[Vietlug] Ho?i dda'p

2004-11-30 Hội thoại Cao Van Khanh
Ca'c anh cho em ho?i :
- Suse 9.2 dda~ ve^` VN chu+a ( cu. the^? la` o+? HN co' the^? mua hoa(.c
download o+? dda^u ) . Em ddo+.i la^u qua' cha(?ng tha^'y gi` ca? .

- Ba?n Stable cu?a Debian 3.1 Sarge bao gio+` ddu+o+.c co^ng bo^' .

Ca'm o+n ca'c anh 

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Re: [Vietlug] Vietnamese spelling checker

2004-11-30 Hội thoại Hoang Tuan Quynh
On Tue, 30 Nov 2004 06:40:11 + (GMT), pclouds [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 ddu+o+.c. Ti`m ddu+o+.c thua^.t gia?i to^'t ddo`i ho?i pha?i na('m ca?
 ngo^n ngu+~ ho.c va ` tin ho.c. Bo+?i vi` ne^'u ko ai pha't trie^?n
 the^m ddu+o+.c thi` cu~ng cha(?ng tha` ko release. That's why i post it
 here :)
Ba'c cu+' tri`nh ba`y thua^.t gia?i, may ra co' ai co' sa'ng kie^'n,
thua^.t gia?i kha'c :-) Chu+a ca^`n release source vo^.i.


Em Quy`nh

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Re: [Vietlug] Ho?i dda'p

2004-11-30 Hội thoại Larry Nguyen
Hi Kha'nh,

On 7:03:19 am 11/30/04 Cao Van Khanh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ca'c anh cho em ho?i :
 - Suse 9.2 dda~ ve^` VN chu+a ( cu. the^? la` o+? HN co' the^? mua
 hoa(.c download o+? dda^u ) . Em ddo+.i la^u qua' cha(?ng tha^'y gi`
 ca? .

Nghe no'i chairuou ddang burn ISOs.

 - Ba?n Stable cu?a Debian 3.1 Sarge bao gio+` ddu+o+.c co^ng bo^' .

 Ca'm o+n ca'c anh



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Re: [Vietlug] Ca`i Sarge to+'i ddu+o+.c Nha.n Mo^n Quan

2004-11-30 Hội thoại HeHe
cha`o ba'c khai :)
ba'c thu+? ti`m file 'xinitrc' da^u do' trong /etc thi` pha?i
va` ba'c copy tha`nh '.xinitrc' trong $HOME cu?a ba'c tho^i
ne^'u ba'c thi'ch fluxbox thi` the^m no' va`o
hoa(.c ba'c 
$which fluxbox
va` the^m do`ng
exec /path/to/fluxbox
va`o cuo^'i la` ok

