Re: [Vietlug] weird ping -c 2

2005-03-04 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
(BSao mi`nh la.i ddi ping broadcast address nhi?
(BXin lo^~i ca'c ba'c.
(B--- Bit Takeshi [EMAIL PROTECTED] $B$+$i$N%a%C%;(B
(B Ca'c ba'c thu+? gia?i thi'ch vi` sao em cha.y ping
(B -c 2
(B ma` output ra nhie^`u the^' na`y
(B FreeBSD 4.9, 
(B --
(B PING ( 56 data bytes
(B 64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=255
(B time=0.214
(B ms
(B 64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=255
(B time=0.277
(B ms (DUP!)
(B 64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=64
(B time=0.285
(B ms (DUP!)
(B 64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=255
(B time=0.291
(B ms (DUP!)
(B 64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=255
(B time=0.296
(B ms (DUP!)
(B 64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=255
(B time=0.324
(B ms (DUP!)
(B 64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=255
(B time=0.378
(B ms (DUP!)
(B 64 bytes from xx.xx.xx.xx: icmp_seq=0 ttl=255
(B time=0.566
(B ms (DUP!)
(B 64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=64
(B time=0.632
(B ms (DUP!)
(B 64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=255
(B time=0.992
(B ms (DUP!)
(B 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=255
(B time=0.154
(B ms
(B --- ping statistics ---
(B 2 packets transmitted, 2 packets received, +9
(B duplicates,
(B 0% packet loss
(B round-trip min/avg/max/stddev =
(B 0.154/0.401/0.992/0.230 ms
(B [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~$alias  | grep ping
(B alias ping='ping -c 2'
(B [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~$/sbin/ifconfig
(B fxp0:
(B mtu 1500
(B  inet netmask 0xff80
(B broadcast
(B  inet6 3ffe:501:839:2903::2 prefixlen 64
(B  atalk 65280.179 range 0-65534 phase 2
(B broadcast
(B 0.255
(B  ether 00:30:48:21:b6:38
(B  media: Ethernet autoselect (100baseTX
(B full-duplex)
(B  status: active
(B ---
(B __
(B Let's Celebrate Together!
(B Yahoo! JAPAN
(B ---
(B SF email is sponsored by - The IT Product Guide
(B Read honest  candid reviews on hundreds of IT
(B Products from real users.
(B Discover which products truly live up to the hype.
(B Start reading now.
(B ___
(B VietLUG-users mailing list
(BLet's Celebrate Together!
(BYahoo! JAPAN
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(BRead honest  candid reviews on hundreds of IT Products from real users.
(BDiscover which products truly live up to the hype. Start reading now.
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

[Vietlug] weird ping -c 2

2005-03-03 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
Ca'c ba'c thu+? gia?i thi'ch vi` sao em cha.y ping -c 2
(Bma` output ra nhie^`u the^' na`y
(BFreeBSD 4.9, 
(BPING ( 56 data bytes
(B64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=255 time=0.214
(B64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=255 time=0.277
(Bms (DUP!)
(B64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=0.285
(Bms (DUP!)
(B64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=255 time=0.291
(Bms (DUP!)
(B64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=255 time=0.296
(Bms (DUP!)
(B64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=255 time=0.324
(Bms (DUP!)
(B64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=255 time=0.378
(Bms (DUP!)
(B64 bytes from xx.xx.xx.xx: icmp_seq=0 ttl=255 time=0.566
(Bms (DUP!)
(B64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=0.632
(Bms (DUP!)
(B64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=255 time=0.992
(Bms (DUP!)
(B64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=255 time=0.154
(B--- ping statistics ---
(B2 packets transmitted, 2 packets received, +9 duplicates,
(B0% packet loss
(Bround-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 0.154/0.401/0.992/0.230 ms
(B[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~$alias  | grep ping
(Balias ping='ping -c 2'
(B[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~$/sbin/ifconfig
(Bmtu 1500
(Binet netmask 0xff80 broadcast
(Binet6 3ffe:501:839:2903::2 prefixlen 64
(Batalk 65280.179 range 0-65534 phase 2 broadcast
(Bether 00:30:48:21:b6:38
(Bmedia: Ethernet autoselect (100baseTX
(Bstatus: active
(BLet's Celebrate Together!
(BYahoo! JAPAN
(BSF email is sponsored by - The IT Product Guide
(BRead honest  candid reviews on hundreds of IT Products from real users.
(BDiscover which products truly live up to the hype. Start reading now.
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

[Vietlug] watchlog: kernel mode warnings + modprobe warning

2005-03-02 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
 Ca'c ba'c bie^'t la` co' chuye^.n gi` xa?y ra vo+'I ma'y
(Bcu?a em kho^ng? Hay ddo+n thua^`n chi? la` non-security
(Bwarning? DDa^y la` warning la` logwatch reported to^'i
(BMa'y em cha.y redhat 9, kernel 2.6.x
(B- Kernel Begin
(BWARNING:  Kernel Errors Present
(B Error: Illegal request...:  1Time(s)
(B   end_request: I/O error, dev 02:00 (flop...:  1Time(s)
(B   end_request: I/O error, dev 02:01 (flop...:  1Time(s)
(B   hda: packet command error: error=0x54...:  1Time(s)
(B   hda: packet command error: status=0x51 { D...: 
(B1 Time(s):   "1b 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 "
(B1 Time(s):   Invalid field in command packet -- (asc=0x24,
(B1 Time(s):   The failed "Start/Stop Unit" packet command
(B1 Time(s): (c) 1993-1996 Bas Laarhoven ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
(B1 Time(s): (c) 1995-1996 Kai Harrekilde-Petersen
(B1 Time(s): (c) 1996, 1997 Claus-Justus Heine 
(B1 Time(s): (c) 1996-1997 Claus-Justus Heine 
(B1 Time(s): ATAPI device hda:
(B2 Time(s): Compiled for Linux version 2.4.20-8smp with
(Bversioned symbols
(B1 Time(s): IA-32 Microcode Update Driver: v1.11
(B1 Time(s): IrCOMM protocol (Dag Brattli)
(B17 Time(s): Linux agpgart interface v0.99 (c) Jeff
(B1 Time(s): QIC-117 driver for QIC-40/80/3010/3020 floppy
(Btape drives
(B1 Time(s): Support for QIC-113 compatible volume table,
(Bdynamic memory 
(B1 Time(s): [000] ftape-init.c (ftape_init) - installing
(BQIC-117 floppy tape 
(Bhardware drive ... .
(B1 Time(s): [001] ftape-init.c (ftape_init) - ftape_init @
(B1 Time(s): [002]   ftape-buffer.c (add_one_buffer) -
(Bbuffer nr #1 @ 
(Be1419680, dma area @ c0f58000.
(B1 Time(s): [003]   ftape-buffer.c (add_one_buffer) -
(Bbuffer nr #2 @ 
(Bf775df80, dma area @ c0d48000.
(B1 Time(s): [004]   ftape-buffer.c (add_one_buffer) -
(Bbuffer nr #3 @ 
(Bf2dc5b00, dma area @ c08a.
(B1 Time(s): [005]   ftape-calibr.c (time_inb) - inb()
(Bduration: 1134 nsec.
(B1 Time(s): [006]  ftape-calibr.c (ftape_calibrate) - TC
(B`ftape_udelay()' = 59 nsec (at 40959 counts).
(B1 Time(s): [007]  ftape-calibr.c (ftape_calibrate) - TC
(Bfor `fdc_wait()' = 
(B2514 nsec (at 2559 counts).
(B1 Time(s): [008] zftape-init.c (zft_init) - zft_init @
(B1 Time(s): [009] zftape-init.c (zft_init) - installing
(Bzftape VFS interface 
(Bfor ftape driver 
(B1 Time(s): [010] fdc-io.c (fdc_config) - fdc base:
(B0x3f0, irq: 6, dma: 
(B1 Time(s): [011]  fdc-io.c (fdc_config_regs) -
(Bfailed: -16.
(B1 Time(s): [012] fdc-io.c (fdc_config) -
(Bft_fdc_irq, ft_fdc_dma) failed: -16.
(B1 Time(s): [013]fdc-io.c (fdc_init) - fdc_config()
(Bfailed: -16.
(B1 Time(s): [014]   ftape-ctl.c
(B(ftape_enable_Rsmp_7ec0d5d4) - fdc_init() 
(Bfailed: -16.
(B1 Time(s): [015]  zftape-ctl.c (_zft_open) - ftape_enable
(Bfailed: -16.
(B1 Time(s): [016] zftape-init.c (zft_open) - _ftape_open
(B17 Time(s): agpgart: Maximum main memory to use for agp
(Bmemory: 941M
(B1 Time(s): and builtin compression (lzrw3 algorithm).
(B1 Time(s): cdrom: open failed.
(B1 Time(s): ftape v3.04d 25/11/97
(B1 Time(s): loop: loaded (max 8 devices)
(B2 Time(s): tty_io.c: process 10124 (scp) used obsolete
(B/dev/cua - update 
(Bsoftware to use /dev/ttyS0
(B1 Time(s): tty_io.c: process 10124 (scp) used obsolete
(B/dev/cua - update 
(Bsoftware to use /dev/ttyS1
(B1 Time(s): tty_io.c: process 10124 (scp) used obsolete
(B/dev/cua - update 
(Bsoftware to use /dev/ttyS2
(B1 Time(s): tty_io.c: process 10124 (scp) used obsolete
(B/dev/cua - update 
(Bsoftware to use /dev/ttyS3
(B1 Time(s): vfs interface for ftape floppy tape driver.
(B1 Time(s): zftape for ftape v3.04d 25/11/97
(B -- Kernel End
(B - ModProbe Begin
(BCan't locate these modules:
(B   char-major-166: 2 Time(s)
(B   char-major-10-134: 17 Time(s)
(B   char-major-219: 1 Time(s)
(B   block-major-86: 2 Time(s)
(B   char-major-10-150: 1 Time(s)
(B   block-major-56: 1 Time(s)
(B   fb14: 16 Time(s)
(B   char-major-10-209: 16 Time(s)
(B   block-major-89: 1 Time(s)
(B   char-major-101: 17 Time(s)
(B   char-major-13-64: 1 Time(s)
(B   fb26: 16 Time(s)
(B   block-major-91: 1 Time(s)
(B   fb11: 16 Time(s)
(B   fb25: 16 Time(s)
(B   char-major-10-128: 17 Time(s)
(B   char-major-10-164: 1 Time(s)
(B   block-major-109: 18 Time(s)
(B   fb16: 16 Time(s)
(B   fb13: 16 Time(s)
(B   block-major-107: 17 Time(s)
(B   char-major-45: 1 Time(s)
(B   block-major-15: 16 Time(s)
(B   block-major-29: 16 Time(s)
(B   block-major-41: 16 Time(s)

Re: [Vietlug] cd-r/dvd-r backup

2005-02-22 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
--- Larry Nguyen [EMAIL PROTECTED] $B$+$i$N%a%C%;!<%8!'(B
(B On 10:35:40 pm 02/20/05 Bit Takeshi
(B  Hi ca? nha`,
(B  Nga`y xu+a ba'c rd @visc co' chi? cho em mo^.t
(B ca'i tool
(B  dde^? backup system va`o cd-r. Nhu+ng la^u ro^`i
(B em kho^ng
(B  co` nho+' te^n cu?a no' nu+~a. Vu+`a ro^`i search
(B o+?
(B  tre^n google, ra nhie^`u hits qua' ta!
(B Hi Hu+ng,
(B Du`ng tar :) 0 bie^'t co' pha?i ca'i ni 0.
(BKHo^ng pha?i la` ca'i na`y anh larry a. Hie^.n ta.i co^ng
(Bti em ddang xem xe't 3 options
(B1. Backup qua scp sang mo^.t host kha'c trong network
(B2. Backup ba(`ng tape
(B3. Backup ra dvd-r
(B2. co' pha?i la` gia?i pha'p to^'t nha^'t va` ddo+n gia?n
(Bnha^'t kho^ng anh L? Em thi` muo^'n du`ng 3 dde^? backup
(Bsystem files. Vo+' du+~ lie^.u, vi` ra^'t nhie^`u movies
(Bcho mobiles ne^n co' le~ pha?i du`ng 1 and/or 2
(BMong anh va` ba'c ba'c cho va`i tips.
(Bvu hung
(BLet's Celebrate Together!
(BYahoo! JAPAN
(BSF email is sponsored by - The IT Product Guide
(BRead honest  candid reviews on hundreds of IT Products from real users.
(BDiscover which products truly live up to the hype. Start reading now.
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

[Vietlug] cd-r/dvd-r backup

2005-02-20 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
Hi ca? nha`,
(BNga`y xu+a ba'c rd @visc co' chi? cho em mo^.t ca'i tool
(Bdde^? backup system va`o cd-r. Nhu+ng la^u ro^`i em kho^ng
(Bco` nho+' te^n cu?a no' nu+~a. Vu+`a ro^`i search o+?
(Btre^n google, ra nhie^`u hits qua' ta!
(BMa'y em cha.y redhat 9, khoa?ng 4.5GB kho^ng ke^? data
(Bne^n co' le~ co' the^? backup va`o DVD-R mo^~i la^`n.
(BMong ca'c ba'c giu'p ddo+~
(BLet's Celebrate Together!
(BYahoo! JAPAN
(BSF email is sponsored by - The IT Product Guide
(BRead honest  candid reviews on hundreds of IT Products from real users.
(BDiscover which products truly live up to the hype. Start reading now.
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] nagios contact setting

2005-02-18 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
--- ctkien [EMAIL PROTECTED] $B$+$i$N%a%C%;!<%8!'(B
(B Chac la` tai. bac' dung tab hoac phim' cach' thoi 
(B thoi, thu copy file em
(B dinh kem` xem
(BDa. kho^ng pha?i the^',
(Bfile misccommands.cfg cu?a em la` empty, kho^ng define
(Bca'i notify-by-email va` nhu+~Ng cmd tu+o+ng tu+. ne^n bi.
(BEm fix dduo+.c ro^`i, nagios ddang cha.y ngon la`nh!
(B - Original Message -
(B From: "Bit Takeshi" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(B To:
(B Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2005 11:55 PM
(B Subject: [Vietlug] nagios contact setting
(B  Chao ca? nha`,
(B  Em cha.y latest nagios tre^n redhat 9.
(B  Vo+'i file contacts.cfg nhu+ sau
(B  -
(B  define contact{
(B   contact_name  nagios
(B   alias  Nagios
(B Admin
(B   service_notification_period  24x7
(B   host_notification_period  24x7
(B   service_notification_options  w,u,c,r
(B   host_notification_options  d,u,r
(B   service_notification_commands 
(B notify-by-email
(B   host_notification_commands
(B  host-notify-by-email
(B   email
(B   }
(B  --
(B  va` cha.y
(B  #/usr/local/nagios/bin/nagios -v
(B  /usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg
(B  thi` bi. ba'o lo^~i
(B  -
(B  Checking contacts...
(B  Error: Service notification command
(B 'notify-by-email'
(B  specified for contact 'nagios' is not defined
(B anywhere!
(B  Error: Host notification command
(B 'host-notify-by-email'
(B  specified for contact 'nagios' is not defined
(B anywhere!
(B   Checked 1 contacts.
(B  -
(B  Kho^ng bie^'t la` syntax cu?a no' sai o+? cho^~
(B la`o nhi?
(B  thx
(B  __
(B  Let's Celebrate Together!
(B  Yahoo! JAPAN
(B ---
(B  SF email is sponsored by - The IT Product Guide
(B  Read honest  candid reviews on hundreds of IT
(B Products from real users.
(B  Discover which products truly live up to the hype.
(B Start reading now.
(B  ___
(B  VietLUG-users mailing list
(B  --
(B  No virus found in this incoming message.
(B  Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
(B  Version: 7.0.289 / Virus Database: 265.8.8 -
(B Release Date: 2/14/2005
(B ATTACHMENT part 2 application/octet-stream
(BLet's Celebrate Together!
(BYahoo! JAPAN
(BSF email is sponsored by - The IT Product Guide
(BRead honest  candid reviews on hundreds of IT Products from real users.
(BDiscover which products truly live up to the hype. Start reading now.
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

[Vietlug] nagios contact setting

2005-02-17 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
Chao ca? nha`,
(BEm cha.y latest nagios tre^n redhat 9. 
(BVo+'i file contacts.cfg nhu+ sau
(Bdefine contact{
(Balias   Nagios Admin
(Bservice_notification_period 24x7
(Bhost_notification_options   d,u,r
(Bservice_notification_commands   notify-by-email
(Bva` cha.y 
(B#/usr/local/nagios/bin/nagios -v
(Bthi` bi. ba'o lo^~i
(BChecking contacts...
(BError: Service notification command 'notify-by-email'
(Bspecified for contact 'nagios' is not defined anywhere!
(BError: Host notification command 'host-notify-by-email'
(Bspecified for contact 'nagios' is not defined anywhere!
(BChecked 1 contacts.
(BKho^ng bie^'t la` syntax cu?a no' sai o+? cho^~ la`o nhi?
(BLet's Celebrate Together!
(BYahoo! JAPAN
(BSF email is sponsored by - The IT Product Guide
(BRead honest  candid reviews on hundreds of IT Products from real users.
(BDiscover which products truly live up to the hype. Start reading now.
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] perl cgi 500 internal error, apache 2.0.5

2005-02-08 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
--- James Nguyen [EMAIL PROTECTED] $B$+$i$N%a%C%;!<%8!'(B
(BHi`nh nhu+ web server cu?a ba'c co' va^'n dde^`
(B vo+'i suEXEC.
(B Thu+? disable suEXEC xem co' gia?i quye^'t ddu+o+.c
(B kho^ng
(B mv /usr/sbin/suexec /usr/sbin/suexec.bak
(BVH mv va^.y va` no' work ro^`i!
(BThank you
(BLet's Celebrate Together!
(BYahoo! JAPAN
(BSF email is sponsored by - The IT Product Guide
(BRead honest  candid reviews on hundreds of IT Products from real users.
(BDiscover which products truly live up to the hype. Start reading now.
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] perl cgi 500 internal error, apache 2.0.5

