication by switching to third
> person reportage and summarizing the speaker before leading into a meaty
> sound grab.
> OR you work very hard when you are shooting or recording to RELAX the
> speaker or ma clarify sharply your questions so that they have less cause to
> stumble over their words.
> However "You know..."s have to go!
> dave riley

Thanks Dave.
I'll see what VirtualDub has to offer.
The "you knows"'s are a major problem, in my haste to shoot the
(unscripted and unprepared) video it just slips in there a lot when
I'm making stuff up on the spot. They have almost turned into a
running joke!
Got to try harder...

Perhaps it actually takes less time overall to relax and prepare or
reshoot each scene to get it right, than trying to slice'n'dice that
stuff in editing?
Problem at the moment with the DV cam I'm using is that it's not quick
or easy to replay each scene after I've done it, so I don't really
know I've goofed it until I get back into the edit studio and review

Maybe I really do need one of those SD card cams that allow instant replay?


[videoblogging] Re: Best Editing software for cutting out words?

2009-08-25 Thread ratbagradio
--- In, David Jones  wrote:

> At present I have to edit each clip individually which is a step I'd
> rather not have to do.
I use VideoStudio 12 for my put together but for sharp slice and dice editing I 
use VirtualDub which will allow you to slice and edit or add 'frame by frame' 
so to speak. 

So if you import your piece into VD you can delete  the umms. You won't have to 
do it clip by clip either as VD will aggregate a succession of clips or edit 
the whole project if you want to. Just make sure to use interchangeable file 
format -- such as AVI -- that will import into both VD and VideoStudio.

You can get VD here:
and the manual is now free here:
and a few other sites
or online help here:
My VirtualDub bookmarks (with links to video DIY) are here on delicious

But can't you drag down the audio in VideoStudio by creating a clip around your 
target audio edit using the Cut (Ctrl C?)option, then dragging that clip's 
audio to low or switching it to mute? Or copying the whole audio segment and 
editing it in a program like Audacity to bring down the audio at those sections 
and normalise it for the rest? That's a bit cumbersome perhaps as dragging down 
audio for short sections is always problematical. However, the problem with 
editing  audio in an audio editor is that you have to go by sound cues and it 
isn't so easy to  target your spots as it is with video editing.

In comparison to audio, video editing is an easy DIY.

Nonetheless, when I've edited audio for radio or  podcasting -- when a speaker 
umms and errs -- I used to take it out but now I leave it in. Editing such 
hesitancies is such a pain  and inevitably you'll end up cutting the speech 
into staccato segments where words are clipped and cadence is lost. And for 
long speeches or interviews, it takes too much time and too much effort. If you 
do it in video and take out the umms and errs by deleting video you'll also get 
a succession of short video  disjunctions. Radio and TV journalists get around  
this complication by switching to third person reportage and summarizing the 
speaker before leading into a meaty sound grab.

OR you work very hard when you are shooting or recording to RELAX the speaker 
or ma clarify sharply your questions   so that they have less cause to stumble 
over their words.

However "You know..."s have to go!

dave riley

[videoblogging] Re: Editing HD Video w Vegas on a Laptop

2009-08-25 Thread compumavengal
There are others who can give you the tech answer or have experience with Sony 
Vegas but I'm going to shoot for some functional ones. I don't think the 
problem is your laptop.

These are the system requirements from Sony Vegas 8

Microsoft® Windows® XP 32-bit SP2 (SP3 recommended) or Windows Vista™ 32-bit or 
64-bit (SP1 recommended)
1 GHz processor (multicore or multiprocessor CPU recommended for HD)
200 MB hard-disk space for program installation
1 GB RAM (2 GB recommended)
OHCI-compatible i.LINK® connector*/IEEE-1394DV card (for DV and HDV capture and 
USB 2.0 connection (for importing from AVCHD, XDCAM EX, or DVD camcorders)

Your laptop is more than capable.

Next I hit the Knowledgebase and this is what I found:

AVCHD files play "choppy" in Vegas


Why don't AVCHD files from my Sony AVCHD camcorder play at a full 29.97fps?


AVCHD (AVC-HD, AVC HD) video is recorded using the MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 video 
compression codec. Audio is stored in compressed form Dolby AC-3.  Vegas does a 
great job of playing back these files on the timeline.  However, you might not 
be able to achieve a full 29.97fps playback rate for various reasons (weak 
processor, not enough RAM, too many video plug-ins in the project, lots of 
video tracks in the project, etc).  Because of your system limitations, you 
might need to create intermediate files.

