Re: OT [Vietlug] Co may cach ga('n RAM?

2005-08-26 Hội thoại maikhai04
On Tuesday 16 August 2005 20:42, Hoang Tuan Quynh wrote:
> On 8/16/05, maikhai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The^' thi` co' the^? no'i Mainboard ma` support dual channel la` no'
> > pha?i co' 4 slots?
> > Ne^'u chi? co' 2 slots thi` phe`o nhi??
> Ba'c xem qua?ng ca'o tre^n ho^.p mainboard, ne^'u co' ghi la`
> "Dual Channel" thi` ngon ro^`i :-)

Ngon ma Khong Ngon Quynh oi. Gan vao, no nhat dinh chi hieu 1/2 ma thoi. Gan 
01 thanh thi no bao 512 MB. Gan 2 thanh thi no bao 1024 MB.

Co nguoi noi tai cai Mainboard no dung 2 cai slots kieu nhu vay thi phai cam 2 
thanh RAM dung kieu no moi doc dung.

m k h _ s g n 
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VietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] gmail invitation...

2005-02-06 Hội thoại maikhai04
Nigel Nguyen wrote:
- Nigel Nguyen wrote:
|>Hi all,
|>I just notice this morning, I have around 50 invitations to go ... if
|>any1 want it let me know ...
| tooo much.
okay, that's for real, just wake up and got 'em all :))

Hi All!
Trong Account cu?a  to^i cu~ng co' ma^'y ca'i, nhu+ng dde^? la^u nga`y 
kho^ng bie^'t cho ai, gmail lie^`n xoa' be'ng ddi ma^'t ro^`i!

Va^.y ba.n na`o chu+a co' gmail ma` muo^'n la`m mo^.t ca'i dde^? da`nh 
thi` nha`o vo^ la^'y ddi, ke?o no' xoa' ma^'t thi` uo^?ng.  cuncon, 
hieu, locson vv, online xin Nigel le. le. ddi!

m k h _ s g n

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VietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] gmail invitation...

2005-02-05 Hội thoại maikhai04

Nigel Nguyen wrote:

  Hi all, 

I just notice this morning, I have around 50 invitations to go ... if
any1 want it let me know ...


tooo much.

[Vietlug] gentoo haha

2005-02-05 Hội thoại maikhai04

Hi all Debian Users!

Co' the^? cha.y mo^.t ca'i gentoo trong Debian!

Package: gentoo (0.11.46-1)
ro^`i dpkg -i no'. 

Ba.n se~ co' mo^.t ca'i gio^'ng nhu+ mc te^n la` gentoo :-)

m k h _ s g n

[Vietlug] [Fwd: [debian-knoppix] Using Knoppix for rescue disk.]

2005-02-04 Hội thoại maikhai04

--- Begin Message ---
I know of at least one MSWindows user who keeps a Knoppix disk around to 
rescue his system in case of a catastrophic event, such as a virus. He uses 
Knoppix to access his intact files. 

I am trying to figure out how this works. During a Knoppix session can one 
dismount the CDR and then write to a blank cdr or cdrw? If so, is there a way 
to stream the data so that one wouldn't need 700 MB somewhere to store an iso 
image? Perhaps one can write a track at a time? I am assuming an NTFS file 
system on the hard drive. 

Suggestions welcomed.

John Culleton
This is the debian-knoppix mailinglist at Please use to maintain your account information.
--- End Message ---

Re: [Vietlug] Lotsa good progresses

2005-02-04 Hội thoại maikhai04
Larry Nguyen wrote:
Hello VietLUGers,
Tua^`n na`y he^n qua'...making lotsa good progresses.
1. vnls installer dda~ fix ca'i vu. /boot na(`m rie^ng vo+'i /. GRUB now
boots up nicely :) 

1a. clamav du`ng ba?n ho+i cu~ (que^n upgrade tre^n rc1 :( ma(.c du` dda~
co' ba?n mo+'i ho+n) ne^n /etc/clamd.conf chu+a comment out chu+~ Example,
thus the error you see when  booting up.
1b. Que^n update httpd.conf to include mod_security cho apache-1.3.33 -->
the error you see after configuring mod_security thru webtool. Solution:
read the RELEASE file.
1c. PVThi.nh dda~ submit linux-utils --> fdisk trong RC2 se~ co' tie^'ng
Vie^.t :) Thank you much to Thi.nh: ma'y robot for VNese translation work
Ba'c na`o muo^'n go'p y' gi` cho vnls, vui lo`ng email mi`nh tru+.c tie^'p.
Ne^'u 0 qua' to^'n tho+`i gian mi`nh se~ tranh thu? the^m va`o rc2. No new
software will be included.
2. Chentu is almost here. See
for sneak preview.
Chentu du+.a tre^n Gentoo Vi` ly' do copyright, mi`nh kho^ng the^? du`ng thus the name chentu. Maybe ca^`n mo^.t name hay ho+n.
Ba.n na`o muo^'n du`ng Gentoo nhu+ng so+. pha^`n ca`i dda(.t thi` se~ co'
co+ ho^.i ca`i mo^.t complete Gentoo desktop system trong vo`ng...30 phu't.
Also ngu+o+`i du`ng co' the^? du`ng dde^? ca`i
ca'c go'i binaries ne^'u 0 muo^'n compile tu+` source. Ca'c go'i na`y
compile cho i686.
Stay tuned!


Hi Larry!
Ne^'u kho^ng nho+' sai, ca'i 9.3 khi go~ halt thi` no' halt ma` kho^ng 
dda^?y CD ra nhu+ Knoppix ?

m k h _ s g n

This SF.Net email is sponsored by: IntelliVIEW -- Interactive Reporting
Tool for open source databases. Create drag-&-drop reports. Save time
by over 75%! Publish reports on the web. Export to DOC, XLS, RTF, etc.
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VietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] Thie^'t la^.p ma'y tra.m vo+'i IPv6 trong 5 phu't!

2005-02-03 Hội thoại maikhai04

Larry Nguyen wrote:

  On 4:46:49 pm 02/03/05 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Rie^ng 2 o^ng no^.i RPM va` linux Debian kho^ng co' tu+'c co' nghi~a
kho?i ca^`n doanload ca'i client ddo' pha?i kho^ng?

m k h _ s g n

Ba'c chi? ca^`n ta?i chu' na`y, 
ro^`i la`m theo hu+o+'ng da^~n cha'u vie^'t trong ba`i.



Ho?i va^.y chu+' ta?i lie^`n mo^.t khi ro^`i hehe.
Nhu+ng khi cha.y to+'i do`ng 

 ./tspc -f ./tspc.conf.sample

thi` no' loa(`ng ngoa(`ng mo^.t ho^`i, toa`n la` ma~ gi` ddo',
kho^ng tha^`y chu+~.

Co' le~ do trong khi cha.y ca'i na`y thi` ma'y ddang download cha(ng? (
o+? window kha'c)

DDe^? la't nu+~a down xong ro^`i mi`nh thu+? cha.y la.i coi sao.

Trong ML ca^.u no'i xem log file trong /bin de?96 bie^'t ...
la` no'i file log na`o? Te^n no' la` gi`? Hay trong /bin chi? co' only
one log file?

m k h _ s g n

Re: [Vietlug] Thie^'t la^.p ma'y tra.m vo+'i IPv6 trong 5 phu't!

2005-02-03 Hội thoại maikhai04

Larry Nguyen wrote:

  Hello VietLUGers,

Last time co' ba`i gio+'i thie^.u set up VPN trong vo`ng 15 phu't, nay la.i
the^m mo^.t ba`i gio+'i thie^.u ca'ch la^'y va` du`ng IPv6 trong vo`ng...5
phu't :)





  Operating system
  NAT Traversal
  Binary code
  Source code

  Windows XP

  Windows 2000
  Not available


  Not available


  Linux RPM

  Linux Debian

  Solaris 8
  Not available

  Solaris 9
  Not available

  Not available

  MacOS X Darwin
  Not available


Rie^ng 2 o^ng no^.i RPM va` linux Debian kho^ng co' tu+'c co' nghi~a
kho?i ca^`n doanload ca'i client ddo' pha?i kho^ng?

m k h _ s g n

[Vietlug] doc tren website

2005-02-03 Hội thoại maikhai04


Yoper Äang cán
ÄÃng gÃp bái Tin tác cáa... vÃo ngÃy Thá TÆ,
2005-02-02 19:02 Yoper

mát bán Linux optimize cho i686, Äang cán developers Äá tiáp tác phÃt
trián phiÃn bán nÃy. Nghe nhÆ là há cán developer nhÆng sá trá tián,
chá khÃng phái lÃm tÃnh nguyán khÃng cÃng. Xem thÃm chi tiát tá

Hehehe! Pcloud dda^u? dda(ng ky' kho^ng? Co' xi`n dda^'y.

m k h _ s g n

[Vietlug] Hoi ve mot thong bao khi cai dat

2005-02-02 Hội thoại maikhai04

Hi Debian Users!

Khi to^i ca`i Sarge Netinst base-system, sau ddo' la`m thu? co^ng copy
all deb file va`o /var/cache/apt/archives va` cha.y dpkg
./*.deb thi` :

sau mo^.t ho^`i co' tho^ng ba'o:

perl : warning falling back to the standard local ("C")
Setting local fail
Please chech that your locale setting

Tuy co' warning nhu+ va^.y, nhu+ng va^~n tie^'p tu.c compile cho dde^'n
he^'t va` va^~n cha.y sarge ddu+o+.c.
Pha?i "check" ta.i cho^~ na`o?

To^i xa`i xvnkb, thu+o+`ng dda(.t trong .bashrc do`ng:
export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
va^.y ca'i na`y co' conflict vo+'i ca'i no' ba('t check hay khong?

Thanks ca'c ba.n,
m k h _ s g n

Re: [Vietlug] [OT] "An ninh cu?a Linux chi? la` chuye^.n hoang dduong ! "

2005-02-01 Hội thoại maikhai04

Larry Nguyen wrote:

  On 3:45:32 pm 01/31/05 Nigel Nguyen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Tu luc doc den gio co' mo^.t chi tie^'t doc xong thay no' the^' na`o
... dden bay gio moi phat hien ra ong giam doc *mat thit* (theo ba'c
maikhai) na`y so sa'nh qua? cam voi qua? ta'o. Ong so sanh nha^n linux
voi windows :)

neu the^' thi` co ai tha^'y ddang chay linux bi. "Unknown error on
kernel linux" khong day .. chu  tui thay ca'i "Unknown error on
kernel32.dll" hoai a` ...

hahah :))

Ba`i ho.c ru't kinh nghie^.mdon't waste time on article like this one,
especially it comes from M$.



DDu'ng ro^`i! Que^n ma^'t M$ co`n co' chie^u tie^'p thi.! Ngu+o+`i ba'n
mo^.t sa?n pha^?m thu+o+ng ma.i chi? ca^`n ba'n ddu+o+.c cho nhie^`u
dde^? kie^'m lo+`i, kho^ng quan ta^m dde^'n ca'c lo+.i i'ch kha'c cu?a
ngu+o+`i kha'c.

Sa?n pha^?m co' the^? to^'t, co' the^? to^`i, ai bo? tie^`n ra mua thi`
ra'ng xa`i vo+'i ca'i ho. dda~ lo+~ mua. DDo' la` qua? cam.

Co`n Linux co^' co^ng la`m cho mo^~i nga`y mo^.t to^'t ho+n dde^? cho
mo.i ngu+o+`i xa`i chu`a. DDo' la` qua? ta'o.

Kha'c nhau nhu+ the^' thi` so sa'nh la` kha^.p khie^~ng. Que^n no' ddi.

m k h _ s g n

Vie^'t tie^'p mo^.t y' cho bo~ . . . tu+'c :

M$, cu~ng nhu+ Linux,  la` he^. ddie^`u ha`nh. Nhu+ng lie^.u ca'c co+
quan to^'i quan cu?a Hoa Ky` (nhu+ Bo^. QP, CIA, Nga^n ha`ng,
he^. tho^'ng Bom nguye^n tu+? vv) co' ca`i dda(.t Winblow hay kho^ng?
To^i kho^ng bie^'t, di~ nhie^n, nhu+ng cu+' cho phe'p mi`nh ddoa'n
bu+`a la` kho^ng. Cha('c ho. ca`i Linux, hay Unix. (Ai co' ta`i lie^.u
gi` ve^` vu. na`y post le^n cho anh em dda.i khai nha~n gio+'i)

Va^.y coi nhu+ Hoa Ky` xa`i 2 he^. ddie^`u ha`nh chu? ye^'u: mo^.t cho
ca'c vie^.c quan sinh tu+?, mo^.t nu+~a dde^? cho da^n chu'ng
la`m bie^'ng xa`i cho+i le^n chat, bo'p tro` games vv. Winblow
la` vo^ khoa?n na`y.

Nhu+ng tro+? la.i ddie^?m chi'nh : ca'c nu+o+'c kha'c thi` ra ra(ng?
Ca'c nu+o+'c pha^`n lo+'n cu~ng bi. cuo^'n theo va` xa`i Winblow.
Nhu+ng xa`i ca? cho ca'c vie^.c sinh tu+? quan dda^`u. Do no' qua'
nhie^`u lo^~ thu?ng, ne^n Winblow kho^ng tha^.t su+. an toa`n. Ma^'y
te^n Yankee ngo^`i nha'y nhau cu+o+`i tha^`m, bo'p chuo^.t tre`o qua
tu+o+`ng lu+?a tu+o+`ng kho'i de^~ nhu+ Tru+o+ng Phi la^'y ddo^` trong
tu'i, coi he^'t ca'c bi' ma^.t  quo^'c gia, buo^`n buo^`n thi` vo.c
va`o so^? sa'ch ke^' toa'n cu?a nga^n ha`ng cho+i, hay ngo' xem nu+o+'c
na`y co`n bao nhie^u xe ta(ng, nu+o+'c no. co' bao nhie^u dda.n ...

Tui ma` la` Yankee thi` tui cu~ng la`m nhu+ va^.y!

m k h _ s g n

Re: [Vietlug] [OT] "An ninh cu?a Linux chi? la` chuye^.n hoang dduong ! "

2005-02-01 Hội thoại maikhai04

Larry Nguyen wrote:

  On 3:45:32 pm 01/31/05 Nigel Nguyen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Tu luc doc den gio co' mo^.t chi tie^'t doc xong thay no' the^' na`o
... dden bay gio moi phat hien ra ong giam doc *mat thit* (theo ba'c
maikhai) na`y so sa'nh qua? cam voi qua? ta'o. Ong so sanh nha^n linux
voi windows :)

neu the^' thi` co ai tha^'y ddang chay linux bi. "Unknown error on
kernel linux" khong day .. chu  tui thay ca'i "Unknown error on
kernel32.dll" hoai a` ...

hahah :))

Ba`i ho.c ru't kinh nghie^.mdon't waste time on article like this one,
especially it comes from M$.



DDu'ng ro^`i! Que^n ma^'t M$ co`n co' chie^u tie^'p thi.! Ngu+o+`i ba'n
mo^.t sa?n pha^?m thu+o+ng ma.i chi? ca^`n ba'n ddu+o+.c cho nhie^`u
dde^? kie^'m lo+`i, kho^ng quan ta^m dde^'n ca'c lo+.i i'ch kha'c cu?a
ngu+o+`i kha'c.

Sa?n pha^?m co' the^? to^'t, co' the^? to^`i, ai bo? tie^`n ra mua thi`
ra'ng xa`i vo+'i ca'i ho. dda~ lo+~ mua. DDo' la` qua? cam.