2005-02-04 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
--- Thai Duong [EMAIL PROTECTED] $B$+$i$N%a%C%;!<%8!'(B
(B Thu+? coi error_log cu?a apache xem xem no' ba'o
(B lo^~i gi`. Tui cha.y
(B to^'t, cu~ng la` FC3, Apache 2.x, cha.y CGI trong
(B UserDir luo^n.
(B --Thai
(Bi ba'c Tha'i, em cha.y tail -f error_log va` mo+? 1 file 
(B.cgi tu+` webbrowser ra thi` tha^'y ba'o:
(B[Fri Feb 04 17:16:02 2005] [error] [client x.x.x.x]
(BPremature end of script headers: index.cgi
(BTrong access_log thi` tha^'y ba'o
(Bx.x.x.x - - [04/Feb/2005:17:10:30 +0900] "GET
(B/~vuhung/index.cgi HTTP/1.1" 500 547
(Bx.x.x.x - - [04/Feb/2005:17:10:30 +0900] "GET
(B/~vuhung/index.cgi HTTP/1.1" 500 547
(BMong ba'c chi? gia'o.
(B On Tue, 1 Feb 2005 18:46:59 +0900 (JST), Bit Takeshi
(B  Cha`o ca? nha`,
(B  Em ca`i apache 2.0.5 tre^n FC3, trong httpd.conf
(B set:
(B  UserDir html
(B   Directory /home/*/html
(B   IfModule mod_dir.c
(B   DirectoryIndex index.html
(B index.htm
(B  index.shtml index.cgi index.php
(B   /IfModule
(B   Options FollowSymLinks MultiViews
(B +ExecCGI
(B  Includes
(B   AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
(B   AllowOverride All
(B   Order allow,deny
(B   Allow from all
(B   /Directory
(B  DDe^'n dda^y thi` em nghi~ co' the^? du`ng
(B  http://myhost/~user/file.html va`
(B  http://myhost/~user/file.cgi
(B  Nhu+ng thu+.c te^' chi?
(B http://myhost/~user/file.html la`
(B  mo+? dduo+.c, co`n khi open
(B  http://myhost/~user/file.cgi
(B  thi` bi. ba'o lo^~i Internal Server Error 500.
(B  Gia?i pha'p ddo^'i pho' ta.m tho+`i la` the^m
(B do`ng sau
(B  va`o httpd.conf
(B  Alias /~usertest /home/usertest/html
(B  Nghi~a la` cu+' mo^~i la^`n the^m 1 user thi`
(B pha?i add
(B  the^m 1 do`ng nhu+ the^'. Foo!
(B  Ca'c ba'c co' ca'ch na`o ma` kho^ng pha?i du`ng
(B Alias
(B  /~usertest /home/usertest/html kho^ng nhi?
(B  Thx ca'c ba'c
(B  vu Hung
(B  __
(B  Let's Celebrate Together!
(B  Yahoo! JAPAN
(B ---
(B  This SF.Net email is sponsored by: IntelliVIEW --
(B Interactive Reporting
(B  Tool for open source databases. Create drag--drop
(B reports. Save time
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(B  ___
(B  VietLUG-users mailing list
(B ---
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(B Interactive Reporting
(B Tool for open source databases. Create drag--drop
(B reports. Save time
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(B VietLUG-users mailing list
(BLet's Celebrate Together!
(BYahoo! JAPAN
(BThis SF.Net email is sponsored by: IntelliVIEW -- Interactive Reporting
(BTool for open source databases. Create drag--drop reports. Save time
(Bby over 75%! Publish reports on the web. Export to DOC, XLS, RTF, etc.
(BDownload a FREE copy at
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

[Vietlug] change terminal color

2005-02-03 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
hi all,
(BLa`m ca'ch na`o dde^? ddo^?i dduo+.c ma`u xanh cu?a ma^'y
(Bca'i comments nhi?
(BDda^y la` ma`n hi`nh khi cha.y "vi config.php". Ca'i ma`u
(Bxanh ho+i kho' nhi`n. Ca? khi "ls" thi` nhu+~ng folder
(Bcu~ng hie^.n la` ma`u xanh...
(BLet's Celebrate Together!
(BYahoo! JAPAN
(BThis SF.Net email is sponsored by: IntelliVIEW -- Interactive Reporting
(BTool for open source databases. Create drag--drop reports. Save time
(Bby over 75%! Publish reports on the web. Export to DOC, XLS, RTF, etc.
(BDownload a FREE copy at
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] perl cgi 500 internal error, apache 2.0.5

2005-02-02 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
--- HoangNam [EMAIL PROTECTED] $B$+$i$N%a%C%;!<(B
(B UserDir html
(B Directory /home/*/public_html
(B  AllowOverride FileInfo AuthConfig Limit
(B  Options MultiViews Indexes SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
(B IncludesNoExec +ExecCGI
(B /Directory
(B DirectoryIndex index.html index.htm index.php
(B index.cgi
(B AddHandler cgi-script .cgi .pl
(Bhtml va` public_html,
(BKha'c nhau nhu+ the^' cha.y la`m sao dduo+.c
(BBtw ca'c ba'c, thu+' 6 em se~ post log le^n. apache server
(Btu+` truo+'c dde^'n nay admin dda(.t kho^ng cho log!!
(BVu Hung
(BLet's Celebrate Together!
(BYahoo! JAPAN
(BThis SF.Net email is sponsored by: IntelliVIEW -- Interactive Reporting
(BTool for open source databases. Create drag--drop reports. Save time
(Bby over 75%! Publish reports on the web. Export to DOC, XLS, RTF, etc.
(BDownload a FREE copy at
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] Hoi ve mot thong bao khi cai dat

2005-02-02 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] $B$+$i$N%a%C%;!<%8!'(B
(B Hi Debian Users!
(B Khi to^i ca`i Sarge Netinst base-system, sau ddo'
(B la`m thu? co^ng copy 
(B all deb file va`o */var/cache/apt/archives* va`
(B cha.y *dpkg ./*.deb* thi` :
(B sau mo^.t ho^`i co' tho^ng ba'o:
(B *perl : warning falling back to the standard local
(B ("C")
(B Setting local fail
(B Please chech that your locale setting
(B Language=en_US:en_gb
(B LC_ALL=(unset)*
(BNhu+~ng tho^ng ba'o nhu+ the^' na`y VH nghi~ la` co' the^?
(Bbo? qua, chi? la` warning cu?a Perl, kho^ng pha?i lo^~i
(BLet's Celebrate Together!
(BYahoo! JAPAN
(BThis SF.Net email is sponsored by: IntelliVIEW -- Interactive Reporting
(BTool for open source databases. Create drag--drop reports. Save time
(Bby over 75%! Publish reports on the web. Export to DOC, XLS, RTF, etc.
(BDownload a FREE copy at
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] Tie^'p tu.c KDE

2004-12-16 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
--- Nigel Nguyen [EMAIL PROTECTED] $B$+$i$N%a%C%;!<(B
(B Larry: i don't think I've time from now till
(B christmas, as I got tons of
(B stuff to cover until then :) afterward, I can start
(B on translating. But
(B I'd like to ask if I pickup a package, how can i let
(B ur guys knows :)
(B and once finished who I return to :)
(BAi module na`o thi` anh Larry quye^'t ddi.nh nhe'.
(BBa'c cho+` le^.nh cu?a anh Larry.
(B2 modules quan nha^'t la`
(Bkdebase va` kdelibs[1]. Hai modules na`y ne^n luo^n dde^?
(B100% completed!!Nhu+~ng modules co`n la.i thi` ne^n chia
(BDo You Yahoo!?
(BUpgrade Your Life
(BSF email is sponsored by - The IT Product Guide
(BRead honest  candid reviews on hundreds of IT Products from real users.
(BDiscover which products truly live up to the hype. Start reading now. 
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] [ot] :sad

2004-12-11 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
--- Foo Bar [EMAIL PROTECTED] $B$+$i$N%a%C%;!<%8!'(B
(B xo'a bo? no^ng tho^n thi` ga.o dda^u ma` a(n. 
(B so+. dde^m ngu? co^`n ca`o  :(
(BEm ddie^?m la.i nhu+~ng tha`nh vie^n ki` cu+.u cu?a
(BVietlug nhe'
(B1. a. Larry( Mi~)
(B2. a. Quy'( Bi?)
(B3. a. So+n( DDu+'c)
(B4. a. anh Trie^'t( U'c).
(B6. a. Hoa`ng( Canada ...)
(BNe^'u kho^ng co' ga.o thi` ta nha^.p lu'a mi` tu+` ha?i
(Bngoa.i cu~ng dduo+.c a. :)
(BYahoo! JAPAN Redribbon Campaign
(BSF email is sponsored by - The IT Product Guide
(BRead honest  candid reviews on hundreds of IT Products from real users.
(BDiscover which products truly live up to the hype. Start reading now. 
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] Thay doi /network trong Knoppix

2004-12-09 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
--- maikhai [EMAIL PROTECTED] $B$+$i$N%a%C%;!<%8!'(B
(B Hi All!
(B Vi` tha^'y Yoper co' ve? nhu+ va`o kha' nhanh,
(B ne^n tui thu+? 
(B la^'y /etc/init.d/networking cu?a no' rename tha`nh
(B ra /network vo^`i copy 
(B dde` le^n /etc/init.d/network cu?a Knoppix.
(B Sa khi reboot, va`o Firefox thi` . . . cu~ng va^.y,
(B cha? nhanh gi` ho+n khi 
(B cha.y ba(`ng /etc/init.d/network chi'nh go^'c cu?a
(B no'. 
(BBa'c co' hie^?u ro~ la` ba'c ddang la`m gi` kho^ng a.?
(BNe^'u kho^ng thi` Vh nghi~ ne^n giu+~ nguye^n nhu*~ng file
(Bconfig cu?a he^. tho^'ng kie^?u nhu+ the^'. DDo^.ng  va`o
(Bteo ma'y nhu+ cho+i.
(BYe^'u to^' quye^'t ddi.nh dde^? nhanh hay cha^.m internet
(Bla` browser. afaik.
(B Ca'c ba.n cho ho?i:
(B 1/ La`m cho+i mo^.t pha't nhu+ va^.y co' xa^m pha.m
(B ca'i gi` kho^ng?
(BCo' the^? la` kho^ng co' the^? la` co'. Kha? na(ng lo+'n 
(Bla` co' ;).
(B 2/ Tha^.t su+. thi` thay ddo^?i nhu+ the^' co' a?nh
(B hu+o+?ng ky~ thua^.t gi` 
(B ddo^'i vo+'i toa`n bo^. he^. tho^'ng bi. thay
(B ddo^?i?
(BLa^`n na`y ba'c may ma('n :)
(BYahoo! JAPAN Redribbon Campaign
(BSF email is sponsored by - The IT Product Guide
(BRead honest  candid reviews on hundreds of IT Products from real users.
(BDiscover which products truly live up to the hype. Start reading now. 
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

[Vietlug] [ot] :sad

2004-12-09 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
Da.o na`y vietlug buo^`n qua' nhi? 
(BToa`n noobs tho^i, guruz cha.y ddi dda^u he^'t ca? ro^`i.
(BDDo.c emails pha't cha'n luo^n. Kho^ng ma^'y ai chi.u
(Bvu hung
(BYahoo! JAPAN Redribbon Campaign
(BSF email is sponsored by - The IT Product Guide
(BRead honest  candid reviews on hundreds of IT Products from real users.
(BDiscover which products truly live up to the hype. Start reading now. 
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] Ca^'u hi`nh Apache ????

2004-12-06 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
--- newmail [EMAIL PROTECTED] $B$+$i$N%a%C%;!<%8!'(B
(B Hi` ha`, hi` hu.c la`m ca'i web cho tha(`ng em
(B cha.y thu+? coi bo^. cu~ng dde.p la('m
(B nhu+ng khi em qua mo^.t ma'y kha'c truy ca^.p va`o
(B thu+? thi` kho^ng
(B the^? na`o xem ddu+o+.c,
(B browser chi? nha^.n ddu+o+.c chu+~ va` chu+~ co`n
(B hi`nh a?nh thi` cu+'
(B ba'o la` co' download nhu+ng xong ro^'i thi` kho^ng
(B co' hi`nh gi`
(B he^'t tro+n a' to`an x va` x
(B coi tre^n localhost va^~n ok
(B em nghi~ cha('c ta.i cu apache nhu+ng ho^?ng bie^'t
(B la` ta.i ca'i cho^~ na`o
(B ba'c na`o co' the^? giu'p em kho^ng ?
(BBa.n save thu+? 1 file .html ba(`ng IE va` post le^n dda^y
(Bxem na`o.
(BNho+' 1 ddie^`u la` tre^n unix, chu+~ hoa chu+~a thuo+`ng
(Bkha'c nhau, co`n tre^n Windows thi` kho^ng pha^n bie^.t
(Bva` nhie^`u khi file extension la` .JPG ma` no' va^~n
(Bhie^.n ra la` .jpg. Chuo^'i cha~.
(BYahoo! JAPAN Redribbon Campaign
(BSF email is sponsored by - The IT Product Guide
(BRead honest  candid reviews on hundreds of IT Products from real users.
(BDiscover which products truly live up to the hype. Start reading now. 
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] OT : Gia dia trang tai Phap

2004-12-04 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
--- maikhai [EMAIL PROTECTED] $B$+$i$N%a%C%;!<%8!'(B
(B [OT]
(B Hi All!
(B Trong mo^.t email cu?a cu. Hoa`n, tha^'y  co' ke^
(B gi'a tie^`n di~a tra('ng o+? 
(B Pha'p. Post le^n dda^y cho ba` con tham kha?o ma`
(B ddi buo^n:
(B   DDi cho+. ve^` ca?i chi'nh gia' tie^`n cho ba'c
(B hay
(B   dvd+R 8x 
(B 16eur/5ddia
(B   dvd+RW 4x
(B 36eur/5dia
(B   cd-R 40x 
(B 19,9eur/20dia
(BDDa('t qua',
(B Be^n Nha^.t na`y, loa.i DVD+/-R loa.i re? chi? khoa?ng
(B300Yen( ~ 3USD) 10 disks. Loa.i na`y du`ng khoa?ng lie^n
(Btu.c khoa?ng 3 nga`y la` kho^ng ddo.c dduo+.c du+~ lie^.u.
(B Loa.i dda('t, du`ng dduo+.c la^u, thuo+`ng la` backup
(Bthi` 100-400Yen/disks. Loa.i no'i o+? tre^n cha('c la`
(Bloa.i xi.n ro^`i.!
(BYahoo! JAPAN Redribbon Campaign
(BSF email is sponsored by - The IT Product Guide
(BRead honest  candid reviews on hundreds of IT Products from real users.
(BDiscover which products truly live up to the hype. Start reading now. 
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] Config Telnet va FTP server trong RH LInux9?????

2004-12-04 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
Not a smart question :)
(B--- Bachthuchi [EMAIL PROTECTED] $B$+$i$N%a%C%;!<%8!'(B
(B Hi ALL,
(B Trong RHLinux9 tui dda config telnet (start is OK)
(B and ...vsftpd start is 
(B OK.
(BStart nhu+ the^' na`o? Ok nghi~ la` nhu+ the^' na`o?
(BFixed /etc/xinetd.d va` restarted /etc/init.d/xinetd?
(BBtw, vsftpd kho^ng lie^n quan gi` vo+'i telnet server o+?
(B  nhuwng khi telnet tuw` moot. PC Win2K hoa(c du`ng
(B NC commander thi`
(B ddeu ko the? Login vi` toa`n thoong ba'o sai pass.
(B (user va` pass ddeu 
(B du'ng).
(BBa'c thu+? telnet tu+` telnet.exe cu?a win2k. Kho+?i
(Bddo^.ng tru*.c tie^'p tu+` cmd.exe.
(BBa'c thu+? ssh va`o, ro^`i cha.y 
(B#tail -f /var/log/message
(BSau kho' login ba(`ng telnet. Sau khi bi. ba'o sai passwd,
(Bswtich wa ci' ssh window dde^? xem no' ba'o lo^~i gi`.
(B Khi du`ng SSH thi` connect voo tuw ko vaan de` gi`.
(B ba` con co' ai tuwng` ga(p thi` chi? giu`m nhe'???
(BDu`ng ssh va^~n to^'t ho+n ne^'u kho^ng co' li' do gi`
(Bdda(.c bie^.t kha'c. 
(BYahoo! JAPAN Redribbon Campaign
(BSF email is sponsored by - The IT Product Guide
(BRead honest  candid reviews on hundreds of IT Products from real users.
(BDiscover which products truly live up to the hype. Start reading now. 
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] Thie^'t la^.p VPN trong vo`ng 15 phu't!

2004-12-04 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
--- Larry Nguyen [EMAIL PROTECTED] $B$+$i$N%a%C%;!<%8!'(B
(BAnh Larry gio+'i the^.u wa ve^` ca'ch setup OpenVPN thi`
(Bhay qua' nhi? 
(BYahoo! JAPAN Redribbon Campaign
(BSF email is sponsored by - The IT Product Guide
(BRead honest  candid reviews on hundreds of IT Products from real users.
(BDiscover which products truly live up to the hype. Start reading now. 
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] Config Telnet va FTP server trong RH LInux9?????