1. Add the clips to the timeline.

2. Go to File > Render As.  The Save As Type should be set to "Video For 
Windows (*.AVI)" and the Template should be set to "HDV 1080-60i Intermediate". 
 Now click Save.  The files will be saved as an AVI that utilizes the Cineform 
HD V2.5 codec.  It retains all the detail from the M2TS file.

If you do not see "Video For Windows (*.AVI)" and the Template "HDV 1080-60i 
Intermediate" in your drop-down menus, then you can render the file to MPEG-2.  
 Go to File > Render As.  The Save As Type should be set to "MainConcept 
MPEG-2" and the Template should be set to "HDV 1080-60i".  Now click Save.

After the file is saved (either AVI or MPEG-2), replace it with what's on the 
timeline.  Now you'll experience smoother playback and more precision over 
editing the project.

Oh my.

I tend to use MPEG Streamclip, get the portion of the video that I want and 
export it as an .avi. I know it can do Hi-def Mpeg 4 but not sure about the 

Anyway the principle is still the same, convert the video into an .avi format 
and then work from that point.

Hope you have an external hard drive or lots of DVDs for back-up.


--- In, "Jocelyn Ford"  wrote:
> Hi-- 
> I'm a radio broadcaster who is a newbie to video, and not much of a techie.   
> I'm trying to run Sony Vegas 8.0 on my Lenovo x61 thinkpad (Intel core 2 duo 
> cpu T8100 , 2.10 Ghz, 795 Mhz, 2.97 GB RAM) but the video is jerky, and the 
> audio and video are not in sync.
> I'm shooting HD AVCHD on the Canon Vixia HF100.  I've tried Vegas with 
> low-quality SD (from an old Sanyo xacti) and it's also jerky and out of sync.
> Should my x61 thinkpad be able to handle editing this on Vegas?   If so, any 
> suggestions  where to  begin trouble shooting?
> If not, what light-weight laptop would do the job?   Ideally, I'd like to be 
> able to file from the field.  (I'm based in Beijing and sometimes find myself 
> on very cramped buses in the hinterlands, and don't want to be loaded down 
> with heavy equipment.)
> I'd like to stick with Vegas, but may switch to Mac /FPC if I can't find a 
> workable lightweight solution. All advice welcome!
> Jocelyn
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[videoblogging] Burning Man meetup

2009-08-25 Thread jimmyjay24
Any vloggers meeting up at Burning Man? I'm a BM newbie--any tips on keeping my 
camera safe from sand? Is there anything like a secret handshake I need to know 


[videoblogging] Best Editing software for cutting out words?

2009-08-25 Thread David Jones
I'm currently using VideoStudio 12 for my video blog editing, and find
it quite difficult to edit out individual words (like "umm" and pauses
I have to split the scene at each point and it all gets very messy
very quickly, not to mention it being very fiddly by having to
continually play and pause to get the exact point etc. So I end up
rarely doing this due to editing time constraints and general
frustration with it.
Can anyone recommend some editing software that is better suited at
doing this sort of thing?
The program must be able to output in H.264
Also, it would be nice if the software automatically duplicated the
left channel audio (my camera records mono in the left channel only).
At present I have to edit each clip individually which is a step I'd
rather not have to do.


[videoblogging] Re: Weekly virtual meetups

2009-08-25 Thread mgmoon
I'm on vacation this week ... shooting videos, but will be back and should be 
able to attend. Be nice to see some of you in front of a camera again.

Vlog on bitches.


--- In, Markus Sandy  wrote:
> On Aug 24, 2009, at 1:26 PM, Jeffrey Taylor wrote:
> > I'm up for it, too.
> +1 for video conference on "saturday night"
> (or perhaps sat afternoon here on the US west coast to account for  
> time differences)
> how about we reserve a block for this Saturday Sept 30th?
> markus
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [videoblogging] Does give stats on Itune views?

2009-08-25 Thread Richard (Show) Hall
Hi Jim,

After logging in, from the "dashboard" menu at the top, select "statistics"


On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 9:18 AM, jimmystroud wrote:

> I am uploading videos to my Blip.Tv account and was wondering if I will be
> able to get stats on how often my videos have been downloaded. Does anyone
> know?
> -Jim

Richard (Show) Hall

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [videoblogging] Guess Who's Back, back again, knighties back, tell a friend.

