Re: [Vietlug] Ca^`n ho^~ tro+. Linux ta.i VN?

2006-10-31 Hội thoại Manh Cuong
giao dien gio^'ng windows qua'. Kho^ng bie^'t se~ bi. kie^.n ba?n 
quye^`n ca'c icon va` giao die^.n hay kho^ng.
Ca'c tri`nh control panel, desktop, My Computer ra^'t gio^'ng vo+'i 
windows, kha' tie^.n lo+.i dde^? co' the^? chuye^?n sang su+?  
ca'i ba?n linux na`y.  Tie^'c la` chu+a cho download xa`i thu+? .
nhi`n screen shot thi` qua? la` tuye^.t vo+`i
Manh Cuong.
Larry Nguyen wrote:


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Re: [Vietlug] day la doan text tui dinh gui len

2006-09-11 Hội thoại Manh Cuong
Vi` stdin va^~n co`n chua string thu+' 2, 3 trong buffer cho du` du`ng fflush. 
Cho ne^n ngay sau khi go.i ha`m scanf la^`n thu+' 2 thi` string trong buffer 
stdin do' ngay la^.p tu+'c duoc ga'n cho bie^'n str. Cho ne^n trong truong hop 
nay, le^.nh scanf da~ duoc thuc hien roi , chu ko phai la` chi? thuc hie^n duoc 
1 la^`n.

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Larry Nguyen
Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2006 12:12 PM
Subject: Re: [Vietlug] day la doan text tui dinh gui len

On 5:50:50 am 09/11/06 hong pham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 #32;Stay in the know. Pulse on the new  Check it

Gu+?i la.i du`m Hong Pham

Mình vừa gặp phải một lỗi rất khó hiểu. Đây là đoạn
mã nguồn của mình:
#include stdio.h

int main()
   char str[80];
 printf(Enter some words: );
 scanf(%s, str);
 printf(The first word you entered is : %s\n, str );
 printf(Enter some words: );
 scanf(%s, str);
 printf(The first word you entered is : %s\n, str );

   return 0;
và đây là kết quả mà mình mong đợi:
Enter some words:hello word
 The first word you entered is:hello
 Enter some words:who are u?
 The first word you entered is:who
nhưng kết quả mà mình thu được lại là:
Enter some words: hello word
 The first word you entered is : hello
 Enter some words: The first word you entered is : word
Không thể hiểu nổi tại sao hàm scanf() lại chỉ hoạt động
đúng một lần. Ngay cả khi mình đã sử dụng hàm fflush(stdin)
nhưng kết quả vẫn như cũ. Ai đó giúp mình với. Mình xin
cám ơn!!!

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VietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] day la doan text tui dinh gui len

2006-09-11 Hội thoại Manh Cuong
Theo toi thi co the lam nhu sau:
Thay lenh scanf bang lenh fgets:
 printf(Enter some words: );
 scanf(%s, str);
sau do' xu ly chuoi str. 

Manh Cuong.
-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Larry Nguyen
Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2006 12:12 PM
Subject: Re: [Vietlug] day la doan text tui dinh gui len

On 5:50:50 am 09/11/06 hong pham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 #32;Stay in the know. Pulse on the new  Check it

Gu+?i la.i du`m Hong Pham

Mình vừa gặp phải một lỗi rất khó hiểu. Đây là đoạn
mã nguồn của mình:
#include stdio.h

int main()
   char str[80];
 printf(Enter some words: );
 scanf(%s, str);
 printf(The first word you entered is : %s\n, str );
 printf(Enter some words: );
 scanf(%s, str);
 printf(The first word you entered is : %s\n, str );

   return 0;
và đây là kết quả mà mình mong đợi:
Enter some words:hello word
 The first word you entered is:hello
 Enter some words:who are u?
 The first word you entered is:who
nhưng kết quả mà mình thu được lại là:
Enter some words: hello word
 The first word you entered is : hello
 Enter some words: The first word you entered is : word
Không thể hiểu nổi tại sao hàm scanf() lại chỉ hoạt động
đúng một lần. Ngay cả khi mình đã sử dụng hàm fflush(stdin)
nhưng kết quả vẫn như cũ. Ai đó giúp mình với. Mình xin
cám ơn!!!

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VietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] MySQL performance

2006-08-21 Hội thoại Manh Cuong
Bac Larry cho biet ket qua test tren FreeBSD so voi Gentoo thi the nao voi.
Ca'ch hien thuc user thread cua? 2 thang nay khac nhau cho ne^n cha('c
cha('n ke^'t qua? se~ che^nh lech va` theo em thi` FreeBSD se~ cho ke^'t
qua? tot ho*n.
Ho+n nua Sun no' du`ng mtmalloc lib, ne^'u Linux cu~ng du`ng mtmalloc lib
thi` cho ra ket qua the nao?

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Larry
Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2006 1:10 PM
Subject: [Vietlug] MySQL performance

Hi ca'c ba'c,

I spent almost 1 week (ba` xa~ 0 co' nha` ne^n ho+i qua^.y :) ) to test
MySQL performance on Debian Etch, Gentoo, FC5, Edubuntu, FreeBSD 6.1 va`
mo^.t ba?n Linux nu+~a vi` EULA ne^n 0 da'm no'i ra.  Co' le~ ma^'y ba'c
cu~ng ddo'an ddu+o+.c dda^y la` ba?n Linux na`o :)

Sun co' dda(ng mo^.t ba`i MySQL performance kha' hay ta.i

Ma^'y ba'c xem ca'i read-only test, 1359 transactions/sec. Tin vui, tre^n
mo^.t ba?n Linux (0 no'i te^n dduoc :) ), 1.5GHz RAM, IDE drive, amd64 2GHZ
x2 3800+ dda.t ddu+o+.c, 509 transactions/sec su+? CFQ scheduler.
Tu+'c la` ba(`ng chU+a ddu+o+.c 1/2 ke^'t qua? cu?a Sun. Nhu+ng Sun server
~ $30,000-$44,000, my server $600 :) I guess you could do the math.

Tuy nhie^n vo+'i read-write transactions, Linux thua xa :( chi? ddu+o+.c
khoa?ng 128 transactions/sec (so vo+'i 993 trns/sec) su+?
Anticipatory scheduler tre^n Gentoo (Ma^'y chu' Linux du`ng CFQ ma` run
read-write thi` ddi ngu? he^'t, te^. ho+n vo+. tha(`ng dda^.u). 

DDo'n ddo.c vietlug-ezine-004 se~ co' ba`i chi tie^'t.


Using Tomcat but need to do more? Need to support web services, security?
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[Vietlug] don dep mailling list

2006-06-19 Hội thoại Manh Cuong

send 1 mail de xin 
bac Larry ko do.n dep mail cua em vao thugn rac
Xin cam 
VietLUG-users mailing list

RE: [Vietlug] Xoa mu tin hoc

2006-05-16 Hội thoại Manh Cuong
Noi the thi phai coi lai, the nao la mu` tin hoc, va the nao la xoa mu tin hoc.
 Sau khi tham gia lớp học, các học viên có thể tham gia chương trình liên 
thông để thi lấy chứng chỉ A tin học quốc gia với mức chi phí ưu đãi. 
xo'a mu` xong va^~n chu+a la^'y ddu+o+.c ba(`ng A tin ho.c ma` pha?i ho.c lie^n 
tho^ng le^n nu+~a, ca'i na`y em kho^ng hie^?u no^?i.
Ba'c Ha?i nha^n di.p na`y lie^n he^. vo+'i tha`nh ddoa`n mo+? lo+'p xo'a mu` 
Linux ddi. 37 ti? ke^? ra chia cho ba'c 1 ti? dde^? la`m kinh phi' mo+? lo+'p 
Linux thi` o^?n phe^'t.  Chu'ng cha'u se~ u?ng ho^. he^'t mi`nh ve^` ma(.t. ... 
tinh tha^`n . :D

On Sat, 2006-05-13 at 01:15 +0700, maikhai wrote:

 Te' ra thanh nie^n Tha`nh pho^' ta, sau nhie^`u na(m ddi ho.c ta.i 
 tru+o+`ng tu+` trung ho.c dde^'n DDai ho.c, nay va^~n mu` tin ho.c
Chuyện này là thường ngày ở huyện rồi.
Ngay như môn anh văn là cái môn bắt buộc, được học từ cấp 2 lên đến đại học vậy 
mà học sinh, sinh viên ta mười phần tới bảy tám phần không đủ khả năng chỉ 
đường cho Tây ba lô.
Tin học là môn phụ ở cấp phổ thông và chỉ được dạy ở các khoa chuyên công nghệ 
thông tin của đại học thì làm sao tránh khỏi nạn mù tin học được.

