Hello Heath,
depends on what type of video you want to shoot? Standard definition
or HD. . .
For my money, I love my Canon GL2. At the time, it had the mosdt
powerful optic zoom (20X) that allows me to put myself on-stage from
the back section of an auditorium during a recital, cantata, or play.
It individual audio controls for each channel of its audio tracks. I
am very satisfied with it - the only drawback. Does not do well in low
light - not as well as a Sony, perhaps - but it does have great range
to dim situations. I've filmed during the active part of a dance
concert using the exposure control on the camera. . . with a dark
result that would be expected under any dance concert performance.

If you're looking for HD, I'm certain you'll get comments from others
before long.
When I go looking for one myself, I think I'll stay in the Canon
family; the GL2 is a great quality product for the price; so I would
pay a little more for sticking with the Canon family, no doubt.

Until that time. . .  Earl J.

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "Heath" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So, Jay, Ryanne, Bill, David, Rupert, Cheryl and anyone else who has 
> knowledge let me know what you think....and if anyone uses a 
> paticular camera let me know...
> Thanks!
> Heath
> http://batmangeek.com

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