On Tue, 30 Nov 2004 13:23:28 +0700, mkh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Tuesday 30 November 2004 05:19 am, Pham Kim Long wrote:
 Hi Long!
  1. Boot va`o X ngay: Hie^.n nay co' ve? nhu+ ba'c dda~ co' xdm ro^`i (vi`
  ba'c dda~ boot va`o X ngay). DDo^`ng tho+`i ba'c co' ca? fluxbox va` kde\.
  Va^.y ba'c ne^n du`ng gdm hoa(.c kdm thay cho xdm. gdm/kdm se~ cho ba'c
  cho.n Window Manager (WM) lu'c login. Ca'ch na`y la` de^~ nha^'t.
 Ma^'y ho^m nay vi` tie^'c cu?a ddo+`i (dda~ get tu`m lum, hie^.n df=1,4GB!)
 ne^n mi`nh chu+~a tri. gio^'ng kie^?u tha^`y lang bo^'c thuo^'c, cu+' nho+'
 hay bie^'t le^.nh na`o la` phang tu+o+'i va`o. Ke^'t qua? la`:
 - boot va`o dde^'n text mode dden si`, go~ root + paswwd ro^`i ddu+'ng la.i.
 - Go~ startx thi` no' nha'ng le^n ma^'y ca'i, sau do ra tho^ng ba'o kho^ng
 cha.y ddu+o+.c ca'i xserver.
 - Go~ startxfce4 kho^ng co' gi` (nhung co' install va`o ro^`i)
 - Go~ icewm khong co' gi`
 - Go~ exec fluxbox, no' cu+. nu+. la` pha?i startx tru+o+'c ro^`i mo+'i cha.y
 ddu+o+.c fluxbox.
  2. Ne^'u ba'c va^~n muo^'n boot va`o X va` giu+~ xdm nhu+ hie^.n nay (theo
  cha'u la` kho^ng ne^n), thi` ba'c su+?a file ~/.xsession. Ne^'u muo^'n KDE
  thi` cho startkde va`o ddo', ne^'u muo^'n fluxbox thi` cho fluxbox va`o\.
  Ba'c nho+' make sure .xsession la` executable\.
 A` a` co' khi no' cha.y kho^ng ddu+o+.c la` vi` ma^'y ca'i ddo' chu+a
  3. Kho^ng boot va`o X ngay\. Debian kho^ng nhu+ dda so^' ca'c distro kha'c,
  su+?a /etc/inittab cu~ng kho^ng a(n thua\. Ba'c pha?i disable ca'i *dm ma`
  ba'c ddang du`ng mo+'i ddu+o+.c. Vi' du. dde^? bo? xdm ma` kho^ng ca^`n
  uninstall thi` du`ng: $ update-rc.d -f xdm remove
  (lu'c na`o ba'c muo^'n re-enable thi` dpkg-reconfigure xdm)
 He`n gi`! Mi`nh su+?a initab cho^~ id:2: tha`nh 3,4,5,S lung tung ma` tha^'y
 cha(?ng co' phe^ gi` ca?, boot va`o mo^.t ho^`i la` no' ngu+ng dde^?  ho?i
 runlevel: ?
  Sau khi bo? ro^`i thi` ba'c cha.y X ba(`ng startx. Startx no' cho.n WM tu+`
  dda^u thi` cha'u kho^ng cha('c la('m (vi` la^u ro^`i kho^ng du`ng), hi`nh
  nhu+ la` ~/.xinitrc hay ~/.Xclients . Ba'c nhe't starkde hay fluxbox va`o
  ma^'y file ddo'.
 Tuye^.t la('m. Sau dda^y se~ cho uo^'ng ma^'y thang na`y xem be^.nh ti`nh ra
 sao. Ca'm o+n nhie^`u.
 Sarge 3.1 CD go^`m ma^'y di~a? Cho xin ca'i ddi.a chi? tuye^.t ddo^'i cu?a
 no'. Va` ne^'u co' the^?, cho mi`nh xin ca'i ddi.a chi? na`o dde^? dda(.t mua
 no'? Co' le~ to^'t nha^'t la` ba?o mua mo^.t bo^. ca^`m ve^` thi` cha('c a(n
 ho+n la` lo` mo` download o+? que^ nha`!
 m k h _ s g n
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Re: [Vietlug] Hoi bac Viet Bach va Larry

2004-11-30 Hội thoại Viet Bach

Ba'c la`m o+n ho?i list, cho+' ddu+`ng ho?i ddi'ch danh to^i
vi` to^i kho^ng the^? theo do~i thu+o+`ng xuye^n.  To^i cu~ng
chi? bie^'t va`i thu+' tre^n RedHat, pha^`n lo+'n mu` ti.t.

Co`n vie^.c ba'c ddu+o+ng muo^'n la`m thi` co' ve? tha^'t sa'ch.
Ca'i ma` ba'c die^~n ta? la` port forwarding tu+` Internet IP 
va`o ma.ng no^.i bo^., nghia~ la` ta.o cu+?a cho ngu+o+`i ngoa`i
xa^m nha^.p!