2004-12-04 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
--- Le Thanh Phong [EMAIL PROTECTED] $B$+$i$N%a%C%;!<%8!'(B
(B Va^'n de^` co' the^? na(`m o+? cho^~ :
(B - Telnet thi` kho^ng ma~ ho'a ca'i Password mi`nh
(B nha^.p va`o
(B co`n SSH thi` la.i ma~ ho'a password mi`nh nha^.p
(B va`o ... cho ne^n co'
(B the^? telnet da~ du+o+.c config la` mo^.t da^`u
(B du+o+.c ma~ ho'a co`n
(B da^`u kia thi` kho^ng.
(BDDe^'n dda^y thi` mi`Nh ddoa'n ra no' la`
(B/etc/xinetd.d/krb5-telnet :)
(BYahoo! JAPAN Redribbon Campaign
(BSF email is sponsored by - The IT Product Guide
(BRead honest  candid reviews on hundreds of IT Products from real users.
(BDiscover which products truly live up to the hype. Start reading now. 
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] Cau cuu bac Viet Bach va moi nguoi tiep

2004-12-02 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
(BFirst, mi`nh khuye^n ba.n ddo.c 
(BTheo mi`nh nghi~ mo^.t khi dda~ post le^n list thi`
(Bddu+`ng ghi subject la` "gu+?i rie^ng anh Larry" hay
(B"Ca^`u cu+'u ba'c Vie^.t Ba'ch". Ho. gia^.n dda^'y ;)
(BThu+' 2, VIQR pls. DDa^y la` rulez cu?a list, ba'c admin
(Bdda' ddi't ma^'y chu' vi` kho^ng chi.u go~ VIQR ro^`i
(Bdda^'y. just kidding ;)
(B--- Quang Nguyen Dang [EMAIL PROTECTED] $B$+$i$N%a%C%;!<%8(B
(B Theo nhu bac noi thi la giai quyet van de conflict
(B IP trong mang LAN thi phai dung den DNS nghia la
(B sao? O day trong mang LAN co nguoi co chu y muon doi
(B thanh IP cua Server Webservice the nen ko lam cach
(B nao de chan duoc. Mong bac chi giup cai, rat can do,
(B webservice cu chet hoai met qua. Khong hieu sao 1
(B van de nua la 1 may nao do trong LAN doi sang IP cua
(B may cung cap Webservice (Linux Redhat 9.0) thi khong
(B thay thong bao conflict ma tu dung la dung duoc ngay
(B dan den viec mat IP :(.
(BBa.n du`ng thu+? DHCP ddi, kho^ng bao gio+` bi. conflict
(Bca? Ne^'u va^~n bi. conflict thi` ...config la.i DHCP(
(Bdu`ng latest version nhe') hay e'p dde? IP qua MAC
(Baddress. Ca'i config na`o co' trong DHCP.
(B Bac da noi cai viec lam DMZ thi noi giup not voi,
(B lam cach nao de nhom lai nhom nay? Minh cung co 1
(B cai Wireless Route cung ho tro DMZ ma khong biet de
(B lam gi.
(BYahoo! JAPAN Redribbon Campaign
(BSF email is sponsored by - The IT Product Guide
(BRead honest  candid reviews on hundreds of IT Products from real users.
(BDiscover which products truly live up to the hype. Start reading now. 
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] VietLUG ezine mo+`i ddo'ng go'p ba`i vie^'t!

2004-12-02 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
--- pclouds [EMAIL PROTECTED] $B$+$i$N%a%C%;!<%8!'(B
(B On Mon, Nov 29, 2004 at 10:25:10PM -0600, Larry
(B Nguyen wrote:
(B  Vui lo`ng gu+?i ba`i ddo'ng go'p  dde^"n
(BHi anh Larry, P et al.
(BVh vie^'t ca'i na`y cho VCSJ va` XMLinux Project. Chu+a
(Bhoa`n tha`nh dda^u, va^~n beta tho^i. Ca'c ba'c go'p y'
(Bthe^m ve^` no^.i dung cho em dde^? em hoa`n tha`nh no^'t.
(BXin lo^~i .doc, OO co' the^? mo+? dduo+.c :)
(BYahoo! JAPAN Redribbon Campaign
(BSF email is sponsored by - The IT Product Guide
(BRead honest  candid reviews on hundreds of IT Products from real users.
(BDiscover which products truly live up to the hype. Start reading now. 
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

[resend]Re: [Vietlug] VietLUG ezine mo+`i ddo'ng go'p ba`i vie^'t!

2004-12-02 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
--- Bit Takeshi [EMAIL PROTECTED] $B$+$i$N%a%C%;(B
(B --- pclouds [EMAIL PROTECTED] $B$+$i$N%a%C%;!<%8!'(B
(B  On Mon, Nov 29, 2004 at 10:25:10PM -0600, Larry
(B  Nguyen wrote:
(B   Vui lo`ng gu+?i ba`i ddo'ng go'p  dde^"n
(B Hi anh Larry, P et al.
(B Vh vie^'t ca'i na`y cho VCSJ va` XMLinux Project.
(B Chu+a
(B hoa`n tha`nh dda^u, va^~n beta tho^i. Ca'c ba'c go'p
(B y'
(B the^m ve^` no^.i dung cho em dde^? em hoa`n tha`nh
(B no^'t.
(B Xin lo^~i .doc, OO co' the^? mo+? dduo+.c :)
(B Vh
(Bque^n ma^'t ca'i lien:
(BYahoo! JAPAN Redribbon Campaign
(BSF email is sponsored by - The IT Product Guide
(BRead honest  candid reviews on hundreds of IT Products from real users.
(BDiscover which products truly live up to the hype. Start reading now. 
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

[Vietlug] 64MB is enough?

2004-12-01 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
Hi ca'c ba'c,
(Bem nhi` ma` tu?i tha^n qua', 64MB co' ddu? cho 1 ca'i
(Ball-in-one server kho^ng nhi? Ca? ftp, http, mysql dde^`u
(Bca'c ba'c co' nghi~ em ne^n mua ma'y mo+'i kho^ng a.?
(B(redhat 7.x, kernel 2.4.20), celeron 500Mhz, 64MB RAM :)
(B[EMAIL PROTECTED] tmp]$ free
(B total   used   free shared   
(Bbuffers cached
(BMem: 60724  59904820  0 
(B25004  21412
(B-/+ buffers/cache:  13488  47236
(BSwap:   265064  11256 253808
(BYahoo! JAPAN Redribbon Campaign
(BSF email is sponsored by - The IT Product Guide
(BRead honest  candid reviews on hundreds of IT Products from real users.
(BDiscover which products truly live up to the hype. Start reading now. 
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] a better way to install bittorrent

2004-11-30 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
--- Tran Vu Hung [EMAIL PROTECTED] $B$+$i$N%a%C%;!<%8!'(B
(B Nguyen Thanh Bien wrote:
(B nho+' forward ca'i port tu+` 6899 de^'n 6999 ( hon
(B 100 Ports) de^? ssett 
(B upload ba(`ng kho^ng ddi nha, cu~ng co' the^? du`ng
(B netlimit dde^? set 
(B upload cu~ng ddu+o+\.c
(B theo to^i thi` dda~ down free ro^`i thi` cho
(B ngu+o+`i ta chu't ddi?nh 
(B ddi, dda^u co' ma^'t gi` dda^u chu+', tui hay set
(B upload tre^n 75%, 
(B tha^.t ra kho^ng pha?i set nhu+ va^.y nhu+ng da.o
(B na`y, mi' tha(`ng ddo' 
(B no' kho^n la('m, muo^'n down thi` pha?i set 75%
(B mo+'i down ddu+o+.c .
(BMi`nh tie^'t lo^. 1 tho^ng tin bi' ma^.t nhe':
(BBie^n la` thanh nie^n Hai Pho`ng chi'nh go^'c, ho.c Tra^`n
(BPhu'. Cha('c ca'c ba'c bie^'t dda^y la` mo^.t truo+`ng
(Btrung ho.c no^?i tie^'ng tre^n toa`n quo^'c.
(BOk, ba^y gio+` quay la.i chuye^.n torrent. Theo mi`nh
(Bbie^'t thi` share rate i't nha^'t pha?i la` 1.0 thi` mi`nh
(Bmo+'i ne^n ta('t torrent ddi. Cho bao nhie^u nha^.n ba^'y
(Bnhie^u ma`.
(BThu+? la`m 1 phe'p ti'nh ddo+n gia?n: Vh seed 1 file
(Bsuse9.2pro.dvd.iso va` 10 nguo+`i download. Va^.y co' 11x1
(Biso dvd. 10 ngu+o+`i na`y share vo+'i rate la` 1.0. Gia?
(Bsu+? sau 2 nga`y se~ d/l xong ca'i dvd iso ddo' thi` cu~ng
(Bsau 2 nga`y, se~ co'the^m 10 dvd :) Va^.y no' ta(ng theo
(Bca^'p so^' co^.ng nhi?
(BCa'c ba'c xem cho em truo+`ng ho+.p share rate != 1.0
(BSorry vi` ho+i off topic mo^.t ti'
(BVu Hung
(BYahoo! JAPAN Redribbon Campaign
(BSF email is sponsored by - The IT Product Guide
(BRead honest  candid reviews on hundreds of IT Products from real users.
(BDiscover which products truly live up to the hype. Start reading now. 
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

suse 9.2 pro [was : Re: [Vietlug] Ho?i dda'p

2004-11-30 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
--- Dinh Duong Ha [EMAIL PROTECTED] $B$+$i$N%a%C%;!<%8!'(B
(B Cao Van Khanh wrote:
(B Ca'c anh cho em ho?i :
(B - Suse 9.2 dda~ ve^` VN chu+a ( cu. the^? la` o+?
(B HN co' the^? mua hoa(.c
(B download o+? dda^u ) . Em ddo+.i la^u qua' cha(?ng
(B tha^'y gi` ca? .
(BNe^'u ba.n na`o thi'ch d/l thi` 
(BYahoo! JAPAN Redribbon Campaign
(BSF email is sponsored by - The IT Product Guide
(BRead honest  candid reviews on hundreds of IT Products from real users.
(BDiscover which products truly live up to the hype. Start reading now. 
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

[Vietlug] hide apache 1.3.x fingerprint

2004-11-30 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
Hi ca'c ba'c, 
(BEm check apache server cu?a mi`nh thi` tha^'y netcraft
(BApache/1.3.27 (Unix) (Red-Hat/Linux) mod_ssl/2.8.4
(BOpenSSL/0.9.6b DAV/1.0.2 PHP/4.3.9 mod_perl/1.24_01 
(BVa^.y la`m sao dde^? hide tho^ng tin na`y kho^ng cho
(Bnetcraft scan nhi? Tre^n apache 2.x thi` "Header set
(BServer" la` ok. Va^.y tre^n Apache 1.3.x thi` ngoa`i ca'c
(Bedit httpd.h va` recompile co`n ca'ch na`o ddo+n gia?n
(Bho+n kho^ng ca'c ba'c?
(BVu Hung
(BYahoo! JAPAN Redribbon Campaign
(BSF email is sponsored by - The IT Product Guide
(BRead honest  candid reviews on hundreds of IT Products from real users.
(BDiscover which products truly live up to the hype. Start reading now. 
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

[Vietlug] old system vo+'i zlib 1.1.3

2004-11-29 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
Hi ca? nha`.
(BEm ddang cha.y redhat 7.2( kernel 2.4.20, gcc 2.96) va`
(Bdu`ng zlib 1.1.3. DDa^y la` ba?n co' cirical bugs ne^n em
(Bmuo^'n chuye^?n sang zlib version mo+'i ho+n, i't nha^'t
(Bla` 1.1.4.
(BHie^.n ta.i em dda~ rebuild zlib 1.2.1 va`o /usr/local va`
(Brebuild latest openssh vo+'i zlib 1.2.1 cu~ng va`o
(BEm lo la` trong system co`n nhu+~ng binaries kha'c duo+.c
(Bbuild vo+'i old zlib 1.1.3 co' the^? se~ bi. lo+.i
( Va^.y la`m sao dde^? ti`m ra nhu+~ng binaries
(Bddo', and/or "e'p" chu'ng du`ng zlib mo+'i nhi? Vo+'i
(Bnhu+~ng binaries dduo+.c build statically vo+'i zlib 1.1.3
(Bthi` sao? Lie^.u co' trong redhat 7.2 kho^ng ca'c ba'c
(BYahoo! JAPAN Redribbon Campaign
(BSF email is sponsored by - The IT Product Guide
(BRead honest  candid reviews on hundreds of IT Products from real users.
(BDiscover which products truly live up to the hype. Start reading now. 
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] Re: [Off-Topic] Compare Admin and non-Admin

2004-11-29 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
--- BITguy [EMAIL PROTECTED] $B$+$i$N%a%C%;!<%8!'(B
(B Do.c xong chu.c  do`ng na`y em va^~n cha? hie^?u gi`
(B ca? Hie^?u mo^~i
(B do`ng umask va` chmod tho^i.
(By' cu?a nguo+`i vie^'t la` khuye^n ba'c admin Larry ne^n
(Bset umask= va` chmod 777 vo+'i Vietlug Mailing List
(BSo far, theo em thi` ba'c Larry ho+i "ddo^.c ta`i" mo^.t
(Bti' trong vie^.c qua?n li' va` vietlug ML.
(BNhu+ng, trong ti`nh hi`nh hie^.n nay thi` ddo^.c ta`i nhu+
(Bthe^' kho^ng pha?i la` 1 y' kie^'n to^`i. Ba'c Larry qua?n
(Bli' ra^'t to^'t. pha't trie^?n to^'t. DDo^.c
(Bta`i nhu+ kie^?u ba'c Kim hay Saddam thi` em pha?n ddo^'i,
(Bco`n vo+'i vnlinux thi` kho^ng.
(BYahoo! JAPAN Redribbon Campaign
(BSF email is sponsored by - The IT Product Guide
(BRead honest  candid reviews on hundreds of IT Products from real users.
(BDiscover which products truly live up to the hype. Start reading now. 
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] Burn Linux CD !

2004-11-27 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
--- Nguyen Thanh Bien [EMAIL PROTECTED] $B$+$i$N%a%C%;!<(B
(B On Fri, 26 Nov 2004 20:40:38 -0800 (PST), ryan
(B PS: ba'c ma` check mail ba(`ng fetchmail ro^`i ddo.c
(B qua vt100
(B terminal la` bie^'t ddu+o+.c ly' do ngay ma`
(Bbanned? anh Larry!!!
(BDo You Yahoo!?
(BUpgrade Your Life
(BSF email is sponsored by - The IT Product Guide
(BRead honest  candid reviews on hundreds of IT Products from real users.
(BDiscover which products truly live up to the hype. Start reading now. 
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [OFF OFF OFF TOPIC] Re: [Vietlug] RSS for FF LiveBookmark

2004-11-25 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
--- chairuou [EMAIL PROTECTED] $B$+$i$N%a%C%;!<%8!'(B
(B ho^`i be' ddi ho.c, ddu+o+.c ho.c ca^u chuye^.n ngu.
(B ngo^n ve^`
(B ngu+o+`i cha, 3 ddu+'a con va` bo' ddu~a
(BCa'c ba'c thu+? nhi`n la.i xem nhu+~ng tha`nh vie^n ki`
(Bcu+.u tu+` nhu+~ng na(m 99, 2000 hie^.n nay o+? dda^u nhi?
(BEm ra^'t quy' nhu+~ng nguo+`i co' tuo^?i hay xu+?
(Bsu+. nguo+`i lo+'n trong ML. Co`n forum thi` kha'c,
(Bnhie^`u newbies qua', tha`nh thu+? loa~ng.
(Bchu't y' kie^'n
(BVu Hung
(BDo You Yahoo!?
(BUpgrade Your Life
(BSF email is sponsored by - The IT Product Guide
(BRead honest  candid reviews on hundreds of IT Products from real users.
(BDiscover which products truly live up to the hype. Start reading now. 
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

[Vietlug] a better way to install bittorrent

2004-11-25 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
Hi ca'c ba'c,
(BEm xem qua file README.unix.txt trong BitTorrent-3.4.2
(Bthi` chi? tha^'y no'i dde^'n ca'ch install va` run gui
( Thu+.c ra em chi? muo^'n chi? muo^'n du`ng
(Bma` tho^i. Cha.y thi` ddo+n gia?n nha^'t la` cd to va` run
(B$python file.torrent
(BVa^.y ba^y gio+` em muo^'n install BitTorrent-3.4.2 va`o,
(Bvi' du. /usr/bin thi` the^' na`o
(B$cd BitTorrent-3.4.2 #va`
(B$cp -R * /usr/bin # :))
(BTro^ng buo^`n cuo+`i qua' nhi?
(BCa'c ba'c cho em va`i xu.
(BDo You Yahoo!?
(BUpgrade Your Life
(BSF email is sponsored by - The IT Product Guide
(BRead honest  candid reviews on hundreds of IT Products from real users.
(BDiscover which products truly live up to the hype. Start reading now. 
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] a better way to install bittorrent

2004-11-25 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
--- Le Xuan Thao [EMAIL PROTECTED] $B$+$i$N%a%C%;!<%8!'(B
(B Mi`nh tha^'y copy la` o^?n ma`, ddo+n gia?n kho^ng
(B ma^'t tho+`i gian\.
(B Co' ddie^`u la` ne^n cp va`o /usr/local/bin\. The
(B qui tac /usr/local la` cho de^?
(B user dda(.t nhu+~ng ct cua? mi`nh, co`n /usr dduo+.c
(B qua?n ly' bo+?i
(B package manager cua distributor. Cho /usr/local mot
(B partition rieng
(B cung la` mo^.t ca'ch hay du`ng\. Nhu the sau na`y
(B nang cap
(B automatically se de^~ da`ng ho+n\.
(B:). Va^.y better solution cu?a ba'c la` thay
(B/usr/local/bin vi` /usr/bin. Theo nhu+ FHS[1] thi` em
(Btha^'y la`m nhu+ the^' ho+.p li' ho+n
(BCo`n dda^y la` ca'ch em se~ la`m
(B$alias btdown='/path/to/python
(B/path/to/ '
(BSau ddo' mi`nh chi? vie^.c du`ng 
(B$btdown file.torrent
(Bhf w it.
(BDo You Yahoo!?
(BUpgrade Your Life
(BSF email is sponsored by - The IT Product Guide
(BRead honest  candid reviews on hundreds of IT Products from real users.
(BDiscover which products truly live up to the hype. Start reading now. 
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

RE: [Vietlug] ADSL hostname inside the rouer...