Co`n Linux co^' co^ng la`m cho mo^~i nga`y mo^.t to^'t ho+n dde^? cho
mo.i ngu+o+`i xa`i chu`a. DDo' la` qua? ta'o.

Kha'c nhau nhu+ the^' thi` so sa'nh la` kha^.p khie^~ng. Que^n no' ddi.

m k h _ s g n

Re: [Vietlug] mc trong debian

2005-02-01 Hội thoại maikhai04
Larry Nguyen wrote:
Co' le~ vi` khi ba'c nha^'n Ctrl+Alt+F2, mc ddang highlight (na(`m tre^n)
mo^.t ta^.p tin thi` no' se~ 0 cho ba'c la`m chuye^>n na`y. Ba'c thu+? move
ca'i highlight le^n tre^n dda^`u cho^~ .. va` nha^'n Ctrl+Alt+F2. Ne^'u 0
ddu+o+.c nu+~a thi` cho cha'u ho?i ba'c cha.y mc trong gnome-terinal ha?


Hi Larry!
# apt-get --purge remove mc
# rm /var/cache/apt/archives/mc_*.deb
# apt-get update
# apt-get install mc
no' la^'y ve^` 1992 kB, gio^'ng y chang ca'i cu~.
Trong gnome terminal (sarge netinst chi? co' gnome) cha.y mc bi`nh 

Close all apps cho cha('c a(n.
Nha^'n ctrl+alt+F2 ro^`i cha.y mc o+? root la` bi. lie^`n (chu+~ hie^?n 
thi. tha`nh ky` qua'i kho^ng ddo.c ddu+o+.c)

DDe^? kie^?m tra ta^.n go^'c, mi`nh
La^'y di~a Sarge Netinst ca`i la.i ca'i kha'c o+? mo^.t partition kha'c. 
Sau ddo' copy /var/cache/apt/archives/*  qua ca'i mo+'i ca`i va`

# cd /var/cache/apt/archives
# dpkg -i ./*
sau ddo' cha.y mc trong gnome terminal to^'t, Ctrl+Alt+F2 cha.y mc cu~ng 

Ba?n sarge netinst na`y la^'y o+? dda^u thi` que^n be'ng ro^`i.
Va^.y hi`nh nhu+ trong ca'i sarge dang xa`i co' problem gi` ddo'. Nhu+ng 
tie^'c co^ng la`m, ma` abiword, OOorg dde^`u go~ chu+~ Vie^.t ngon 
la`nh, ne^n dda`nh cu+' dde^? xa`i tie^'p dda~.
HTQuynh dda~ download la^`n thu+' 2 xong bo^. Debian 2 DVDs, nhu+ng 
Quynh dda~ bay ra Hanoi ro^`i.

m k h _ s g n

This SF.Net email is sponsored by: IntelliVIEW -- Interactive Reporting
Tool for open source databases. Create drag-&-drop reports. Save time
by over 75%! Publish reports on the web. Export to DOC, XLS, RTF, etc.
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VietLUG-users mailing list

[Vietlug] mc trong debian

2005-01-31 Hội thoại maikhai04

Hi All!

Khi mo+'i ca`i Sarge thi` mc cha.y cho^~ na`o cu~ng ddu+o+.c. Nhu+ng
sau mo^.t tho+`i gian add ca'c apps kha'c va`o, thi` mc chi? OK khi
ddang o+? trong GUI. 
Ne^'u Ctrl+Alt+F2 nha?y ra ngoa`i, thi` khi cha.y mc no' ba'o :

Note: Shell commands will not work when you are on a non-local system.

Pha?i la`m gi` dde^? fix? Do dda^u ma` lu'c tru+o+'c kho^ng bi., nay
la.i bi.?

m k h _ s g n

Re: [Vietlug] [OT] "An ninh cu?a Linux chi? la` chuye^.n hoang dduong ! "

2005-01-31 Hội thoại maikhai04
Nigel Nguyen wrote:
Tu luc doc den gio co' mo^.t chi tie^'t doc xong thay no' the^' na`o
... dden bay gio moi phat hien ra ong giam doc *mat thit* (theo ba'c
maikhai) na`y so sa'nh qua? cam voi qua? ta'o. Ong so sanh nha^n linux
voi windows :)
neu the^' thi` co ai tha^'y ddang chay linux bi. "Unknown error on
kernel linux" khong day .. chu  tui thay ca'i "Unknown error on
kernel32.dll" hoai a` ...
hahah :))

Hi All!
Náu thá, bán nÃo cÃng lác thÃm háu thà phang mát bÃi Äi. Viát cho cao, 
khÃng cán chái ráa, gái cho nÆi mà mÃnh Äác tháy tÃi liáu cán phán bián. 
VÃ cÅng nÃn chá cho cÃi website nÃo ÄÆa tin vá viác nÃy Äá há thác ngá. 
CÅng là Äá cÃc "bán nghe ÄÃi" khái hiáu nhám mát ván Äá quan tráng chát 

NÃn chÄng?
m k h _ s g n

This SF.Net email is sponsored by: IntelliVIEW -- Interactive Reporting
Tool for open source databases. Create drag-&-drop reports. Save time
by over 75%! Publish reports on the web. Export to DOC, XLS, RTF, etc.
Download a FREE copy at
VietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] Re: Tro^.n 2 CDs vo+'i nhau la`m mo^.t

2005-01-31 Hội thoại maikhai04

Larry Nguyen wrote:

  On 2:23:20 pm 01/30/05 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Co' pha?i ca'i /isolinux na`y khong su+ phu.?

 dhcppc0:/home/deban# ls /cd0
 archives  doc   md5sum.txt  README.html  README.txt
 debianinstall   picsREADME.mirrors.html  tools
 dists isolinux  poolREADME.mirrors.txt
 dhcppc0:/home/deban# ls /cd0/isolinux/  f2.txt  f5.txt  f8.txtisolinux.cfg
 f10.txt   f3.txt  f6.txt  f9.txtisolinux.txt
 f1.txtf4.txt  f7.txt  isolinux.bin  splash.rle

 m k h _ s g n


Nhu+ng la`m sao dde^? ca'i Netinst "tha^'y" luo^n ddu+o+.c 478MB data
kia, nha?y ngay va`o va` "la`m vie^.c luo^n (dpkg -i ./*) mo+'i la`
m k h _ s g n

Hi ba'c Ha?i,

Ca'i na`y thi` co' le~ ba'c Hoa`n ra`nh ho+n vi` cha'u chu+a bao gio+` mo`
Debian. Ba'c muo^'n thi` ba('t dda^`u tu+` dda^y

mkdir ~/work
cp isolinux/idepci.bin ~
mv idepci.bin idepci.gz
gunzip idepci.gz
mount -o loop idepci ~/work
cd work and enjoy! :)

Ba'c xem ca'i script rcS trong ~/work/etc/init.d va` debootstrap trong

Cha'u ddang ddo+.i livecd cu?a ba'c dda^y ;)



dhcppc0:/home/work2# ls -ls
total 244
 0 lrwxrwxrwx  1 root staff 1 2005-01-31 15:02 debian -> .
 4 dr-xr-xr-x  3 root root   4096 2004-11-22 05:10 dists
 4 dr-xr-xr-x  4 root root   4096 2004-11-22 05:10 doc
 4 dr-xr-xr-x  4 root root   4096 2004-11-22 05:10 install
 4 dr-xr-xr-x  2 root root   4096 2004-11-22 05:10 isolinux
76 -r--r--r--  1 root root  69768 2004-11-22 05:11 md5sum.txt
 4 dr-xr-xr-x  2 root root   4096 2004-11-22 05:10 pics
 4 dr-xr-xr-x  3 root root   4096 2004-11-22 05:10 pool
12 -r--r--r--  1 root root  10237 2004-11-22 05:10 README.html
80 -r--r--r--  1 root root  76978 2004-10-27 02:35 README.mirrors.html
40 -r--r--r--  1 root root  38599 2004-10-27 02:35 README.mirrors.txt
 8 -r--r--r--  1 root root   5395 2004-11-22 05:10 README.txt
 4 dr-xr-xr-x  3 root root   4096 2004-11-22 05:10 tools
dhcppc0:/home/work2# ls -ls /isolinux
ls: /isolinux: No such file or directory
dhcppc0:/home/work2# cd isolinux/
dhcppc0:/home/work2/isolinux# ls -ls
total 76
 4 -r--r--r--  1 root root 2048 2004-11-22 05:11
 4 -r--r--r--  1 root root  568 2004-11-19 02:28 f10.txt
 4 -r--r--r--  1 root root  842 2004-11-19 02:28 f1.txt
 4 -r--r--r--  1 root root  636 2004-11-19 02:28 f2.txt
 4 -r--r--r--  1 root root  753 2004-11-19 02:28 f3.txt
 4 -r--r--r--  1 root root  896 2004-11-19 02:28 f4.txt
 4 -r--r--r--  1 root root 1120 2004-11-19 02:28 f5.txt
 4 -r--r--r--  1 root root 1147 2004-11-19 02:28 f6.txt
 4 -r--r--r--  1 root root  943 2004-11-19 02:28 f7.txt
 4 -r--r--r--  1 root root  766 2004-11-19 02:28 f8.txt
 4 -r--r--r--  1 root root  342 2004-11-19 02:28 f9.txt
12 -r--r--r--  1 root root 9396 2004-11-22 05:10 isolinux.bin
 4 -r--r--r--  1 root root  834 2004-11-22 05:10 isolinux.cfg
 4 -r--r--r--  1 root root   67 2004-11-19 02:28 isolinux.txt
12 -r--r--r--  1 root root 9519 2004-11-19 02:28 splash.rle

Hi Larry!
DDa^u co' file na`o la` idepci.bin trong /isolinux?

m k h _ s g n

Re: [Vietlug] [OT] "An ninh cu?a Linux chi? la` chuye^.n hoang dduong ! "

2005-01-31 Hội thoại maikhai04
Nigel Nguyen wrote:
Hash: SHA1
tri'ch tieu dde ba`i dich cua Vnexpress (original cpy cu?a vnunet) ve^`
cuoc pva^'n voi GD Pha't trien chien luoc-Microsoft Anh.
Co'n va`i ddoan co ba?n the^' na`y da? kich kich liet linux tuy nhien
tay giam ddoc na`y co' ve? "que^n va`i vie^.c"
(ba` con cu len ma` xem len vnexpress xem nguyen ba?n nhe')
Doan 1: no'i ve^` an ninh cua loi Linux (linux kernel). va` no'i rang ai
chiu trach nhiem chinh, trong kinh do M$ chiu trach nhiem cho an ninh
cua Windows va thuong xuyen viet patch va' loi ...
Go'p y': U`m tay na`y quen di mot chuyen la` kernel linux do rat nhieu
dev-er gop suc ma` tha`nh ... co`n noi ve chuyen enterprise/corporation
thi` dde? ra de^? la`m gi` nhi? ... chuyen khac la` do windows
nguyen ta'c nhieu loi qua' ne^n su?a hoa`i khong het... sua het cai na`y
ra ca'i kha'c  :)) ... chuyen na`y giong 2 gia dinh sinh ra 2 dua con...
gia dinh na`y bao gia dinh kia i't cham chu't con cai chi? vi` it khi
thay gia dinh kia da^~n con di ba'c si~ (!!?) - sao stupid the^' nhi?
Doan 2: noi ve^` so luong lap trinh vien cho linux ... tay na`y ba?o vai
tram thoi chu chua duoc toi 1 nghi`n ... va` do ddo co' rat it ca?i tien
va` ca'c lap trinh vien tay nghe^` cao thi hau het lam viec cho M$.
Gop y': Doan na`y mien ba`n... nghe co' ca'u tie^'t ko^ nhi? ... chi?
biet rang sau khi linux ra doi sau windows 1 khoang thoi gian kha' da`i
... va` ve^` ca?i tien thi` hi`nh nhu* windows borrows hoi nhieu chi
tiet cua linux day... chua het co ai biet rang windows xp ban than no'
su dung cung kha' nhieu kha' qua? cua ca'c phan mem ma~ mo*~ day ... va`
phan mem ma~ mo chinh la` 1 phan ruot thi.t cua linux ... chang le~ tay
giam doc na`y quen sao ta?  chua ke^? nho ca'c lap tri`nh "tay nghe cao"
ma` chung ta co' duoc san pham "di~ dda.i" Internet Exploiter xa`i dde^?
roi que^n va` so+.
Doan 3: rat nhieu doanh nghiep va nha` nuoc xa`i linux roi chiu khong
noi quay ve windows...
Gop y': Doan na`y noi nguoc hoan toan ... TQ va` Duc la` 2 nha` nuoc
xa`i windows chiu ko noi nen moi quay sang Linux roi sap toi la` Korea
va` Vn thi` cung ngap nghe'...
Doan 4: Doan na`y thi` no'i la` linux co`n thieu nhieu thu co ba?n nhung
mot moi truong phat trien rieng biet kieu Windows ... va` so ung dung
cho linux cung it ...
Gop y': moi truong phat trien rieng biet ah .. xin loi nhe' Linux ko^
co' monopoly nhu windows... "we are enjoy our FreeDOM" va` so ung dung
cho linux cung i't .. moi nguoi co dem het so browser linux co' ko^
dza.y hay la` windows manager nua ... (bat windows len thi` chi co moi
IE va` WE-window explorer) va` hi``hi` .. co' rat nhieu nguoi dang cho
ca'c Linux-Only Apps port wa windows dde^? xa`i mien phi' thi` phai/..
Va`i dong linh tinh de^? chuyen cu.c tuc sang cho nguoi khac ... ai ko
thich thi` thoi xin dung chui ...
Le^n coi mo^.t ca'i, tha^'y ca'i ma(.t thi.t cu?a y la` tui di. u+'ng 
la^.p tu+'c, xuo^'ng lie^`n.

Ca^'t ca'i cu.c tu+'c va`o tu? la.nh, tra^`m nga^m mo^.t ti', ro^`i 
ngo^. ra ra(`ng :

M$ ca`ng nga`y ca`ng tuo^.t do^'c chi'nh vi` the^' ddo'. Ca^`n co'c gi` 
tranh lua^.n? Cu+' dde^? tho+`i gian tra? lo+`i.

m k h _ s g n

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VietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] Re: Tro^.n 2 CDs vo+'i nhau la`m mo^.t

2005-01-31 Hội thoại maikhai04

Larry Nguyen wrote:

  On 2:23:20 pm 01/30/05 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Co' pha?i ca'i /isolinux na`y khong su+ phu.?

 dhcppc0:/home/deban# ls /cd0
 archives  doc   md5sum.txt  README.html  README.txt
 debianinstall   picsREADME.mirrors.html  tools
 dists isolinux  poolREADME.mirrors.txt
 dhcppc0:/home/deban# ls /cd0/isolinux/  f2.txt  f5.txt  f8.txtisolinux.cfg
 f10.txt   f3.txt  f6.txt  f9.txtisolinux.txt
 f1.txtf4.txt  f7.txt  isolinux.bin  splash.rle

 m k h _ s g n


Nhu+ng la`m sao dde^? ca'i Netinst "tha^'y" luo^n ddu+o+.c 478MB data
kia, nha?y ngay va`o va` "la`m vie^.c luo^n (dpkg -i ./*) mo+'i la`
m k h _ s g n

Hi ba'c Ha?i,

Ca'i na`y thi` co' le~ ba'c Hoa`n ra`nh ho+n vi` cha'u chu+a bao gio+` mo`
Debian. Ba'c muo^'n thi` ba('t dda^`u tu+` dda^y

mkdir ~/work
cp isolinux/idepci.bin ~
mv idepci.bin idepci.gz
gunzip idepci.gz
mount -o loop idepci ~/work

Kho^ng hie^?u. cp isolinux/idepci.bin ~ la` ra(ng?

m k h _ s g n

  cd work and enjoy! :)

Ba'c xem ca'i script rcS trong ~/work/etc/init.d va` debootstrap trong

Cha'u ddang ddo+.i livecd cu?a ba'c dda^y ;)



Re: [Vietlug] Re: Tro^.n 2 CDs vo+'i nhau la`m mo^.t

2005-01-30 Hội thoại maikhai04
Bien wrote:

Tu+. tra? lo+`i :
O^ng o+i o^ng ngu qua'! La`m nhu+ sau :
1/ make isofile cho ca'i Netinst 110MB
2/ Burn ca'i na`y vo^ CD theo Multi session
3/ Burn luo^n 478MB data vo^ ca'i CD na`y, cho.n finish  multisession.
Tha`nh co^ng ro^`i, hehe.