2009-08-25 Thread Richard (Show) Hall
Welcome back Paul ... I haven't done much in a while, but still follow the


On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 10:05 AM, <> wrote:

> It's almost been two years now since the last time I was in here, a lot has
> changed and a lot of your prophesies have come to fruition.
> Hi Guys and Gals,
> Paul Knight from PJKproductions, back and ready to start all over, I am in
> need of tips and tricks to get some of you lovely people watching the videos
> I create and how to market them to others. In concentrating on other things
> I have forgotten most of the tricks we used to use, so I'll be posting and
> commenting quite regularly now, and you will find that as for my behavior it
> has toned down because I have discovered facebook a great tool for venting
> my frustrations.
> I still have the same old Blogspot, http://pjkproductions.blogspot.complease 
> don't be afraid to view it and some of my videos to find out what I
> am all about, mainly it's just home made stuff, edited using FCE, (imovie
> really sucks now,) trying out different techniques and adding special
> effects from third party sources that usually people wouldn't use for
> vlogging.
> That's my introduction, hopefully those who remember me, accept me with
> open arms and to all the new people, new as in joined within the last 2
> years, I anticipate watching your vids with a new found appetite.
> Loves
> Simples
> Paul

Richard (Show) Hall

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[videoblogging] Re: Youtube and HTML5

2009-08-25 Thread elbowsofdeath

--- In, Jay dedman  wrote:
> Welcome back Steve. It's been a while.

Thanks very much :) Im pretty busy these days so whilst my posts may still be 
long, at least there wont be too many of them :)

> Im also interested to see what Google does with On2 and their newer
> codecs. It might be a year till we see anything since Google is
> currently in a lawsuit with the On2 shareholders (they claim they paid
> too little).
> Remember that Google is making a big play in the mobile
> getting videos to play on the iPhone might not be that important. Im
> sure itll come in stages.
> But as you say, I bet Google bought On2 to try to reduce patent
> fees...and electricty use.

Im not sure why they bought them, I seem to recall Google is doing a desktop OS 
so it could be something to do with that as much as their mobile offerings. As 
for power consumption, my main observation was that flash is an inefficient way 
to watch h264, and that h264 in the browser using video tags on the mac seems 
to be quite efficient. I havent looked at any of On2's codecs to see how they 
compare, but the way things are going these days an important factor is to 
offload some of the decoding and encoding of video onto GPU's or other chips 
rather than the CPU, and this can save a fair amount of juice. Its happening 
with h264 to a certain extent, but not sure about other codecs. Still as Google 
have rather high energy use on the server side of things, they have other 
issues to worry about such as whether the size of video files can be reduced 
and encoding made much more efficient.



Re: [videoblogging] Weekly virtual meetups

2009-08-25 Thread Paul Knight
8pm?!?! I'll try and stay sober, lol.

Not all Videobloggers are Geeks.


On 25 Aug 2009, at 11:53, Rupert Howe wrote:

> Also... in Britain, it's 8pm to 11pm, because we're on British Summer
> Time at the moment, not GMT.
> On 25-Aug-09, at 11:44 AM, Rupert Howe wrote:
> > Works for me - I'm staying at my parents' house this weekend - so  
> I'll
> > try to join with a glass of scotch after I've put the kids to bed :)
> >
> > On 25-Aug-09, at 2:08 AM, Markus Sandy wrote:
> >
> > > On Aug 24, 2009, at 5:32 PM, Paul Knight wrote:
> > >
> > > > Go for it Markus, but please remember when you book it, to
> > remember
> > > > that it's still August.
> > >
> > > good point, thanks! I don't know what calendar I got that original
> > > date from. :)
> > >
> > > how about 12noon to 3pm on sat august 29 PST?
> > >
> > > I think that is 7pm-10pm GMT
> > >
> > > does that work for folks?
> > >
> > > here's a link
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > you can visit link anytime and test your video & audio and see a
> > > countdown to your local time (sign in as guest to view)
> > >
> > > markus
> > >
> > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
> >
> >
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[videoblogging] Does give stats on Itune views?