RE: [Vietlug] Lenh trong Linux

2006-03-15 Hội thoại Manh Cuong
Theo cha'u, bac nen test game trogn linux. Vua vui thu', nhie^`u khi la`m
game tester la.i co`n nhie^`u tie^`n ho+n bo.n cha'u ddi la`m quanh na(m
a^'y chu+'.
La^'y tie^`n a^'y mua ma'y xi.n ve^` ...test tie^'p, cha? Ma^'y cho^'c ma`
dda('c dda.o tha`nh ...tie^n. ^^

Ma.nh Cu`n
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of maikhai
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2006 5:17 PM
Subject: Re: [Vietlug] Lenh trong Linux

On Wednesday 15 March 2006 13:24, Hoang Tuan Quynh wrote:
 On 3/16/06, maikhai [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Cha'u khuye^n ba'c ne^n ddi ho.c perl :-) Thu+? nhie^`u distro qua'
   cu~ng cha? co' gi` la` tha'ch thu+'c ca? :-)
  Lo+`i khuye^n tha^.t ddi'ch dda'ng. Tuy nhie^n mo^~i la~o gi`a dde^`u
  rie^ng mo^.t ca'i bi. ( bi. the^' na`y, ta.i bo+?i bi. the^' kia) ne^n
  ra^'t kho'  va^ng theo.
  Ta.m tho+`i cho.t ho.c ma^'y chie^u dde^? di du+o+~ng ti'nh ti`nh, dda^u
  da'm mo+ to+'i chuye^.n tha'ch thu+'c vo+'i ngay ca? chi'nh mi`nh ?
  m k h _ s g n

 La^.p tri`nh thu' vi. la('m ba'c ui, ddu+`ng nga.i, co' nhie^`u cao
 thu? se~ giu'p ba'c ma` :-)

 Cho+i to+'i ddi ba'c, thu+? ma^'y ca'i distro chi? la` ma^'y vu. le?
 te?, chu+a xu+'ng vo+'i lo`ng nhie^.t huye^'t cu?a ba'c :-)


Mie^'ng ngon du` o+? ngay kia
Muo^`n a(n co`n  pha?i ve'n  . . . ria co+ ma` !
De^~ ngu+o+`i ma` la.i kho' ta
Co' cho+i to+'i be^'n  cu~ng la` do+~n tho^i.


m k h _ s g n

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RE: [Vietlug] Vietnamese keyboard?

2006-01-25 Hội thoại Manh Cuong
Kiem cai kinh che man hinh loai. touch screen ay. Vua truc quan vua khoi
phai go ban phim bac a. Em thay no co ban ngoai tiem o ben nay nhung chua
dung lan nao.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Pham Nguyen
Truong An
Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2006 2:03 AM
Subject: Re: [Vietlug] Vietnamese keyboard?

Lu Tan Hoa wrote:

 Mo.i ngu+o+`i hie^?u la^`m ro^`i, y' anh Larry o+? dda^y la` kie^?u 
 go~ chu+' kho^ng pha?i ba?ng ma~. Ba?ng ma~ thi` ta^'t nhie^n la` 
 du`ng unicode ro^`i
 Co`n vie^.c du`ng kie^?u go~ VIQR vi` no' giu'p ca'c em de^? lie^n 
 tu+o+?ng, de^? nho+' quy ta('c go~

 2006/1/24, Pham Nguyen Truong An [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Em nghi~ ne^n ta.o cho tu.i nho? mo^.t ca'i ba`n phi'm a?o dde^? tu.i 
no' du`ng chuo^.t cho.n chu+~ ca'i ro^`i ddie^`n va`o.
Ca'c ba'c nghi~ thu+? xem, 3-4 tuo^?i thi` ba`n tay qua' nho? so vo+'i 
mo^.t ca'i ba`n phi'm to ddu`ng kia.
Va^.y ma` ba('t chu'ng go~ phi'm thi` ho+i da~ man qa'.
Vo+'i la.i kie^?u go~ VIQR thi` ca'c phi'm da^'u na(`m ra?i ra'c kha('p 
no+i la`m sao tu.i nho'c pha^n bo^' ba`n tay cho dde^`u ddu+o+.c.
Du`ng chuo^.t di~ nhie^n de^~ ho+n va` tru+.c quan ho+n ro^`i.

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VietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] Tap chi Linux o Viet Nam,

2005-12-15 Hội thoại Manh Cuong
Hay la minh dem mot tap chi linux magazine sang tieng Viet de in 
thanh tap chi nhi. Em thay ben Japan no van ra hang thang ca 2 tap chi,

unix magazine
linux magazine.
Noi dung rat phong phu. Bao gom gioi thieu distro, Cac loai server hien 
tai danh cho unix va linux. Cac phan mem moi, cac giai phap moi
Ngoai ra thuong xuyen co nhung muc ve lap trinh cho linux, cau hinh cac 
software, service.
Khong biet the nao ma hang thang no deu co the xuat ban 2 cuon tap chi 
da`y co^.p.

Manh Cuong.

Hoang Tuan Quynh wrote:

DDa^y ca'c ba'c ui :-)

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VietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] Tap chi Linux o Viet Nam,

2005-12-15 Hội thoại Manh Cuong
Bac Hai noi the nao ay chu. Com chay da('t gap may lan com binh dan. Lam 
sao ma pho bien cho duoc. :D
Viec lam bao' theo chau nghi khong the ho^ hao duoc da^u. Phai co to 
chuc dang hoang ve mat nhan su. Co luong bong han hoi
va nhat la phai loi keo duoc cac cong ty vao quang cao thi minh moi co 
tien tai tro ma lam viec.
Neu lam cho dang hoang thi khong so khong co nguoi do.c . theo chau 
nghi, do^.c gia o vietnam la mot thi truong rat tiem nang.

Ta phai? co ke hoach va chien luoc bai` ba?n thi nhat dinh thanh cong.
Nhu* nguoi ta noi, phai? nha^'n du'ng cho^~, du'ng lu'c thi mo+'i 
suong duoc.

Manh Cuong.

(o^i, dde^'n bao gio moi duoc dung unicode theo du'ng chu truong chinh 
sach cua Dang va Nha Nuoc day :-()

maikhai wrote:

Mà tạp chí này hướng đến giới bình dân (như e-chip) hay là hướng đến
những người cỡ như bác Larry nhà ta?

Hu+o+'ng to+'i nhu+ echip chu+' :)

va` ba('t chu+o+'c ho. luo^n. Vi' du. ho. no'i  nhu+ co+m bi`nh da^n, thi` 
ta no'i :

nhu+ co+m chay.

The^' na`o cu~ng dda('c dda.o.


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for problems?  Stop!  Download the new AJAX search engine that makes
searching your log files as easy as surfing the  web.  DOWNLOAD SPLUNK!
VietLUG-users mailing list

RE: [Vietlug] Go~ tie^'ng Nha^.t trong FC

2005-07-01 Hội thoại Manh Cuong
font install:

kinput2 + cannaの設定
#apt-get install kinput2-canna-wnn canna freewnn-jserver

exec kinput2 -canna 

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Larry Nguyen
Sent: Friday, July 01, 2005 9:59 PM
Subject: [Vietlug] Go~ tie^'ng Nha^.t trong FC

Ba'c mo^ bie^'t chi? du`m



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VietLUG-users mailing list

RE: [Vietlug] Du+. a'n KDE-vi dda~ che^'t?

2005-06-20 Hội thoại Manh Cuong

Khong phai la da~ chet dau, ta.i chu+a co' nhie^`u mo^.t nua cua the gioi
tham gia cho nen hoi xiu` xiu`.

SF.Net email is sponsored by: Discover Easy Linux Migration Strategies
from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
speed, fast.
VietLUG-users mailing list

[Vietlug] timezome giua windows va linux chenh lech

2005-06-16 Hội thoại Manh Cuong

Timezone cua? Ca? Linux la^~n Windows de^`u set la` GMT+9.
nhung moi lan chuyen qua lai giua hai he dieu hanh cung chay tren 1 may
tinh thi` no lai. le^.ch va phai chi?nh lai.

