BBC Science Collection Now Available with Digital Site Licenses!
Recommended by NSTA

What Time Is It?
Do we really know what time it is? CERN physicist Professor Brian Cox
unlocks the secrets of time in this entertaining and informative program.
His journey starts with the Sun, our historical dictator of time, but Brian
discovers that the world doesn¹t always spin like clockwork ­ in fact, it
flutters, like an irregular heartbeat.
What Darwin Didn't Know
Honoring the 150th anniversary of the publication of Darwin¹s revolutionary,
Origin of Species, this BBC special confirms how the advance of science has
exonerated Darwin¹s theory of evolution.
Darwin: The Life & Legacy
Part one this BBC portrait of Charles Darwin focuses on his early life and
influences tracing his maturation as a naturalist from his birth in
Shrewsbury, England to the publication of his key work the Origin of
"...a fascinating, thought-provoking treatment of how Darwin¹s theory is
altering the very idea of human nature." *** Recommended Video Librarian
Digital Site License Fees for the BBC Science Collection:
one semester: $399
one year: $599
three years: $999
five years: $1,999
perpetuity: $3,000
A digital site license allows a college, university or library to encode and
locally host the file and stream to their community on a closed system for
the term of the license.
For more information please contact Mallory Jacobs, Non Theatrical Manager
at or call 212.629.6880.  Follow us on twitter:

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