2004-11-21 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
--- Hoang Anh Tuan [EMAIL PROTECTED] $B$+$i$N%a%C%;!<(B
(B Ca'i na`y em chi? mo+'i nghi~ ra tho^i chu+' chu+a
(B kie^?m tra chu+a ne^n
(B kho^ng sure. Ma` ne^'u ddu'ng va^.y thi` ba'c la`m
(B theo ca'ch cu?a ba'c
(B Larry cha('c la` OK. Trong Winbloze thi` ba'c su+?a
(B file: hosts trong
(B \windows\system32\drivers\etc
(B Tua^'n
(BThanks ba'c ! Em chi?nh \windows\system32\drivers\etc
(B va` no' work ro^`i!
(BDo You Yahoo!?
(BUpgrade Your Life
(BSF email is sponsored by - The IT Product Guide
(BRead honest  candid reviews on hundreds of IT Products from real users.
(BDiscover which products truly live up to the hype. Start reading now. 
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] rpm -ba file not found. weird

2004-11-21 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
--- chairuou [EMAIL PROTECTED] $B$+$i$N%a%C%;!<%8!'(B
(B Slackware di, cha.y fluxbox ngon fe fe'
(B :-D
(B Viva Slackware :-D
(BMa^'y ba'c hanoilug chi? co' ba`n lu`i la` gio?i :) La.i
(Bco`n du. khi? nu+~a chu+'! :D
(BDo You Yahoo!?
(BUpgrade Your Life
(BSF email is sponsored by - The IT Product Guide
(BRead honest  candid reviews on hundreds of IT Products from real users.
(BDiscover which products truly live up to the hype. Start reading now. 
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] rpm -ba file not found. weird

2004-11-20 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
--- Nguyen Thanh Bien [EMAIL PROTECTED] $B$+$i$N%a%C%;!<(B
(B  [EMAIL PROTECTED] SPECS]# rpm -ba mysql-4.1.7.spec
(B  mysql-4.1.7.spec: No such file or directory
(B  :) La. thie^.t vi` ro~ ra`ng file mysql-4.1.7.spec
(B o+?
(B  trong folder SPECS ma`.
(B Kho^ng pha?i la` file .spec ddo' kho^ng tha^'y ma`
(B la` file na`o ddo'
(B ddu+o+.c mo^ ta? trong file spec a^'y kho^ng tha^'y
(B dda^'y Hu+ng a.
(B Cu~ng gio^'ng nhu+ the^' na`y:
(B bash: No such file or directory
(B Thi` kho^ng pha?i la` kho^ng co' bash ma` la` bash
(B kho^ng ti`m tha^'y
(B file/thu+ mu.c na`o ddo' ;)
(BVa^.y thi` mi`nh change ca^u ho?i tha`nh
(B"No what file or directory?" 
(Bdde^? mo.i nguo+`i tra? lo+`i.
(BMi`nh bie^'t the^' na`y la` ...chuo^'i vi` rh7.2 qua' cu~.
(BKe^? ra cu~ng muo^'n ddo^?i qua fc 2 or 3 nhu+ng kho^ng
(Bhie^?u vo+'i HDD 5GB, 64MB RAM, Celeron 500 thi` chi.u co'
(Btha^'u kho^ng nhi?
(BDo You Yahoo!?
(BUpgrade Your Life
(BThis SF.Net email is sponsored by: InterSystems CACHE
(BFREE OODBMS DOWNLOAD - A multidimensional database that combines
(Brobust object and relational technologies, making it a perfect match
(Bfor Java, C++,COM, XML, ODBC and JDBC.
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] ti`m vie^.c ve^` Linux : the^? na`o la`m GURU ddu+o+.c ?

2004-11-19 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
--- Progfou [EMAIL PROTECTED] $B$+$i$N%a%C%;!<%8!'(B
(B [DDang no'i chuye^.n ve^`
(B Mo+`i ca'c Ba.n bie^'t To^i la` ngu+o+`i the^' na`o
(B :
(B  Ba.n : Andre o+i, co' bie^'t gi` ve^` IPv6 kho^ng
(B ?
(B  To^i : Ba.n muo^'n bie^'t ca'i gi` ?
(B  Ba.n : co' pha?i tha^.t co' the^? du`ng IPv6 vo+'i
(B  kho^ng bie^'t la`m kho^ng ?
(B  To^i : ddo+`i ti'\... (ti`m mo^.t ti' tro^ng
(B Google...)
(B  To^i : va^ng, co' the^? du`ng IPv6 brookers dde^?
(B la`m IPv4 tunnel
(B  vo+'i, sao ddo' se~ ke^'t no.i IPv6
(B ddu+o+.c
(B To^i la` nhu+ the^'\... :-)
(B To^i nghi~ tin ho.c ba^y gio+` tha^y ddo?i nhan
(B la('m,
(B kho^ng co' ai the^? la`m GURU ddu+o+.c !
(B Thi` nha^'t pha?i BIE^'T TI`M THO^NG TIN !
(B Co`n cu~ng pha?i la`m va` thu+? nhie^`u\...
(B Nhu+' va^.y se~ bie^'t Linux nhan ddu+o+.c\.
(B --
(BHi all,
(BDDu'ng la` tho+`i dda.i tho^ng tin nhu+ the^' na`y, ca'ch
(Bsuy nghi~ va` ti`m kie^'m cu+.c ki` quan Trong dda
(Bso^' truo+`ng ho+.p, ne^'u mi`nh chi.u kho' suy nghi~ va`
(Bti`m khe'o tre^n thi` se~ dda.t dduo+.c nhu+~ng
(Bke^'t qua? mong muo^'n.
(B:) Em no'i the^' tho^i, chu+' ai cu~ng bie^'t search o+?
(Bgoogle ca? thi` ML nha` mi`nh buo^`n thiu a` :)
(BXem la.i ca'i ,
(BHo. ca^`n 1 so^' d/k
(B1. Tie^'ng Anh cu+.c to^'t
(B2. Kha? na(ng giao tie^'p to^'t
(B3. Kha? na(ng co+ ba?n ve^` Linux sysadmin. 
(B4. Design chu+o+ng tri`nh va` coding to^'t.
(B5. Web app devel 
(BO+? VN thi` ai gio?i dduo+.c ta^'t ca? nhu+~ng thu+' na`y
(Bthi` co' the^? coi la` guru ro^`i. 3 va` 4+5 ma^u thua^~n
(Bnhau. Mo^.t khi dda~ la` sysadmin thi` coding ke'm va`
(Bne^'u la` PG, PM, TL thi` la.i i't hie^?u gi` ve^` linux
(BSA/network :)
(Btho^i dzo.t
(BDo You Yahoo!?
(BUpgrade Your Life
(BThis SF.Net email is sponsored by: InterSystems CACHE
(BFREE OODBMS DOWNLOAD - A multidimensional database that combines
(Brobust object and relational technologies, making it a perfect match
(Bfor Java, C++,COM, XML, ODBC and JDBC.
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] ADSL hostname inside the rouer...

2004-11-19 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
--- Larry Nguyen [EMAIL PROTECTED] $B$+$i$N%a%C%;!<%8!'(B
(B Tre^n Winbloze cu~ng co' the^? la`m tu+o+ng tu+.
(B nhu+ng mi`nh 0 bie^'t chi
(B tie^'t.
(B BTW, sao ca^.u 0 ca`i thu+? vnls nhi? :) Chi? ti?
(B mi? lu'c ca`i dda(.t
(B tho^i. Nhu+ng sau khi ca`i dda(.t xong ru`i thi` you
(B have everything for
(B servers (well, almost :) ).
(BEm la`m nhu+ the^' ca'ch dda^y 2 ho^m. Nhu+ng hi`nh nhu+
(Bca^`n 1 reboot dde^? etc/hosts takes effect anh nhi? Em
(Bnga.i reboot qua' vi` server kho^ng co' ba`n phi'm.
(BDo You Yahoo!?
(BUpgrade Your Life
(BThis SF.Net email is sponsored by: InterSystems CACHE
(BFREE OODBMS DOWNLOAD - A multidimensional database that combines
(Brobust object and relational technologies, making it a perfect match
(Bfor Java, C++,COM, XML, ODBC and JDBC.
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] Ho?i ve^` Chat Yahoo , ssh la^'y file va` samba mo^.t la^`n nu+~a .

2004-11-12 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
Hi all,
(B--- Cao Van Khanh [EMAIL PROTECTED] $B$+$i$N%a%C%;!<(B
(B Mo.i ngu+o+`i cho em ho?i mo^.t chu't . Co^ng ty em
(B xa`i Proxy gi` ddo' cu?a
(B Win ne^n kho^ng da(.t proxy va`o cha't ddu+o+.c
(B ba(`ng ca'c tie^.n i'ch nhu+
(B gaim tre^n linux . ( tre^n win thi` cha't to^'t )
(BVa^.y no' co' ba'o lo^~i gi` kho^ng? Proxy server tre^n
(Bca'i Windows cha.y gi` ba'c nhi?
(B Em muo^'n ho?i la`m sao dde^? Gia?i quye^'t va^'n
(B dde^` na`y ba^y gio+` ? 
(B Va^'n dde^` thu+' hai la` em muo^'n du`ng ssh dde^?
(B Truye^`n file
(B Vi' du. Em ddang ssh va`o mo^.t ma'y A mang ddi.a
(B chi? , ba^y gio+`
(B em muo^'n la^`y file /root/A ve^` ma'y cu?a mi`nh (
(B ma'y cu?a mi`nh mang
(B ddi.a chi? 10.0.04 ) va`o thu+ mu.c /tmp/ thi` du`ng
(B le^.nh gi` a. ? Ne^'u
(B la^'y thu+ mu.c thi? Sao  ? 
(Bscp [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/root/A /tmp/
(BBa'c man the^m scp cho ro~ nhe'.
(B Va^'n dde^` cuo^'i cu`ng la` anh Larry Nguye^n co'
(B the^? No'i to'm ta('t
(B ca'ch la`m cho Samba authenticate vo+'i local user
(B kho^ng ? Anh cho em
(B quye^?n sa'ch to qua' ( khoa?ng ho+n 700 trang ) em
(B la.i bi. Ba^.n qua' ne^n
(B kho^ng ti`m hie^?u ky~ ddu+o+.c
(BQuye^?n gi` ma` hay va^.y? Mi`nh cu~ng muo^'n ddo.c cu`ng
(Bdda^y :)
(BVu Hung
(BDo You Yahoo!?
(BUpgrade Your Life
(BThis SF.Net email is sponsored by:
(BSybase ASE Linux Express Edition - download now for FREE
(BLinuxWorld Reader's Choice Award Winner for best database on Linux.
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] Network Problem!

2004-11-12 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
(B Ca'c ba'c kha'm be^.nh giu`m:
(B Ma'y em ddang xa`i RH8 ngon la`nh, bo^~ng nhie^n
(B Network lu'c hoa.t 
(B ddo^.ng, lu'c kho^ng\. Cu+' dde^? khoa?ng 30 phu't
(B la` ca^.u la(n ra 
(B ngu?\. cha.m va`o ma'y thi` la.i thu+'c
(B da^.y\. Em ga(n the^m 1 
(B con Network card kha'c va`o, ca? hai con dde^`u bi.
(B nhu+ nhau\. Va^.y 
(B be^.nh o+? dda^u va^.y\?
(B Thks
(BHello ba'c!
(BBa'c no'i the^' nghi~a la` ca'c ma'y trong trong network
(Bva^~n hoa.t ddo^.ng bi`nh thuo+`ng va` chi? rie^ng con
(Brh8.0 na`y bi. ca` giu+.t pha?i kho^ng a.?
(BNe^'u dda~ xa'c ddi.nh dduo+.c chi'nh ca'i ma'y na`y co'
(Bbi.nh thi` em nghi~ ne^n thay 1 ca'i network cable mo+'i,
(Bsau ddo' ddo+.i cho network connection cu?a con rh8.0 ddo'
(Bdied thi` mi`nh check dmesg va` /var/log/message( grep
(Beth?) - se~ ti`m dduo+.c 1 va`i dda^`u mo^'i gi` ddo'...
(Bvu hung
(BDo You Yahoo!?
(BUpgrade Your Life
(BThis SF.Net email is sponsored by:
(BSybase ASE Linux Express Edition - download now for FREE
(BLinuxWorld Reader's Choice Award Winner for best database on Linux.
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] name server/mail server tren dynamic dns, Yahoo ADSL

2004-11-12 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
--- Nguyen Thanh Bien [EMAIL PROTECTED] $B$+$i$N%a%C%;(B
(B Hi Hu+ng !
(B Cu~ng bi`nh thu+o+`ng tho^i, chi? co' ddie^`u la`
(B vo+'i mail server thi`
(B kho^ng co' MX Record, du`ng luo^n A record.
(B Setup name server cho domain ddo' vo+'i ddia. chi?
(B private cu?a mi`nh
(B (behind adsl router), co`n ne^'u ca('m adsl modem
(B va`o tha`nh nhu+ 1
(B interface cu?a server thi` kho^ng ca^`n ca`i name
(B server lam gi.
(B mail thi` setup bi`nh thu+o+`ng (domain=hostname = A
(B Record)
(B have phun !
(BHay qua' nhi?
(BBie^n co' config files ma^~u cho ca'i na`y kho^ng?
(BDo You Yahoo!?
(BUpgrade Your Life
(BThis SF.Net email is sponsored by:
(BSybase ASE Linux Express Edition - download now for FREE
(BLinuxWorld Reader's Choice Award Winner for best database on Linux.
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

[Vietlug] cdrecord kho^ng nha^.n cd-rw drive

2004-10-28 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
Cha`o ca'c ba'c,
(BMa'y em co' hai o^? CD-ROM, o^? thu+' hai co' ghi ro~ o+?
(Bngoa`i la` rewritable, a^'y the^' ma` khi cdrecord scanbus
(Bthi` bi. nhu+ sau. Hie^? nhie^n cu~ng kho^ng burn dduo+.c
(Bcd na`o.
(BMandrake 10.0 default installation,
(Bcdrecord-2.01-0.a27.2mdk, kernel 2.6.3, 
(B[EMAIL PROTECTED] sf]$ cdrecord --scanbus
(BCdrecord-Clone 2.01a27-dvd (i686-pc-linux-gnu) Copyright
(B(C) 1995-2004 J?rg Schilling
(BNote: This version is an unofficial (modified) version
(Bwith DVD support
(BNote: and therefore may have bugs that are not present in
(Bthe original.
(BNote: Please send bug reports or support requests to
(BNote: The author of cdrecord should not be bothered with
(Bproblems in this version.
(Bscsidev: 'ATA'
(Bdevname: 'ATA'
(Bscsibus: -2 target: -2 lun: -2
(BWarning: Using badly designed ATAPI via /dev/hd*
(BLinux sg driver version: 3.5.27
(BUsing libscg version 'schily-0.8'.
(Bcdrecord: Warning: using inofficial libscg transport code
(Bversion (warly-scsi-linux-sg.c-1.80-mdk
(B'@(#)scsi-linux-sg.c  1.80 04/03/08 Copyright 1997 J.
(B1,0,0   100) 'Compaq  ' 'CD-ROM SC-148E  ' 'PC06'
(BRemovable CD-ROM
(B1,1,0   101) '_NEC' 'NR-7900A' '1.23'
(BRemovable CD-ROM
(B1,2,0   102) *
(B1,3,0   103) *
(B1,4,0   104) *
(B1,5,0   105) *
(B1,6,0   106) *
(B1,7,0   107) *
(B[EMAIL PROTECTED] sf]$ cdrecord -v speed=8 dev=1,1,0 -data
(Bcdrecord: No write mode specified.
(Bcdrecord: Asuming -tao mode.
(Bcdrecord: Future versions of cdrecord may have different
(Bdrive dependent defaults.
(BCdrecord-Clone 2.01a27-dvd (i686-pc-linux-gnu) Copyright
(B(C) 1995-2004 J?rg Schilling
(BNote: This version is an unofficial (modified) version
(Bwith DVD support
(BNote: and therefore may have bugs that are not present in
(Bthe original.
(BNote: Please send bug reports or support requests to
(BNote: The author of cdrecord should not be bothered with
(Bproblems in this version.
(BTOC Type: 1 = CD-ROM
(Bscsidev: '1,1,0'
(Bscsibus: 1 target: 1 lun: 0
(Bcdrecord: No such file or directory. Cannot open
(B'/dev/sg*'. Cannot open SCSI driver.
(Bcdrecord: For possible targets try 'cdrecord -scanbus'.
(BMake sure you are root.
(Bcdrecord: For possible transport specifiers try 'cdrecord
(Bfor your loved one
(BThis SF.Net email is sponsored by:
(BSybase ASE Linux Express Edition - download now for FREE
(BLinuxWorld Reader's Choice Award Winner for best database on Linux.
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] Co ai biet java desktop system . . .