Co`n mo^.t ca'ch kha'c, la^'y ca'i file boot images cu?a ca'i ddi~a
Netinst ra (no' cu~ng dde^? dda^u ddo' trong ddi~a a^'y thi` pha?i, 
la` du`ng mo^.t ca'i tool na`o ddo' dde^? la^'y ra\. Sau ddo' ta.o mo^.t
thu+ mu.c tro^'ng, copy ca? lu~ va`o ddo', make mo^.t ca'i iso file 
toanh, vo+'i boot image la` ca'i file dda~ la^'y ra lu'c tru+o+'c. Ba'c
se~ ddu+o+.c 1 ddi~a CD co' 1 session va` ke`m theo\.. hie^?u ddu+o+.c
the^' na`o la` bootable CD !!

cha'u Bie^n

Co' pha?i ca'i /isolinux na`y khong su+ phu.?
dhcppc0:/home/deban# ls /cd0
archives  doc   md5sum.txt  README.html  README.txt
debianinstall   picsREADME.mirrors.html  tools
dists isolinux  poolREADME.mirrors.txt
dhcppc0:/home/deban# ls /cd0/isolinux/  f2.txt  f5.txt  f8.txtisolinux.cfg
f10.txt   f3.txt  f6.txt  f9.txtisolinux.txt
f1.txtf4.txt  f7.txt  isolinux.bin  splash.rle
m k h _ s g n

Nhu+ng la`m sao dde^? ca'i Netinst "tha^'y" luo^n ddu+o+.c 478MB data 
kia, nha?y ngay va`o va` "la`m vie^.c luo^n (dpkg -i ./*) mo+'i la` ngon.

m k h _ s g n

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VietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] Re: Tro^.n 2 CDs vo+'i nhau la`m mo^.t

2005-01-30 Hội thoại maikhai04
Bien wrote:

Tu+. tra? lo+`i :
O^ng o+i o^ng ngu qua'! La`m nhu+ sau :
1/ make isofile cho ca'i Netinst 110MB
2/ Burn ca'i na`y vo^ CD theo Multi session
3/ Burn luo^n 478MB data vo^ ca'i CD na`y, cho.n finish  multisession.
Tha`nh co^ng ro^`i, hehe.

Co`n mo^.t ca'ch kha'c, la^'y ca'i file boot images cu?a ca'i ddi~a
Netinst ra (no' cu~ng dde^? dda^u ddo' trong ddi~a a^'y thi` pha?i, 
la` du`ng mo^.t ca'i tool na`o ddo' dde^? la^'y ra\. Sau ddo' ta.o mo^.t
thu+ mu.c tro^'ng, copy ca? lu~ va`o ddo', make mo^.t ca'i iso file mo+'i
toanh, vo+'i boot image la` ca'i file dda~ la^'y ra lu'c tru+o+'c. Ba'c
se~ ddu+o+.c 1 ddi~a CD co' 1 session va` ke`m theo\.. hie^?u ddu+o+.c
the^' na`o la` bootable CD !!

cha'u Bie^n

Co' pha?i ca'i /isolinux na`y khong su+ phu.?
dhcppc0:/home/deban# ls /cd0
archives  doc   md5sum.txt  README.html  README.txt
debianinstall   picsREADME.mirrors.html  tools
dists isolinux  poolREADME.mirrors.txt
dhcppc0:/home/deban# ls /cd0/isolinux/  f2.txt  f5.txt  f8.txtisolinux.cfg
f10.txt   f3.txt  f6.txt  f9.txtisolinux.txt
f1.txtf4.txt  f7.txt  isolinux.bin  splash.rle
m k h _ s g n

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Tool for open source databases. Create drag-&-drop reports. Save time
by over 75%! Publish reports on the web. Export to DOC, XLS, RTF, etc.
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VietLUG-users mailing list

[Vietlug] Sarge Netinst ba(`ng tay

2005-01-30 Hội thoại maikhai04

Hi All SaigonLUGers!

Ba.n na`o muo^'n thu+? ca'i Sarge ma` chi? co' modem nga.i
download, co' the^? dde^'n cho^~ to^i copy :

- Sarge 3.1 (110MB)
- deb files (478MB)

ta^'t ca? do^`n va`o 1 CD bootable.
Ke^'t qua?: The^m va`i do`ng le^.nh nu+~a la` co' mo^.t ba?n Debian
chu+`ng 2 GB xa`i ddo+~ (Abiword, Vim, Thunderbird, Firefox, Xemian,
Totem, Xmms, xpdf, XGIM, Xchat, vv).

Tra^n ki'nh mo+`i. Nho+' mang theo ddo^` nha^.u.

m k h _ s g n

[Vietlug] Re: Tro^.n 2 CDs vo+'i nhau la`m mo^.t

2005-01-30 Hội thoại maikhai04


  Hi All!
Tui co' :
1/ Sarge Netinst CD 110MB downloat tu+` (bootable), va`
2/ 478MB deb files tre^n mo^.t CD thu+' hai.
Nay muo^'n tro^.n 2 CDs la`m tha`nh mo^.t ca'i ma` va^~n bootable thi`
pha?i la`m sao? Tui da~ thu+? copy anh em tu.i no' vo^ mo^.t folder
ro^`i mkisofs ro^`i cdrecord, nhu+ng bi. thua to!
Ca^u ho?i: La`m ca'ch sao dde^? ta.o ca'i CD mo+'i na`y (go^`m 110MB
Netinst + 478MB data) tha`nh mo^.t CD bootable?
Ca'm o+n ca'c ba.n.
m k h _ sg n

Tu+. tra? lo+`i :

O^ng o+i o^ng ngu qua'! La`m nhu+ sau :

1/ make isofile cho ca'i Netinst 110MB
2/ Burn ca'i na`y vo^ CD theo Multi session
3/ Burn luo^n 478MB data vo^ ca'i CD na`y, cho.n finish multisession.

Tha`nh co^ng ro^`i, hehe.
m k h _ s g n

[Vietlug] Tro^.n 2 CDs vo+'i nhau la`m mo^.t

2005-01-29 Hội thoại maikhai04

Hi All!

Tui co' :
1/ Sarge Netinst CD 110MB downloat tu+` (bootable), va`
2/ 478MB deb files tre^n mo^.t CD thu+' hai.

Nay muo^'n tro^.n 2 CDs la`m tha`nh mo^.t ca'i ma` va^~n bootable thi`
pha?i la`m sao? Tui da~ thu+? copy anh em tu.i no' vo^ mo^.t folder
ro^`i mkisofs ro^`i cdrecord, nhu+ng bi. thua to!

Ca^u ho?i: La`m ca'ch sao dde^? ta.o ca'i CD mo+'i na`y (go^`m 110MB
Netinst + 478MB data) tha`nh mo^.t CD bootable?

Ca'm o+n ca'c ba.n.
m k h _ sg n

Re: [Vietlug] Howto apt-get ca'i DVD

2005-01-28 Hội thoại maikhai04

Larry Nguyen wrote:

U?a co' Debie DVD ro^`i ha? ba'c? Co' bo? le^n online store dduoc 0 va^.y?


HoangtuanQuynh ddang down la.i. Khi na`o cha('c a(n se~ ba'o sau.

m k h _ s g n



Re: [Vietlug] Download bi loi phai lam sao day

2005-01-28 Hội thoại maikhai04

Larry Nguyen wrote:

  On 7:17:53 am 01/27/05 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi All!

Tui down 2 ca'i DVD Debian Testing, khi cha.y bi. no' ba'o lo^~i nhu+
va^`y :

Disk #1 :

!! Load installer components from CD
There was a problem reading data from the CD-ROM.
Please make sure it is in the drive. If retrying does not dork, you
should check the integrity of your CD-ROM.
Fail to copy file from CD-ROM. Retry?

The failing step is : Load installer components from CD.

Check the CD-ROM integrity

The ./pool/main/nmh/nmh_1.1-release-3_i?86.deb file failed the MD5
checksum verification. Your CD-ROM or this file may have been

Disk #2:

Check the CD-ROM integrity

The ./pool/main/p/python-f2py/python 2.2-f2py_2.42.239 +
1844-1_all.deb file faile the MD5 checksum verification. Your CD-ROM
or this file may have been corrupted.

Cha'u ba'o tin buo^`n cho ba'c la` ra^'t co' the^? ISO ba'c dl bi.
corrupted ro^`i. Ba'c du`ng DVD media loa.i gi` va^.y? O^? DVD cu?a ba'c
loa.i gi`? Cha'u nghi 90% la` ISO bi. corrupted. Ne^'u va^.y thi` chi? co'
the^? download la.i. Ba'c du`ng chu+o+ng tri`nh gi` dde^? dl? wget dda~ co'
support large file (unofficial) thi` ba'c co' the^? resume no' vo+'i wget



Mi`nh co' down khi? gi` dda^u, ho?i le^n List thi` no'i cho oai. Tha^.t
ra la` HTQuynh xa`i line chu`a cu?a co^ng ty ro^`i burn ra cho mi`nh 2
CDs dda^'y.

Quynh vu+a phone cho bie^'t se~ burn la.i mo^.t bo^. kha'c dde^? kie^?m
tra xem ta.i di~a do?m hay ta.i download bi. hu+. Down ba(`ng jigdo co'
hay bi. nhu+ va^.y kho^ng?

Mi`nh chi? mo+'i mua CD tra('ng, chu+a mua DVD tra('ng, co`n wait and
see. Chu+a xa`i di~a DVD mua ngoa`i cho+. bao gio+`, ddi mua o+'n la('m
vi` nhie^`u ha`ng do?m ma` la.i kho^ng ra`nh. Ho?i gia', co' tu+` gia'
8 nga`n/di~a dde^'n 45 nga`n/di~a, kho^ng bie^'t ddu+o+`ng na`o ma`

Ma` chu~ng chu+a cha('c di~a ma('c tie^`n mua ve^` la.i cha.y to^'t
trong o^? ghi ddang co'! The^' mo+'i phie^`n. Nghe cu. Hoa`n do.a mo^.t
tra`ng, toa't ca? mo^` ho^i.

m k h _ s g n

Re: [Vietlug] VNLinux Logo

2005-01-28 Hội thoại maikhai04
Bien wrote:

hi`, kho^ng qua' complicated dda^u, tu+o+ng tu+. the^' na`y
Qua' phu+'c ta.p va` kho^ng tu+o+?ng ddu+o+.c ra la` Vie^.t 
Nam hay Linux ;)
(Sao kho^ng du`ng ca'i con chim ca'nh cu.t ddo^.i no'n cu?a anh Quy' ??)

La`m qua'ch ma`u dden si` vo+'i do`ng vnlinux la` xong. DDen cho no' 
gia^.t mi`nh cho+i :-)

m k h _ s g n

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Re: [Vietlug] VNLinux Logo

2005-01-27 Hội thoại maikhai04
penguin2vn wrote:
Nigel Nguyen wrote:
Hash: SHA1
Tonite, I design a new logo for my site incl. the banner but I came up
with an idea (just roughly, I don't have any vector program to make it
:) & am not the comp.designer anyway :)) for Vnlinux thou
The "V" stand for vietnam as well as a person with 2 hands up
(helping, say 'hooray', victory sign).
Xem xong mong ca'c ba'c dung cuoi ... (don't laugh at me :) plz)
Thanks lots,
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -

em co' 1 y' the^' na`y k0 bie^'t sao :)
vnlinux logo co' the^? nhu+ the^' na`y ddu+o+.c kho^ng ?
1 chu+~ V ma`u va`ng (ma`u lu'a chi'n) cu~ng nghie^ng nghie^ng nhu+ 
the^' xe^'p cho^`ng le^n 1 ba?n ddo^` VN (chu+~ S) ma`u xanh (ra^'t 
la`ng que^ :))
u+`, ma` chu+~ V cu~ng ddu+`ng nhi`n nghie^ng qua 1 phi'a ma` ne^n 
dde^? nhi`n tha(?ng (tha(?ng tie^'n dde^'n future :))
o+? tre^n ca'nh pha?i cu?a chu+~ V, co' the^? dda(.t 1 con penguin 
xanh bie^'c (ma`u nu+o+'c bie^?n) va` co' the^? cho penguin bay luo^n :)

khi pho'ng to ra dde^? dda(.t tre^n background, bo? con penguin ddo', 
va` the^m va`o 1 con penguin ddang cu+o+~i ma'y bay na(`m cho^`ng le^n 
ba?n ddo^` va` na(`m trong lo`ng chu+~ V, bay xe'o le^n go'c pha?i
o`ai, em chi? tu+o+?ng tho^i dda~ tha^'y dde.p tuye^.t :)

Hehe! Ba'n ca'i na`y cho E Vietnam ddi!
m k h _ s g n

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Tool for open source databases. Create drag-&-drop reports. Save time
by over 75%! Publish reports on the web. Export to DOC, XLS, RTF, etc.
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VietLUG-users mailing list

[Vietlug] Howto apt-get ca'i DVD

2005-01-27 Hội thoại maikhai04

Hi All!

Mi`nh la^'y ca`i CD 110MB Sarge 3.1 Netinst i.n vo^ HDD ro^`i bo? DVD
Testing va`o.

# nano /etc/fstab ...>> add va`i do`ng
# mount /cd1
# apt-cdrom -d=/cd1 add ..OK
# apt-get install gnome  no' ba'o /cdrom thua

La.i nano /etc/fstab dde^? ddo^?i /cd1 tha`nh /cdrom, sau do' mkdir
thi` cuo^'i cu`ng no' chi.u. 

Nhu+ng dda'ng tie^'c tuy khi check integrity thi` tha^'y lo^~i i't, ma`
lu'c na`y no' hie^.n ra mo^.t ma^m toa`n lo^~i, nhi`n hoa ca? ma('t.
DDa`nh nga^.m ngu`i chia tay.

Co`n co' ca'ch gi` vo+'t va't go+~ ga.c kho^ng ca'c ba.n?

m k h _ s g n 

[Vietlug] Download bi loi phai lam sao day

2005-01-27 Hội thoại maikhai04

Hi All!

Tui down 2 ca'i DVD Debian Testing, khi cha.y bi. no' ba'o lo^~i nhu+
va^`y :

Disk #1 :

!! Load installer components from CD
There was a problem reading data from the CD-ROM.
Please make sure it is in the drive. If retrying does not dork, you
should check the integrity of your CD-ROM.
Fail to copy file from CD-ROM. Retry?