Cac bac cho em biet nguyen nhan va cach khac phuc voi a.

Xin cam on.

RE: [Vietlug] Fwd: VN-X Linux Viet Nam ( build 9. June 2005 )

2005-06-10 Hội thoại Manh Cuong
Anh Larry sao khong xin dang ky mirror o jaist, Japan  cho nhanh

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Larry Nguyen
Sent: Saturday, June 11, 2005 5:25 AM
Subject: [Vietlug] Fwd: VN-X Linux Viet Nam ( build 9. June 2005 )

Se~ co' mirror tren soon.


--  Original Message  --
Subject: VN-X Linux Viet Nam ( build 9. June 2005 )
Date:Thu, 9 Jun 2005 12:07:03 +0700

Hello Everyone,

as of 9.6.2005 a new build with localization for Viet Nam
has been uploaded to

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RE: [Vietlug] RE: Ca'c ba?n Linux *BSD mo+'i

2005-06-06 Hội thoại Manh Cuong

`sorry bac Larry vi chua do.c ky~
Nhi`n qua ve^` pfsense tha^'y me^ tha^.t , Chac chan no' se~ tro tha`nh
distro ta^'t  ye^'u cua? Cuoc so^'ng.

Manh Cuong.
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Larry Nguyen
Sent: Monday, June 06, 2005 10:34 PM
Subject: Re: [Vietlug] RE: Ca'c ba?n Linux  *BSD mo+'i

On 11:13:42 pm 06/05/05 Manh Cuong [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Sao /me kho^ng tha^'y cai' nao` la` *BSD he^'t nhi?
 /me chu+a he^` nghe nhu+~ng thu+' tre^n la` copyright by Bo^` De^`
 la~o to^?

Ba'c missed ca'i post tru+o+'c ru`i. Mi`nh co' dde^? pfsense.


This SF.Net email is sponsored by: NEC IT Guy Games.  How far can you shotput
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[Vietlug] RE: Ca'c ba?n Linux *BSD mo+'i

2005-06-05 Hội thoại Manh Cuong
Sao /me kho^ng tha^'y cai' nao` la` *BSD he^'t nhi?
/me chu+a he^` nghe nhu+~ng thu+' tre^n la` copyright by Bo^` De^` la~o to^?

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Larry Nguyen
Sent: Sunday, June 05, 2005 1:11 AM
Subject: Re: Ca'c ba?n Linux  *BSD mo+'i Was: Re: [Vietlug] Bo^` DDe^`
Cha^n Kinh

On 9:37:50 am 06/04/05 maikhai [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 DDang ta?i Arch Linux. Co' mo^.t ba.n ho?i ca'i na`y co' pha?i da`nh
 cho da^n Kie^'n tru'c hay kho^ng?

 m k h _ s g n

Kho^ng pha?i dda^u ba'c. Ne^'u cha'u nho+' 0 la^`m no' la` source based
distro. Tu+'c la` na na' nhu+ Gentoo.


This SF.Net email is sponsored by: NEC IT Guy Games.  How far can you shotput
a projector? How fast can you ride your desk chair down the office luge track?
If you want to score the big prize, get to know the little guy.  
Play to win an NEC 61 plasma display:
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[Vietlug] solaris

2005-06-05 Hội thoại Manh Cuong

Cac bac cho em hoi? Solaris ma` mang len day
hoi? thi` co duoc khong a. ?

RE: [Vietlug] Re:fiber optic switch

2005-06-03 Hội thoại Manh Cuong
di.nh tra loin hung ma chot nho+' co`n James chua tra loi ne^n thoi kho^ng
da'm le^n tie^'ng. He he, cuoi cung bac cung le^n tie^'ng.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of James Nguyen
Sent: Friday, June 03, 2005 12:53 PM
Subject: Re: [Vietlug] Re:fiber optic switch

Ca'ch dda(.t va^'n dde^` cu?a ba'c ra^'t thie^'u tu+. nhie^n.
Ngu+o+`i bi`nh thu+o+`ng, tu+. nhie^n se~ ho?i: ta.i sao
pha?i chuye^?n ve^` ddie^.n dde^? routing, switching trong khi
L1 thi` du`ng optic? Routing luo^n theo kie^?u optic co' pha?i
nhanh ho+n kho^ng?
Co' ha(?n mo^.t nga`nh Optical Networking chuye^n suy nghi~
nhu+~ng gia?i pha'p cho va^'n dde^` na`y. Dda.i kha'i la`
truye^`n du+~ lie^.u tre^n ca'c ke^nh pha^n bie^.t ba(`ng
bu+o+'c so'ng a'nh sa'ng, routing cu~ng du+.a va`o bu+o+'c so'ng.
Ca'c ba'c na`y hie^.n co`n bi' nhie^`u va^'n dde^` ve^` ca'ch thu+'c
do^`n du+~ lie^.u le^n ca'c bu+o+'c so'ng, ve^` to^'c ddo^. switching,
ve^` bo^. nho+' (buffer) cho a'nh sa'ng, ve^` lu+.a cho.n bu+o+'c so'ng
khi qua ca'c nu't trung gian, va` nhie^`u va^'n dde^` kha'c.
Nhi`n chung thi` tu+o+ng lai cu?a ki~ thua^.t na`y kha' tu+o+i sa'ng.

Nhu+ng ma` /me kho^ng ra`nh nhu+~ng mo'n na`y, chuye^.n
cu~ng kho^ng lie^n quan gi` vo+'i Linux. Ba'c muo^'n ti`m hie^?u
the^m cho mo+? mang thi` search: lamda switching, GMPLS,
hoa(.c va`o ca'c die^~n dda`n network.

James Nguyen, Phedora

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RE: [Vietlug] DANH SACH ok saigonlug

2005-03-09 Hội thoại Manh Cuong

/me xach list nay` dem ba'n , chac cung duoc kho^'i tie^`n. toan nhung email
thuoc loai hang viet nam cha^'t luong cao.
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Nguyen Thanh
Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2005 10:51 AM
Subject: Re: [Vietlug] DANH SACH ok saigonlug

Ba'c la`m the^' na`y la` la`m mo^`i cho spammers ro^`i !!

 begin anti-spam version ---
On Thu, 10 Mar 2005 05:05:03 +0700, maikhai maikhai04 at yahoo dot ca
 trannhathuy at gmail dot com
 tl at akelanetwork dot com
 tvhuan at tma dot com dot vn
 lvtruong24 at hn dot vnn dot vn
 chutrongduc at gmail dot com
 mai dot nguyenhuu at gmail dot com
 tnd at it dot fts-vn dot com
 tranthanhlong at yahoo dot com
 tran dot tuan at knowledgesoftwares dot com
 nguyenvuminhduc at hcm dot vnn dot vn
 pclouds at gmail dot com
 vohuynhvu dot vietlug at gmail dot com
 tuaninbox at yahoo dot com
 m k h _ s g n

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RE: [Vietlug] Re: [Vietlug] Re: [Vietlug] free bsd ??

2005-03-07 Hội thoại Manh Cuong

Sa(~n ba'c chairuou kie^'m the^m con 386 ve^` thu+? cho du? bo^. di. 
Sau do viet haotu cho 346  386 with FreeBSD :))
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of chairuou
Sent: Monday, March 07, 2005 9:27 PM
Subject: Re: [Vietlug] Re: [Vietlug] Re: [Vietlug] free bsd ??

On Mon, 07 Mar 2005 17:41:49 -0800, Trung Kiên Chử [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Van Ko dc, theo bac chairuou thi kiem cho nao` ???

dde^? em kie^'m con 346 ve^` thu+? ro^`i se~ ba^.t mi' cho ba'c :-D

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Re: [Vietlug] [Very-Off-topic] poem

2005-03-07 Hội thoại Manh Cuong
Cu. la`m tho+ hay qua'. du'ng la` tuo^?i cao nhu+ng ta^m ho^`n va^~n lai 
la'ng dao` da.t. :)
Cu. la`m the^m  tho+ ve^` OSS cho chu'ng cha'u thuong thu+'c vo+'i.