2004-09-22 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
--- Nien Lam [EMAIL PROTECTED] $B$+$i$N%a%C%;!<%8!'(B 
(B Ngoa`i ra cu~ng co' the^? va`o trang chu?
(B dde^? bie^'t the^m
(B nhu+~ng ca'i kha'c.
(Bu?a thu+' na`y 0 available 4 download ha? ba'c?
(BThis SF.Net email is sponsored by: YOU BE THE JUDGE. Be one of 170
(BProject Admins to receive an Apple iPod Mini FREE for your judgement on
(Bwho ports your project to Linux PPC the best. Sponsored by IBM.
(BDeadline: Sept. 24. Go here:
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] Lam the nao de viet hoa dc Mandrake_Linux

2004-09-21 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
--- Khiem Nguyen Dinh [EMAIL PROTECTED] $B$+$i$N%a(B
(B Nhu*ng Vie^.t ho'a theo ma^'y ca'i co' sa*~n do*?
(B la*'m. Em co' mo^~i chu't t.anh co`m ne^n theo
(B y' cu?a em cho de^~ du`ng. 
(BTre^n Vietlug co' le~ kho^ng ca^`n khie^m to^'n dda^u ba'c
(Ba. Ba'c cu+' lie^n he^. tru+.c tie^'p vo+'i Pablo( hay
(Bba'c Tri.nh Minh Thanh truo+'c thi` ca`ng to^'t),
(Bva` send files cho him la` OK. Chuye^.n ba?n cu?a
(Bnguo+`i na`y nguo+`i kia kha'c nhau cu~ng la` chuye^.n
(Bbi`nh thuo+`ng( chi' i't ve^` phong ca'ch)
(BThis SF.Net email is sponsored by: YOU BE THE JUDGE. Be one of 170
(BProject Admins to receive an Apple iPod Mini FREE for your judgement on
(Bwho ports your project to Linux PPC the best. Sponsored by IBM.
(BDeadline: Sept. 24. Go here:
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] xEmacs: How to global-unset-key for the letter key: R

2004-09-17 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
--- Dang Ky Nguyen [EMAIL PROTECTED] $B$+$i$N%a%C(B
(B Hi hackers,
(B (Sorry for my Bad English)
(B I accidently use the
(B global-set-key to set the key " r " for the command
(B replace-string (which was not successful, because
(B replace-string also starts with "r")
(B Now I want to undo it,
(B  - but I cannot do with
(B (global-unset-key "r")
(B  - and I don't find the (global-set-key "r") that I
(B accidently set previously
(B  - Google doesn't answer me, to undo the key "r", or
(B any letter key.
(B May some of you know how ?
(B Thanks,
(BHello and welcome onboard,
(BJust a suggestion that may work: Do you know that Emacs
(Breads ~/.emacs when it starts?  We can't reset
(Bglobal-set-key when Emacs already started, but we can tell
(Bit run commands in ~/.emacs before loading.
(BHope that helps.
(BVu Hung
(BThis SF.Net email is sponsored by: YOU BE THE JUDGE. Be one of 170
(BProject Admins to receive an Apple iPod Mini FREE for your judgement on
(Bwho ports your project to Linux PPC the best. Sponsored by IBM.
(BDeadline: Sept. 24. Go here:
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] [POOL] Who Is Our List Spammer

2004-09-15 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
--- chairuou [EMAIL PROTECTED] $B$+$i$N%a%C%;!<%8!'(B
(B Who, pick one !
(Bba'c maikhai.
(BDo You Yahoo!?
(BThis SF.Net email is sponsored by: YOU BE THE JUDGE. Be one of 170
(BProject Admins to receive an Apple iPod Mini FREE for your judgement on
(Bwho ports your project to Linux PPC the best. Sponsored by IBM.
(BDeadline: Sept. 24. Go here:
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] Vim 6.3 :: HOWTO build it

2004-09-15 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
--- CCC [EMAIL PROTECTED] ¤«¤é¤Î¥á¥Ã¥»¡¼¥¸¡§
(B Xin cha`o ca'c su+ cu.!
(B Sau khi remove ca'i VI, GVIM co' sa(~n trong
(B Mandrake Linux 10, em ta?i ve^`
(B VIM 6.3 va` make:
(B $ sh ./configure --enable-gui=gtk
(B $ make
(B $ make install
(B Ca'c gui support bo+?i vim go^`m co': gtk, motif,
(B athena\. Em dda~ thu? vo+'i
(B ca? ba ru`i, trong ddo', gtk la` dde.p nha^'t.
(B Nhu+ng ma^'y ba'c o+i, sao no'
(B va^~n xa^'u i?n, kho^ng dde.p ba(`ng ca'i vim cu~
(B co' sa(~n trong Mandrake
(B Linux 10 va^.y\?
(B Xin giu'p em vo+'i!
(B --
(B Chim Cut Canh
(BBa.n thu+? xem Mandrake dda~ applied nhu+~ng patches na`o
(Bva`o vim cu?a ho., file config co' gi` dda(.c bie^.t
(BVu Hung
(BDo You Yahoo!?
(BThis SF.Net email is sponsored by: YOU BE THE JUDGE. Be one of 170
(BProject Admins to receive an Apple iPod Mini FREE for your judgement on
(Bwho ports your project to Linux PPC the best. Sponsored by IBM.
(BDeadline: Sept. 24. Go here:
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] [ot]Cafe' Saigon?

2004-09-09 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
Cha`o ca'c ba'c Saigonluggers,
(BEm cha^n tha`nh ca?m o+n ca'c ba'c dda~ tie^'p ddo'n em
(Bno^`ng nhie^.t tre^n Skyview! Em dde^'n tu+` 7:10, 5 lu'c
(Bsau thi` ba'c Quynh dde^'n. Ca'c ba'c kha'c thi` lu.c tu.c
(Bma~i khoa?ng 8 ruo+~i mo+'i dde^'n! DDu'ng la`: o^i ...
(BVietnam to^? quo^'c ta o+i ;)).\
(BVu Hung
(B--- Hoang Tuan Quynh [EMAIL PROTECTED] $B$+$i$N(B
(B On Thu, 9 Sep 2004 01:18:33 -0700 (PDT), Thai Duong
(B  A`h, tie^.n the^? cho ho?i, co' bo^` na`o bie^'t
(B cho^~
(B  ddo' thi` gu+?i xe o+?  dda^u ;-) ?
(B  --T. 
(B Gu+?i xe ngay ddo^'i die^.n kha'ch sa.n, tre^n
(B ddu+o+`ng To^n DDu+'c
(B Tha('ng, ga^`n qua'n Seventeen. Giu+~ xe to+'i nu+?a
(B dde^m luo^n :-)
(B Cheers,
(B Quy`nh
(B ---
(B This SF.Net email is sponsored by BEA Weblogic
(B Workshop
(B FREE Java Enterprise J2EE developer tools!
(B Get your free copy of BEA WebLogic Workshop 8.1
(B today.
(B ___
(B VietLUG-users mailing list
(BDo You Yahoo!?
(BThis SF.Net email is sponsored by: YOU BE THE JUDGE. Be one of 170
(BProject Admins to receive an Apple iPod Mini FREE for your judgement on
(Bwho ports your project to Linux PPC the best. Sponsored by IBM. 
(BDeadline: Sept. 13. Go here:
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

[Vietlug] [ot]Cafe' Saigon?

2004-09-08 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
Cha`o ca'c ba'c,
(BEm va`o Saigon tu+` sa'ng nay, ca'c ba'c ra?nh thi` ru? em
(Bddi uo^'ng cafe' nhe', em va`o Saigon la^`n dda^`u, la.
(Bnuo+'c la. ca'i chu+a bie^'t gi` ca? :))
(BVu Hung
(BDTDD: 091-352-6548
(BDo You Yahoo!?
(BThis SF.Net email is sponsored by BEA Weblogic Workshop
(BFREE Java Enterprise J2EE developer tools!
(BGet your free copy of BEA WebLogic Workshop 8.1 today.
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] [ot]Cafe' Saigon?

2004-09-08 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
Va^.y cuo^'i cu`ng ca'c ba'c quye^'t ddi.nh ddi.a ddie^?m
(Bla` o+? dda^u dda^y a.?
(BNga~ 6  Phu` Ddo^?ng hay Majestic hotel?
(BVu Hung
(Bp/s: ba'c Quy`nh cho em so^' ddie^.n thoa.i cu?a ba'c
(B--- Nhan Thanh Le [EMAIL PROTECTED] $B$+$i$N%a%C%;!<%8!'(B
(B Thoi gian va` di.a die^?m tha^.t la` tuye^.t vo*`i
(B ta.i sao mi`nh la.i
(B kho^ng cho.n die^?m do' nhi? Hy bac qu`ynh co'
(B nhu*~ng nga`y vui
(B ve~ o*? saigonlug. Hope see all you guys there. :)
(B Have fun!
(B Caheo
(B On Thu, 2004-09-09 at 11:31, Hoang Tuan Quynh wrote:
(B  On Thu, 9 Sep 2004 13:23:52 +0900 (JST), Bit
(B Takeshi
(B   Cha`o ca'c ba'c,
(B   Em va`o Saigon tu+` sa'ng nay, ca'c ba'c ra?nh
(B thi` ru? em
(B   ddi uo^'ng cafe' nhe', em va`o Saigon la^`n
(B dda^`u, la.
(B   nuo+'c la. ca'i chu+a bie^'t gi` ca? :))
(B   Yorosiku
(B   Vu Hung
(B   DTDD: 091-352-6548
(B  Forward la.i cho ba'c Hung Vu
(B  On Wed,  8 Sep 2004 00:47:08 -0500, Larry Nguyen
(B   On 11:38:50 pm 09/07/04 Hoang Tuan Quynh
(BBa'c Larry check la.i ddi.a chi? ro^`i ba'o
(B la.i cho anh em.
(B   Ca'i na`y pha?i ho?i la.i Vu~ Nguye^~n. Mi`nh
(B chi? bie^'t ddi tu+` Nga~
(B   sa'u Phu` DDo^?ng, CMT8 tha(?ng hoa`i, ga(.p Tu'
(B Xu+o+ng que.o pha?i,
(B   tha(?ng xuo^'ng qua'n na(`m be^n tay pha?i.
(B   He.n to^'i mai, thu+' na(m dduoc 0 nhi? A`, ba'c
(B na`o muo^'n
(B   Mandrakelinux-10.1 RC1 thi` mang theo 3 ca'i CDs
(B tra('ng. Mo+'i dl xong
(B   sa'ng nay tu+` hotel :)
(B  Vi` Casper no'i ca'i qua'n Piano ddo' kha' o^`n
(B a`o ne^n em ddi ti`m
(B  cho^~ mo+'i cho plan B :-)
(B  Em mo+'i ddi survey ca'i skyview bar tre^n no'c
(B Majestic Hotel - 1
(B  DDo^`ng Kho+?i. Quang ca?nh thi` tuye^.t vo+`i,
(B nhi`n xuo^'ng so^ng
(B  Sa`i Go`n. Co' ca? pha^`n co' ma'i che va` kho^ng
(B ma'i che, khi mu+a
(B  thi` di chuye^?n ra^'t de^~ :-) Kho^ng khi' ra^'t
(B ma't me? va` ye^n
(B  ti~nh (co' thu+? da^~n ba.n ga'i le^n ro^`i :-))
(B  Chi? co' 1 va^'n dde^` nho? la` gia' ddo^` uo^'ng
(B :-( Re? nha^'t la`
(B  nu+o+'c du+`a: 20.000 ddo^`ng 1 tra'i, tie^'p theo
(B la` nu+o+'c chanh
(B  (qua^'t, ta('c) 21.000 ddo^`ng.
(B  Ne^'u ca'c ba'c ddo^`ng y' thi` em se~ bao 50%
(B ddo^` uo^'ng :-) Co'
(B  the^? co' ba'c na`o ddo' "to tay" bao no^'t pha^`n
(B co`n la.i hoa(.c
(B  share 3-4-5 ba'c "to tay" thi` qua' ngon :-)
(B  Cheers,
(B  Em Quy`nh
(B  P.S.: Ca'c ba'c confirm ba(`ng reply email na`y
(B va` cho so^' ddie^.n
(B  thoa.i lie^n la.c. Tho+`i gian du+. kie^'n la`
(B to^'i mai 09/09/2004
(B  lu'c 7:00 hoa(.c 7:30.
(B ---
(B  This SF.Net email is sponsored by BEA Weblogic
(B Workshop
(B  FREE Java Enterprise J2EE developer tools!
(B  Get your free copy of BEA WebLogic Workshop 8.1
(B today.
(B  ___
(B  VietLUG-users mailing list
(B -- 
(B Nhanle
(B RnD Group
(B TDC Department.
(B ---
(B This SF.Net email is sponsored by BEA Weblogic
(B Workshop
(B FREE Java Enterprise J2EE developer tools!
(B Get your free copy of BEA WebLogic Workshop 8.1
(B today.
(B ___
(B VietLUG-users mailing list
(BDo You Yahoo!?
(BThis SF.Net email is sponsored by BEA Weblogic Workshop
(BFREE Java Enterprise J2EE developer tools!
(BGet your free copy of BEA WebLogic Workshop 8.1 today.
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] How to open file .tar.uu extension?

2004-08-20 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
--- Nhan Thanh Le [EMAIL PROTECTED] $B$+$i$N%a%C%;!<%8!'(B
(B -bash: uudecode: command not found, ti`m package de
(B run command na`y o
(B dau hoac co' pha?i do' la` mot package default in
(B Linux system khong?
(B Cam on bac 
(BBa'c cha? chi.u search gi` ca?, em ti`m 1 ca'i ra ngay:
(B- sharutils 
(BNe^'u search o+? google:
(BThi` tuy kho^ng ra ngay nhu+ng ddo.c khoa?ng 3,4 ca'i
(Bsearch results dda^`u la` bie^'t ngay uudecode na(`m trong
(Bsharutils. Ca'i uu{encode, decode} na`y cu~ng hay, nhu+ng
(Bba^y gio+` cu~ng i't nguo+`i du`ng ro^`i.
(BVu Hung
(BSF.Net email is sponsored by price on Blank Media
(B100pk Sonic DVD-R 4x for only $29 -100pk Sonic DVD+R for only $33
(BSave 50% off Retail on Ink  Toner - Free Shipping and Free Gift.
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] Nhie^`u ngu+o+`i cu`ng truy ca^.p mo^.t file

2004-08-20 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
--- Ky Anh [EMAIL PROTECTED] $B$+$i$N%a%C%;!<%8!'(B
(B On Friday 20 August 2004 14:24, Nguyen Thanh Bien
(B wrote:
(B Neu' khoa' mo.t file rui`, thi` nguoi` kha'c la`m
(B sao ghi vao` duoc.? Ho. 
(B phai? cho` bi nhieu^ lau?
(B Xin lui~ vi` cau hoi? cua? em no' hoi cu? chuoi'
(BVie^.c lock file sau khi mo+? la` vie^.c ca^`n thie^'t
(Bdde^? tra'nh file ddo' bi. editlung tung. Xe't truo+`ng
(Bho+.p ddo+n gia?n sau:
(B1. developer A start editing file fsck.c 
(B2. developer B start editing file fsck.c sau ddo'
(BGia? su+? ca? ca'i editor va` A,B du`ng dde^`u kho^ng lock
(Bfile fsck.c sau khi open no'.
(BVa`o tho+`i ddie^?m 
(Ba. t, A press "save" button.
(Bb. t+t_1, B press "save" button, all of A's work will be
(Bc. t + t_1 + t_2, A la.i press "save", all of B's work
(Bwill be lost.
(BVa^.y ddo', chi'nh vi` the^' ne^n vi, emacs, msword, excel
(Betc dde^`u khoa' file sau khi no' mo+? ca?. Mo.i nguo+`i
(Bdu`ng kha'c sau khi mo+? file dda~ bi. mo+? dde^`u bi.
(BDDe^? tra'nh ti`nh ddo', co' the^? du`ng sourcesafe
(B:)) hay cvs!!
(Bbtw, 07 tha'ng 09 mi`nh va`o tha`nh pho^', dde^? mi`nh
(Bsetup ho^. cho Ky Anh 1 ca'i cvs server j/k.
(BVu Hung
(BSF.Net email is sponsored by price on Blank Media
(B100pk Sonic DVD-R 4x for only $29 -100pk Sonic DVD+R for only $33
(BSave 50% off Retail on Ink  Toner - Free Shipping and Free Gift.
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] File *log* co' ki'ch thuo'c qua' lo'n

2004-08-20 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
--- Ky Anh [EMAIL PROTECTED] $B$+$i$N%a%C%;!<%8!'(B
(B Ca'c ba'c oi!
(B * La`m the^' na`o de? file *log* phi`nh to den' mot
(B gioi' han. nao` do' thi` 
(B thui.
(Blogrotate, nhu+ ba'c prog dda~ chi?
(B * La`m the^' na`o de? file *log* chi? luu lai. ~
(B do`ng cuoi' cu`ng ( vi' du. 
(B luon giu~ lai. thong^ tin trong 10 nga`y ga`n nha't)
(Bcu+' khoa?ng 10 nga`y thi` backup va` zero la.i log files
(Bkie^?u nhu+ sau
(B#tar cvzf /var/log/message /some/where/message-`date
(B#echo ""  /var/log/message 
(B * Co' bao gio` ca'c ba'c gap. tru`o`ng ho.pp file
(B *log* lo'n qua' la`m may' 
(B ko^ vao` KDE duoc. chua?
(BNo, never.
(BK.A bi. the^' chi? vi` HDD or /var/log qua' nho? tho^i.
(BK.A thu+? $df -h le^n mi`nh coi.
(BNe^'u ddu'ng la` nhu+ the^' thi` ne^n `cp -p` du`ng rsync
(Bdde^? move ca'i /var/log ddi sang 1 parition/hdd mo+'i, to
(Bho+n, sau ddo' rm /var/log, ta.o symlink la.i to+'i
(BVu Hung
(BSF.Net email is sponsored by price on Blank Media
(B100pk Sonic DVD-R 4x for only $29 -100pk Sonic DVD+R for only $33
(BSave 50% off Retail on Ink  Toner - Free Shipping and Free Gift.
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] File *log* co' ki'ch thuo'c qua' lo'n

2004-08-20 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
--- Ky Anh [EMAIL PROTECTED] $B$+$i$N%a%C%;!<%8!'(B
(B On Friday 20 August 2004 15:35, Bit Takeshi wrote:
(B on
(B /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part1
(B   5,0G  4,3G  444M  91% /
(B /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part2
(B15G  1,5G   13G  11% /home
(B /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part4
(B   7,8G  6,9G  914M  89%
(B /mnt/windows
(BOk, Mi`nh xin no'i the^m 1 ca^u truo+'c khi close ca'i
(Bthread na`y la.i:
(B/var/log, /boot, /usr/src va` /usr/local ne^n dde^? rie^ng
(Bra ca'c paritions kha'c nhau.
(B# ca'i /home co`n thu+`a nhie^`u, ne^n chuye^?n 
(B# nhu+~ng gi` to qua ddo'
(BSF.Net email is sponsored by price on Blank Media
(B100pk Sonic DVD-R 4x for only $29 -100pk Sonic DVD+R for only $33
(BSave 50% off Retail on Ink  Toner - Free Shipping and Free Gift.
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