The failing step is : Load installer components from CD.

Check the CD-ROM integrity

The ./pool/main/nmh/nmh_1.1-release-3_i?86.deb file failed the MD5
checksum verification. Your CD-ROM or this file may have been corrupted.

Disk #2:

Check the CD-ROM integrity

The ./pool/main/p/python-f2py/python 2.2-f2py_2.42.239 + 1844-1_all.deb
file faile the MD5 checksum verification. Your CD-ROM or this file may have been

Mount ca'i DVD le^n thi` va^~n ddo.c tha^'y mo.i thu+' tu+` A dde^'n Z.
Va^.y co' the^? xa`i ddo+~ no' ba(`ng ca'ch tro? ddu+o+`ng da^~n trong
sources.list dde^? tha(`ng apt-get la`m vie^.c hay kho^ng? Go~ the^'
na`o cho no' hie^?u ma` mo` to+'i?

Ca'm o+n ba'c ba.n.

m k h _ s g n

Re: [Vietlug] Unofficial ubuntu-guide (tiengviet)

2005-01-26 Hội thoại maikhai04
Nigel Nguyen wrote:
Hash: SHA1
Hi moi nguoi
neu ai su dung ubuntu thi` co the^? vao day xem (hy vong giup do duoc
ti' ti con voi)
Day la` ba?n dich tu Tuy nhie^n, cai huong dan na`y van
co`n hoi thieu thieu va`i mo'n cu?a ngon vat la. da~ contact voi ta'c
gia? deu yeu cau tay do' the^m va`i mo'n hahha :) neu next release tay
nay ko them thi` mi`nh se~ fork out => thanh tieng viet luon cho fe?

Ma.n phe'p Ngu+o+`i tui save ro^`i gu+?i ddi tu+' tung cho ma^'y 
em SV kho^ng co' ADSL le^n mo` ddo^`.

m k h _ s g n

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Tool for open source databases. Create drag-&-drop reports. Save time
by over 75%! Publish reports on the web. Export to DOC, XLS, RTF, etc.
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Re: [Vietlug] Sneak preview vnlinuxCD-9.4-light

2005-01-26 Hội thoại maikhai04

Phan Vinh Thinh wrote:


On 6:41:25 pm 24/01/2005 "Larry Nguyen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hello VietLUGers,

DDa^y la` first impression ve^` look cu?a vnlinuxCD-9.4-light su+? xfce, oops, I mean icewm :) Ba?n na`y se~ da`nh cho ma'y vo+'i

nice shot
/me nghi~ se~ bo? fluxbox ma^'t :)

newnick co' dde^` nghi. the^m va`o firestarter (gio^'ng nhu+ ZoneAlarm
tre^n Winbloze) cho personal firewall dda~ ddu+o+.c sa(~n bo+?i
anh TMThanh va` PVThi.nh.

Co' anh Larry na`o ddo' cu~ng :D

Comments, suggestions are welcome!

Comments = good work
/me kho^ng bie^'t co' gi` include thi` sao the^m suggestion :D




Thinh e-mail: jabber IM: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Nha?y vo^ coi, tha^'y no' hao hao nhu+ icewm. Down ve^` i.n va`o Sarge
co' ddu+o+.c hay kho^ng?

m k h _ s g n

[Vietlug] canh bao cho nguoi dung gmail

2005-01-25 Hội thoại maikhai04
Tin na`y tha`nh ddo^` co^? ro^`i nhu+ng va^~n post le^n dda^y:
Thá NÄm, 13/01/2005, 10:15 (GMT+7)
Xuát hián lá háng báo mát nghiÃm tráng trong Gmail

m k h _ s g n

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[Vietlug] Co nguoi moi hoi tham SaigonLUG

2005-01-25 Hội thoại maikhai04

Hi All SaigonLUGers!

Co' ngu+o+`i mo+'i go.i ddie^.n to+'i ho?i tha(m ve^` ca'c chu+o+ng
tri`nh sinh hoa.t cu?a SaigonLUG trong ma^'y nga`y Ta^'t nie^n . . .
nhu+ng ba^`n ta(ng chi.u kho^ng sao tra? lo+`i ddu+o+.c. Va^.y co' ai
bie^'t chu't gi` xin post le^n cho mo.i ngu+o+`i chua^?n bi. tinh
tha^`n, ddo^`ng tho+`i lo uo^'ng thuo^'c xo^? giun dde^? bu+~a ddo'
nha^.u nhe.t cho ddu+o+.c khoan khoa'i.

m k h _ s g n

Re: [Vietlug] Ta.i sao Debian users kho^ng thi'ch Ubuntu?

2005-01-25 Hội thoại maikhai04
Nigel Nguyen wrote:
|> Ubuntu theo che^' do^. dda the^
hhahha neu vay ... thi` nhieu nguoi khoai lam do'.. ba'c ko thich seo ?
Ngu+o+`i ta trong thi'ch thi` co' thi'ch, nhu+ng no'i tre^n bu.c 
go^~ thi` pha?i cho^'ng to+'i be^'n!

Nhu+ng coi trong List cu?a Ubuntu co' nhie^`u users than va~n tu`m lum, 
trong khi chi? mo+'i ca`i ca'i sarge theo kie^?u Tam thi?nh kinh 
ma` cha.y ma't tro+`i o^ng ddi.a, nghe nha.c coi phim gu+?i meo le^n net 
ddu? chuye^.n, gnome cu~ng co' ma` kde cu~ng co'. Su+o+'ng co`n ho+n 
ca'i gi` nu+~a.

m k h _ s g n

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Re: [Vietlug] Ta.i sao Debian users kho^ng thi'ch Ubuntu?

2005-01-25 Hội thoại maikhai04
Larry Nguyen wrote:
Hello VietLUGers and here is a friendly distro war :)
Theo mi`nh ca?m tha^'y ha^`u nhu+ Debian users (I know at least 2 :) )
kho^ng thi'ch Ubuntu. Ubuntu == UND (Ubuntu is Not Debian) Why? Ubuntu la`m
cho Debian tha^n thie^.n ho+n vo+'i ngu+o+`i du`ng ma`? 

Theo foobar thi` Ubuntu ky` thi. Asian vi` trong hi`nh o+? web site co'
o^ng ta^y tra('ng, ta^y dden nhu+ng kho^ng co' ta^y va`ng LoL
Flame on!


Tui the^m: Ubuntu theo che^' ddo^. dda the^.
m k h _ s g n

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[Vietlug] SuSE 9.2 da co tai . . .

2004-12-15 Hội thoại maikhai04
Hi All SaigonLUGers!

SuSE 9.2 (kernel 2.6.8-24) gom 5CDs, download tu server cua DHSP, da co tai:
- Phong may B018
- nha tui
Ngoai ra tai LEHOAN 128 BTX Q1 cung co mot bo, nhung khong cung xuat xu.

Vi hoi nhieu CD nen ban nao muon co, xin vui long mang dia trang den de burn, 
bon tiem he?o lam, ma dia trang cua Larry mua chi dung de duplicate vnlinuxCD 
ma thoi.

SuSE vua moi cai len HD, chua install xvnkb kip nen tam go khong dau.

m k h _ s g n

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[Vietlug] Hoi ve lenh iptables

2004-11-06 Hội thoại maikhai04
Hi All!

Hie^.n tre^n ma'y to^i ca`i Slackware 10, Kanotix (2.6.6), va` Debian woody 

Vo+'i slackware hay Kanotix, khi go~:

# iptables -A INPUT -j DROP
sau ddo' va`o web va^~n ddu+o+.c, kho^ng bi. a?nh hu+o+?ng gi` bo+?i le^.nh 
na`y. Va^.y co' pha?i ADSL ddu+o+.c config cho luo^n luo^n connect ma` kho^ng 
bi. nga('t?

DDe^? ddo^'i chie^'u, va`o Debian, cu~ng go~ le^.nh nhu+ tre^n, 
sau ddo' va`o web kho^ng ddu+o+.c.
Tie^'p go~:
# iptables -F
thi` trong X va`o web ddu+o+.c ngay, co' nghi~a do`ng le^.nh co' hie^.u qua? 
tu+'c tho+`i. La.i tie^'p go~ # iptables -A INPUT -j DROP thi`kho^ng truy 
ca^.p ddu+o+.c nu+~a. 

DDie^`u na`y dda'p u+'ng nhu ca^`u cu?a to^i, la` muo^'n sau mo^~i la^`n 
gu+?i/nha^.n email hay va`o website,  khi thoa't ra la` to^i hoa`n toa`n 
disconnect ddu+o+.c ngay [cha^'p nha^.n la`m manual cu~ng ddu+o+.c].

> So+? di~ va^.y la` vi` phie^'u ti'nh tie^`n ADSL tha'ng Oct2004 ho. ba'o 
ra(`ng dda~ ta?i dde^'n 3301MB, mo^.t con so^' kho' hie^?u qua' :-)!

Kho^ng may ddo^'i vo+'i to^i, Debian Woody chi? co' Kmail 1.3.2, kho^ng 
tu+o+ng thi'ch vo+'i Kmail 1.6.2 hie^.n co' trong ha^`u he^'t ca'c distro 

Xin ca'c ba.n vui lo`ng chi? da^~n:
1/ Le^.nh nga('t va` no^'i ADSL trong Kanotix, Slaxkware, Knoppix vv
2/ La`m ca'ch na`o upgrade Kmail (va` kde no'i chung) cho woody?

Ca'm o+n ca'c ba.n.

m k h _ s g n

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Re: [Vietlug] Ke.t dda.n trong Slackware

2004-11-03 Hội thoại maikhai04
On Thursday 04 November 2004 08:57 am, chairuou wrote:
> $xwmconfig
> cho.n KDE
> $startx
> tro+? la.i nhu+ lu'c mo+'i ca`i
> PS: chie^u na`y chi? 1 la^`n ro^`i

Ca'm o+n Chairuou.
La^`n tru+o+'c co' nha^.n ddu+o+.c, co' thu+.c ta^.p, nhu+ng que^n tha^`n 
chu'. Ro^`i vo^ y' ma^'t tie^u mo^.t mo+' meo . . .hehe.

m k h _ s g n

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Re: [Vietlug] Xin Grub config file cho vnLinux

2004-11-03 Hội thoại maikhai04
On Wednesday 03 November 2004 07:22 pm, Thanh Phong wrote:
> Xin ca'm o+n mo.i ngu+o+`i ra^'t nhie^`u cho su+. giu'p do+~ ra^'t ta^.n
> ti`nh,
> O^? di~a chu+'a Linux la` Primary IDE Master bus va` co' 4 pha^n vu`ng ,
> 1: Boot Partition
> 2: Root Partition
Mi`nh thi` nhe't ca? hai va`o mo^.t ext3 logical partition cho ddo+~ phie^`n
> 3: Swap Partition
> 4: Du`ng rie^ng FAT32
> Sau khi bi. tru.c tra(.c do install giu+~a chu+`ng thi` em mo+'i la`m
> vie^.c ho+i bu+o+?i ti' xi'u la` che'p 

Sao la.i che'p nhi?? 
Co' mo^.t ca'i icon na(`m tre^n Desktop da`nh rie^ng cho vie^.c install na`y 
co+ ma`?

> toa`n files va` thu+ mu.c o+? thu+ 
> mu.c /boot tre^n vnlinuxCD qua boot partition va` do^`ng tho+Ã hie^.n nay
> o+? thu+ mu.c boot cu?a root partition sau bu+o+'c 4 qua' tri`nh ca`i da(.t
> cu~ng da~ che'p he^'t qua ... kie^+m tra okie
> Va`o grub, che^' do^. command 'c' go~ la^`n lu+o+.t
> >kernel (hd0,2)/boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/hda3 devfs=mount acpi=ht
> splash=silent vga=788
> >initrd (hd0,2)/boot/initrd.img
> Thi` qua' tri`nh ti'p tu.c cu'i cu`ng ba'o lo^~i la`
> pivot_root: pivot_root(/sysroot, /sysroot/initrd) failed 2
> No init found. Try passing init= option to kernel
> Lo^~i na`y co' ve? nhu+ mount sai partition, nhu+ng ma` partition dÃ^`u da~
> cho.n du'ng mah, tha^.t la` ki` la.  Cu~ng kho^ng the^? naà thie^'u file
> du+o+.c vi` toa`n bo^. file tre^n CD da~ du+o+.c che'p sang.

Ne^'u tha^'y GRUB kho^ng quen tay thi` qua^'t LILO va`o cu~ng dda(.ng ma`.

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[Vietlug] Ke.t dda.n trong Slackware

2004-11-03 Hội thoại maikhai04
Cha`o ca'c Slackers

Go~ $ startx no' nha?y ngay va`o windowmaker, ne^n tui thu+? go~

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ startkde
xset:  unable to open display ""
xset:  unable to open display ""
xset:  unable to open display ""
xset:  unable to open display ""
xsetroot:  unable to open display ''
startkde: Starting up...
ksplash: cannot connect to X server
kdeinit: Aborting. $DISPLAY is not set.
Warning: connect() failed: : No such file or directory
ksmserver: cannot connect to X server
startkde: Shutting down...
Warning: connect() failed: : No such file or directory
Error: Can't contact kdeinit!
startkde: Running shutdown scripts...
startkde: Done.

Va^.y pha?i la`m sao dde^? fix vu. na`y? (tro+? la.i nhu+ lu'c mo+'i ca`i, go~ 
startx thi` no' cho va`o kde).
Ca'm o+n ca'c ba.n.

m k h _ s g n

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LinuxWorld Reader's Choice Award Winner for best database on Linux.
VietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] FW mot cau hoi

2004-11-02 Hội thoại maikhai04
On Wednesday 03 November 2004 12:27 pm, Viet Bach wrote:
> Cha('c la` chu' LiveZope

Wa! Va`o ddo.c co' ma^'y do`ng la` tha^'y xa^y xa^?m pho^m vi ha?n, e co`n 
kho' ga(.m ho+n ca'i Debian 30r2 nu+~a. Du` sao cu~ng ca'm o+n VietBach nhanh 
cho'ng cung ca^'p tho^ng tin. Tie^.n di.p mi`nh dda~ send luo^n ca'i html do' 
cho ba.n kia ro^`i.
LiveDVD thi` co' le~ down da(m . . . nga`y mo+'i ddu+o+.c nhi?? Kie^?u na`y 
va`o Distrowatch lu`ng ddi.a chi? ro^`i nho+` ddo^`ng ba`o ha?i ngoa.i mua 
giu`m cha('c nhanh ho+n!

m k h _ s g n

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[Vietlug] [OT] Hut dieu thuoc lao, nang cao the dien

2004-11-02 Hội thoại maikhai04
Hi All!

Ki'ch chuo^.t va`o vnExpress, ddo.c ma^'y ba`i, du+o+'i dda^y xin ma.n phe'p 
da'n mo^.t khu'c dde^? ca'c ba.n i't le^n ddo.c cho+i gia?i sa^`u, cho 
tinh tha^`n the^m pha^'n cha^'n (du` tin na`y dda~ cu~ me`m ro^`i):
[ snip]

Vái mát sá chÃnh phá và cÃng ty, Äác biát là tái cÃc nÆác Äang 
phÃt trián, mà 
nguán má Äem lái cho há sá linh hoát cao hÆn và chi phà tháp hÆn. 
Trung Quác, 
Nhát và HÃn Quác Äà tháa thuán háp tÃc cÃng nhau phÃt trián mát 
phiÃn bán 
chÃu à cáa Linux. Trong vÃi thÃng gán ÄÃy, chÃnh phá cÃc nÆác Äác 
và PhÃp 
cÅng Äà ÄÆa vÃo sá dáng cÃc mÃy tÃnh cháy há Äiáu hÃnh mà 
nguán má. ThÃnh phá 
Munich (Äác) quyát Äánh chuyán 14.000 mÃy tÃnh cà nhÃn sang sá dáng 
trong khi Paris (PhÃp) cÅng Äang cÃn nhác khá nÄng tÆÆng tá.

