Greetings everyone: My name is Kent Bye, and I'm working on an open
source, investigative documentary about how the television news media
became an uncritical echo chamber to the countdown towards war in Iraq.

And the collaborative tools and techniques that I use to produce the
film will hopefully provide some viable alternatives to the diet of
infotainment currently being served up by the mass media.

We've interviewed 68 people over the last year about where the media is
at and where it's going, and I'm in the process of open sourcing the
text of all of these interviews in order to further explore options for
both large-scale and smaller peer-to-peer collaboration.

Anyway, I lay out my vision in my first vlog entry -- with links to
supplemental blog postings in the text transcript.

Features: Jay Rosen, Dan Gillmor, Doc Searls, Jonathan Landay, Pamela
Hess, Bill Plante, Halley Suitt, Marilyn Schlitz and Kent Bye.

Look forward to hearing your feedback and insights!

-Kent Bye.
Director, The Echo Chamber Project
Blog Subscription:
Vlog Subscription:

PS: At least one person has informed me of having troubles with my RSS
feed in FireANT.
It seems to work in iTunes.
Let me know if you're having similar problems.


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