[Vietlug] [OT] Chu+~a Thinkpad o+? Hanoi

2004-08-18 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
Cha`o ca'c ba'c,
(BEm co' ca'i ma'y Thinkpad R32 cu?a IBM, ba^y gio+` bi.
(Bho?ng ro^`i. Ma'y kho+?i ddo^.ng le^n dduo+.c khoa?ng
(B20,30 phu't la` ma`n hi`nh ddo^?i ma`u, nha.t da^`n,
(Bddu+'ng im, trong khi sound card va^~n OK( em va^~n nghe
(Bddu+o+.c nha.c tu+` ma'y). Va` vi' khi. trong khi ddo' em
(Bchuye^?n sang terminal va` go~ shutdown -h now thi` va^~n
(Bshutdown, chu+'ng to? keyboard va^~n OK va` OS va^~n
(BEm ddi.nh su+?a o+? hanoi nhu+ng kho^ng bie^'t cho^~ na`o
(Bca?. Mong ca'c ba'c chi? giu`m em nhe'! Ma^'t cho Thinkpad
(Bcoi nhu+ em cu.t ma^'t cha^n tay a.!
(BThx truo+'c
(BVu Hung
(BSF.Net email is sponsored by price on Blank Media
(B100pk Sonic DVD-R 4x for only $29 -100pk Sonic DVD+R for only $33
(BSave 50% off Retail on Ink  Toner - Free Shipping and Free Gift.
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] A good book for linux system/network admin

2004-08-10 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
--- chairuou [EMAIL PROTECTED] $B$+$i$N%a%C%;!<%8!'(B
(B  /me de nghi. ba'c chair update thong tin, cap nhat
(B thuong xuyen mot chu't,
(B  cai nay co^? lam roi, yeah nhung no' good cho
(B RH,fedora users , va ca
(B  non-RH users nua!
(B uh hu+?,  ta.i kho^ng nho+' ca'i na`y co' tre^n TLDP
(B ro^`i, to^'i qua
(B ve^` xem la.i tha^'y trong CDs o+? nha` .. cu~ng co'
(B ro^`i :-p .
(B update thi` o+? dda^y ho+i to^`i ho+n Ba-le^ , nge
(B no'i o+? Ba-le^ 3rd
(B edition ngu+o+`i ta cu~ng ddem vu+'t ra trash ca?
(B ro^`i, He^'u co'
(B tie^.n thi` lu+o+,m cho anh va`i cuo^'n, anh xin,
(B ca',m o+n chu'
(B tru+o+'c
(B  /me nhe. nha`ng ru't
(B uh, ru't le. le. le^n ke?o...ko ru't ki.p :-D
(B --
(BCu~ nguo+`i mo+'i ta ma`!
(BEm ddo.c quye^?n na`y ro^`i, version 2.0, no'i chung la`
(Bra^'t hay, da`nh cho advanced users, ne^'u la` nguo+`i
(Bchuye^?n tu+` BSD kei sang Linux thi` dda^y ddu'ng la`
(Bca^?m nang go^'i dda^`u giuo+`ng. Quye^?n na`y co' ba?n
( tie^'ng Vie^.t, nhu+ng chuo^'i va` se^'n.
(BNe^'u ba'c na`o co' version 3.0( not free online) thi`
(Bshare cho anh em nhe'!
(BVu Hung, happy with is Redhat 7.2
(BSF.Net email is sponsored by price on Blank Media
(B100pk Sonic DVD-R 4x for only $29 -100pk Sonic DVD+R for only $33
(BSave 50% off Retail on Ink  Toner - Free Shipping and Free Gift.
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] Free Dictionary

2004-08-10 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
--- Larry Nguyen [EMAIL PROTECTED] $B$+$i$N%a%C%;!<%8!'(B
(B Kho^ng bie^'t ba'c muo^'n kie^'m tu+` ddie^?n online
(B hay offline. Online
(B thi` co' nhie^`u la('m, dda^y la` va`i ca'i
(B Offline thi` ba'c La^m co' vie^'t vdict kha' la^u
(B ru`i . Xem
(BCho em qua?ng ca'o 1 ti':
(BHung Vu
(BSF.Net email is sponsored by price on Blank Media
(B100pk Sonic DVD-R 4x for only $29 -100pk Sonic DVD+R for only $33
(BSave 50% off Retail on Ink  Toner - Free Shipping and Free Gift.
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] Apache

2004-08-10 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
--- Ky Anh [EMAIL PROTECTED] $B$+$i$N%a%C%;!<%8!'(B
(B XIn giup em voi:
(B 1/ la`m the^? na`o dde^? apache cho phe'p l ie^.t t
(B ke^ ca'c ta^.p tin trong 
(B thu+ mu.c /var/www/html/ ? (ne^'u no' ko^ ti`m
(B tha^'y ta^.p tin index.*)
(B 2/ Sao ma` em pha?i go~
(B va`o address bar cu?a tri`nh duye^.t thi` mo+'i
(B ddu+o+.c; co`n go~
(B (kho^ng co' slash o+? cuo^'i) thi` 
(B   You don't have permission to access /~kyanh/ on
(B this server.
(B Xin ca'm o+n!
(BFrom Apache Fine Manual:)
(BVu Hung
(BSF.Net email is sponsored by price on Blank Media
(B100pk Sonic DVD-R 4x for only $29 -100pk Sonic DVD+R for only $33
(BSave 50% off Retail on Ink  Toner - Free Shipping and Free Gift.
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

[Vietlug] redhat sendmail 8.11.x procmail + spamassassin install.

2004-07-21 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
Em ddi.nh ca`i sendmail +  procmail + spamassassin  tre^n
(BProcmail thi` co' sa(~n version 3.21.21, spamassassin thi`
(Bem la^'y o+? tre^n website cu?a ho.[1], ca`i ba(`ng perl
(BMakefile.PL;make;make install
(BFile /etc/procmailrc:
(B# procmailrc
(B# routes incoming mail to appropriate mailboxes
(B*  256000
(B|/usr/bin/spamassassin -P
(BFile /etc/mail/spamassassin/ generated tu+`
(B (version 1.01) )
(Bnhu+ sau:
(B# SpamAssassin config file for version 2.5x
(B# generated by
(B(version 1.01)
(B# How many hits before a message is considered spam.
(Brequired_hits   5.0
(B# Whether to change the subject of suspected spam
(Brewrite_subject 1
(B# Text to prepend to subject if rewrite_subject is used
(Bsubject_tag *SPAM*
(B# Encapsulate spam in an attachment
(Breport_safe 1
(B# Use terse version of the spam report
(B# Enable the Bayes system
(Buse_bayes   1
(B# Enable Bayes auto-learning
(Bauto_learn  1
(B# Enable or disable network checks
(Bskip_rbl_checks 0
(Buse_razor2  1
(Buse_dcc 1
(Buse_pyzor   1
(B# Mail using languages used in these country codes will
(Bnot be marked
(B# as being possibly spam in a foreign language.
(B# - english japanese 
(Bok_languagesen ja 
(B# Mail using locales used in these country codes will not
(Bbe marked
(B# as being possibly spam in a foreign language.
(Bok_locales  en ja 
(Bsau ddo' em restart la.i /etc/init.d/sendmail, ok
(BKho^ng hie^?u nhu+ the^' dda~ ddu? chu+a hay la` em ca^`n
(Bthe^m refinement gi` ha? ca'c ba'c! Ca'c ba'c cho em va`i
(Bxu! Thanks!
(BDo You Yahoo!?
(BThis SF.Net email is sponsored by BEA Weblogic Workshop
(BFREE Java Enterprise J2EE developer tools!
(BGet your free copy of BEA WebLogic Workshop 8.1 today.
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] Ve mot cau Tra loi cua Bill Gates

2004-07-20 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
--- Progfou [EMAIL PROTECTED] $B$+$i$N%a%C%;!<%8!'(B
(B Mo+`i ca'c Ba.n ddo.c ca'c tra? lo+`i cho Micro$oft
(B tre^n dda^y :
(B Halloween so^' 11 mo+'i ra nga`y 22 tha'ng 6 :
(B Micro$oft so+. GNU/Linux nhie^`u la(m ro`i... ;-)
(BNice links! Thank you. DDa^y la` ca'i infamous Halloween
(BMicrosoft. Ba'c na`o chu+a ddo.c nha^'t ddi.nh ddo.c qua
(BDo You Yahoo!?
(BThis SF.Net email is sponsored by BEA Weblogic Workshop
(BFREE Java Enterprise J2EE developer tools!
(BGet your free copy of BEA WebLogic Workshop 8.1 today.
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

[oT] No'i ba^.y trong list [ was: Re: [Vietlug] Lo^~i mail server cu?a vietlug???]

2004-07-19 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
--- Oanh Pham [EMAIL PROTECTED] $B$+$i$N%a%C%;!<%8!'(B
(B  A(n no'i nho? nhe. mo^.t ti' VH o+i\. DDa^y la` ML
(B  ky~ thua^.t ma` ;)
(B  --=20
(B  Bi C=E1=BB=9D Lao
(B Y' da! ca'i na`y tui pha?i xin lo^~i tru+o+'c vi`
(B dda~
(B vi pha.m ddie^`u le^. cu?a ML,:-) co' chu't y'
(B kie^'n
(B muo^'n ddo'ng go'p vo+'i VH ve^` ML FAQ ma(.c du`
(B chu+a ddo.c ML FAQ ma` VH,dda^y chi? la` y'
(B kie^'n cu?a niubi, mong ba'c bo? qua cho 
(B 1.Ne^n co' nhu+~ng vi' du. cu. the^? cho tu+`ng
(B tru+`o+`ng ho+.p va` ly' do vi` sao kho^ng ne^n la`m
(B nhu+ the^' trong faq 
(B 2. dda^y chi? la` y' kie^'n rie^ng, (tui chu+a co'
(B ti`m to`i ve^` su+?. hi`nh tha`nh cu?a ML ne^n
(B chi? ddoa'n mo`?) nga`y xu+a thi` co'the^? ML chi?
(B la`
(B mo^.t nhu ca^`u dde^? trao ddo^?i tho^ng tin trong
(B li~nh vu+.c chuye^n mo^n vo+'i nhau, ne^n co' ca'i
(B faq
(B ddo', nha^'t la` trong nhu+~ng ML co' ca? nga`n
(B members?
(B ba^y gio+` thi` ba.n co' the^? chat, forum, web,
(B 3. ML kho^ng pha?i la` protocal ne^n co' the^? thay
(B ddo^?i dde^? phu` ho+.p ho+n, ca'i na`y thi` tui
(B kho^ng co' y' kie^'n
(B cheers,
(B mo.quatmo.thangbom
(BEm tha`nh tha^.t xin lo^~i ca'c ba'c! La^`n sau se~ kho^ng
(Bda'm no'i tu.c tre^n list nu+~a.
(BDo You Yahoo!?
(BThis SF.Net email is sponsored by BEA Weblogic Workshop
(BFREE Java Enterprise J2EE developer tools!
(BGet your free copy of BEA WebLogic Workshop 8.1 today.
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] bash $PS1, $HOSTNAME

2004-07-15 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
(B On Wed, 14 Jul 2004 17:51:33 +0900 (JST), Bit
(B Takeshi
(B  Hi all,
(B  Tre^n bash-2.0.5 tui set
(B  nhu+ng "\h" va^~n hie^.n la` localhost.
(B  Va^.y ca'i "\h" set o+? dda^u nhi, hi`nh nhu+
(B  kho^ng pha?i $HOSTNAME?
(B $ uname -n
(B thi` no' ra ca'i gi` ?
(B[EMAIL PROTECTED] vh$cat /etc/hosts
(B127.0.0.1   localhost
(B172.21.65.245   cl45
(B172.21.65.246   cl46
(B172.21.65.247   cl47
(B172.21.65.248   cl48
(B172.21.65.249   cl49
(B[EMAIL PROTECTED] vh$uname -n
(BDo You Yahoo!?
(BThis SF.Net email is sponsored by BEA Weblogic Workshop
(BFREE Java Enterprise J2EE developer tools!
(BGet your free copy of BEA WebLogic Workshop 8.1 today.
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

[Vietlug] bash $PS1, $HOSTNAME

2004-07-14 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
Hi all,
(BTre^n bash-2.0.5 tui set
(Bnhu+ng "\h" va^~n hie^.n la` localhost. 
(BVa^.y ca'i "\h" set o+? dda^u nhi, hi`nh nhu+
(Bkho^ng pha?i $HOSTNAME? 
(Bbash-2.0.5 tre^n Mandrake 10.0
(BDo You Yahoo!?
(BThis SF.Net email sponsored by Black Hat Briefings  Training.
(BAttend Black Hat Briefings  Training, Las Vegas July 24-29 - 
(Bdigital self defense, top technical experts, no vendor pitches, 
(Bunmatched networking opportunities. Visit
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] [OT] Toc do duong truyen sao nhanh qua?

2004-07-13 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
--- maikhai [EMAIL PROTECTED] $B$+$i$N%a%C%;!<%8!'(B
(B Hi all!
(B To^i mo+'i nha^.n mo^.t meo ta? ve^` line be^n Hoa
(B Ky`. Sao ma` no' nhanh qua' 
(B sa' hay la` ngu+o+`i mo^ ta? co' vie^'t la^`m la^~n
(B chi cha(ng? Ba.n na`o 
(B ra`nh vie^.c na`y xin cho y' kie^'n dde^? ta(ng
(B the^m pha^`n ha^m mo^..
(B -- 
(BO+? be^n cho^~ em thi` no' nhanh the^' na`y 3.70MB/s, ca?
(Bhai dda^`u dde^`u du`ng dduo+`ng ca'p quang:
(B   = `Vine26r1-ppc.iso.1'
(BResolving done.
(BConnecting to
([]:3128... connected.
(BProxy request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
(BLength: 653,262,848 [application/octet-stream]
(B14% [] 93,913,600
(B3.75M/sETA 02:22^C
(BDo You Yahoo!?
(BThis SF.Net email sponsored by Black Hat Briefings  Training.
(BAttend Black Hat Briefings  Training, Las Vegas July 24-29 - 
(Bdigital self defense, top technical experts, no vendor pitches, 
(Bunmatched networking opportunities. Visit
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] [OT] Toc do duong truyen sao nhanh qua?

2004-07-13 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
--- maikhai [EMAIL PROTECTED] $B$+$i$N%a%C%;!<%8!'(B
(B = `Vine26r1-ppc.iso.1'
(B  Resolving done.
(B  Connecting to
(B connected.
(B  Proxy request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
(B  Length: 653,262,848 [application/octet-stream]
(B  14% []
(B 93,913,600
(B  3.75M/sETA 02:22^C
(B Aha vo+' ddu+o+.c ro^`i! Xin ho?i la`m ca'ch na`o
(B ma` ba.n co' ddu+o+.c ca'i 
(B hi`nh chu.p  14% tre^n kia? Xin cho chi? da^~n
(B kie^?u ca^`m tay chi? . .  
(B le^.nh dde^? co`n bie^'t ddu+o+`ng ma` la`m theo.
(B Chie^u na`y hay qua'.
(B -- 
(B m k h _ s g n
(BDa. cu~ng ddo+n gia?n tho^i a.
(B1. Start wget
(B2. Khi download dda.t to+'i va^.n to^'c ba~o hoa` thi`
(Bnha^'n Ctrl+C dde^? stop
(B3. Take the screenshot :D
(BDo You Yahoo!?
(BThis SF.Net email sponsored by Black Hat Briefings  Training.
(BAttend Black Hat Briefings  Training, Las Vegas July 24-29 - 
(Bdigital self defense, top technical experts, no vendor pitches, 
(Bunmatched networking opportunities. Visit
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] permission denied for root

2004-07-12 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
--- "H.N" [EMAIL PROTECTED] $B$+$i$N%a%C%;!<%8!'(B
(B  1. OS, version cu?a A, B
(B Ca? 2 dde^`u du`ng Linux 2.4 (Redhat 7.2)
(B2 ca'i ma'y ddo' nguo+`i ta install cho ba'c hay ba'c tu+.
(Binstall la^'y? Ne^'u ba'c co' root password nghi~a la`
(Bba'c tu+. ca`i la^'y no' a`?
(BSau khi ca`i xong ba'c set cho ma'y A, B listen to the NIS
(BVa^.y co`n $HOME thi` sao? no' co' du`ng NFS + automount
(B# Tha^.t ra ne^'u ma^'t NFS kho^ng dduo+.c
(B# automounted thi` va^~n login dduo+.c
(B  2. ps -ax cu?a ca? 2 ma'y( snip ne^'u ca^`n :D).
(B Em co' access ddu*o*.c ma'y A dda^u :(
(B (Kho^ng ha(?n la` kho^ng access ddu*o*.c ma` la`
(B ngu*o*`i kha'c ddang du`ng ne^n kho^ng tie^.n la('m)
(BVa^.y to^'t nha^'t la` ne^n ho?i tay admin.
(B Ne^'u edit ca'i /etc/hosts.allow (cu?a ma'y A) thi`
(B co' ta'c gi` kho^ng a.? 
(BVi` sao ba'c nghi~ ca^`n edit /etc/hosts.allow cu?a A?
(BDo You Yahoo!?
(BThis SF.Net email sponsored by Black Hat Briefings  Training.
(BAttend Black Hat Briefings  Training, Las Vegas July 24-29 - 
(Bdigital self defense, top technical experts, no vendor pitches, 
(Bunmatched networking opportunities. Visit
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] du`ng vn keyboard trong Mandrake 10

2004-07-06 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
(B On Tue, 6 Jul 2004 19:22:19 +0700, Hoang Anh Tuan
(B  Em chu*a hie^?u y' ba'c. Ba'c muo^'n xem tho^ng
(B tin gi` ve^` VN Keyboard?
(B Tui vie^'t ba(`ng tie^'ng Vie^.t ha(?n hoi ma` :)
(B Hay la` ba'c che^ VIQR ? :)
(B Chi? to` mo` muo^'n xem ca'i "layout of VN keyboard"
(B coi thu+? no' ra
(B sao ma` thui :)
(BCo' le~ no' la` ca'i na`y:
(BTrong Windows XP, cho du`ng kho^ng install unikey or
(BVietkey va^~n go~ dduo+.c tie^'ng Vie^.t ne^'u ca`i XP
(Bbuiltin "vn keyboard"? Ca'i na`y du`ng Vietnamese locale
(BCP 1258(? Correct me if I am worng). That's suck.
(BTre^n mi' ca'i distros cu?a linux, ne^'u muo^'n co' "vn
(Bkeyboard" thi` pha?i thuye^'t phu.c packagers the^m xvnkb,
(Bx-unikey va`o. Nhu+ the^' tu+. nhie^n co' "vn keyboard".
(BKho^ng bie^'t em dda~ hie^?u ddu'ng y' cu?a ba'c H.A.Tuan
(BDo You Yahoo!?
(BThis SF.Net email sponsored by Black Hat Briefings  Training.
(BAttend Black Hat Briefings  Training, Las Vegas July 24-29 - 
(Bdigital self defense, top technical experts, no vendor pitches, 
(Bunmatched networking opportunities. Visit
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