T.N. (theo BBC

(Copy cu?a ho. Unicode, vi pha.m no^.i quy VietLUG)

m k h _ s g n

[Vietlug] FW mot cau hoi

2004-11-02 Hội thoại maikhai04
On Tuesday 02 November 2004 04:48 pm, you wrote:
> Tho^i, Em cu~ng kho^ng ca^`n chi\... Em mo+'i nho+' ra: hi`nh nhu+ co'
> mo^.t distro du+.a tre^n la^.p tri`nh PYTHON. Em ra^'t ghie^`n la^.p tri`nh
> Python. Ba'c co' the^? cho em bi'et ca'i distro ddo^' kho^ng?

Hi All!

Co' mo^.t ba.n ho?i nhu+ tre^n, Larry cu~ng kho^ng cho chi? da^~n chi'nh xa'c 
ddu+o+.c. Ai bie^'t xin chi? gi`um.

Xin ca'm o+n tru+o+'c.

m k h _ s g n

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Sybase ASE Linux Express Edition - download now for FREE
LinuxWorld Reader's Choice Award Winner for best database on Linux.
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[Vietlug] Fwd: SUSE 9.2 CD

2004-11-02 Hội thoại maikhai04
Hi SaigonLUGers!

DDa^y la` ly' do chu'ng ta chu+a co' SuSE 9.2 dde^? xa`i:

--  Forwarded Message  --

Subject: SUSE 9.2 CD
Date: Tuesday 02 November 2004 01:40 pm

Cha`o Bac Hải,

cha'u bie^'t la` Ba'c ddang ddo+.i CDs SUSE 9.2 , cha'u cu~ng kho^ng
bie^'t ta.i sao la^u qua' va^.y.
Ba'c co' the^? go+?i la.i cho cha'u ddi.a chi? cu?a Ba'c 1 la^`n nu+~a
ddu+o+.c kho^ng ?

Ca~m o+n Ba'c.

Xuan Khai

"Goodbye," said the fox. "And now here is my secret, a very simple
secret: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is
essential is invisible to the eye." (The Little Prince - Antoine de
Saint Exupéry)


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Re: [Vietlug] [OT] Khoa dao tao giang vien Linux tai VN

2004-11-01 Hội thoại maikhai04
On Tuesday 02 November 2004 04:35 pm, Tran Vu Hung wrote:
> hi` hi` hi` thay mac cuoi qua, kho'a ho.c chi? gia`nh cho nhu+~ng
> ngu+o+`i co' kinh nghie^.m ve^` qua?n ly' he^. tho^'ng linux o+? ca'c
> co^ng ty, ke^'t qua? ho.c ta^.p chi? ddu+o+.c co^ng nha^.n khi da.t
> chu+'ng chi? LPI ca^'p 1.
> Ne^'u dda~ qua?n ly' linux o+? co^ng ty cha('c cha('n, LPI level 1
> kho^ng the^? qua?n ly' lo^~i\. Nhu+~ng ngu+o+`i pha?i co' tu+` level 2
> tro+? le^n va` co' kinh nghie^.m i't nha^'t la` la`m vie^.c qua?n ly'
> trong 6 tha'ng. LPI level 1 gio^'ng nhu+ ho.c DOS tho^i ca'c ba'c. chu+'
> qua?n ly' sao du+o+.c.

Lo+'p ho.c na`y nha^'t ddi.nh la` do Microsoft ta`i tro+.. Vi` dda`o ta.o ra 
sa't thu? ddo^'i vo+'i Linux.

m k h _ s g n

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Re: [Vietlug] dda.i ly' pha^n pho^'i vnlinux va` vo+. be'

2004-11-01 Hội thoại maikhai04
On Monday 01 November 2004 10:50 pm, hoan wrote:
> ba'c Ha?i o+i,
> the^' lu'c ma^'y nho'c cu?a 68 co^ vo+. be' ra ddo+`i thi`
> tie^`n thu cu?a vnlinux cu?a Larry co' ddu? nuo^i kho^ng ?

O^'i gio+`i La~o DDa.i! Lu'c ddo' dda~ sinh voi thi` a('t co' co? chu+'. 
Tu+o+?ng Anh ddi ho.p ho^.i nghi. Va^.t ly' o+? Hanoi?

m k h _ s g n

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Re: [Vietlug] [A litto off-topic] Bán CDs online

2004-11-01 Hội thoại maikhai04
On Monday 01 November 2004 01:22 pm, Vie^.t Ha?i wrote:
> Cu~ng co' the^? gu+?i ddi~a CD qua bu+u ddie^.n. Ho^m tru+o+'c em
> gu+?i ca? con Kim tu+` ddie^?n tu+` HN va`o tpHCM ma` chi? ma^'t 4000
> ddo^`ng.
Con na`y cha('c la` . . . khoa? tha^n ne^n nhe. mo+'i 4 nga`n
> Tuy nhie^n, de^~ vo+' la('m. Hic hic, vi` nha^n vie^n bu+u 
> ddie^.n vo^ tra'ch nhie^.m hay ne'm lung tung.
Pha?i chi.u kho' la^'y ca'c-to^ng la`m bao bi` tru+o+'c ba.n o+i. DDu+`ng 
vo^.i ddo^? lo^~i cho ma^'y chu' nho'c pha't thu+.
> Do ddo', theo ti`nh the^' hie^.n tho+`i, em nghi~ la` ne^n giao cho
> ca'c dda.i ly' CD-ROM o+? ca'c ti?nh, tu+` ddo' co' the^? pha^n pho^'i
> to+'i ca'c lugger la` tuye^.t vo+`i nha^'t.
Y' na`y ra^'t xa'c dda'ng. Chi? ho+i kho' ca'i cho^~ "giao cho". La`m ca'ch 
na`o giao ddu+o+.c?
m k h _ s g n

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[Vietlug] [OT] Dai ly phan phoi Linux distros

2004-11-01 Hội thoại maikhai04
Hi Larry!

Ca'i to^'i sa'ng kie^'n pha^n pho^'i di~a Linux kia co' le~ ne^n la`m theo 
ca'ch nhu+ cu?a o^ng So^'ng Mo+'i ho^`i tru+o+'c 1975. Ho^`i ddo' Saigon co' 
nha` pha't ha`nh Nam Cu+o+`ng la` to nha^'t, chuye^n pha't ha`nh sa'ch ba'o 
kha('p mie^`n Nam. Nha` So^'ng Mo+'i ra sau, lie^`n cho+i ca'i chie^u cu+o+'i 
vo+. be'. Mo^~i ti?nh, la~o So^'ng Mo+'i dda(.t luo^n mo^.t co^ vo+. be', 
mo+? tie^.m sa'ch,va` di~ nhie^n la`m dda.i ly' SM. Co' bao nhie^u ti?nh thi` 
co' ba^'y nhie^u vo+. be'. Chuye^.n na`y la` tha^.t 100% dda^'y.  La~o cho+i 
nhau vo+'i nha` Nam Cu+o+`ng kho^ng chi.u thua mie^'ng na`o, ngay ca? chie^u 
mua ta`i xe^' Nam Cu+o+`ng ddo^'t xe pha't ha`nh cu~ng kho^ng tu+`.

Nay muo^'n pha^n pho^'i Linux distros thi` cu~ng pha?i co' vo+. be'. Ca^.u 
cu+o+'i 68 co^ vo+. be' la` ngon nha^'t dda^'y. Vie^.t kie^`u ma`, de^~ la('m 

m k h _ s g n

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LinuxWorld Reader's Choice Award Winner for best database on Linux.
VietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] Re: [Vietlug] [A litto off-topic] Bán CDs online

2004-10-31 Hội thoại maikhai04
On Sunday 31 October 2004 11:08 pm, Thanh Phong wrote:
> Anh no'i chuye^.n nghe la. qua' :) ... bo? tie^`n trong phong bi` o+? Vn
> mi`nh kho^ng ma^'t mo+'i la` la. do' :D ...O+? Vie^.t nam mi`nh co'
> vu. chuye^?n tie^`n qua du+o+`ng bu+u die^.n ma` gu+?i 15.000 tho^i thi`
> :( ... Hoa(.c ne^'u ai do' o+? ti?nh da.i die^.n chuye^?n vo+'i so^'
> lo+'n thi` cha('c co' the^? du+o+.c ...
Ta^'t nhie^n la` co' ro^`i. Nhu+ng la`m nhu+ va^.y thi` mo^.t ddo^`ng ca'i gi` 
mu+o+`i ddo^`ng ca'i gi` tie^'ng Vie^.t mi`nh co' ca^u no'i nhu+ the^' ro^`i.
La`m va^.y tha` ddem di~a CD ra ta(.ng qua'ch cho Bu+u Die^.n dde^? ho. la`m vu. la^'y tie^'ng co`n co' o+n nghi~a ho+n hehe
> Pha?i chi co`n o+? Vn thi` em se~ xin du+o+.c co^ng vie^.c di pha^n pho^'i
> va` giao di~a ro^`i... ba?o da?m tu+` Ba('c to+'i Nam, da^u cu~ng se~ to+'i
> ma` gia' ca? thi` nhu+ nhau :D
Gu+?i ke' trong package cua Cty na`o ddo' thi` tui cu~ng co' la`m ro^`i, 
nhu+ng kho^ng tho.. Co`n gu+?i BD thi` cu~ng tuy`. Gu+?i thu+o+`ng nhu+ La~o 
DDa.i thi?nh thoa?ng la`m, thi` France-Vietnam ma^'t nu+?a tha'ng, co`n 
Saigon-Hanoi cha('c chu+`ng  . . . mo^.t tha'ng.
Gu+?i EMS trung bi`nh 12 nga`n, ddi ti?nh tha`nh co+~ 30 gio+`.

Co`n gia?i pha'p cuo^'i cu`ng na`y: Gu+?i ta`i xe^' xe ddo` ca'c ti?nh. Nhu+ng 
pha?i la` o^ng gia` cu?a To^?ng Gia'm ddo^'c Va^.n ta?i Du+o+`ng bo^..
(Ma` cu~ng chu+a cha('c cu', vi` te^n ta`i xe^' la`m hoa`i ma` kho^ng ddu+o+.c 
a(n ca('c na`o, se~ le'n quoa`o cho hu+ di~a ro^`i mo+'i ddem giao cho bo~ 

m k h _ s g n

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Re: [Vietlug] [A litto off-topic] Bán CDs online

2004-10-31 Hội thoại maikhai04
On Sunday 31 October 2004 11:28 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Em tha^'y ca'ch ddo+n gia?n nha^'t la` ddie^.n chuye^?n tie^`n. Ngu+o+`i
> du`ng ra bu+u ddie^.n dda(ng ky' ddie^.n chuye^?n tie^`n. Bu+u ddie^.n se~
> go+?i tie^`n ddo' to+'i ngu+o+`i nha^.n. Chi phi' cho vu. na`y kha'
> re?.
Cuo^'i cu`ng ca'i CD ddo^.i gia' le^n tha`nh co+~ 25 nga`n!
Ma` Newbie la`m bie^'ng ddi BD chuye^?n tie^`n la('m. Co' ngu+o+`i o+? Saigon 
ma` co`n muo^'n nha^.n ta^.n nha` qua BD nu+~a ddo' Tua^'n o+i!

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Re: [Vietlug] [A litto off-topic] Bán CDs online

2004-10-31 Hội thoại maikhai04
On Monday 01 November 2004 12:42 am, Viet Bach wrote:
> O+? VN, ca'ch to^'t nha^'t dde^? pha^n pho^'i software CD la` qua
> ca'c tie^.m ba'n software.  Go+?i cho ho. master CD ro^`i re-direct
> ngu+o+`i mua dde^'n tie^.m.  Ba'n qua web kho^ng hu+~u hie^.u va`
> se~ to^'n ke'm cho ca? ngu+o+`i mua la^~n ngu+o+`i ba'n.
> Viet

Ca'c tie^.m sa'ch VN co' truye^`n tho^'ng to^'t dde.p la` hay la`m sa'ch la^.u 
vo+'i nha` Xb , ne^n ho. thuo^.c chie^u na`y la('m. DDa?m ba?o di~a CD se~ 
ba'n cha.y nhu+ to^m tu+o+i, nhu+ng mi`nh kho^ng thu ddu+o+.c ddo^`ng na`o 

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2004-10-31 Hội thoại maikhai04
On Monday 01 November 2004 12:55 pm, Cao Van Khanh wrote:
> Ca'c anh o+i , cho em ho?i Suse 9.2 bao gio+` co' ma(.t o+? hn ( thu+o+`ng
> thi` ba'n o+? so^' 2 Lo` Ddu'c pha?i kho^ng a. ? ) Em tha^'y Kha?i Tra^`n
> ba?o la` gu+?i ve^` cu~ng ddc mo^.t tho+`i gian ro^`i ma` cha(?ng tha^'y
> gi` ca? va^.y nhi? .
> Hic hic

Mi`nh cu~ng ddang cho+` dda^y! 
Ca`i ca'i 9.1 no' bo? so't tu`m lum, sau ro^'t pha?i dde` ra a^'n dda.i lilo 
va`o mo+'i chi.u boot.
Khi na`o co' 9.2 se~ ddu+a ra 128BTX cho ba` con xa`i.

Xin loi SuSE va cac ban! Vi CD ba^?n nen bi nhu vay. Chui lai sach se, cai can 
than thi bay gio OK roi.

m k h _ s g n

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Re: [Vietlug] Suse 9.2 , bao gio+` co' ma(.t ta.i HN ? ?