2009-08-25 Thread jimmystroud
I am uploading videos to my Blip.Tv account and was wondering if I will be able 
to get stats on how often my videos have been downloaded. Does anyone know?


[videoblogging] Blip.Tv and Tivo

2009-08-25 Thread jimmystroud
I noticed that distributes to Tivo upon approval. Does anyone on this 
list have a show that was uploaded to and later made watchable via 
Tivo? VERY curious...


Re: [videoblogging] Re: Weekly virtual meetups

2009-08-25 Thread Lauren Galanter
i can do that time this sat. so that's be 3-6pm Eastern...


Lauren Galanter

On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 7:03 AM, thefauxpress  wrote:

> --- In ,
> Markus Sandy  wrote:
> >
> > On Aug 24, 2009, at 5:32 PM, Paul Knight wrote:
> >
> > > Go for it Markus, but please remember when you book it, to remember
> > > that it's still August.
> >
> > good point, thanks! I don't know what calendar I got that original
> > date from. :)
> >
> > how about 12noon to 3pm on sat august 29 PST?
> >
> > I think that is 7pm-10pm GMT
> >
> > does that work for folks?
> >
> > here's a link
> >
> >
> >
> > you can visit link anytime and test your video & audio and see a
> > countdown to your local time (sign in as guest to view)
> >
> > markus
> >
> >
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
> Psych.
> Jan

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [videoblogging] Guess Who's Back, back again, knighties back, tell a friend.

2009-08-25 Thread Pete Prodoehl

Welcome back!

I've been upload more videos lately...

Mainly right here:

That is all.

(I've been so busy, I haven't had to time interact much with the 
community, but I still lurk now and then...)

Pete wrote:
> It's almost been two years now since the last time I was in here, a lot has 
> changed and a lot of your prophesies have come to fruition.
> Hi Guys and Gals,
> Paul Knight from PJKproductions, back and ready to start all over, I am in 
> need of tips and tricks to get some of you lovely people watching the videos 
> I create and how to market them to others.  In concentrating on other things 
> I have forgotten most of the tricks we used to use, so I'll be posting and 
> commenting quite regularly now, and you will find that as for my behavior it 
> has toned down because I have discovered facebook a great tool for venting my 
> frustrations.
> I still have the same old Blogspot, please 
> don't be afraid to view it and some of my videos to find out what I am all 
> about, mainly it's just home made stuff, edited using FCE, (imovie really 
> sucks now,) trying out different techniques and adding special effects from 
> third party sources that usually people wouldn't use for vlogging.
> That's my introduction, hopefully those who remember me, accept me with open 
> arms and to all the new people, new as in joined within the last 2 years, I 
> anticipate watching your vids with a new found appetite.
> Loves
> Simples
> Paul

Re: [videoblogging] Re: Youtube and HTML5

2009-08-25 Thread Jay dedman
> I am returning due to these technologies sparking my interest, along with
> the looming release of Snow Leopard which Im sure will give me something to
> talk about.

Welcome back Steve. It's been a while.

>That youtube demo is interesting, especially when I compare CPU use. The html 
>5 example uses way less CPU than the flash >version of youtube. With a busy 
>site like youtube, this has the capacity to reduce waste of electricity in 
>quite a big way.

Im also interested to see what Google does with On2 and their newer
codecs. It might be a year till we see anything since Google is
currently in a lawsuit with the On2 shareholders (they claim they paid
too little).

Remember that Google is making a big play in the mobile
getting videos to play on the iPhone might not be that important. Im
sure itll come in stages.

But as you say, I bet Google bought On2 to try to reduce patent
fees...and electricty use.


917 371 6790

[videoblogging] Re: Weekly virtual meetups

2009-08-25 Thread thefauxpress
--- In, Markus Sandy  wrote:
> On Aug 24, 2009, at 5:32 PM, Paul Knight wrote:
> > Go for it Markus, but please remember when you book it, to remember
> > that it's still August.
> good point, thanks! I don't know what calendar I got that original  
> date from. :)
> how about 12noon to 3pm on sat august 29 PST?
> I think that is 7pm-10pm GMT
> does that work for folks?
> here's a link
> you can visit link anytime and test your video & audio and see a  
> countdown to your local time (sign in as guest to view)
> markus
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Re: [videoblogging] Weekly virtual meetups

2009-08-25 Thread Rupert Howe
Also... in Britain, it's 8pm to 11pm, because we're on British Summer  
Time at the moment, not GMT.