Ba^y gio+` nhu+ the^' la` dda(.c sa?n dda^'y Cu. a., cu. cho+i sang qua' 

Nho+` you ta ddu+o+.c cho+i sang
Nho+` yo`u ta co' thie^n dda`ng ta.i dda^y
(yo`u=du`=con bu'du`)
m k h _ s g n
Su+?a la.i cho thanh tao ke?o chairuou lai hie^?u nha^`m thi` kho^'n:
Nho+` you ta ddu+o+.c cho+i sang
Nho+` i ta co' thie^n dda`ng ho^m nay
m k h _ s g n

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Re: [Vietlug] [Very-Off-topic] Mua laptop nao?

2005-03-07 Hội thoại Manh Cuong
da. co', em tha^'y be^n Japan ba'n da^`y. pentium II,128M ram
- Original Message - 
Sent: Tuesday, March 08, 2005 10:27 AM
Subject: Re: [Vietlug] [Very-Off-topic] Mua laptop nao?

Co' 200USD thi` mua duoc con laptop nao khong? Chay console cung tot ;-)

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Re: [Vietlug] free bsd ??

2005-03-06 Hội thoại Manh Cuong
sorry neu cai mail  nay van la top posting , vi em khogn biet chi?nh ra sao 

Mi`nh dda~ post ho?i mo^.t ca^u ra^'t ddo+n gia?n, nhu+ng chu+a nha^.n 
ddu+.o+c pha?n ho^`i . co' le~ ta'c gia? dda~ gia?i quye^'t xong.
Theo mi`nh tha^'y thi` freeBSD 5.3 release chu+a support card PCI express 
1Ghz na`y . ma` ca^`n CVSup dde^? ca^.p nha^.t kernel mo+'i ho+n thi` se~ 
sau khi build la.i kernel, kho+?i ddo^.ng le^n thi` se~ nha^.n ddu+.o+c 
do`ng sau:
eth0: Tigon3 [partnoBCM95721() rev 4001 PHY5750()] (PCIX100MHz32::-bit) 
10/100/1000BaseT Ethernet 000d60552a0c:

Chu'c tha`nh co^ng.
- Original Message - 
From: Phuc V. Nguyen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, March 06, 2005 10:50 PM
Subject: Re: [Vietlug] free bsd ??

Hinh nhu la anh phai cho load cac dia di kem theo cua IBM truoc khi cai OS
cho no day? Khong biet co dung khong ma hinh nhu la nhu vay do
Hi vong se giup gi duoc cho anh nhe
Than men
Phuc V. Nguyen
- Original Message -
From: chairuou [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, March 06, 2005 7:38 PM
Subject: Re: [Vietlug] free bsd ??
On Sun, 06 Mar 2005 04:23:44 +0700, Trung Kiên Chử [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi cac' bac'!
Em cai FreeBDS 5.3 tren IBM xSeries 346 but ko the nhan dc card mang!
Bac nao` co' cao kien' giup' em ko vay
ne^'u card Broadcom thi` no' co' driver trong CD do'

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RE: [Vietlug] Re: [Vietlug] free bsd ??

2005-03-06 Hội thoại Manh Cuong

Em da~ dung` cd cua IBM, tuy nhien no' chi? ho~ tro. Win va` Linux nen phai
chon others OS.
no'  la` ca'i gi` ???
 cho.n OS kha'c thi` lie^n quan gi` dde^'n chuye^.n na`y  ???
Em dang cap nhat Kernel nhung van chua dc
Ba.n ca^.p nha^.t kernel cu?a ca'i OS na`o? chu+a dduoc la` do internet line
hay do chu+a bie^'t ca'ch ca^.p nha^.t? ne^'u ca^.p nha^.t xong ro^`i, ba.n
dda~  build la.i kernel chu+a ?

Chu'c tha`nh co^ng.

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Re: [Vietlug] free bsd ??

2005-03-05 Hội thoại Manh Cuong
ban cho ket qua cua dong pciconf -lv ???
- Original Message - 
Sent: Sunday, March 06, 2005 6:23 AM
Subject: [Vietlug] free bsd ??

Hi cac' bac'!
Em cai FreeBDS 5.3 tren IBM xSeries 346 but ko the nhan dc card mang!
Bac nao` co' cao kien' giup' em ko vay
Chu Trung Kien
Cong Ty Co Phan CMTHN
6C Dinh Cong Trang, Ha Noi, Vietnam
Tel.: (84.4) 9331465
Fax: (84.4) 9331465

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VietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] [Fwd: TV Box || TV Tuner Card for Linux]

2005-03-04 Hội thoại Manh Cuong

em thay khi mua thi tre^n vo? ho^.p no' 
co' ghi la` support cho OS nao`, cho ne^n khi mua ba'c chi? ca^`n nhi`n ky~ vo? 
ho^.p la` duoc.
Chu'c ba'c mua duoc cai tivibox vua 

  - Original Message - 
  Nguyen Minh 
  Sent: Thursday, March 03, 2005 
  2:42 PM
  Subject: [Vietlug] [Fwd: TV Box || 
  TV Tuner Card for Linux]
  Hi list,Tôi ang nh mua 1 cái TV Box 
  hoc TV Card v  xem truyn hình trên cái Linux box ca mình. Bà con có th 
  gii thiu xem loi nào thì dùng c vi Linux không ? 

Re: [Vietlug] Sao Winamp cho linux hat khong ra tieng

2005-03-04 Hội thoại Manh Cuong
mi`nh nghi~ la duoc he^'t. chi? co' nguoi tra loi khong muon tra? lo+`i ba.n 
cho tu+? te^' tho^i
- Original Message - 
Sent: Thursday, March 03, 2005 1:10 PM
Subject: Re: [Vietlug] Sao Winamp cho linux hat khong ra tieng

Vay cai ong winamp for linux khong chay duoc a...
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Re: [Vietlug] Kho^ng 1 chu+o+ng tri`nh cho+i nha.c na`o play ddu+o+.c !!!

2005-03-04 Hội thoại Manh Cuong
cai` thu* vie^.n choi nhac vao` nu+~a ba'c a. cai' na`y download tu+` trang 
chi'nh cua? soft ma` ba'c xai` vi` FC kho^ng co' include.
- Original Message - 
Sent: Friday, March 04, 2005 12:37 PM
Subject: [Vietlug] Kho^ng 1 chu+o+ng tri`nh cho+i nha.c na`o play ddu+o+.c 

Hi all
To^i ddang du`ng FC3, mo.i thu+' va^~n OK chi? mo^~i to^.i kho^ng the^?
nghe nha.c,xem phim ddu+o+.c vi`ma^'y ca'i chu+o+ng tri`nh nghe nha.c
xem phim kho^ng chi.u ... play !!! Tu.i no' cu+' ba'o nhu+~ng lo^~i kho^ng
ro~ ra`ng (Eg: XMMS thi` cu+' tro+ nhu+ dda' co`n Totem or Helix thi`:
unknown error ...). Khi ca`i FC3, tui dda~ ca^?n tha^.n cho.n
he^'t ca'c chu+o+ng tri`nh va` ca'c library co' trong pha^`n sound.
Kho^ng bie^'t co' ba'c na`o ga(.p pha?i tru+o+`ng ho+.p tu+o+ng tu+.
chu+a ? Mong ca'c ba'c chi? gia'o .

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Re: [Vietlug] IP conflict

2004-12-19 Hội thoại Manh Cuong
em noi' ba'c dung buon. noi' ra thi` ma^'t lo`ng, bac co' chu+?i thi` cu~g cu 
email cua em ma` chu+?i, dung chui tren ML. Ba'c ve^` doc lai sach ve network di
La`m admin thi du+`ng noi' dde^'n chuye^.n ti`nh ca?m, bac cu hoi bac chairuou 
xem thi biet, bi. chu+?i te tua le^n bo+` xuong ruong.
Em do.c may cai mail cua bac, chang hieu la cai network cua bac no' the nao 
nua,gi ma Windows ro^`i Linux roi wingate? ro^`i la.i tranh nhau?
PS: em thay bac chairuou khuye^n du'ng la('m, bac chiu kho' do.c lai. di :)

/me zdoot
no cheers!