[Ot]Re: [Vietlug] Ha^.u Thao luan

2004-07-06 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
--- Phan Th$B!&(B Trung [EMAIL PROTECTED] $B$+$i$N%a%C(B
(B Ne^'u ba.n Quy' muo^'n mi`nh vie^'t VIQR thi` mi`nh
(B se~ vie^'t ,co`n muo^'n co' nhie^`u ngu+o+`i
(B ddo.c thi` mi`nh cu~ng kho^ng ca^`n thie^'t la('m,
(B mi`nh chi? ca^`n ai ta^m huye^'t ddo.c tho^i.
(B (Ba.n ddu+`ng tu+. a'i, mi`nh hie^?u ba.n chi?
(B muo^'n go'p y' cho mi`nh).
(B Tha^n,
(B Trung
(BNo'i ba'c ddu+`ng tu+. a'i, emails cu?a ba'c thi` cha? ai
(Bquan ta^m dda^u :D, da`i ca? 1 trang A4, kho^ng da^'u,
(Btop-posting ... vi pha.m he^'t no^.i quy ro^`i co`n gi`. #
(Bchu+a ca^`n ba`n dde^'n "ta^m" hay "huye^'t" :D
(BDo You Yahoo!?
(BThis SF.Net email sponsored by Black Hat Briefings  Training.
(BAttend Black Hat Briefings  Training, Las Vegas July 24-29 - 
(Bdigital self defense, top technical experts, no vendor pitches, 
(Bunmatched networking opportunities. Visit
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

[Vietlug] uvconvert FreeBSD 4.9, make depend error

2004-07-06 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
Hi ba'c Long et all,
(BEm thu+? compile unconvert tre^n FreeBSD 4.9
(Bgcc 2.95-4
(Bgmake  3.79.1
(Buvconvert 1.1.2
(B[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/tmp/uvconv/uvconvert$make depend
(Bmakedepend -- -O -pipe  -- uvconvert.cpp -I../vnconv
(Bmakedepend: warning:  uvconvert.cpp (reading prehdr.h,
(Bline 23): cannot find include file "iostream.h"
(Bnot in ../vnconv/iostream.h
(Bnot in /usr/include/iostream.h
(Bnot in /usr/include/iostream.h
(Bcd ../vnconv  make depend
(Bmakedepend -- -O -pipe  -- charset.cpp convert.cpp
(Bdata.cpp error.cpp pattern.cpp
(Bmakedepend: warning:  stdafx.h:  non-portable whitespace
(Bencountered at line 37
(Bmakedepend: warning:  convert.cpp:  non-portable
(Bwhitespace encountered at line 29
(Bmakedepend: warning:  convert.cpp:  non-portable
(Bwhitespace encountered at line 30
(B[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/tmp/uvconv/uvconvert$
(BNghia~ la` bi. ba'o lo^~i o+? cho^~ na`y:
(B// file stdafx.h
(B#if defined(_WIN32)
(B#include windows.h
(BBa'c Long ra?nh thi` fix du`m ba` con nha' :D
(BDo You Yahoo!?
(BThis SF.Net email sponsored by Black Hat Briefings  Training.
(BAttend Black Hat Briefings  Training, Las Vegas July 24-29 - 
(Bdigital self defense, top technical experts, no vendor pitches, 
(Bunmatched networking opportunities. Visit
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] VIQR

2004-07-05 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
--- Ky Anh [EMAIL PROTECTED] $B$+$i$N%a%C%;!<%8!'(B
(B Viec noi hai ML la mot y tuong hay, nhung tai ton
(B them mot "admin" nua, ma 
(B cong viec cung khong co gi thu vi.
(B Co' cha(ng, ne^'u ca'c anh la admin cua "MailMan",
(B thi tim cach them mo^.t 
(B "pre-cook" de "detect message" nao la uft8, message
(B nao la "viqr", sau do 
(B "convert" qua luon (ko. biet MailMan cua VietLUG
(B la` du`ng cu?a chung, 
(B hay la do "phe ta" qua?n ly'...)
(B Em xin loi vi may cai keyboard cua em no' ko cha.y,
(B phai go tieng Viet ko. 
(B dau. Thanh that xin loi cac anh!!!
(B -- 
(BBa'c co' bie^'T la` 1 trong nhu+~Ng rules cu?a vietlug ML
(Bla` pha?i go~ VIQR. Trong na`y mo.i nguo+`i la`m nhu+
(Bthe^'. Ca' nha^n em xoa' ta^'T ca? nhu+~Ng emails tu+`
(BVietlug kho^ng du`ng VIQR ;). No'i va^.y chu+' ba'c tho^ng
(BDo You Yahoo!?
(BThis SF.Net email sponsored by Black Hat Briefings  Training.
(BAttend Black Hat Briefings  Training, Las Vegas July 24-29 - 
(Bdigital self defense, top technical experts, no vendor pitches, 
(Bunmatched networking opportunities. Visit
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] How to play video on Fedora?

2004-07-03 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
--- Nhan Thanh Le [EMAIL PROTECTED] $B$+$i$N%a%C%;!<%8!'(B
(B Hi All,
(B   Cac bac cho em hoi la`m cach na`o xem video tre^n
(B Fedora core 2,
(B Chu*o*ng tri`nh do' co the download o dau. Tien
(B the^? ca'c ba'c cho em
(B va`i site co' chu*a' video clip ve^` Linux redhat.
(B Xin Cha^n Tha`nh cam
(B on cac bac chuc cuoi tuan vui ve~
(B Caheo
(BBa'c search o+? google ddi :)
(BCo`n video dde^? test thi` co' ca'i na`y, available o+?
(Bnhie^`u formats kha'c nhau:
(B lmao
(BDo You Yahoo!?
(BThis SF.Net email sponsored by Black Hat Briefings  Training.
(BAttend Black Hat Briefings  Training, Las Vegas July 24-29 - 
(Bdigital self defense, top technical experts, no vendor pitches, 
(Bunmatched networking opportunities. Visit
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] Re:_[Vietlug]_V (J$Bb

2004-07-03 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
--- BITguy [EMAIL PROTECTED] $B$+$i$N%a%C%;!<%8!'(B
(B Cao Vbn Khanh wrote (BITguy's converted to Viqr for
(B easy reading):
(B Xin lo^~i , mi`nh mo+'i la` user cu?a vnlinux va`
(B cu~ng mo+'i thu+? dda(ng ky' mailinglist
(B  , tuy nhie^n khi nha^.n ddc mail cu?a mo.i
(B ngu+o+`i mi`nh tha^'y ra(`ng ky' tu+. go~ ra^'t linh
(B tinh , 
(B  kho^ng theo chua^?n gi` tho^'ng nha^'t -- ra^'t
(B kho' ddo.c.
(B  DDe^` nghi. ban qua? tri. xem xe't ddu+a ra quy
(B che^' dde^? chua^?n ho'a va^'n dde^` na`y .
(B  Xin ca?m o+n nhie^`u 
(B Ca'i chu+~ ma` ba'c ba?o la` linh tinh a^'y, no'
(B du+o+.c vie^'t theo ca'ch ma~ ho'a VIQR su+?
(B bo^. ma~ chua^?n ASCII dde^? anh em tre^n gzoup co'
(B the^? reading mo^.t ca'ch de^~ da`ng ddo' ma`.
(B Em nghi~ VIQR cu~ng la` mo^.t chua^?n ro^`i, ma`em
(B tha^'y trong list na`y, VIQR la` chua^?n cu?a anh em
(B ma`. Co' le~ ne^n "nha^.p gia tu`y tu.c" nghen ba'c.
(B Regards,
(B BITguy
(BMa` ho+n nu+~a HTML email cu~ng bi. ca^'m tre^n list thi`
(BKho^ng bie^'t la` ba'c gi` gi` co' tra'ch: Sao kho^ng
(Bchuye^?n sang Unicode ma` pha?i du`ng VIQR giun de^'?
(BChuye^.n na`y tre^n ML cu~ng ca~i nhau va`i la^`n ro^`i,
(Bva` cuo^'i cu`ng ddu+a ra ke^'t lua^.n: du`ng chua^?n VIQR
(Bthi` ai cu~ng ddo.c dduo+.c. VH nha` em du`ng pine tre^n
(BSunOS hay dde^`u kho^ng ddo.c dduo+.c
(BUnicode ca? :)
(BDo You Yahoo!?
(BThis SF.Net email sponsored by Black Hat Briefings  Training.
(BAttend Black Hat Briefings  Training, Las Vegas July 24-29 - 
(Bdigital self defense, top technical experts, no vendor pitches, 
(Bunmatched networking opportunities. Visit
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

[Vietlug] [ot] C Java conversion

2004-07-03 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
Hi ca'c ba'c,
(BEm ddang ti`m 1 ca'i tool dde^? convert 1 simple C prog
(Bsang Java. Mong ca'c ba'c giu'p. DDa~ thu+? qua google
(Bnhu+ng kho^ng ra? Bad keyword?
(BThanks = mp3
(BDo You Yahoo!?
(BThis SF.Net email sponsored by Black Hat Briefings  Training.
(BAttend Black Hat Briefings  Training, Las Vegas July 24-29 - 
(Bdigital self defense, top technical experts, no vendor pitches, 
(Bunmatched networking opportunities. Visit
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

[Vietlug] mac X, Vietnamese Keyboard Layouts

2004-07-03 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
(BVietnamese Keyboard Layouts cho Mac X vie^'t bo+?i Gero
(BHerrmann du+.a tre^n xvnkb cu?a anh La^m!!
(BEm ti`m tha^'y ca'i na`y trong file readme.rtf
(BThis work is based in part on xvnkb, ? 2002 ??o H?i L?m,
(B and Apple Unicode keyboard
(Blayouts, version 1.0.1 ? 2002?2003 Apple Computer, Inc.
(BDescriptions of Vietnamese typing adapted from
(B? 1999?2000 Thomas Chan.
(BGero Herrmann
(BNishinomiya, Japan  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(Bxvnkb va^~n thie^'u 1 chu't pha^`n bo? da^'u ha anh La^m?
(BDo You Yahoo!?
(BThis SF.Net email sponsored by Black Hat Briefings  Training.
(BAttend Black Hat Briefings  Training, Las Vegas July 24-29 - 
(Bdigital self defense, top technical experts, no vendor pitches, 
(Bunmatched networking opportunities. Visit
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] [ot] C Java conversion

2004-07-03 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
--- Tang Hai Tuan Minh [EMAIL PROTECTED] $B$+$i$N%a%C%;!<(B
(B On 01:43 Sun 04 Jul, you wrote:
(B  Hi ca'c ba'c,
(B  Em ddang ti`m 1 ca'i tool dde^? convert 1 simple C
(B prog
(B  sang Java. Mong ca'c ba'c giu'p. DDa~ thu+? qua
(B google
(B  nhu+ng kho^ng ra? Bad keyword?
(B  Thanks = mp3
(B  Vh
(B Hic, hy vong la dung cai bac can :)
(BO^'i, sao nhie^`u the^' na`y!
(Bthanks x 3!
(BDo You Yahoo!?
(BThis SF.Net email sponsored by Black Hat Briefings  Training.
(BAttend Black Hat Briefings  Training, Las Vegas July 24-29 - 
(Bdigital self defense, top technical experts, no vendor pitches, 
(Bunmatched networking opportunities. Visit
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

[Vietlug] Windows caches samba password: Old question

2004-07-02 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
Hi ca'c ba'c,
(BEm du`ng Windows dde^? log va`o 1 samba server 3.0.2,
(Bmandrake 10. Hie^.n ta.i ti`nh hi`nh ra^'t la` ti`nh
(Bhi`nh, cu. the^? nhu+ ha.:
(B1. Windows caches password cu?a samba, cu+' log va`o la`
(Bno' tu+. mount, kho^ng ddo`i samba password nu+~a
(B2. Tre^n Win XP co' 1 user la` vuhung, tre^n samba server
(Bcu~ng co' 1 user la` vuhung. Ne^'u 2 users na`y co' same
(Bpassword thi` win xp co' the^? mount samba sharings ma` 0
(Bca^`n pha?i enter password. Ne^'u em ddo^?i samba password
(Bcu?a user vuhung thi` khi login tu+` Windows va`o samba
(Bserver, cho du` nha^.p ddu'ng username/password, samba
(Bva^~n ba'o la` "Wrong password, You Dont have permission,
(Bblah blah..."
(BVi` sao nhi?
(BVu Hung
(BDo You Yahoo!?
(BThis SF.Net email sponsored by Black Hat Briefings  Training.
(BAttend Black Hat Briefings  Training, Las Vegas July 24-29 - 
(Bdigital self defense, top technical experts, no vendor pitches, 
(Bunmatched networking opportunities. Visit
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] setup a NIS server/client?

2004-07-02 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
(B--- James Nguyen [EMAIL PROTECTED] $B$+$i$N%a%C%;!<%8!'(B
(B On Mon, 28 Jun 2004 17:06:58 +0900 (JST)
(B Bit Takeshi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
(B  Em vu+`a ddo.c la.i "How To Ask Questions The
(B Smart Way
(B  " va` dda^y la` tech info cu. the^?. Ho^m qua
(B ddo.c ca'i
(B  doc ddo' kho^ng hie^?u gi` bu+.c mi`nh qua'!
(B  /etc/yp.conf:
(B  ypserver
(B Quan nha^'t la` ba'c chia nho? va^'n dde^`,
(B kie^?m tra xem lo^~i thuo^.c ve^` phi'a NIS server
(B hay client.
(B Theo kinh nghie^.m cu?a rie^ng tui (NIS server
(B cha.y tre^n Solaris, client co' Solaris, Linux,
(B BSD), co' the^? ti`m lo^~i nhu+ sau
(B 1) server
(B - kie^?m tra ca^'u hi`nh nhie^`u la^`n
(B - portmap dda~ cha.y chu+a (port 111) ?
(B[EMAIL PROTECTED] home]# /etc/init.d/portmap status
(Bportmap (pid 1093) is running...
(B - co' bi. permission gi` kho^ng (e.g. hosts.deny)
(B[EMAIL PROTECTED] home]# cat /etc/hosts.deny
(B# hosts.denyThis file describes the names of the hosts
(Bwhich are
(B#   *not* allowed to use the local INET
(Bservices, as decided
(B#   by the '/usr/sbin/tcpd' server.
(B# The portmap line is redundant, but it is left to remind
(Byou that
(B# the new secure portmap uses hosts.deny and hosts.allow. 
(BIn particular
(B# you should know that NFS uses portmap!
(B 2) client
(B - kie^?m tra ca^'u hi`nh nhie^`u la^`n
(B[EMAIL PROTECTED] home]# cat /etc/hosts
(B127.0.0.1   localhost
(B172.21.65.245   cluster-host45
(B[EMAIL PROTECTED] home]# cat /etc/yp.conf
(B# /etc/yp.conf - ypbind configuration file
(B# Valid entries are
(B#   Use server HOSTNAME for the domain NISDOMAIN.
(B#domain NISDOMAIN broadcast
(B#   Use  broadcast  on  the local net for domain
(B#ypserver HOSTNAME
(B#   Use server HOSTNAME for the  local  domain.  The
(B#   IP-address of server must be listed in /etc/hosts.
(B#ypserver laurel
(Bypserver fennel
(B[EMAIL PROTECTED] home]# cat /etc/nsswitch.conf
(B# /etc/nsswitch.conf
(B# An example Name Service Switch config file. This file
(Bshould be
(B# sorted with the most-used services at the beginning.
(B# The entry '[NOTFOUND=return]' means that the search for
(B# entry should stop if the search in the previous entry
(B# up nothing. Note that if the search failed due to some
(Bother reason
(B# (like no NIS server responding) then the search
(Bcontinues with the
(B# next entry.
(B# Legal entries are:
(B#   nisplus or nis+ Use NIS+ (NIS version 3)
(B#   nis or yp   Use NIS (NIS version 2),
(Balso called YP
(B#   dns Use DNS (Domain Name
(B#   files   Use the local files
(B#   db  Use the local database
(B(.db) files
(B#   compat  Use NIS on compat mode
(B#   hesiod  Use Hesiod for user
(B#   [NOTFOUND=return]   Stop searching if not
(Bfound so far
(B# To use db, put the "db" in front of "files" for entries
(Byou want to be
(B# looked up first in the databases
(B# Example:
(B#passwd:db files nisplus nis
(B#shadow:db files nisplus nis
(B#group: db files nisplus nis
(B#passwd: files nisplus nis
(B#shadow: files nisplus nis
(B#group:  files nisplus nis
(Bpasswd: nis files
(Bgroup:  nis files
(B#shadow: compat
(Bnetgroup: nis db files
(B#hosts: db files nisplus nis dns
(Bhosts:  nis dns files
(B# Example - obey only what nisplus tells us...
(B#services:   nisplus [NOTFOUND=return] files
(B#networks:   nisplus [NOTFOUND=return] files
(B#protocols:  nisplus [NOTFOUND=return] files
(B#rpc:nisplus [NOTFOUND=return] files
(B#ethers: nisplus [NOTFOUND=return] files
(B#netmasks:   nisplus [NOTFOUND=return] files
(Bbootparams: nisplus [NOTFOUND=return] files
(Bethers: files
(Bnetmasks:   files
(Bnetworks:   nis [NOTFOUND=return] files
(Bprotocols:  files nis
(Brpc:files nis
(Bservices:   files nis
(Bnetgroup:   nis
(Bpublickey:  nis
(Bautomount:  files nis
(Baliases:files nis
(B - check /etc/yp.conf, /etc/sysconfig/network
(Bxem tre^n
(BHie^.n ta.i yppasswdd cha.y, ypbind cu~ng cha.y ok
(B[EMAIL PROTECTED] home]# /etc/init.d/ypbind restart
(BShutting down NIS services:   
(B [  O

Re: [Vietlug] Announcement : Hanoi LUG the 04/07/07 at 7 pm

2004-07-02 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
--- Phan Th$B!&(B Trung [EMAIL PROTECTED] $B$+$i$N%a%C(B
(B Impossible !
(B Did u know on 7th July there will be an important
(B conference about the Open Source Soft taken in
(B HCMC. How to participe both 2 meetings in 2 regions
(B North v. South ???
(BCuo^'i tha'ng 9 VH se~ ve^` VN, he.n ga(.p la.i ca'c ba'c
(BDo You Yahoo!?
(BThis SF.Net email sponsored by Black Hat Briefings  Training.
(BAttend Black Hat Briefings  Training, Las Vegas July 24-29 - 
(Bdigital self defense, top technical experts, no vendor pitches, 
(Bunmatched networking opportunities. Visit
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] So sa'nh 3 distros tho^ng nha^'t

2004-07-02 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
--- Larry Nguyen [EMAIL PROTECTED] $B$+$i$N%a%C%;!<%8!'(B
(B Ba`i vie^'t kha' chi tie^'t ma(.c du` co' va`i sai
(B so't nho? 
(B Ba`i tha^'y tu+` osnews web site.
(BThanks anh Larry, 
(BBa`i na`y kha' bo^? i'ch cho desktop users. Em ddang du`ng
(B2 con Fc2, 5 con Mandrake 10. Nhu+ng chi? co' FC2 la`
(Bdu`ng theo ddu'ng nghi~a cu?a 1 desktop users. Khi boot
(Bva`o FC2, chi? co' 2 apps ma` em hay du`ng nha^'t:
(B1. Mozila,
(B2. mplayer
(BCo`n la.i la` du`ng commandline he^'t
(BMandrake thi` ngay ca? X em cu~ng kho^ng install ne^n cha?
(Bbie^'t so sa'nh the^' na`o :) Clusters ma` hehe
(BVu Hung
(BDo You Yahoo!?
(BThis SF.Net email sponsored by Black Hat Briefings  Training.
(BAttend Black Hat Briefings  Training, Las Vegas July 24-29 - 
(Bdigital self defense, top technical experts, no vendor pitches, 
(Bunmatched networking opportunities. Visit
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] setup a NIS server/client?