On 25-Aug-09, at 11:44 AM, Rupert Howe wrote:

> Works for me - I'm staying at my parents' house this weekend - so I'll
> try to join with a glass of scotch after I've put the kids to bed :)
> On 25-Aug-09, at 2:08 AM, Markus Sandy wrote:
> > On Aug 24, 2009, at 5:32 PM, Paul Knight wrote:
> >
> > > Go for it Markus, but please remember when you book it, to  
> remember
> > > that it's still August.
> >
> > good point, thanks! I don't know what calendar I got that original
> > date from. :)
> >
> > how about 12noon to 3pm on sat august 29 PST?
> >
> > I think that is 7pm-10pm GMT
> >
> > does that work for folks?
> >
> > here's a link
> >
> >
> >
> > you can visit link anytime and test your video & audio and see a
> > countdown to your local time (sign in as guest to view)
> >
> > markus
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
> >
> >
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [videoblogging] Weekly virtual meetups

2009-08-25 Thread Rupert Howe
Works for me - I'm staying at my parents' house this weekend - so I'll  
try to join with a glass of scotch after I've put the kids to bed :)

On 25-Aug-09, at 2:08 AM, Markus Sandy wrote:

> On Aug 24, 2009, at 5:32 PM, Paul Knight wrote:
> > Go for it Markus, but please remember when you book it, to remember
> > that it's still August.
> good point, thanks! I don't know what calendar I got that original
> date from. :)
> how about 12noon to 3pm on sat august 29 PST?
> I think that is 7pm-10pm GMT
> does that work for folks?
> here's a link
> you can visit link anytime and test your video & audio and see a
> countdown to your local time (sign in as guest to view)
> markus
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [videoblogging] Editing HD Video w Vegas on a Laptop

2009-08-25 Thread Rupert Howe
I'm surprised that you're having problems with 2.1ghz core 2 duo and 3  
gig of ram.
I've edited Xacti clips with Vegas on a Lenovo with a lower spec than  
The fact that your SD clips are also jerky and out of sync makes me  
wonder if you have something running/installed on your system that's  
causing the problem.

Try turning off *everything* else: shutting down all the startup  
programs - find them in your Startup folder and in the icons at bottom  
right of screen.   The Task Manager will also show you all the  
processes running, and lets you End them.

Also try using an external monitor.  Editing programs like having lots  
of screen space to play in, and don't like overlapping windows or  
scaled-down playback windows.

A cleanup is always worthwhile - defrag the disk, maybe.  Though  
probably not the issue here.

If none of that works, try completely uninstalling Vegas and then  
reinstalling it without all the bells and whistles - see if you can do  
a really basic install.


On 25-Aug-09, at 3:45 AM, Jocelyn Ford wrote:

> Hi--
> I'm a radio broadcaster who is a newbie to video, and not much of a  
> techie.
> I'm trying to run Sony Vegas 8.0 on my Lenovo x61 thinkpad (Intel  
> core 2 duo cpu T8100 , 2.10 Ghz, 795 Mhz, 2.97 GB RAM) but the video  
> is jerky, and the audio and video are not in sync.
> I'm shooting HD AVCHD on the Canon Vixia HF100. I've tried Vegas  
> with low-quality SD (from an old Sanyo xacti) and it's also jerky  
> and out of sync.
> Should my x61 thinkpad be able to handle editing this on Vegas? If  
> so, any suggestions where to begin trouble shooting?
> If not, what light-weight laptop would do the job? Ideally, I'd like  
> to be able to file from the field. (I'm based in Beijing and  
> sometimes find myself on very cramped buses in the hinterlands, and  
> don't want to be loaded down with heavy equipment.)
> I'd like to stick with Vegas, but may switch to Mac /FPC if I can't  
> find a workable lightweight solution. All advice welcome!
> Jocelyn
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[videoblogging] LiveStage Pro - does anybody have a copy they don't use anymore?

2009-08-25 Thread Rupert Howe
I really need a copy of LiveStage Pro, but Totally Hip appear to have  
gone out of business.  Their site is still up there, but you can't  
access any of the trial download or support sections without a  
password, and they don't reply to emails.  I don't know of any other  
interactive QuickTime authoring tools.
Does anyone have a copy they don't use?  Please email me offlist.

rupert at twittervlog dot tv