On Mon, Dec 20, 2004 at 10:07:05AM +0300, Quang Nguyen Dang wrote:
 Noi nhu bac lam khi gi, the toi da lam xong tu lau roi khong them hoi bac. De 
 DHCP thi lai co nhieu thang trong LAN no chia se net cho nhau nen no dung 
 WINGATE, ma cac may client lai nhan DHCP tu may gan nhat the ra la cong toi. 
 Viec cac client dat IP trung moi may chu la do kem hieu biet, chang nhe minh 
 lai di cat cua ho, neu vay thi chang con tinh nghia gi nua. Nguoi khong co 
 toi khong dang phat ma. The thoi, cau hoi quan trong nhat thi cung chang ai 
 tra loi, toan tra loi lien mien lan man van de dau dau ay, bac CHAIRUOU xem 
 lai di, lam sao de no bao Conflict chu con DHCP thi toi xong tu lau roi.
 Kinh bac 1 ly, mong co gi chi giup.
 -Original Message-
 From: chairuou [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Mon, 20 Dec 2004 11:53:15 +0700
 Subject: Re: Re[2]: [Vietlug] IP conflict
 |On Mon, 20 Dec 2004 07:17:36 +0300, Quang Nguyen Dang [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 | Co, minh co toan quyen kiem soat mang LAN nhung trong mang LAN toan nhung 
 nguoi chang biet gi moi chan, 
 |to^i no'i ba'c ddu+`ng gia^.n, to^i ma` la boss to^i cho ba'c nghi? vie^.c !
 |suot ngay dat IP nham lung tung, noi mai ko chiu hieu, nhu dan Dong TIMO ay.
 |dda^y la` ca'ch gia?i quye^'t:
 |1-dda(.t ca'c ma'y du`ng che^' ddo^. nha^.n IP tu+` DHCP server
 |2-setup 1 HDCP server ca^'p pha't vu`ng ddi.a chi? sau :
 |3- ba'c co`n la.i ca'c ddi.a chi? tu+` dde^'n 192.168.20
 |cho ca'c mu.c ddi'ch kha'c ( du`ng cho server, thie^'t bi.,
 |gateway) ca'c ddi.a chi? la` co^' ddi.nh, ko ca^'p pha't trong
 |DHCP server ( nho+' exclude no' kho?i issue range )
 |tra? lo+`i the^' na`y ma` ba'c va^~n ko la`m ddu+o+.c thi` to^i cha('c
 |ko co' ai muo^'n tra? lo+`i ba'c nu+~a
 |co`n chuye^.n user tu+. thay ddo^?i thi` ba'c ca^`n co' chi'nh sa'ch
 |qua?n ly, ky? lua^.t, khen thu+o+?ng v.v...
 |TIP: theo do~i ca'c MAC address, tha(`ng na`o co^' ti`nh cu+o+'p IP
 |thi` banned luo^n, sau 1 tua^`n dda?m ba?o co'c tha(`ng na`o da'm ,
 |ye^u cho roi cho vo.t ba'c a.
 |PS: ne^'u ba'c va^~n ho?i la`m DHCP the^' na`o nu+~a thi` to^i nghi~
 |ba'c ne^n ta.m nghi? ro^`i ddi mua 1 cuo^'n sa'ch Essential
 |Networking ve^` ddo.c 1 lu+o+.t dda~
 |PS1: to^i kho^ng hay no'i ngo.t, ba'c nge co' bu+.c thi` cu+' chu+?i
 |rie^ng to^i, ddu+`ng chu+?i le^n list nha :-D
 | -Original Message-
 | From: chairuou [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 | Date: Sun, 19 Dec 2004 17:53:43 -0800
 | Subject: Re: [Vietlug] IP conflict
 | |
 | |Co' ve? ba'c ko hie^?u to^i no'i gi`, gio+` ba'c tra? lo+`i to^i ca^u 
 na`y :
 | |Ba'c co' toa`n quye^`n kie^?m soa't ta^'t ca? ca'c ma'y ti'nh trong LAN 
 ko ?
 | |
 | |tra? lo+`i xong to^i se~ no'i tie^'p !
 | |
 | |
 | |
 | |On Sun, 19 Dec 2004 20:14:37 +0300, Quang Nguyen Dang [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 | | Dung vay, cai thang no tranh IP chinh la cai thang Windows, mang Lan 
 nay rong voi 200 may tinh nen khong biet duoc ai voi ai ma lan nen chi muon 1 
 dieu duy nhat la minh da chon IP roi, thang khac lay IP cua minh se ko lay 
 duoc vi nhan duoc thong bao la IP Conflict. Khong ai biet dieu nay sao? Bac 
 Larry dau, chi giup minh voi hoac co giai phap nao tot hon khong?
 | |
 | | -Original Message-
 | | From: chairuou [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 | | Date: Sun, 19 Dec 2004 10:24:24 +0700
 | | Subject: Re: Re[4]: [Vietlug] Ai biet chi giup
 | |
 | | |
 | | |On Sun, 19 Dec 2004 01:10:55 +0300, Quang Nguyen Dang [EMAIL 
 PROTECTED] wrote:
 | | | Nhu*ng thu*a ba'c la` em dang du`ng Linux chu*' ko du`ng Windows. 
 Ma` hi`nh nhu* ba'c no'i la` die^`u khie^?n ba`ng domain thi pha?i. Co`n 
 vie^.c ca`i da(.t ca^'u hi`nh DHCP thi` ko kha? thi vi` trong LAN co' 1 so^' 
 ngu*o*`i du`ng Wingate ne^n no' tu*. do^.ng nha^.n DHCP cu?a Wingate chu*' ko 
 pha?i cu?a mi`nh. Die^`u ma` mi`nh muo^'n o*? da^y la` la`m sao cho ca'i ma'y 
 Linux no' pha?n ho^`i tho^ng tin cho tha(`ng kha'c trong LAN la` tao da~ 
 la^'y IP na`y ro^`i ma`y cho.n ca'i kha'c di chu*' ko pha?i la` dem bie^'u 
 ngay IP ne^'u ai da^'y do^?i sang. Tha^.t la` ngo^'c nghe^'ch. Xin ca'c cao 
 thu? chi? giu'p.
 | | |
 | | |
 | | |The^' ca'i tha(`ng no' tranh IP cu?a ba'c thi` no' la` Windows ?
 | | |Wingate thi` control DHCP tre^n tha(`ng Wingate no' exclude ca'i IP
 | | |cho ma'y Linux cu?a ba'c ra !!!
 | |

Re: [Vietlug] Mo+`i sa'ng ta.o te^n

2004-12-16 Hội thoại Manh Cuong
Sao ku. lai mang Vi.t ra de^? doa. newbie the^' ?
Chuong tri`nh Kha'm pha' mie^`n dda^'t mo+?
On Fri, Dec 17, 2004 at 09:44:42AM -0500, maikhai wrote:
 On Thursday 16 December 2004 09:08 pm, Hoang Tuan Quynh wrote:
  On Fri, 17 Dec 2004 08:45:41 -0500, maikhai [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Cha`o ca'c ba.n!
   Tuy ca'i meo vu+`a ro^`i cu?a ba.n xuanbn ho+i qua' ta? nhu+ng ga^~m
   la.i co' cho^~ dda'ng suy nghi~ : pha?i la`m sao co' mo^.t ca'i te^n
   thi'ch ho+.p cho chu+o+ng tri`nh xoa' mu` tin ho.c cu?a TD, ma` ca'i te^n
   na`y pha?i :
   - ddu'ng y'
   - nga('n go.n tha^n thie^.n
   - co' ti'nh chung nhu+ng kho^ng khoa tru+o+ng kha^?u hie^.u
   - be^nh Linux ca`ng to^'t (:-))
   - vv (xin mo+`i the^m va`o)
  Em cho+i 1 ca'i tru+o+'c dde^? mo+? ha`ng :-)
  Chu+o+ng tri`nh Ke^'t ba.n vo+'i Tin ho.c
  Em Quy`nh
 Kho^n the^'! Cho+i ma^'t nu+o+'c dda^`u ro^`i!
 Cho+i tie^'p dda^y:
 Vi.t Ba('c Cu+.c
 (ddo.c nghie^m chi?nh a')
 m k h _ s g n
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Re: [Vietlug] su dung mutt

2004-12-08 Hội thoại Manh Cuong
chao bac teppi,
cam on bac. echo $MAIL
no luon ra gia tri la /var/mail/$USER
cho nen mac dinh no luon vao cai file mailbox do'.
em da~ chinh? trong ~/.cshrc , chi? la` em khong hieu
default no' set o+? da^u.