2004-10-31 Hội thoại maikhai04
On Monday 01 November 2004 12:55 pm, Cao Van Khanh wrote:
> Ca'c anh o+i , cho em ho?i Suse 9.2 bao gio+` co' ma(.t o+? hn ( thu+o+`ng
> thi` ba'n o+? so^' 2 Lo` Ddu'c pha?i kho^ng a. ? ) Em tha^'y Kha?i Tra^`n
> ba?o la` gu+?i ve^` cu~ng ddc mo^.t tho+`i gian ro^`i ma` cha(?ng tha^'y
> gi` ca? va^.y nhi? .
> Hic hic

Mi`nh cu~ng ddang cho+` dda^y! 
Ca`i ca'i 9.1 no' bo? so't tu`m lum, sau ro^'t pha?i dde` ra a^'n dda.i lilo 
va`o mo+'i chi.u boot.
Khi na`o co' 9.2 se~ ddu+a ra 128BTX cho ba` con xa`i.

m k h _ s g n

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Re: [Vietlug] Help again- Lam sao remove GRUB di

2004-10-29 Hội thoại maikhai04
On Friday 29 October 2004 04:28 pm, Mai Nguyen Huu wrote:
> Hi all
> Sau hon 1 ngay dda'nh nhau voi cai SUSe 9.1 va sua chua Windows de khoi
> dong lai nhung khong duoc thi` to cha'n we' nen quyet dinh fdisk va
> format lai HDD de install WinXP va` VNLinux len
> Nhung van de cuc ky` la. la` cai Grub van luon hien ra mac du` to da
> fdisk va` format /s lai.
> Help help. Cam on moi nguoi truoc
> Chuc moi nguoi cuoi tuan vui ve

Data tre^n partition Windows ma^'t ma` kho^ng buo^`n, tu+'c la` kho^ng co' gi` 
quan Va^.y to^'t ro^`i.
Nhu+ng gia' nhu+ tru+o+'c khi fdisk + format HDD, ma` co^' ga('ng du`ng mo^.t 
Linux LiveCD mount ca'i ddo' le^n, coi THA^.T RA NO' BI. CA'I GI`, (nghi~a 
la` ma^'t tie^u hay va^~n co`n data) ro^`i xoa' ba`i la`m la.i, thi` coi nhu+ 
cu~ng ddu+o+.c mo^.t lesson dda'ng ddo^`ng vo^'n bo? ra!
Thua me go+~ ba`i ca`o cho+'.

m k h _ s g n

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Re: [Vietlug] Help - Windows khong khoi dong duoc sau khi cai Suse 9.1

2004-10-28 Hội thoại maikhai04
On Friday 29 October 2004 09:26 am, Viet Hung wrote:
> Mai Nguyen Huu wrote:Hi all
> To vua bi "tai na.n", cai may tinh khong chiu khoi dong Windows sau khicai
> Suse 9.1 Gap thong bao loi la`:
>   root (hd0,0)
> Filesystem type unknown, partition type 0x7
> chainloader +1
> Ba` con co cach na`o, khac phuc loi na`y khong, hay it nhat cung lakhoi
> phuc lai Windows. Cam on moi nguoi truoc.
> Mai Nguyen
> Lo^~i na`y la` CHS format cu?a hard disk bi. thay ddo^?i trong qua'tri`nh
> ca`i Linux. To^i dda~ ga(.p lo^~i na`y vo+'i FC2 va` kha('cphu.c ddu+o+.c.
> Vo+'i SuSe, ba.n co' the^? thu+? nhu+ sau:
> 1. Log on SuSe vo+'i quye^`n root
> 2. Go~: #sfdisk -d /dev/hda >MyPartitionTable.txt
> 3. Su+?a la.i MyPartitionTable.txt saocho co' no^.i dung tu+o+ng tu+.:
>   # partition table of /dev/hda
>   unit: sectors
>   #8230;
> 4. Go~: #cat MyPartitionTable.txt | sfdisk--no-reread --force -H255
> /dev/hda 5. Reboot
> Viet Hung

E ra(`ng ti`nh hi`nh co`n te^. ho+n kho^ng chu+`ng. To^i cu~ng co' thu+? ca`i 
SuSE 9.1 do Khai Tra^`n gu+?i ve^`: hi`nh nhu+ ne^'u ca`i lo^i tho^i kho^ng 
ca^?n tha^.n se~ bi. no' xo+i ta'i ca'i Windows ddi va` format luo^n hay sao 
ddo'. Vi` tha^'y no' bi' hie^?m qua' ne^n to^i cho.n gia?i pha'p an toa`n 
nha^'t la` la^'y mo^.t HDD ddo^.c tha^n ra la`m thi' nghie^.m, che^'t bo? 
kho^ng chau ma`y!

m k h _ s g n

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[Vietlug] Tin no'ng ho^?i ve^` Windows tai Saigon

2004-10-28 Hội thoại maikhai04
Hi All!

Vu+`a mo+'i tu+'c thi` dda^y, mo^.t user vo^ danh go.i phone dde^'n ho?i ve^` 
vnlinuxCD, nha^n ddo' cho hay:

Anh la` nha` doanh nghie^.p, cu+' thi?nh thoa?ng la.i bi. nha^n vie^n 
tie^'p thi. na`o dda^'y go.i to+'i ho?i tha(m ve^` ti`nh hi`nh xu+? 
pha^`n me^`m trong co+ quan, xem co' bao nhie^u ma'y ca`i Windows ma` 
chu+a . . . mua ba?n quye^`n he^. ddie^`u ha`nh?

Anh no'i kie^?u "tie^'p thi." na`y tuy kho^ng xa la. gi`, nhu+ng no' cu~ng 
la`m cho ho+i bi. . . .nho^.t nho^.t (+ cu+o+`i nha.t).

Tin na`y cam ddoan kho^ng the^m bo+'t, co' sao post va^.y. Ta^'t nhie^n 
tui kho^ng da.i gi` bo? lo+~ co+ ho^.i, cho anh ddi.a chi? cu?a . . . Le^ 
Hoa`n :-) 

Ru't ra ba`i ho.c la`: Muo^'n cho ngu+`o+i ta ti`m hie^?u ro^`i du`ng Linux, 
kho^ng gi` ba(`ng ngo^`i bo^'c ddie^.n thoa.i ho?i tha(m ca'c no+i, gio^'ng 
kie^?u anh cha`ng tie^'p thi. cho MS!

m k h _ s g n

This Newsletter Sponsored by: Macrovision 
For reliable Linux application installations, use the industry's leading
setup authoring tool, InstallShield X. Learn more and evaluate 
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Re: [Vietlug] [OT] Ly luan binh dan ve Linux cho VN

2004-10-28 Hội thoại maikhai04
On Thursday 28 October 2004 10:39 pm, Tran Tuan wrote:
> Ba'c m k h _ s g n no'i nghe sao gio^'ng vu. tha`nh la.^p u?y ban
> cho^'ng tham nhu~ng cu?a CP qua'... hehehe.

A^y da! Que^n ca'i na`y. Kho^ng da'm dda^u. DDa^y mi`nh chi? no'i chuye^.n 
ddo+`i xu+a tho^i a

m k h _ s g n

This Newsletter Sponsored by: Macrovision 
For reliable Linux application installations, use the industry's leading
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Re: [Vietlug] [OT] Ly luan binh dan ve Linux cho VN

2004-10-28 Hội thoại maikhai04
On Thursday 28 October 2004 03:49 pm, chairuou wrote:
> ddo^'
> > co' tha(`ng Bill na`o da'm vo^ UBND phu+o+`ng xa~ ga^y  su+.
> > Ba'c da'm cho vie^.c la`ng vie^.c nu+o+'c kho^ng la` xoa`ng, thi` ke^?
> > nhu+ cuo^.c ddo+`i ba'c ga(.p phie^`n phu+'c to ro^`i. Co' khi ca'c cu.
> > ra?nh ngo^`i cho+i game ma` la.i ho'a > hay, co`n ddo+~ ho+n ca'c cu. ddi
> > ve~ chuye^.n kha'c.

U+` nhi?. DDa^y mo+'i ddi'ch thu+.c la` lo^ gi'ch. Nhu+ va^.y ca^`n dda^`u tu+ 
ga^'p ddo^i: mo^.t nu+?a dde^? cho ca'c nga`i a^'y ngo^`i vo.c games, mo^.t 
nu+?a nga^n sa'ch thi` . . . co+ ca^'u ra phu+o+`ng xa~ thu+' hai, tu+'c nhu+ 
ddo+ de`m Nha` nu+o+'c, dde^? co^ng vie^.c cha.y dde^`u . . .

Ca'ch dda^y ga^`n va`i nga`n na(m dda~ co' mo^.t thu+' Nha` Nu+o+'c co^`ng 
ke^`nh gio^'ng nhu+ va^.y ro^`i. O^ng DDa.i vu+o+ng a^'y to^? chu+'c mo^.t 
he^. tho^'ng co^ng chu+'c ra^'t ddo^ng dde^? tro^ng coi vie^.c tro^`ng tro.t. 
Nhu+ng vi` bi. a(n bo+'t a(n xe'n nhie^`u qua', nga`i pha?i la^.p ra mo^.t 
ddo^.i co^ng chu+'c thu+' hai, chuye^n gia'm sa't ca'i ddo^.i thu+' nha^'t. 
Ve^` sau, vi` ddo^.i gia'm sa't la`m nhie^`u chuye^.n ba^.y ba., khie^'n 
DDa.i vu+o+ng no^?i gia^.n, la^.p ra mo^.t ddo^.i thu+' ba, chuye^n dde^? 
tri. hai ddo^.i kia. Tha`nh ra cuo^'i cu`ng Nha` nu+o+'c chi? co' toa`n la` 
co^ng chu+'c kho^ng, cha(?ng co' tha(`ng da^n na`o.

( Nguo^`n: Nho+' lo~m bo~m trong bo^. Lich Su+? Va(n Minh The^' Gio+'i cu?a 
Williams Durant, Nguye^~n Hie^'n Le^

m k h _ s g n

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[Vietlug] [OT] Ly luan binh dan ve Linux cho VN

2004-10-28 Hội thoại maikhai04

Ha~y ddu+a va`o trong nu+o+'c:

- 1 trie^.u ma'y ti'nh xoa`ng xoa`ng, dde^? cha.y he^. ddie^`u ha`nh ca^'p 
tha^'p la` Linux, trang bi. cho ca'c phu+o+`ng xa~ va` tru+o+`ng ho.c, dde^? 
la`m nhu+~ng co^ng vie^.c xoa`ng xoa`ng nhu+: gu+?i meo, soa.n va(n thu+ 
ha`nh cha'nh, la`m ba`i, ho.c ta^.p, ti'nh toa'n, le^n ddo.c ta`i 
lie^.u vv. . . Chi? to^'n tie^`n mua ma'y ma` va^~n cha.y ddu+o+.c.

- 1 nga`n ma'y cao ca^'p, cha.y he^. ddie^`u ha`nh cao ca^'p Windows nhie^`u 
chu+'c na(ng lung tung beng dde^? la`m ca'c co^ng vie^.c cao ca^'p vv. Nhu+ 
va^.y chi? pha?i mua 1 nga`n lisence windowsXP.

- Va` 1 tra(m ma'y Macintose, dde^? la`m ca'c co^ng vie^.c cu+.c ky` cao ca^'p 
ve^` ddo^` hoa. hay in a^'n vv. . . ma` Windows kho^ng la`m ddu+o+.c.

Ta.i sao pha?i trang bi. 1.001.100 ma'y cao ca^'p, ca`i 1.001.100 ba?n Windows 
XP (va` 1.001.100 ba?n MS Office, 1.001.100 ba?n photoshop, 1.001.100 ba?n 
Anti-Virus xyz ... vv), chi? dde^? la`m ca'c co^ng vie^.c xoa`ng xoa`ng?

DDu+`ng que^n ra(`ng trang bi. ma'y cu+.c ma.nh cho phu+o+`ng xa~ thi` ca'n 
bo^. khi ngo^`i ra?nh se~ cho+i games ngay!

m k h _ s g n

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Re: [Vietlug] Ba?n cho 1 ba`i vie^'t

2004-10-14 Hội thoại maikhai04
On Friday 15 October 2004 12:58 am, Le Thanh Phong wrote:
> Vie^.c vie^'t rie^ng ca'i kha'c do^'i lu'c kho^ng hay vi` ca'i ba?n
> tie^'ng anh tha^'y no' vie^'t go.n da^`y du? va` hay qua' :D ... mong
> ca'c ba'c na`o co' kinh nghie^.m thi` tu* va^'n gi` !!!

To^i kho^ng co' kinh nghie^.m nhu+ng va^~n go'p y':

Cha('c cha('n la` ba^'t ky` va(n ba?n go^'c na`o, ne^'u ta'c gia? vie^'t 
hay thi` no' pha?i la` "hay qua'". Nghi~a la` ddo.c nguye^n ta'c mo+'i 
hay (ngu+o+`i ddo.c cu~ng pha?i co' ddu? tri`nh ddo^. dde^? . . . 
ddo.c :))

Tu+` ba?n na`y, ne^'u ngu+o+`i ma` cu~ng tha^.t la` gio?i, thi` 
co' the^? ta.o ra mo^.t va(n ba?n hay kho^ng ke'm. Co' khi hay ho+n 
kho^ng chu+`ng. Trong thi ca thu+o+`ng co' vu. na`y.

Rie^ng nhu+~ng va(n ba?n ky~ thua^.t, thi` tru+o+'c ha~y ca^`n cho 
ddu'ng vo+'i ba?n go^'c. DDe^? hoa`n tha`nh ddu+o+.c chu+'c na(ng pho^? 
bie^'n tho^ng tin. Chuye^?n ngu+~ cho ddu'ng kho^ng de^~, nha^'t ddi.nh 
la` the^' ro^`i! Nhu+ng ne^'u vi` tha^'y "hay qua'" ma` nga^`n nga.i 
kho^ng chuye^?n ngu+~, thi` dda^u co`n gi` dde^? ddo.c? Ca'c ngo^n 
ngu+~ kha'c cha('c cu~ng va^.y. DDo^.c gia? cu?a eZine no'i chung go^m 
2 tha`nh pha^`n: bie^'t va` kho^ng bie^'t tie^'ng Anh. Tha`nh pha^`n 
thu+' hai cha('c cha('n va`o eZine la` dde^? ddo.c nhu+~ng ba`i tie^'ng 
Anh na`y ba(`ng tie^'ng Vie^.t.

Ba.n ca?m tha'n ra(`ng " ba?n tie^'ng Anh no' vie^'t go.n dda^`y ddu? 
va` hay qua", co' nghi~a 1/ba.n ra^'t gio?i tie^'ng Anh 2/ba.n se~ 
ra^'t  tha^.n khi chuye^?n ngu+~. Hoan ho^ ba.n.
m k h _ s g n

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Re: [Vietlug] Link /Mail trong ca'c distros

2004-10-14 Hội thoại maikhai04
On Tuesday 12 October 2004 02:54 am, Vie^.t Ha?i wrote:
> Cha'u kho^ng du`ng nhie^`u kmail ne^n kho^ng bie^'t ro~. Nhu+ng co'
> the^? suy ra la` cu. dde^? permission, ownership cu?a ca'c thu+' trong
> /mnt/hda10 hay /home/slack la` kho^ng o^?n. Cu.  thu+? kie^?m tra la.i
> xem.

