Instead of thinking of one page to draw your followers to all of your videos, 
what if the search through the archives could be done randomly or by chance?
Think of your site being a smaller version of YouTube. They come for one video, 
but you offer several more to go along with it.

This is what I envision:
 ___________ __
|           |__|
|  MIKE'S   |__|

You have your featured video on your page.
1) Below it would be thumbnail links to related videos; other videos that share 
the same tags or category as the featured entry.
2) Your page border to the right might have thumbnail links to your most 
popular videos. 
3) Perhaps above that you could have random selection from all your videos.
4) Perhaps there are thumbnail links to videos you did 2 or 3 years ago on this 

The good news is this could be closer then you think to being a reality. Now 
this solution isn't going to work with the vlogger that has 10 videos, but for 
those of us that have accumulated lots of content over the years, it should 
work out well.


--- In, "hpbatman7" <heathpa...@...> wrote:
> I have been thinking this morning, always dangerous I know, anyway I see 
> there has been a lot of discussion again on the best way for vloggers to 
> create an archive page.  
> Well as I said, it got me thinking and I would like to know what would make 
> you view my archive?  I mean no matter how I set up an archive page, what 
> would make anyone want to sit back and just watch all of my 400 or so  and 
> counting video's?  
> How could I even show that on a page? 400 and counting thumbnails?  Would a 
> 60x60 little picture pique your interest enough to select a random archive 
> video and watch it? 
> I think before any "solution" can be created we as vloggers have to answer 
> these questions first.  Or am I just smoking crack?  
> I am also begining to think that an archive is becoming more and more of a 
> very personal thing for each vlogger and what works for one may not work for 
> everyone, which is why it's good to have choices...
> Anyway any thoughts?
> Heath

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