--- teppi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 cha`o ca'c ba'c,
 On Wed, 8 Dec 2004 09:56:41 +0900, Manh Cuong
  cho em hoi?, la`m sao de^? khi cha.y mutt thi` no'
 tu+. do^.ng do.c ~/Maildir kho^ng? . Hie^.n gio+`
 khi vao` mutt thi` no' toa`n vao` do.c
 mutt -f /ddu+o+`ng/dda^~n/to+'i/ho^.p/thu+
 Ba'c xem man mutt xem co' pha?i tu`y cho.n -f kho^ng
 :). Kho^ng cha('c
 a(n la('m!
  Van de khac: em dung putty de^? ssh ve^` server
 cu?a mi`nh thi` em do.c duoc tat ca? mail tie^'ng
 Vie^.t ma` em fetch tu+` yahoo ve^`. Nhu+ng go~
 tie^'ng viet thi` lai. chu+a biet lam the nao ca?
 cho.n tri`nh soa.n tha?o thu+ la` vim ro^`i du`ng
 bo^. go~ cu?a ba'c Tha`nh???
  Cuo^'i cu`ng: putty thi` du`ng mutt do.c duoc mail
 tieng Viet nhu+ng co`n tre^n console thu+.c su+.
 cua? may' unix thi` hi`nh nhu+ kho^ng doc duoc phai
 khong a. ? co' ca'ch nao` kho^ng a. ?
 unicode_start + font viscii10-8x16.psfu
 hoa(.c fbiterm (ca'i na`y ngon ho+n?)
  xin ca?m o+n,
  Manh Cuong.
 Phan Vinh Thinh

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[Vietlug] hosting management

2004-11-29 Hội thoại Manh Cuong
cho em hoi? pha^`n me^`m qua?n ly' hosting voi a. 
User khi ddu+o+.c ca^'p account se~ co' quye^`n
upload, download file le^n website ma` [EMAIL PROTECTED] ta
thue^ server cua? mi`nh, co' chu+'c na(ng ca^'u hi`nh
ca'c u+'ng tre^n web nhu+ du`ng postfix hay
qmail, thay do^?i tho^ng tin ve^` dns ...
Xin ca'm o+n a.
Manh Cuong.

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Re: [Vietlug] hosting management

2004-11-29 Hội thoại Manh Cuong
ca'm o+n Hu+ng va` anh Larry nhie^`u.
--- Bit Takeshi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- Manh Cuong [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  cho em hoi? pha^`n me^`m qua?n ly' hosting voi a. 
 Cuong tried plesk?

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Re: [Vietlug] Cach dung snort?

2004-11-19 Hội thoại Manh Cuong
Cho+`i, tu+o+?ng ba'c tra? lo+`i cai' khu'c nay` ne^n
chau'  cu~ng hao` hu+'ng nha`o vo^ coi. hix, ai ngo+`
ba'c chi? bi`nh
--- mkh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Khu'c dda^`u na`y pha.m quy : go~ kho^ng da^'u.
  Em đi phềEhuyện tiêu điều lắm
  Trường huyện giềExây kiều khác rồi
 Khu'c na`y thi ca qua' co+~ nhu+ng cu~ng pha.m quy:
 go~ co' da^'u.
 Pha?i go~ kie^?u ro^`ng ra('n nhu+ va^`y mo+'i
 ddu'ng Le^. La`ng ba.n o+i!
 m k h _ s g n

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[Vietlug] perl-cgi via ssh

2004-11-14 Hội thoại Manh Cuong
tru+o+'c dda^y em va^~n la^.p tri`nh cho cgi thu+.c
thi ca'c le^.nh he^. tho^'ng qua rsh.
Cho em hoi? la` mi`nh muo^'n thu+.c thi le^.nh tho^ng
qua ssh thi` cu. the^? tu+`ng buoc la` the^' nao` a. ?
Xin cam on
Manh Cuong. 

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VietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] perl-cgi via ssh

2004-11-14 Hội thoại Manh Cuong
Vie^.c la` the^' na`y:
DDa^y la` mo^.t soft dde^? config he^. tho^ng qua giao
die^.n web. Nhu+ng tre^n web thi` no' cha.y vo+'i user
nobody va` do ddo' dde^? thu+.c hie^.n ca'c le^.nh
cu?a he^. tho^'ng tu+o+ng ta'c vo+'i ca'c file ma`
root mo+'i co' quye^`n ghi xo'a thi` mi`nh dda~ pha?i
la`m nhu+ sau:
system(rsh -l root localhost command);
Vo+'i config giu+~ nguye^n, Tu+. nhie^n 5.2 ddo^?i
sang freeBSD 5.3 thi` no' la.i gio+? chu+'ng nhu+ sau:
testserver# rsh localhost echo Hello
connect to address ::1: Connection refused

Mi`nh cha.y rsh tho^ng qua inetd.

Mi`nh ra^'t muo^'n la`m mo^.t ca'i web interface
tu+o+ng tu+. ca'i vnlinux-secure nhu+ cu?a anh Larry,
du`ng https, xa'c thu+.c login kho^ng ca^`n pam chu+'
kho^ng pha?i xa`i .htaccess nhu+ng kho^ng bie^'t la`m
the^' na`o.
Ra^'t mong ddu+o+.c giu'p ddo+~.
Xin ca'm o+n.
Manh Cuong.

--- Nguyen Thanh Bien [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Cu+o+`ng !
 Ta.i sao pha?i du`ng qua rsh ma` kho^ng du`ng
 tha(?ng ca'c ha`m
 tu+o+ng ddu+o+ng cu?a perl. Ne^'u muo^'n cha.y
 le^.nh he^. tho^'ng,
 ta.i sao kho^ng du`ng ha`m system ??
 Mi`nh ddoa'n nhe': muo^'n cha.y qua rsh va`o local
 system or remote
 system nhu+ mo^.t user kha'c vo+'i apache hay www
 hoa(.c nobody user
 (user cu?a httpd daemon) ??
 Ne^'u muo^'n du`ng ssh thi` cha('c cu~ng the^'
 tho^i, su+? ssh
 command, vo+'i ca'c tham so^' chi? ra user (-l),
 private key cho user
 (-i), va` le^.nh he^. tho^'ng ca^`n thu+.c hie^.n:

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VietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] Chu'ng to^i Chi'p nhu+ the^' na`y dda^y!

2004-10-23 Hội thoại Manh Cuong
Bao' van nghe^. co' kha'c.
Kho^ng hie^?u Ku vie^'t bai` bao'  nay` co' hie^?u
ha('n dang vie^'t gi` kho^ng nhe^?
he he, tu+. nhie^n cuo^'i tua^`n do.c duoc truye^.n
cuoi tu+` Chip.

Chu'c ba` con cuoi tua^`n vui ve.


 Ca'c ba'c cu+' the^' ma~i. To^i ti'nh xin la`m
 co^.ng ta'c vie^n be^n ddo'.
 Sau khi co+?i bo? Lilo thi` to^i se~ kho+?i ddo^.ng
 bi`nh thu+o+`ng 
 kho^ng ha? ca'c ba'c? Hay la` ma('c co+~ qua' ru`i
 tru`m me^`n luo^n?
 Tuan (to^i khoa'i CHEAP)
 Phan Thái Trung wrote:
 --- kasumoto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ba'o vi?a he` co' kha'c lolz. The^' ma` nga`y
 xu+a /me co' mua 1 so^'.
 Tha^'y tie^'c ca? tie^`n (kho^ng nho+' ? nghi`n
 Have a nice weekend!