2004-06-28 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
--- Vn2037 [EMAIL PROTECTED] $B$+$i$N%a%C%;!<%8!'(B
(B Bit Takeshi wrote:
(B   Me. kie^'p, doc cu?a tu.i na`y lo^.n tu`ng phe`o
(B le^n
(B  ddo.c kho^ng hie^?u gi`.
(B ML kho^ng pha?i la` ca'i cho+. tro+`i !!! A(n no'i
(B ca^?n tha^.n nghe chu'
(BEm vu+`a ddo.c la.i "How To Ask Questions The Smart Way
(B" va` dda^y la` tech info cu. the^?. Ho^m qua ddo.c ca'i
(Bdoc ddo' kho^ng hie^?u gi` bu+.c mi`nh qua'!
(Bdda~ cha.y:
(Bdda~ the^m "+::" va`o /etc/passwd va` ":+++" va`o
(BFile /etc/nsswitch.conf
(Bpasswd: compat
(Bgroup:  compat
(Bshadow: compat
(Bnetgroup: nis db files
(B#hosts: db files nisplus nis dns
(Bhosts:  nis files dns
(B# Example - obey only what nisplus tells us...
(B#services:   nisplus [NOTFOUND=return] files
(B#networks:   nisplus [NOTFOUND=return] files
(B#protocols:  nisplus [NOTFOUND=return] files
(B#rpc:nisplus [NOTFOUND=return] files
(B#ethers: nisplus [NOTFOUND=return] files
(B#netmasks:   nisplus [NOTFOUND=return] files
(Bbootparams: nisplus [NOTFOUND=return] files
(Bethers: files
(Bnetmasks:   files
(Bnetworks:   files
(Bprotocols:  files
(Bservices:   files
(Bnetgroup:   nisplus
(Bpublickey:  nisplus
(Bautomount:  files nisplus
(Baliases:files nisplus
(B[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# cat /etc/host.conf
(Border hosts,bind,nis
(Bmulti on
(BBa^y gio+`, ne^'u try to su - to root thi` bi. ba'o lo^~i:
(B[EMAIL PROTECTED] vuhung]$ su -
(BYPBINDPROC_DOMAIN: Domain not bound
(BYPBINDPROC_DOMAIN: Domain not bound
(BVa` nu+~a:
(B[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# /etc/init.d/ypbind restart
(BShutting down NIS services:   
(B [  OK  ]
(BBinding to the NIS domain...  
(B [  OK  ]
(BListening for an NIS domain server: ..can't
(Byp_bind: Reason: Domain not bound
(Bsoftwares cha.y tre^n no':
(B[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# rpm -qa | grep ^yp
(Bclient na`y cha.y Mandrake 10.0, co`n NIS server thi` no'
(Btre^n 1 con FreeBSD4.9, em cu~ng kho^ng ro~ va` chi? du`ng
(Bno' tho^i.
(BEm dda~ googled mo-.t ti' va` ddo.c nhu+ng kho^ng ti`m ra
(Bkho^ng tin mi`nh ca^`n.
(BMong ca'c ba'c giu'p ddo+~;)
(BDo You Yahoo!?
(BThis SF.Net email sponsored by Black Hat Briefings  Training.
(BAttend Black Hat Briefings  Training, Las Vegas July 24-29 - 
(Bdigital self defense, top technical experts, no vendor pitches, 
(Bunmatched networking opportunities. Visit
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] How to install linux from network

2004-06-22 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
--- Nhan Thanh Le [EMAIL PROTECTED] $B$+$i$N%a%C%;!<%8!'(B
(B Mi`nh muo^'n install ferdora moi len may tinh mi`nh
(B nhu*ng may mi`nh
(B khong co' CDROM, bo install do' duoc dat truoc mot
(B may chu? server la`
(B linux. Vay cac' bac co' cach na`o giup em install
(B duoc khong xin chi?
(B va`i chieu.
(B Nhanle
(BVa^.y ma'y cu?a ba.n co' boot ddu+o+.c tu+` FDD kho^ng?
(BNe^'u dduo+.c thi` make install boot disk(s)
(BDDe^'n khi bi. ho?i installation sources thi` cho.n 1
(Btrong ca'c ca'ch sau:
(BCu. the^? ve^` ca`i dda(.t thi` trong installation guide
(Bcu?a redhat ho. vie^'t kha' ro~
(Bgood luck
(BDo You Yahoo!?
(BThis SF.Net email sponsored by Black Hat Briefings  Training.
(BAttend Black Hat Briefings  Training, Las Vegas July 24-29 - 
(Bdigital self defense, top technical experts, no vendor pitches, 
(Bunmatched networking opportunities. Visit
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] [off-topic]network

2004-06-12 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
Hay la` mua 1 ca'i router ve^` nhi?
(B--- Viet Slackware [EMAIL PROTECTED] $B$+$i$N%a%C(B
(B Ba'c dda(ng ky' 1 ma'y la`m gateway, co`n 2 ma'y cho
(B NAT qua ca'i dda(ng ky'
(B  --- HoangNam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
(B Em co' 1 ca'i hub , 3 PCs .
(B 2 IPs . La`m the^' na`o dde^? cho ca? 3 ma'y
(B  cu`ng access internet ddu+o+.c a. ?
(B  Tru+o+`ng pha't cho mo^~i ngu+o+`i 1 to+` dda(ng
(B ky', ghi va`o ddo' MAC
(B  address cu?a ma'y mi`nh va` no^.p le^n - mo+'i sd
(B ddu+o+.c net, va` ha.n
(B  che^' 1 ngu+o+`i 1 ma'y .
(B  Hie^.n 2 PC no^'i ngon la`nh qua hub . Co`n
(B ca'i thu+' 3 thi` hie^.n
(B  gio+` chi? co' the^? cho no' trong LAN la`m
(B ddie^?m truy ca^.p cho 2 PCs kia
(B ---
(B  This SF.Net email is sponsored by the new
(B InstallShield X.
(B  From Windows to Linux, servers to mobile,
(B InstallShield X is the
(B  one installation-authoring solution that does it
(B all. Learn more and
(B  evaluate today!
(B  ___
(B  VietLUG-users mailing list
(B Yahoo! Messenger - Communicate instantly..."Ping" 
(B your friends today! Download Messenger Now 
(B ---
(B This SF.Net email is sponsored by the new
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(B From Windows to Linux, servers to mobile,
(B InstallShield X is the
(B one installation-authoring solution that does it
(B all. Learn more and
(B evaluate today!
(B ___
(B VietLUG-users mailing list
(BDo You Yahoo!?
(BThis SF.Net email is sponsored by the new InstallShield X.
(BFrom Windows to Linux, servers to mobile, InstallShield X is the
(Bone installation-authoring solution that does it all. Learn more and
(Bevaluate today!
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] wget a big file

2004-06-12 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
--- James Nguyen [EMAIL PROTECTED] $B$+$i$N%a%C%;!<%8!'(B
(B On Sat, 12 Jun 2004 14:52:05 +0900
(B "HoangNam" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
(B  Cha`o ca'c ba'c ,
(B  Em ddang ddi.nh la^'y dvd iso cu?a fedora core 2 .
(B  ca'c ba'c cho em ho?i du`ng wget ma` la^'y file
(B dvd image thi` la`m
(B  the^' na`o ddu+o+.c a. ? No' hi`nh nhu+ chi? cho
(B download max size la`
(B  2,147,483,647 hay sao y' nhi? . dvd iso le^n
(B dde^'n ta^.n 4GB co+ ma`
(B  . ( 4,370,640,896 ) hichic .
(B Distro na`o cu~ng va^.y, xa`i ngay lu'c no' vu+`a ra
(B lo`
(B (hay la` chu+a ki.p ra lo`) mo+'i su+o+'ng.
(B Ba^y gio+` ba'c mo+'i download thi` tho^i, ra tie^.m
(B sa'ch mua ta.p chi' UNIX User so^' 7/2004 luo^n ddi.
(B Trong ddo' co' ke`m FC2 DVD :)
(BHoa' ra ba'c ddang o+? Tokyo?
(BNe^'u ra?nh ba'c ddi uo^'ng cafe' ddi. Em thi` cuo^'i
(Btua^`n hay ca'c buo^?i to^'i dde^`u ra?nh ca?
(BVu Hung
(BDo You Yahoo!?
(BThis SF.Net email is sponsored by the new InstallShield X.
(BFrom Windows to Linux, servers to mobile, InstallShield X is the
(Bone installation-authoring solution that does it all. Learn more and
(Bevaluate today!
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] SuSE Linux Professional 9.1

2004-06-04 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
--- Khai Tran [EMAIL PROTECTED] $B$+$i$N%a%C%;!<%8!'(B
(B Guten Abend ;-)
(B Am Do, den 03.06.2004 schrieb teppi82 um 22:07:
(B  Guten Tag Khai Tran,
(BBa'c Kha?i cho em du`ng thu+? ca'i na`y ddi!
(BEm xin ca?m o+n truo+'c!
(BDo You Yahoo!?
(BThis SF.Net email is sponsored by the new InstallShield X.
(BFrom Windows to Linux, servers to mobile, InstallShield X is the one
(Binstallation-authoring solution that does it all. Learn more and
(Bevaluate today!
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] Re: Brute force Cracking to Pop3 server ...

2004-06-02 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
Thanks ca'c ba'c dda~ khuye^n ba?o.
(BEm se~ thu+? nho? nhe. vo+'i "ha('n" mo^.t ti' xem na`o.
(BDDa^y la` 1 co^ xinh xinh ca'c ba'c a., cu~ng hay
(BVu Hung
(B--- Nguyen Thanh Bien [EMAIL PROTECTED] $B$+$i$N%a%C%;(B
(B Hash: SHA1
(B Tony Ly wrote:
(B | De^~ tho^i, lo^i ha('n ra dda^.p cho mo^.t tra^.n
(B la` xong.  Ba'c la` sa
(B | ma`, so+. tha(`ng ta^y na`o, hehehe
(B | La`m sao ba'c co' the^? chu+'ng minh la` chi'nh
(B ngu+o+`i ddo' (ne^'u
(B | chi? du+.a tre^n IP tho^i) la` ngu+o+`i ddang
(B cracking your pop3
(B | server?  Co' the^? ngu+o+`i khac' "mu+o+.n" ta.m
(B ma'y cua? ha('n dde^?
(B | crack ma` ha('n cu~ng ko bie^'t cha(ng?
(B | Di~ nhie^n la` pha?i ba'o cho xe^'p ve^` va^'n
(B dde^` na`y lie^`n dde^?
(B | ba`n ca'ch ddo^'i pho'.
(B |
(B | Bit Takeshi writes:
(B |
(B |  Ho^m 05/29 vu+`a ro^`i, swatch gu+?i cho em
(B ga^`n 1 va.n
(B | ca'i emails ba'o failed login attempt va`o Pop3
(B server,
(B | xem la.i log, thi` IP ta^'t ca? dde^`u tu+` 1
(B ma'y trong
(B | co^ng ti: 192.168.x.x, va` em bie^'t ro. dda^y
(B la` ma'y
(B | cu?a ai.
(B |  Va^'n dde^` la` ne^n xu+? li' ra sao. Vie^.c
(B la`m tre^n
(B | vi pha.m lua^.t pha'p Nha^.t, va` ne^'u lo+? ra
(B trong
(B | co^ng ti thi` nguo+`i ddo' bi. trouble.
(B Trong khi
(B | ddo' em chi? la` 1 SA bi`nh thuo+`ng.
(B |  Ca'c ba'c nghi. sao ve^` vie^.c na`y, co' ne^n
(B report
(B | vo+'i boss kho^ng?
(B |  Vu Hung
(B Hi Hu+ng !
(B To+' cu~ng la` sa nhu+ng trong Cong ty HiPT
(B (vietnamese), va` cu~ng dda~
(B ga(.p tru+o+`ng ho+.p ddo' ro^`i, ca'ch dda^`u tie^n
(B la` ga(.p tha(?ng
(B tay ddo' no'i chuye^.n vi`:
(B - - no' muo^'n tre^u mi`nh hoa(.c muo^'n hack
(B - - ta.i virus
(B Ne^'u bie^'t ro~ la` no' muo^'n hack va` mi`nh no'i
(B chuye^.n ma` no'
(B va^~n kho^ng chi.u tu+` bo? thi` sau ddo' ba'o vo+'i
(B se^'p.
(B Bie^n
(B Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)
(B UITwpWazKPTmUkd9I7CiGuk=
(B =kdpT
(B ---
(B This SF.Net email is sponsored by the new
(B InstallShield X.
(B From Windows to Linux, servers to mobile,
(B InstallShield X is the one
(B installation-authoring solution that does it all.
(B Learn more and
(B evaluate today!
(B ___
(B VietLUG-users mailing list
(BDo You Yahoo!?
(BThis SF.Net email is sponsored by the new InstallShield X.
(BFrom Windows to Linux, servers to mobile, InstallShield X is the one
(Binstallation-authoring solution that does it all. Learn more and
(Bevaluate today!
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] Re: DVD iso tre^n FreeBSD4.9-PRERELEASE

2004-06-02 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
--- Tony Ly [EMAIL PROTECTED] $B$+$i$N%a%C%;!<%8!'(B
(B Cha('c la` download bi. gia'n ddoa.n giu+~a chu+`ng.
(B  Ba'c check md5 la` 
(B bie^'t lie^`n. 
(BEm check la.i ro^`i ba'c a.. La^`n na`y thi` no' la.i
(Bhie^.n ro~ ra la` 4G! 
(BThanks anyway
(BVu Hung
(BDo You Yahoo!?
(BThis SF.Net email is sponsored by the new InstallShield X.
(BFrom Windows to Linux, servers to mobile, InstallShield X is the one
(Binstallation-authoring solution that does it all. Learn more and
(Bevaluate today!
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] Re: hosting

2004-06-02 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
Ne^'u ba'c chu+a la`m thu+? la^`n na`o thi` thu+? mo^.t
(Bca'i demo ddi. Du`ng engarde! Du`ng no' thi` mo+'i hie^?u
(BVu Hung
(B--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] $B$+$i$N%a%C%;!<%8!'(B
(B Thuc su* em cung chua ro~ lam' , mong cac' ba'c bo?
(B qua'. Bon em dinh. lam`
(B proxy cho web, mail, va` hosting. Thuc ra main goal
(B la` proxy mail. Cai'
(B cpanel hinh` nhu la` ma^'t tien` mua thi` phai? (em
(B tho^i), em moi' dung
(B cai' zpanel  but ko du? functions, ba^y jo` dang
(B build cai' webcp, ba'c nao`
(B co' kinh nghie^m trong may' vu. nay` chi? giao' em
(B vo*i
(B Lam` o*n nhanh nhanh dc ko cac' bac'!
(B - Original Message -
(B From: "Tony Ly" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(B Sent: Wednesday, June 02, 2004 3:47 AM
(B Subject: [Vietlug] Re: hosting
(B  Y' ba'c la` ti`m opensource gi`?  Dde^? cho ba'c
(B maintain the system hay
(B la`
(B  cho user maintain (ie. cpanel)?  Ba'c no'i ro~
(B chu't nu+~a ddi.
(B   Em dang thu*? setup dich vu. hosting, ko biet co
(B ca'i opensource na`o
(B to't
(B   ma` de~ dung` ko ha? cac' bac'
(B   Ba'c nao` bie't chi? cho em vo'i
(B   (Em du`ng redhat 9.0, qmail . . .)
(B   Giu'p em vo'i.
(B ---
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(B This SF.Net email is sponsored by the new
(B InstallShield X.
(B From Windows to Linux, servers to mobile,
(B InstallShield X is the one
(B installation-authoring solution that does it all.
(B Learn more and
(B evaluate today!
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(BThis SF.Net email is sponsored by the new InstallShield X.
(BFrom Windows to Linux, servers to mobile, InstallShield X is the one
(Binstallation-authoring solution that does it all. Learn more and
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