Well, I like the scratch and sniff test myself.

Just on what you described I have questions. There is a difference
between being a sales rep and a content producer. What are they asking
you to do?  If if just being a sales rep then why do you have to give
them money to sell their product/service?

If you are content producer what are you getting for your investment?
It has to be more than web hosting or is that the service you are
purchasing? You produce content and pay $$$ for what?

Are you being pressured to "do it now?" Cuz if you are then it ain't
about the possibilities but the reality of getting your money now. If
it is any good it will be here next month, six months from now or a
year. What's your hurry bub? 

Another thing I would do is put the company's name into Google and do
a search. See how many places they have posted this particular
opportunity and for how long. Are they spamming folks? Seeding
newsgroups and forums? Are they any unhappy campers that float to the
surface? If you comeback with a 1.5 million hits you or this
opportunity may not be as special as you thought.

I don't know if this is true for Australia but I would find out where
these folks are located and check the local Better Business Bureau. In
California I can go to the State Attorney's office and check out
current fraud alerts. 

I got more questions but I'm learning to cut myself off at three. 
Ok, it was six questions but it is a process. 

Be safe,


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "bordercollieaustralianshepherd"
> Hello all. 
> I ran across a company that is using network marketing to recruit reps
> and make sales. What I like most about this company is all the pieces
> are there for a video producer/blogger to build not only a following
> but earn income by branding their content. The company has a marketing
> plan that matches it's global reach. The cost seems high until you do
> the numbers. 
> So my question before I figuratively hit myself in the forehead with a
> hammer is:
> Should I make this a "Contact me off list if you are interested" post?
> I like Youtube. Blip.tv much more. Revver has revenue sharing. 
> I do NOT want to be spamming here. I really think this company has all
> of the potential that lacks in other's platforms and offerings.
> Thank you for your opinion.
> Dave

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