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Re: [Vietlug] Hoi may chieu ve Slackware

2004-10-16 Hội thoại Manh Cuong
Da. cha'u nghi~ ne^'u Die^m Vuong co' hoi? ca'ch spam
bai` hoa(.c flush mallinglist thi` mi`nh cu~ng
co'nhie^`u kinh nghie^.m .:D
/me dzzottt
Vi.t Con

--- maikhai [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Mo^.t nghe^` cho chi'n co`n ho+n chi'n nghe^`. But
 slackware is the
 best choice
  /me dzo.t :)
 Nghe^` na`y la` nghe^` cho+i ne^n mo+'i bo? ra la('m
 kung-fu. DDa~ sa'u 
 ma^'y ro^`i, ho.c nghe^` cho chi'n la`m chi? Thi'ch
 cho+i ca'i na`o ma` 
 co' the^? cho+i thi` ta cho+i.  Nga`y mai chuye^?n
 ho^. kha^?u xuo^'ng, 
 cu. Die^m Vu+o+ng muo^'n ca`i distro na`o  ta cu~ng
 co' the^? ba`n go'p 
 ma^'y ca^u, may ra thi` ddo+~ bi. ddi`.
 m k h _ s g n

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Re: [Vietlug] apache2 access_log problem

2004-10-06 Hội thoại Manh Cuong
em de^? dai. vao mot cho^~ nao` do' trong httpd.conf.
ma^'y ho^m nay chu+a tha^'y gi` ca?, chac la ok rui`.
ca'm o+n anh Larry.
manh Cuong.
--- Larry Nguyen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 9:46:39 pm 10/04/04 Manh Cuong
  va^ng, cai' nay` thi` ba'c chairuou no'i voi em
  lan roi. Nhu+ng y' em la` muo^'n apache no' du+`ng
  cai' event nay` lai., la`m cho log file to le^n
  ca'ch vo^ i'ch.
  Manh Cuong.
 Try thisin apache.conf or httpd.conf Nho+'
 restart apache.
 Mi`nh 0 xa`i ne^n 0 ro~ la` no' se~ work hay 0? :)
 SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI ^/SEARCH nolog
 Redirect gone /SEARCH
 CustomLog logs/access_log combined env=!nolog
 Ngoa`i ra ba'c co' the^? du`ng mod_security. Kho^ng
 bie^'t snort inline co'
 blog dduoc 0 he? It should. 

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[Vietlug] apache2 access_log problem

2004-10-04 Hội thoại Manh Cuong
em du`ng apache2.0.52, thu+o+`ng thi` no' cu+' co'
ca'i log trong access_log  nhu+ sau:
access_log - - [01/Oct/2004:01:39:46 +0900] SEARCH
/\x90\x02\xb1\x02\xb1\x02\xb1\x02\xb1\x02\xb1\x02\xb1\x02\xb1\x02\xb1\x02\xb1\x02\xb1\x02 - - [02/Oct/2004:00:30:36 +0900]
/\x90\x02\xb1\x02\xb1\x02\xb1\x02\xb1\x02\xb1\x02\xb1\x02\xb1\x02 - - [02/Oct/2004:01:01:29 +0900] SEARCH
/\x90\x02\xb1\x02\xb1\x02\xb1\x02\xb1\x02\xb1\x02\xb1\x02\xb1\x02 - - [03/Oct/2004:15:07:13 +0900]
Ra^'t nhie^`u do`ng nhu+ va^.y, va` mo^~i do`ng ra^'t
da`i\. Em dda~ search tre^n google va` du`ng setenvif
module dde^? filter no' nhu+ng kho^ng a(n thua gi`
ca?.Cha('c config sai cho^~ na`o ddo'. Mong ca'c ba'c
chi? giu'p.
Xin ca'm o+n,
Ma.nh Cu+o+`ng.

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Re: [Vietlug] apache2 access_log problem

2004-10-04 Hội thoại Manh Cuong
va^ng, cai' nay` thi` ba'c chairuou no'i voi em nhieu
lan roi. Nhu+ng y' em la` muo^'n apache no' du+`ng log
cai' event nay` lai., la`m cho log file to le^n mo^.t
ca'ch vo^ i'ch.
Manh Cuong.
--- chairuou [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Mon, 4 Oct 2004 18:03:44 -0700 (PDT), Manh Cuong
  em du`ng apache2.0.52, thu+o+`ng thi` no' cu+' co'
  ca'i log trong access_log  nhu+ sau:
  access_log - - [01/Oct/2004:01:39:46 +0900]

 ca'i na`y la` IIS Webdav Exploit, apache thi` kho?i
 lo ... da.i kha'i
 no' nhu+ CodeRed  Nimda da.o tru+o+'c

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[Vietlug] Re: vnlinux-secure beta 2-how to create

2004-08-02 Hội thoại Manh Cuong
hi anh Larry,
cho em hoi? rie^ng la` em muo^'n ho.c qui tri`nh la`m cai' nay` duoc khong anh Larry? tha^'y anh Larry tao. ra distro hay qua' ne^n em nghie^`n.
Thanks anh Larry da~ tao. cho moi. ngu+o+`i mo^.t distro mo+'i tha^.t ba' chay'.
Cuong.Larry Nguyen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
[Sorry for this long spam ;) ]Sau mo^.t tha'ng tu+` nga`y beta 1 ra lo`, beta 2 dda~ ra lo` ho^m nayvo+'i security updates va` mo^.t va`i pha^`n me^`m ddu+o+.c the^m va`o. Choba.n na`o chu+a nghe qua, co' the^? du`ng vnlinux-secure dde^? cha.y ca' vu. nhu+ web/mail+virus+spam preventions/ftp/dns/ssh/proxy/FileSharing/ldap ba(`ng ca'ch ddie^`u khie^?n tu+` web browser. Yes, get rid ofyour illegal Windows server running somewhere ;)Va`i stat: mail server ddang cha.y vnls-beta1. Email nha^.ntrong nga`y nhie^`u nha^'t so far la` 32 nga`n emails. Trong so^' na`y 22nga`n la` spam emails, 1200 emails dda~ 0 detect. 5% fail is not too badconsidering filter condition is default. Ca'm o+n foobar dda~ gu+?i 22nga`n spam mails cu`ng mo^.t lu'c dde^? mi`nh test.Update: kernel, php, apache, mod_ssl.Pha^`n me^`m
 mo+'i:1. Samba-3x: co' ca? chu+'c na(ng scan virus cho ta^'t ca? Samba shares.Ta^'t ca? files bi. virus sau khi copy xuo^'ng samba shares se~ ddu+o+.cxo'a ddi ngay la^.p tu+'c. Ne^'u ba.n muo^'n giu+~ la.i dde^? quarantinethi` co' the^? thay ddo^?i config file.2. Proxy servers: co' ca? chu+'c na(ng filter content, block web sites,block attachments.3. LDAP server: co' the^? du`ng LDAP dde^? authenticate users. Ca'i na`ychu+a ddu+o+.c integrate vo^ webtool ne^n ne^'u ba.n muo^'n su+?, xemhowto trong file RELEASE. LDAP+TLS is there also.Ca^`n la`m:1. Du+'t ddie^?m mod_security integration va`o webtool.2. The^m va`o fax server. Cho phe'p ngu+o+`i du`ng gu+?i va` nha^.n faxtu+` desktop. Ta?i ve^`: 1 ftp ftp 231340032 Aug 2 16:02 vnlinux-secure-beta2.iso-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp ftp 59 Aug 2 14:15
 vnlinux-secure-beta2.md5sumISO size khoa?ng 221MB. Ne^n nho+' check md5sum pho`ng ngu+`a ISO bi.corrupted. Xem INSTALL va` RELEASE trong CD tru+o+'c khi ca`i.Ca'm o+n anh Tony va` dda~ provide mirrors. Ca'm o+n ca'c ba.ndda~/se~ test vnlinux-secure. Mo.i tha('c ma('c vui lo`ng kie^'m mi`nhtre^n #unixcircle, hoa(.c email.-Larryhttp://www.nhó SF.Net email is sponsored by OSTG. Have you noticed the changes, ITManagersJournal and NewsForge in the past few weeks? Now,one more big change to announce. We are now OSTG- Open Source TechnologyGroup. Come see the changes on the new OSTG site. www.ostg.com___VietLUG-users mailing list[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Vietlug] [OT] Toc do duong truyen sao nhanh qua?