Ne^'u ba'c co' 1 server trong ma.ng no^.i bo^. dde^? cung ca^'p 
web services nhu+ mail hay web thi` ba'c pha?i la`m 1 vu`ng DMZ
dde^? chu+'a ma'y ddo'.  Ba'c the^m va`o ma'y Linux server 1 ca.c 
ma.ng nu+~a la` ta.o ddu+o+.c DMZ.  Search tre^n google 
firewall dmz port forwarding hay coi trang shorewall.net, 
chi~ da^~n ra^'t tu+o+`ng ta^.n.


PS:  Pha?i gia?i quye^'t IP conflict ba(`ng DNS cho+' kho^ng ai
gia?i quye^'t ba(`ng IP alias ca?.  IP alias chi? dde^? cho ISP
du`ng trong tru+o+`ng ho+.p dda(.c bie^.t nhu+ virtual hosting ma`

--- Quang Nguyen Dang [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 |*#ifconfig eth0*
 |*#ifconfig eth0:1*
 |*#ifconfig eth0:2*
 Cam on bac Viet Bach da chi giup cai lenh tren, qua that hay that
 day, dung y cua minh, no co hieu luc ngay ma khong can phai restart
 lai thiet bi :) Nhu vay tu bay gio khong phai lo chuyen bi IP
 CONFLICT nua roi.
 Tien day hoi luon cac bac co bac nao chi giup tan tinh lap domain cho
 Workgroup tren LINUX REDHAT 9.0 chi giup minh, co hinh anh kem theo
 thi cang tot. Minh dinh lam Domain kieu giong Windows Server de an
 toan bao mat nhung tren LINUX minh khong biet lam nhu the nao. Mong
 cac cau thu chi giup.
 Tien day cau hoi nay danh cho nhung dai cao thu nhu Larry va Viet
 Minh co 1 dedicated IP, Local ETH0: ETH1: 195.xxx.xxx.xx
 Trong Lan co 1 may tinh khac cung noi bo voi ETH0:
 Minh hien gio muon Routing cai 195.xxx.xxx.xx ma khi truy cap tu
 Internet se chi thang den chu khong phai Co bac nao
 co cao kien gi khong nhi? Xin tan tinh chi giup.
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Read only the mail you want - Yahoo! Mail SpamGuard. 

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Re: [Vietlug] Lam the nao de cai dat domain cho Linux ?

2004-11-30 Hội thoại HeHe

On Tue, 30 Nov 2004 06:51:05 +0900 (JST), Bit Takeshi
 --- Larry Nguyen [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  On 11:34:40 am 11/29/04 Quang Nguyen Dang
   |Minh dang dung Linux Redhat 9.0 muon chuyen qua
  domain ma ko dung
   mang ngang hang thi phai cau hinh the nao? Windows
  Users co the login
   vao duoc ko? Xin cac ban chi giup. Co hinh anh
  cang tot.
  Mi`nh 0 co' hi`nh nhu+ng ca'i ba'c ca^`n co' le~
  Linux go.i la` How to set
  up Samba as primary domain controller.
  Ba'c co' the^? search tre^n http://search.yahoo.com
  DDa^y la` mo^.t vi' du.
 Anh Larry gio?i tha^.t Em ddo.c ca^u ho?i ma` kho^ng
 hie^?u 1 ti' teo gi`, chu+a no'i gi` dde^'n vie^.c ddu+a
 ra solution nhu+ anh, cho du` chi? la` search.yahoo.com :)
 Hi N, mi`nh recommend google.com :) to^'t ho+n
 search.yahoo.com cu?a anh Larry nhie^`u
 Yahoo! JAPAN Redribbon Campaign
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Re: Re[2]: [Vietlug] Lam the nao de cai dat domain cho Linux ?