Bu+~a nay bi. to^? tra'c, dda`nh pha?i ngo^`i he` hu.i ca`i la.i ma^'y ca'i 
distros. Nha^n tie^.n ca`i mo^.t ca'i slack xem sao. Ngon la`nh! Chi? ca^`n 
adduser cho nghie^m chi?nh la` link /Mail ddu+o+.c lie^`n.
Ca'm o+n chie^u na`y :)
Ba^y gio+` ho?i tie^'p:
1/ Go~ # ifup eth0 no' kho^ng chi.u thi` pha?i la`m sao? 
2/ /etc/rc.d ca'i gi` la` tu+o+ng ddu+o+ng /rc5.d trong Knoppix? Ne^'u kho^ng 
la`m nhu+ trong Knoppix ddu+o+.c 
( # ln -s /bin/script01   /etc/rc5.d/S30script01)
thi` pha?i go~ the^' na`o dde^? script01 tu+. ddo^.ng cha.y mo^~i khi boot?
m k h _ s g n

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Re: [Vietlug] Re: VietLUG e-zine: Loi nhuan hay phi loi nhuan

2004-10-13 Hội thoại maikhai04
On Wednesday 13 October 2004 07:25 pm, Viet Bach wrote:
> Va`i nga`y kho^ng va`o Vietlug, tha^'y ca'c ba'c ba`n ta'n so^i no^?i
> qua'.  To^i tha^'y ba`n chuye^.n la`m ba'o gia^'y thu+o+ng ma.i la`
> off-topic cho list na`y co`n chuye^.n lo+.i nhua^.n hay phi lo+.i
> nhua^.n thi` xin ddu+`ng ba`n vi` xa'c sua^'t e-zine la`m ra tie^`n
> la` 0, cho ba^'t cu+' dde^`ta`i na`o chu+' ddu+`ng no'i dde^'n Linux
> la` mo^.t dde^` ta`i kho^ng ddu+o+.c ha^'p da^~n la('m.  No'i nga('n
> go.n, so^' tie^`n bo? ra dde^? la`m 1 website ha^'p da^~n nhie^`u
> ngu+o+`i luo^n luo^n lo+'n ho+n so^' tie^`n thu va`o ddu+o+.c
> tu+` qua?ng ca'o va` subscription.  Ngoa.i le^. duy nha^'t la` website
> ve^` sex.
> DDe^? da^~n chu+'ng, ca'c ba'c va`o xem link sau dda^y, no'i ve^`
>, la` mo^.t trong e-zine no^?i ddi`nh dda'm nha^'t lu'c
> tho+`i va`ng son cu?a dot com:
> Co`n website ve^` linux co' nhie^`u traffic nha^'t la`
> cu~ng ddu+o+ng nga('c ngoa?i; ha~ng me. la` VA Software quy' na`o
> cu~ng lo^~ ma^'y trie^.u ddo^ la, va` lo^~ trie^`n mie^n tu+` ma^'y
> na(m nay ro^`i.
> Chuye^.n ca^`n ba`n la` ai se~ ddo'ng go'p co^ng cu?a dde^? host
> ca'i e-zine na`y.  Nhu+~ng ngu+o+`i ddo'ng go'p ba`i vo+? se~ ma^'t
> thi` gio+` nhu+ng i't nha^'t ho. kho^ng pha?i bo? tie^`n tu'i. Admin
> server mo+'i me^.t, vi` khi ba('t dda^`u co' nhie^`u ngu+o+`i va`o
> la` chu'ng ta se~ pha?i co' server rie^ng mo+'i co' ddu? ba(ng tho^ng.
> Ro^`i co`n pha?i ddo^'i dda^`u vo+'i hacker va`o ddu.c dde~o hay DOS
> attack.  Server be`o nha^'t cu~ng pha?i khoa?ng $80/tha'ng, chu+a co'
> DOS firewall gi` ca?, ai se~ tra? dda^y ?
> Ca'c ba'c cu~ng ddu+`ng lo la` ne^'u kho^ng co' tie^`n nhua^.n bu't
> thi` ba`i vo+? se~ kho^ng hay.  Nhu+~ng ba`i vie^'t co' chie^`u sa^u
> nha^'t ve^` Linux tre^n web va^~n la` cu?a ca'c ca' nha^n co' ta^m
> huye^'t va` co' tri`nh ddo^. ky~ thua^.t cao, co`n ca'c ba`i cu?a
> ca'c editor chuye^n nghie^.p thi` chi? ddo.c cho vui chu+' cha? co'
> lo+.i i'ch gi` ca?.
> Ba^y gio+` chu'ng ta tro+? la.i mu.c ddi'ch tru+o+'t ma('t la`
> e-zine so^' 1 ddu+o+.c chu+a?  To^i xin dde^` nghi. la` mo^~i mo^.t
> so^'
> se~ co' 1 chu? dde^`, ngoa`i ca'c mu.c thu+o+`ng xuye^n.  Ba'c Larry
> co' the^? la`m 1 ca'i survey dde^? tha(m do` xem chu? dde^` na`o se~
> ha^'p da^~n mo.i ngu+o+`i.  Va`i ca'i ha^'p da^~n ddo^'i vo+'i to^i:
> 1.  Tie^'ng Vie^.t trong mo^i tru+o+`ng Linux
> 2.  Linux Live CDs
> 3.  Chuye^?n ddo^?i tu+` Windows sang Linux
> 4.  Thie^'t la^.p 1 Linux LAN cho doanh nghie^.p
> 5.  Multimedia (DVD, MP3, streaming, P2P, TV)
> Viet

DDo'! Va^.y mo+'i la` ba`n. Mo` vo^ tru'ng tu+`ng ca'i xu+o+ng su+o+`n.
So^' 1 eZine co' 5 ca'i xu+o+ng su+o+`n na`y coi cu~ng do+~ ghie^`n ro^`i.
Ba.n na`o ta^m dda('c thi` a' le^ a` le^ vie^'t le. le^n cho ba` con ddo.c.
Co`n Ba'o gia^'y? Ha~y ddo+.i dda^'y.
m k h _ s g n

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Re: [Vietlug] Re: VietLUG e-zine: Loi nhuan hay phi loi nhuan

2004-10-13 Hội thoại maikhai04
On Wednesday 13 October 2004 02:45 am, Phan Thái Trung wrote:
> --- pclouds <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Ok, la`m ba'o thu+o+ng ma.i cu~ng to^'t. Va^.y
> > ai/to^?
> > chu+'c/nho'm na`o se~ ddu+'ng ra la`m ba'o ?
> > VietLUG, dda so^' toa`n
> > da^n ky~ thua^.t, tha`nh pha^`n pha^n ta'n
> > kha('p no+i, kha' nhie^`u
> > tha`nh vie^n ti'ch cu+.c dde^`u dda~ co' co^ng
> > a(n vie^.c la`m ..
> > -> kho' co' the^? ddu+'ng ra to^? chu+'c
> > (chuye^.n ta`i chi'nh, qua?ng
> > ca'o, tie^'p thi., in a^'n, ti`m qua?ng ca'o
> > ...). Kho^ng bie^'t co'
> > ai ddu+'ng ra la^.p ca'i linux-zine cho ba` con
> > co' ca'i dde^? ddo.c (va`
> > dde^? .. khoe :D ) kho^ng?
> >
> >
> > On Tue, Oct 12, 2004 at 12:50:29PM +0300, Le
> >
> > Thanh Phong wrote:
> > > Viec to chuc cho mot bai bao mien phi tren
> >
> > tinh than tu nguyen ban dau
> >
> > > thi rat la de to chuc, mo mot website, keu
> >
> > goi moi nguoi viet bai .v.v...
> >
> > > the nhung cai van de khong phai la before
> >
> > that ma la after that, co the
> >
> > > thay ngay dieu can ban dau tien la khong ai
> >
> > chiu viet bai het, hoac co
> >
> > > cung chi la binh thuong, thieu su cham soc.
> >
> > Va dieu cui cung la no se
> >
> > > khong keo dai lau dai duoc.
> Ne^'u la`m thu+o+ng ma.i ga^y quy~ thi` to^'t
> nha^'t la` la`m ba'o gia^'y\. Theo anh kho^ng
> pha?i la` va^'n dde^` nha^n su+. ma` la` va^'n
> dde^` ho+.p pha'p hoa' (cho ba'o gia^'y). Nhu+
> chu'ng ta dda~ bie^'t la`m ba'o gia^'y thi` tu+
> nha^n kho^ng ddu+o+.c phe'p la`m, chi? co' the^?
> la`m ddu+o+.c khi co' mo^.t co+ quan chu? qua?n
> tru+.c thuo^.c. La^`n tru+'oc anh ddi.nh ke^u
> go.i tha`nh la^.p Ho^.i ngu+o+`i su+? Linux
> va` pha^`n me^`m nguo^`n mo+? VN, nhu+ va^.y se~
> co' co+ quan chu? qua?n co' con da^'u / pha'p
> nha^n thi` chu'ng ta co' the^? ra ba'o va` to^?
> chu+'c ca'c hoa.t ddo^.ng kha'c ddu+o+.c. Vi' du.
> nhu+ to^? chu+'c nga`y pha^`n me^`m tu+. do\.
> Co`n la`m tre^n ma` kho^ng co' ddo^.ng co+
> thu'c dda^?y, kho^ng co' co+ quan dda.i die^.n
> ho+.p pha'p thi` ddu'ng la` kho' pha't trie^?n.
> Ne^'u co' ddu+o+.c thi` chuye^.n quan he^. (PR)
> chi? la` chuye^.n nho?. Anh nghi~ la` trong so^'
> chu'ng ta co' nhie^`u ngu+o+`i trong nga`nh ba'o
> chi' tha^.m chi' ca? ba'o hi`nh va` ba'o tie^'ng.

Ne' ca'i u. dda^'t dda('p mo^ na`y ba(`ng chie^u DHSP ddu+o+.c kho^ng? Nhu+ng 
e ra(`ng nhie^`u ngu+o+`i kho^ng thi'ch. Kho^ng thi'ch hoa(.c nghi nga.i.

La^.p ddu+o+.c Ho^.i (co' tu+ ca'ch pha'p nha^n) thi` so^' da'ch ro^`i. Nhu+ng 
chu+a nhu'c nhi'ch ma` tui da'm no'i: nha^'t ddinh se~ co' ngu+o+`i pha' 

Du` sao ba`n dde^'n dda^y mo+'i go.i la` ba`n to+'i sa't xu+o+ng su+o+`n cu?a 
no' ro^`i. Chi? co`n ca'i xu+o+ng so^'ng la` coi nhu+ ba`n ma` chu+a ba`n 
to+'i. Tie^`n dda^u?

m k h _ s g n

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VietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] Link /Mail trong ca'c distros

2004-10-12 Hội thoại maikhai04
On Tuesday 12 October 2004 07:39 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Ba'c cu+' #chmod -R 777 /Mail  la` no' mo+? he^'t

Moi hoa`i mo+'i ddu+o+.c chie^u R. Ra la` pha?i co' R. Ca'm o+n nhie^`u.
m k h _ s g n

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Re: [Vietlug] Re: VietLUG e-zine: Loi nhuan hay phi loi nhuan

2004-10-12 Hội thoại maikhai04
On Tuesday 12 October 2004 05:50 am, Le Thanh Phong wrote:
>  Thi truong Vn 80 trieu nguoi, gia
> du. cho la 1 trieu nguoi can mua bao di. Mot ky bao hang thang se thu vao
> la 4 ti dong (gia du 5000 1 to bao) .

E he!  
Ngu+`o+i o+? dda^u hay ngu+o+`i ddi tre^n ma^y?
Sao ngu+o+`i ti'nh tie^`n ma` "ky  qua za^y"?
Ca? trie^.u ngu+o+`i se~ mua ba'o cu?a ngu+o+`i
Ngu+o+`i tha`nh Bill ma` ngu+o+`i dda^u co' hay!

(nha'i kie^?u tho+ Tha^m Ta^m TTKH gi` ddo')

m k h _ s g n

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VietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] Link /Mail trong ca'c distros

2004-10-12 Hội thoại maikhai04
On Tuesday 12 October 2004 06:03 am, chairuou wrote:
> On Tue, 12 Oct 2004 14:50:20 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Nhu+ng no'i to'm, le^.nh # chown
> > ne^n go~ vo+'i tham so^' gi` dde^? /Mail hoa' ra nha` chu`a? Va` no'
> > tha`nh ca'i chu`a hoang thi` co' ha.i gi` kho^ng?
> The^' thi` du`ng Windows cho no' fe? cu. a. ;)), dde^'n tha(`ng MS
> Outlook Express co`n co' co+ che^' multi identities ma` cu. ddo`i
> KMail the^' thi` che^'t ca'c con , ca'c cha'u a` :-D
Thi` mi`nh co' bie^'t co'c gi` dda^u? Cu+' tha^'y bo'p chuo^.t ddu+o+.c la` 
bo'p chuo^.t tho^i. Va^.y mo+'i go.i la` niu bi. DDie^'c kho^ng so+. su'ng. 
Da'm nghi~ da'm la`m. Anh hu`ng vo^

m k h _ s g n

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Re: [Vietlug] Link /Mail trong ca'c distros

2004-10-12 Hội thoại maikhai04
On Tuesday 12 October 2004 02:54 am, Vie^.t Ha?i wrote:
> Cha'u kho^ng du`ng nhie^`u kmail ne^n kho^ng bie^'t ro~. Nhu+ng co'
> the^? suy ra la` cu. dde^? permission, ownership cu?a ca'c thu+' trong
> /mnt/hda10 hay /home/slack la` kho^ng o^?n. Cu.  thu+? kie^?m tra la.i
> xem.

Hehe co' bao gio+` mi`nh kie^?m tra dda^u? DDa^`u tie^n he^'t la` ca`i mo^.t 
ca'i knoppix vi' du. the^'. The^' ro^`i thi` la` su va'o root, make mo^.t 
ca'i partition, ro^`i move ca'i /Mail sang ddo'. Ro^`i sau na`y cu+' install 
va`i thu+' distro kha'c o+? va`i ca'i partition kha'c nhau, go~ ln -s no' va` 
xa`i Kmail tho^i.

> Ti`m ca'ch ca`i kmail va`o slack sao cho gio^'ng he^.t trong Knoppix,
> ... di cu.. Ne^'u configure va` make gio^'ng nhau + version nhu+ nhau,
> cha'u da?m ba?o la` se~ do.c ddu+.o+c (ta^'t nhie^n la` permission cu.
> pha?i kie^?m tra la.i).

Ne^'u nha^'t ddinh la` no' pha?i ddo.c ddu+o+.c thi` cha('c cha('n la` do ca'i 
permission ddo' ro^`i, kho^ng vi` ca'i gi` kha'c nu+~a. Bay gio+` dda~ delete 
no' ro^`i. Ho^m na`o ca`i la.i se~ thu+?. Nhu+ng no'i to'm, le^.nh # chown 
ne^n go~ vo+'i tham so^' gi` dde^? /Mail hoa' ra nha` chu`a? Va` no' tha`nh 
ca'i chu`a hoang thi` co' ha.i gi` kho^ng?
m k h _ s g n

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VietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] Re: VietLUG e-zine: Loi nhuan hay phi loi nhuan

2004-10-11 Hội thoại maikhai04
On Tuesday 12 October 2004 01:36 am, 0xdeface wrote:
> DDa^'y la` mo^.t trong nhu+~ng va^'n dde^` ra^'t kho'
> gia?i quye^'t ne^'u tuye^n bo^' la` e-zine sinh lo+.i
> nhua^.n. Ma` ba^y gio+` no' co`n chu+a ra ddo+`i nu+~a
> ki`a ;-)
> 0xdeface

Tu+` thu+?a khai thie^n la^.p ddi.a . . . tu+'c la` kho+?i dda^`u ca'i su+. 
eZine, la` no' chu+a co' sinh ra lo+.i gi` he^'t. Hehe. No' pha?i xa`i tie^`n 
ca'i dda~. 
Ma` ba?o ba` con Linux ddo'ng go'p tie^`n ba.c, thi` kho' la('m thay. Vi` 
nghe`o mo+'i pha?i kie^'m pha^`n me^`m chu`a dde^? xa`i. Nay ho^ ha`o go'p 
tie^`n ra ba'o, tuy ra^'t vu+o+ng dda.o dda^'y, nhu+ng lu+.c ba^'t to`ng 
Chu+a no'i eZine la`m ra co' la~i. Ca^`u ddu+o+.c hoa` vo^'n la` may. The^' 
thi` dda^`u tie^n la` tie^`n dda^u? Chi? co`n ca'ch sang ho?i vay Bill Gates!

m k h _ s g n

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VietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] Re: VietLUG e-zine: Loi nhuan hay phi loi nhuan

2004-10-11 Hội thoại maikhai04
On Tuesday 12 October 2004 12:46 am, Nguyen Duc Kinh wrote:
(B> Hoan nghe^nh ca'c anh ve^` du+. ddi.nh e-zine!!
(B> - Pha?i ba'n la^'y tie^`n
(BPha?i co' ca'i dde^? ba'n
(B> - Pha?i tra? nhua^.n bu't cho ngu+o+`i vie^'t. Ne^'u ngu+o+`i vie^'t o+?
(BPha?i co' tie^`n dde^? tra? nhua^.n bu't
(B> nu+o+'c ngoa`i thi` dde^` nghi. co^'ng nhua^.n bu't va`o qu~y ho^.i :))
(BPha?i co' ca'i ke't dde^? giu+~ ca'i quy~ Ho^.i
(B> - To^i se~ vie^'t ba`i
(BHoan ho^. Hoan ho^ nghie^m tu'c.
(B> - Ca'c ba'c co^' ga('ng vi` su+. nghie^.p OSS nu+o+'c nha`!!
(BThan o^i chu'ng ta dde^`u la` ke? co' lo`ng nhu+ng la`m ddu+o+.c hay kho^ng 
(Bkho^ng pha?i chi? nhie^.t ta^m ma` ddu?. La'ng cha'ng co`n co' kho^'i te^n  
(Bsa(~n sa`ng pha' ta nu+~a kho^ng chu+`ng!
(B> He^'t a.
(B> N. D. Kinh
(Bm k h _ s g n
(BThis email is sponsored by: IT Product Guide on ITManagersJournal
(BUse IT products in your business? Tell us what you think of them. Give us
(BYour Opinions, Get Free ThinkGeek Gift Certificates! Click to find out more
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

[Vietlug] Them vai dong ve Loi nhuan hay phi loi nhuan.