2004-07-13 Hội thoại Manh Cuong
ah, xin di'nh chi'nh vo+'i ba'c Hai?, vi` quen tay go~ nhanh ne~n kho^ng dde^? y'. xu+ng la` "chau' " chu+' kho^ng phai? la` "em " a. :)
Manh Cuong.maikhai [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Tuesday 13 July 2004 12:26 am, you wrote: 3/ Hien em dung laptop truy cap Internet tat nhien tien loi hon khi o Saigon dung desktop, du la khong dung mouse moi ddau cung hoi bat tien, nhuung gio cung quen roi. Co ba?n, tien loi la do dduong truyen cable qua nhanh. Lan truoc, co inform la o dday [nha Hi] dduong truyen la 11 Mbps. Ke tu to^'i nay thi khac roi, rieng laptop cua em, speed dda la 54 Mbps. Li do: Ho ddoi cho em cai wireless card khac [khong phai cai card caam vao cong USB, ma la 1 card caam vao "co^?ng" cua LAN CardBus [dde noi maang cuc bo LAN], speed taang vot len 54 Mbps.Hi all!To^i mo+'i nha^.n mo^.t meo ta? ve^` line be^n Hoa Ky`. Sao ma` no' nhanh qua' sa' hay la` ngu+o+`i mo^ ta? co' vie^'t la^`m la^~n chi cha(ng? Ba.n na`o ra`nh vie^.c na`y xin cho y' kie^'n dde^? ta(ng
 the^m pha^`n ha^m mo^..-- m k h _ s g n---This SF.Net email sponsored by Black Hat Briefings  Training.Attend Black Hat Briefings  Training, Las Vegas July 24-29 - digital self defense, top technical experts, no vendor pitches, unmatched networking opportunities. Visit www.blackhat.com___VietLUG-users mailing list[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Vietlug] hoi ve NFS

2004-07-01 Hội thoại Manh Cuong
vay thi kho' qua', con cach nao don gian hon khong Bien ?

bay gio truoc het lam sao cho hai server no' lien lac voi nhau de server nay chet toi thi` server kia thay the.
tai. chua lam bao gio nen cung khong hieu la minh dang noi cai gi nua :(Bien [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
--- Manh Cuong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote: Hi Bien,  muo^'n thiet lap mot he thong go^`m 2 NFS server cha.y song song, de^? da?m ba?o he^. tho^'ng luo^n da'p u+'ng to^'t. Khi client truy xua^'t file o+? ma'y NFS server, ne^'u giu+~a chu+`ng server co' su+. co^' thi` no' se~ tie^'p tu.c la`m vie^.c vo+'i server thu+' hai ma` kho^ng bi. gia'n ca'i na`y mi`nh nghi~ ra tho^i chu+' cha(?ng bie^'t the^' na`o, tu+o+?ng co' the^? la`m gio^'ng nhu+ DNS master/slave model. :( Mong duoc mo.i ngu+o+`i giu'p ddo+~  Manh Cuong. Ca'i ddo' go.i la` sa(~n sa`ng cao (HA), ca^`n nhie^`uthu+' ke^'t ho+.p la.i vo+'i nhau mo+'i co' ddu+o+.c.Mi`nh mo+'i chi? thu+? LifeKeeper( nhu+ng ddo' la` sa?n pha^?mthu+o+ng ma.i..Opensource thi`
 hi`nh nhu+ cu~ng co' nhu+ng kho^ng ro~te^n tuo^?i.Bien__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around ---This SF.Net email sponsored by Black Hat Briefings  Training.Attend Black Hat Briefings  Training, Las Vegas July 24-29 - digital self defense, top technical experts, no vendor pitches, unmatched networking opportunities. Visit www.blackhat.com___VietLUG-users mailing list[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Vietlug] hoi ve NFS

2004-07-01 Hội thoại Manh Cuong
yes, nice explaination, Mr Bie^n. Ra^t' cam on.

cai' minh can la tat ca nhung gi ban da neu. failover, khong can load balancing.
Mong duoc chi? them ve cai nay,
Thank you very much
Manh Cuong.
Larry Nguyen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Thu, 1 Jul 2004, Bien wrote: --- Manh Cuong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:  vay thi kho' qua', con cach nao don gian hon khong  Bien ?bay gio truoc het lam sao cho hai server no' lien  lac voi nhau de server nay chet toi thi` server kia  thay the.  tai. chua lam bao gio nen cung khong hieu la minh  dang noi cai gi nua :(Vie^'t la.i dda^`u ba`i mo^.t chu't:  Ca^`n thie^'t la^.p mo^.t he^. tho^'ng sa(~n sa`ng cao, trong ddo' co':  - Servers: 2 hoa(.c nhie^`u ho+n cha.y o+? che^' ddo^. active/standby, ta.i mo^.t tho+`i ddie^?m chi? co' mo^.t server phu.c vu. clients, phu.c vu. mo^.t loa.i vu. gi` ddo' du+.a tre^n ne^`n TCP/IP. Ca'c server na`y se~ su+? chung
 mo^.t hostname/ip duy nha^'t dde^? client no^'i to+'i, co' the^? go.i la` server a?o cha(?ng ha.n  - Client: chi? ca^`n bie^'t mo^.t hostname/ip cu?a server a?o dde^? no^'i to+'i, co`n thu+.c su+. server va^.t ly' na`o phu.c vu. no' thi` no' kho^ng quan ta^m  - Mu+'c ddo^. dda'p u+'ng:Nice explanation, Bien. Sao khong thu+? du`ng Ultramonkey nhi?. DDe^? ho^m na`y mi`nh thu+? set up 2 boxes, ru't ddie^.n box 1 ra ro^`i xem the^' na`o ;)-Larry---This SF.Net email sponsored by Black Hat Briefings  Training.Attend Black Hat Briefings  Training, Las Vegas July 24-29 - digital self defense, top technical experts, no vendor pitches, unmatched networking opportunities. Visit www.blackhat.com___VietLUG-users mailing
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Re: [Vietlug] hoi ve NFS

2004-07-01 Hội thoại Manh Cuong
cai' tmcuong muo^'n la` cai' nay` da^y:nho+` Bie^n chi? giu`m nha
Manh Cuong.Bien [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Vie^'t la.i dda^`u ba`i mo^.t chu't:Ca^`n thie^'t la^.p mo^.t he^. tho^'ng sa(~n sa`ngcao, trong ddo' co':- Servers: 2 hoa(.c nhie^`u ho+n cha.y o+? che^' ddo^.active/standby, ta.i mo^.t tho+`i ddie^?m chi? co'mo^.t server phu.c vu. clients, phu.c vu. mo^.t vu. gi` ddo' du+.a tre^n ne^`n TCP/IP. Ca'cserver na`y se~ su+? chung mo^.t hostname/ip duynha^'t dde^? client no^'i to+'i, co' the^? go.i la`server a?o cha(?ng ha.n- Client: chi? ca^`n bie^'t mo^.t hostname/ip cu?aserver a?o dde^? no^'i to+'i, co`n thu+.c su+. serverva^.t ly' na`o phu.c vu. no' thi` no' kho^ng quan ta^m+ Theo tha'i (statefull); clients ma` ddangke^'t no^'i, ne^'u ho?ng pha?i switch toa`n bo^ tha'i cu?a session ddo' sang ma'y kha'c mo^.tca'ch tu+. ddo^.ng dde^? client kho^ng bi. ma^'tsession ddo'.
 Ca'ch na`y pha?i dda?m ba?o ddu+o+.cca'c co+ che^' ve^` switch IP, du+~ lie^.u pha?iddu+o+.c chia se?, du`ng chung (chu+' kho^ng pha?i la`ddo^`ng bo^.) va` pha?i co' co+ che^' kie^?m soa' tha'i cu?a ca'c server (dda?m ba?o chi? co' 1server thu+.c su+. phu.c vu. ngu+o+`i du`ng, tra'nhchuye^.n tranh cha^'p ta`i nguye^n:storage/ip/hostname...), dda^y la` li~nh vu+.c ma`nhu+~ng tha(`ng nhu+ ServiceGuard for Linux cu?a HPhay LifeKeeper cu?a Steeleye co' the^? la`m ddu+o+.c.- Ta^'t ca? dde^`u phu. thuo^.c va`o dda(.c ti'nh cu?au+'ng nu+~a, co' loa.i ba('t buo^.c pha?i tha'i ke^'t no^'i, co' loa.i kho^ng.
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Re: [Vietlug] hoi ve NFS

2004-07-01 Hội thoại Manh Cuong
Nho+` co' Bie^n, mi`nh ti`m the^m duoc cai nay.

Nhung ma khong biet co cai nao tuong tu cho freeBSD kho^ng?
dang die^n da^`u da^y. hic hic
Manh Cuong.
--- Manh Cuong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote: yes, nice explaination, Mr Bie^n. Ra^t' cam on.  cai' minh can la tat ca nhung gi ban da neu. failover, khong can load balancing. Mong duoc chi? them ve cai nay, Thank you very much Manh Cuong.copy lai. cu?a anh Larry: http://www.ultramonkey.orgBien__Do you Yahoo!?Yahoo! Mail Address AutoComplete - You start. We finish. ---This SF.Net email sponsored by Black Hat Briefings  Training.Attend Black Hat Briefings  Training, Las Vegas July 24-29 - digital self defense, top technical experts, no vendor pitches, unmatched networking opportunities. Visit
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