2004-11-30 Hội thoại newmail
samba thi` tha(`ng na`o ma` cha? co' cho+' redhat debian gi` o+? dda^y ca^.u :)
cu+' thu+? google ddi dda~ 

On Tue, 30 Nov 2004 19:28:17 +0300, Quang Nguyen Dang [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Cai nay la Debian roi, bac co cai danh cho LINUX REDHAT ko?
 -Original Message-
 From: Larry Nguyen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Mon, 29 Nov 2004 12:25:14 -0600
 Subject: Re: [Vietlug] Lam the nao de cai dat domain cho Linux ?
 |On 11:34:40 am 11/29/04 Quang Nguyen Dang [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 | |Minh dang dung Linux Redhat 9.0 muon chuyen qua domain ma ko dung
 | mang ngang hang thi phai cau hinh the nao? Windows Users co the login
 | vao duoc ko? Xin cac ban chi giup. Co hinh anh cang tot.
 |Mi`nh 0 co' hi`nh nhu+ng ca'i ba'c ca^`n co' le~ Linux go.i la` How to set
 |up Samba as primary domain controller.
 |Ba'c co' the^? search tre^n http://search.yahoo.com
 |DDa^y la` mo^.t vi' du.
 |SF email is sponsored by - The IT Product Guide
 |Read honest  candid reviews on hundreds of IT Products from real users.
 |Discover which products truly live up to the hype. Start reading now.
 |VietLUG-users mailing list
 SF email is sponsored by - The IT Product Guide
 Read honest  candid reviews on hundreds of IT Products from real users.
 Discover which products truly live up to the hype. Start reading now.
 VietLUG-users mailing list

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Re: [Off-Topic] Re: [Vietlug] Burn Linux CD !

2004-11-30 Hội thoại James Nguyen
On Sun, 28 Nov 2004 11:16:28 -0600, Larry Nguyen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi James,
 Ne^'u ba'c 0 ha`i lo`ng ML, vui lo`ng unsubscribe. List na`y 0 muo^'n co'
 nhu+~ng ngu+o+`i pha't bie^?u vo^ ca(n cu+' nhu+ ba'c.
 Ba'c la` ngu+o+`i hie^?u bie^'t ve^` tin ho.c, dda~ vie^'t bao nhie^u howto
 dde^? hu+o+'ng da^~n ngu+o+`i du`ng ma` kho^ng bie^'t xem SourceForge
 status page hay i't nha^'t xem vnlinux.org  dda~ co' tho^ng ba'o ML bi.
 tru.c tra(.c? Ne^'u mi`nh nho+' 0 la^`m, ba'c co' SF account ma` ta.i sao
 la.i 0 login dde^? xem trong pha^`n Support, VieLUG mailing list kho^ng
 pha?i la` list duy nha^'t bi. va^'n dde^` na`y.
 Ba'c chi? muo^'n post nhu+~ng lo+`i dde^? tre^u tro.c ca' nha^n? Please
 stop this. I have more important things to do than to sit there and make
 fun of other people like you do.
 Mong ba'c post le^n list na`y nhu+~ng gi` co' gia' tri.Flaming ngu+o+`i
 kha'c nhu+ the^' thi` cha? hay ho chi.

O+`, cu~ng ta.i ba'c nghi ngo+` tui tru+o+'c, nhu+ va^`y

Ddi.nh lo+ ddi, nhu+ng nghi~ ML na`y co' archive. Dda`nh tra? lo+`i mo^.t
ca'i, nho+~ sau na`y co' ai theo do~i archive cu~ng bie^'t su+. ti`nh.

James Nguyen, Phedora

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Re: [Vietlug] Ho?i dda'p

2004-11-30 Hội thoại Dinh Duong Ha
Cao Van Khanh wrote:
Ca'c anh cho em ho?i :
- Suse 9.2 dda~ ve^` VN chu+a ( cu. the^? la` o+? HN co' the^? mua hoa(.c
download o+? dda^u ) . Em ddo+.i la^u qua' cha(?ng tha^'y gi` ca? .

File ISO dda~ ve^` dde^'n Ha` No^.i ru`i\.
Khoa?ng ba ho^m nu+~a thi` tui se~ chuye^?n cho to^?ng dda.i ly' (so^' 2 
Lo` DDu'c) tho^ng qua chairuou.
DDo.c ca'i na`y tha^'y ma('c cu+o+`i qua':
Logical Volume Manager 2.0 ddu+o+.c coi la` tri`nh qua?n ly' a^m thanh :))

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Re: [Vietlug] a better way to install bittorrent

2004-11-30 Hội thoại Tran Vu Hung
Nguyen Thanh Bien wrote:
$btdown file.torrent

Co' bandwidth co' kha'c ha? ? 0 limit bao nhie^u upload a? :) Mi`nh hay
du`ng --max-uploads 2

/me turn on pf tha`nh: 
pass out quick on $ext_if proto tcp from $mylan to any keep state keep frags
block in all
block out all
ne^n cha?ng co' upload ti' na`o ca? ;)

nho+' forward ca'i port tu+` 6899 de^'n 6999 ( hon 100 Ports) de^? ssett 
upload ba(`ng kho^ng ddi nha, cu~ng co' the^? du`ng netlimit dde^? set 
upload cu~ng ddu+o+\.c

theo to^i thi` dda~ down free ro^`i thi` cho ngu+o+`i ta chu't ddi?nh 
ddi, dda^u co' ma^'t gi` dda^u chu+', tui hay set upload tre^n 75%, 
tha^.t ra kho^ng pha?i set nhu+ va^.y nhu+ng da.o na`y, mi' tha(`ng ddo' 
no' kho^n la('m, muo^'n down thi` pha?i set 75% mo+'i down ddu+o+.c .

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Re: [Vietlug] a better way to install bittorrent

2004-11-30 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
--- Tran Vu Hung [EMAIL PROTECTED] $B$+$i$N%a%C%;!<%8!'(B
(B Nguyen Thanh Bien wrote:
(B nho+' forward ca'i port tu+` 6899 de^'n 6999 ( hon
(B 100 Ports) de^? ssett 
(B upload ba(`ng kho^ng ddi nha, cu~ng co' the^? du`ng
(B netlimit dde^? set 
(B upload cu~ng ddu+o+\.c
(B theo to^i thi` dda~ down free ro^`i thi` cho
(B ngu+o+`i ta chu't ddi?nh 
(B ddi, dda^u co' ma^'t gi` dda^u chu+', tui hay set
(B upload tre^n 75%, 
(B tha^.t ra kho^ng pha?i set nhu+ va^.y nhu+ng da.o
(B na`y, mi' tha(`ng ddo' 
(B no' kho^n la('m, muo^'n down thi` pha?i set 75%
(B mo+'i down ddu+o+.c .
(BMi`nh tie^'t lo^. 1 tho^ng tin bi' ma^.t nhe':
(BBie^n la` thanh nie^n Hai Pho`ng chi'nh go^'c, ho.c Tra^`n
(BPhu'. Cha('c ca'c ba'c bie^'t dda^y la` mo^.t truo+`ng
(Btrung ho.c no^?i tie^'ng tre^n toa`n quo^'c.
(BOk, ba^y gio+` quay la.i chuye^.n torrent. Theo mi`nh
(Bbie^'t thi` share rate i't nha^'t pha?i la` 1.0 thi` mi`nh
(Bmo+'i ne^n ta('t torrent ddi. Cho bao nhie^u nha^.n ba^'y
(Bnhie^u ma`.
(BThu+? la`m 1 phe'p ti'nh ddo+n gia?n: Vh seed 1 file
(Bsuse9.2pro.dvd.iso va` 10 nguo+`i download. Va^.y co' 11x1
(Biso dvd. 10 ngu+o+`i na`y share vo+'i rate la` 1.0. Gia?
(Bsu+? sau 2 nga`y se~ d/l xong ca'i dvd iso ddo' thi` cu~ng
(Bsau 2 nga`y, se~ co'the^m 10 dvd :) Va^.y no' ta(ng theo
(Bca^'p so^' co^.ng nhi?
(BCa'c ba'c xem cho em truo+`ng ho+.p share rate != 1.0
(BSorry vi` ho+i off topic mo^.t ti'
(BVu Hung
(BYahoo! JAPAN Redribbon Campaign
(BSF email is sponsored by - The IT Product Guide
(BRead honest  candid reviews on hundreds of IT Products from real users.
(BDiscover which products truly live up to the hype. Start reading now. 
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

suse 9.2 pro [was : Re: [Vietlug] Ho?i dda'p

2004-11-30 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
--- Dinh Duong Ha [EMAIL PROTECTED] $B$+$i$N%a%C%;!<%8!'(B
(B Cao Van Khanh wrote:
(B Ca'c anh cho em ho?i :
(B - Suse 9.2 dda~ ve^` VN chu+a ( cu. the^? la` o+?
(B HN co' the^? mua hoa(.c
(B download o+? dda^u ) . Em ddo+.i la^u qua' cha(?ng
(B tha^'y gi` ca? .
(BNe^'u ba.n na`o thi'ch d/l thi` 
(Bftp: aoc4life.ddo.jp
(B http://vnexpress.net/Vietnam/Vi-tinh/2004/11/3B9D9129/
(BYahoo! JAPAN Redribbon Campaign
(BSF email is sponsored by - The IT Product Guide
(BRead honest  candid reviews on hundreds of IT Products from real users.
(BDiscover which products truly live up to the hype. Start reading now. 
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

[Vietlug] hide apache 1.3.x fingerprint

2004-11-30 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
Hi ca'c ba'c, 
(BEm check apache server cu?a mi`nh thi` tha^'y netcraft
(BApache/1.3.27 (Unix) (Red-Hat/Linux) mod_ssl/2.8.4
(BOpenSSL/0.9.6b DAV/1.0.2 PHP/4.3.9 mod_perl/1.24_01 
(BVa^.y la`m sao dde^? hide tho^ng tin na`y kho^ng cho
(Bnetcraft scan nhi? Tre^n apache 2.x thi` "Header set
(BServer" la` ok. Va^.y tre^n Apache 1.3.x thi` ngoa`i ca'c
(Bedit httpd.h va` recompile co`n ca'ch na`o ddo+n gia?n
(Bho+n kho^ng ca'c ba'c?
(BVu Hung
(BYahoo! JAPAN Redribbon Campaign
(BSF email is sponsored by - The IT Product Guide
(BRead honest  candid reviews on hundreds of IT Products from real users.
(BDiscover which products truly live up to the hype. Start reading now. 
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

RE: [Vietlug] Ho?i dda'p

2004-11-30 Hội thoại Bien
 DDo.c ca'i na`y tha^'y ma('c cu+o+`i qua':
 Logical Volume Manager 2.0 ddu+o+.c coi la` tri`nh qua?n ly' a^m thanh 
 :)) [OT]

Cha(?ng nhu+~ng nha^`m ca'i LVM na`y, ca? site coi cu~ng xa^'u o`m, chu+~
Vie^.t loa.ng qua.ng, thua xa VietLUG. Ne^u ra dde^? ru't kinh nghie^.m
tho^i: ta.i ho. xa`i font none unicode hay ta.i ca'i gi`? Ai bie^'t gia?ng
m k h _ s g n

Ba'c view source thi` se~ tha^'y dda.i loa.i nhu+:

S#7921; c#7841;nh tranh gi#7919;a hai nh#224; ph#225;t tri#7875;n 

Co`n website cua vnlinux.org/sitemoi thi ngon hon

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on hundreds of IT Products from real users.
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