2004-10-11 Hội thoại maikhai04
On Tuesday 12 October 2004 09:52 am, I wrote:
> DDa~ tha^'y xua^'t hie^.n to+'i so^' 2 to+` Tho+`i ba'o VI TI'NH. Ho. la`m
> cu~ng ddu+o+.c qua' dda^'y chu+' . Gia' tha`nh cu?a mo^. to+` VI TINH 42
> trang kho^? lo+'n nhie^`u ma`u na`y la` bao nhie^u? Kho^ng pha?i chuye^.n
> ddu`a dda^u!

OT go~ the^m ma^'y ca^u:

DDo.c no+i trang 32 so^' tha'ng na`y, tha^'y ho. ke^ khai da`n nha^n lu+.c va` 
dda(ng luo^n ca'i hi`nh chu.p Tu+' Tru. no+i trang 2, thi` tha^'y dde^? la`m 
mo^.t to+` ba'o ve^` computer co`n ca^`n su+. co' ma(.t cu?a nhu+~ng vi. 
dda.i bu+., cho+' kho^ng ddo+n gia?n chi? go^`m ma^'y tay programers hay 
developers tu. la.i vie^'t hu`ng hu.c ma` ddu+o+.c. To+` ba'o 42 trang ma` co' 
to+'i 10 trang nguye^n qua?ng ca'o, pha?i hie^?u la` co' ca'i gi` kung-fu 
tha^m ha^.u mo+'i la^'y no^?i mu+o+`i trang qua?ng ca'o na`y! Ba`i vo+? cu?a 
ho. thi` Ma'y Ru't Tie^`n (ATM), He^. tho^'ng trong Giao dich chu+'ng 
khoa'n, Saigon Co.op dda^`u tu+  trie^u ru+o+~i ddo^ la cho ERP vv. Tu+'c la` 
toa`n cho+i  ddo^` lo+'n, thu+' du+~ da(`n, da`i la^u co+m ga.o, chu+' dda^u 
pha?i lo+.i la.c gi` cho ngu+o+`i du`ng cuo^'i? Co' va^.y ba'o mo+'i so^'ng 
no^?i. eZine ti'nh dem con vi.t Ba('c cu+.c va(.t lo^ng ba'n hay sao hehe?
No'i la`m ba'o thi` the`m la('m, nhu+ng ba('t chu+o+'c co^ em Ho^`ng Da`o ma` 
tu+. nhu? ra(`ng : Kho' la('m! Kho' la('m! Kho^ng pha?i de^~ dda^u!

m k h _ s g n

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VietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] VietLUG e-zine: Loi nhuan hay phi loi nhuan

2004-10-11 Hội thoại maikhai04
On Monday 11 October 2004 10:19 am, Le Thanh Phong wrote:
> Loi nhuan hay phi loi nhuan ? Co le day la van de cot loi trong tinh
> thanh bai cua
> mot to chuc. Neu duoc bo 1 phieu, toi se bo cho thuong mai hoa VietLUG
> eZine.

Gia? du. chu'ng ta se~ ra mo^.t to+` ba'o gia^'y eZine. Ta PHA?I ba'n no' 
mo^~i to+`,v i' du. vo+'i gia' 2 ddo^`ng. Kho^ng the^? kha'c ddu+o+.c vi` le~ 
ddo+n gia?n  la` ba'o . . . cho thi` kho^ng co' ai the`m ddo.c!
Va^.y ta nhanh cho'ng ddi dde^'n ke^'t lua^.n la`: pha?i la`m mo^.t to+` ba'o 
nhu+ la` ddang KINH DOANH no'.

Nhu+ng mo^.t to+` eZine tre^n co' BA'N ddu+o+.c kho^ng? To^i chu+a 
hie^?u ca'ch na`o dde^? ba'n no', nhu+ng hi`nh dung thi` kho' la`m ho+n so 
vo+'i in ba'o gia^'y ra va` ba'n. Ta co' the^? ba'n a'o thu cho  . . . cho' 
vo+'i gia' 17 USD dde^? la^'y tie^`n la`m eZine kho^ng? Kho^ng loa.i tru+` 
kha? na(ng se~ ba'n ddu+o+.c 1 a'o cho' cho . . . 1 o^ng nha` gia`u na`o 
ddo'. Nhu+ng nhie^`u a'o cho' thi` . . . kho' dda^'y.

> Tai sao can phai thuong mai thuong mai hoa ? -> La cho loi ich cua ca 2
> ben, nguoi
> su dung va to chuc VietLUG eZine. Cac bai viet cua eZine se chat luong
> hon rat nhieu,
> neu so sanh giua mot bai viet tren tinh than tu nguyen va mot bai viet
> mang tinh thuong
> mai thi chac chan se khac nhau nhieu lam, nguoi viet co duoc mot dong
> luc nang chat luong
> cua bai viet len, chau chuot cau chu, cung cap cac chi tiet va ho tro ki
> thuat cho bai viet.
> Con viet tren tinh than tu nguyen thi cai dau tien ho. nghi den se la
> "bat can" vi bai viet cua
> minh viet ra co duoc gi dau, co sai cung chang ai trach, co dung cung
> chang ai khen. Cho nen
> loi ich dau tien la da nang chat luong bai viet len ro rang.
> Ben canh do', voi mot tien nhuan but cho mot bai viet thi chac chan se
> thu hut duoc mot luong
> nguoi viet bai rat lon va cac bai viet se vo cung chat luong, hon la
> viec khuyen khich hoac thu
> hut moi nguoi va cac bai viet thi hoan toan "kem chat luong". Ban than
> ban to chuc VietLUG
> cung se co mot luong thu nhap de tai dau tu va nang cap cac dich vu ho
> tro manh hon nua cho
> khach hang, website se nang cap dep hon, tap chi VietLUG (paper) cung se
> nhin sang sua hon, va
> moi nguoi deu happy ca khach hang lan to chuc VietLUG ...
> Neu chung ta noi ve tinh than dong gop cho su phat trien cua mot dat
> nuoc thi chung ta can
> "cho" chu khong nen "nhan" la hoan toan khong phu hop, chung ta se khong
> the "cho" nhieu
> duoc khi chung ta khong "nhan" lai day du. Neu tap chi VietLUG thanh
> cong khong nhung
> mang lai cong an viec lam cho nhieu nguoi, ma con cung cap mot nguon ho
> tro ki thuat "co chat luong"
> cho khach hang giup ho nang cap nang suat lao dong. Ve phia khach hang
> nguoi doc tap chi,
> neu moi thang bo ra chung 5000 de mua mot cuon tap chi' "chat luong" thi
> chac chan do la mot
> chuyen hoan toan huu ich, bo 5000 de mua nhung kien thuc tri gia den
> hang trieu dong thi ban se
> nghi sao ? Khach hang vui ve vi loi ich to lon, 1 trieu nguoi mua tap
> chi thi to chuc VietLUG se
> co den 5 ti? dong de ma`  an nhau :D (tap chi VietLUG cung vui ve vi loi
> ich to lon)
> Su dau tu: Khong co mot hoat dong kinh doanh nao khong can su dau tu va
> su dau tu lon nhat
> luon la nam o phia con nguoi, chung ta hien tai co mot doi ngu nhung
> nguoi su dung Linux o Vietnam,
> trong do co cac anh, cac bac co nhieu kinh nghiem thi viec dau tu cho
> mot tap chi VietLUG that
> su hoan toan khong phai la impossible.

DDa~ tha^'y xua^'t hie^.n to+'i so^' 2 to+` Tho+`i ba'o VI TI'NH. Ho. la`m 
cu~ng ddu+o+.c qua' dda^'y chu+' . Gia' tha`nh cu?a mo^. to+` VI TINH 42 
trang kho^? lo+'n nhie^`u ma`u na`y la` bao nhie^u? Kho^ng pha?i chuye^.n 
ddu`a dda^u!

> Cai chung ta can bi gio la su dau 
> tu ban dau, cac bai viet dau
> tien hoac su chuan bi dau tu co the chua mang lai loi ich to lon, nhung
> cang ve sau khi VietLUG cang
> nhan rong ra thi loi nhuan hoan toan se duoc bu dap lai, cho nen ba'c /
> anh / em nao yeu thich dau tu
> thi hay tham gia vao xay dung mot VietLUG co "chat luong" thuc su den
> nguoi su dung :D

m k h _ s g n

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Re: Ca^'u hi`nh dhcp client tre^n Knoppix Was Re: [Vietlug] Re: VietLUG-users digest, Vol 1 #1661 - 10 msgs

2004-10-09 Hội thoại maikhai04
On Wednesday 06 October 2004 05:21 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> 30kbps hay la 30KBps?
> Ne^'u 30kbps la` thua ca'i modem 56kbps ro^`i ddo'.
> 30KB x 8 =240 kbps, cu~ng co`n ngon la`nh :)

> Nguyen Duy Tho.

Mo+'i vu+`a gu+?i email khie^'u na.i dde^'n FPT, sau ddo' ho. cho ngu+o+`i 
to+'i la`m la`m ca'i gi` ddo'.
Down thu+? thi` tha^'y 27KB/sec lu'c 15g chie^`u.
Buo^?i sa'ng so+'m nhanh ho+n. Lu'c 9g sa'ng thi` ddu+o+.c co+~ 20KB/sec.
m k h _ s g n

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Re: [Vietlug] Link /Mail trong ca'c distros

2004-10-08 Hội thoại maikhai04
On Friday 08 October 2004 08:10 am, Tony Ly wrote:

> Thi` ba'c de.p slackware mo^.t be^n la` xong chuye^.n :)
> Ba'c pha?i bo? errors le^n mo+'i bie^'t ddu+o+`ng ma` mo` cho+' !!!

Hehe la`m bie^'ng boot qua ne^n bi. cu+.. No' dda^y na`y:

The permissions of the folder '/home/slack/Mail' are incorrect.
Please make sure that you can view and modify the content of this folder.

La`m ba^.y the^m mo^.t qua? nu+~a: 
# cp /mnt/hda10/Mail/inbox/cur/*  /home/slack/Mail/inbox/cur

DDe^'n khi mo+? kmail thi` co' dda^`y ddu? ca'c Subjects, nhu+ng he^~ click 
chuo^.t va`o subject na`o thi` no' lie^`n bie^'n do`ng subject tha`nh 
"unknown". Mi`nh ddoa'n la` Kmail cu?a Slackware kho^ng co' ca'c 
files .index, .ids, .sort ne^n no' kho^ng the^? qua?n ly' ddo^'ng mails vu+`a 
copy qua.

Va^.y co' le~ Knoppix, Kanotix, Yoper cu`ng phe ne^n OK, co`n slackware kha'c 
phe ne^n no' kho^ng chi.u? DDoa'n ra(`ng la`m trong SuSE hay FC cu~ng kho^ng 
m k h _ s g n

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Re: [Vietlug] SUSE LINUX 9.2

2004-10-08 Hội thoại maikhai04
On Friday 08 October 2004 07:46 am, Khai Tran wrote:
> 3. Tha'ng 2 na`y SaiGonLUG co' gi` vui (a(n nha^.u) kho^ng ?

U?a sao la.i ho?i tha'ng HAI (2) ?  Cha('c ve^` cho+i ddu+o+.c cha(ng? Hoan 
m k h _ s g n

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Re: [Vietlug] SUSE LINUX 9.2

2004-10-08 Hội thoại maikhai04
On Friday 08 October 2004 07:46 am, Khai Tran wrote:
> Hi list,
> SUSE LINUX 9.2 dda~ xong va` tua^`n to+'i tui se~ go+?i cho Ba'c  mkhai.
> Co' ok kho^ng Ba'c ?
> Ngoa`i ra :
> 1. Mo^~i la^`n go+?i nhu+ va^.y ma` chi? go+?i ma^'y ca'i CD SUSE kho^ng
> thi` cu~ng uo^?ng. Va^.y ne^'u co' ca^`n go+?i the^m ca'i gi` ma` o+?
> VN kho' download thi` xin tho^ng ba'o (kernel source ... blah
> blup ...).
> 2. Co' le~ dda^y la` la^`n cuo^'i cu`ng tui du`ng [EMAIL PROTECTED] email
> tre^n list na`y (kho?i chia buo^`n ;-). Mo.i lie^n la.c xin go+?i ve^`
> 3. Tha'ng 2 na`y SaiGonLUG co' gi` vui (a(n nha^.u) kho^ng ?
> Khai Tran

Gu+?i theo ba^'t cu+' gi` co' the^?, vi` dda^u bie^'t co' ca'i gi` ma` o+? VN 
kho' download? Ca'i gi` cu~ng kho' he^'t, du` co' du`ng ADSL ta.i nha` rie^ng 
cu~ng va^.y. Ru`a Ho^` Gu+o+m ma`.
Va` ne^'u co' the^? thi` gu+?i theo Bia DDu+'c + ddo^` nha^.u!
m k h _ s g n

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Re: [Vietlug] Link /Mail trong ca'c distros

2004-10-08 Hội thoại maikhai04
On Friday 08 October 2004 07:30 am, kasumoto wrote:
> Cha(?ng hie^?u cu. maikhai ho?i gi` nu+~a. DDo.c xong ma` ca'i dda^`u
> cu?a em quay quay :)

Cu. the^3 tre^n HDD to^i co'
/dev/hda7 woody
/dev/hda8 slackware (lu'c kha'c thi` ca`i  Yoper hay Kanotix)
/dev/hda9 knoppix
/dev/hda10  - /Mail

Boot knoppix (hay Yoper, hay Kanotix) ro^`i go~
# ln -s /mnt/hda10/Mail /home/knoppix
 sau ddo' $ kmail la` co' dda^`y ddu? ca'c thu+'.

Nhu+ng khi ca`i slackware 10 xong, boot no' ro^`i go~
# ln -s /mnt/hda10/Mail /home/slack
thi` tha^'t ba.i.
m k h _ s g n

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Re: [Vietlug] Security on ADSL

2004-10-08 Hội thoại maikhai04
On Friday 08 October 2004 07:31 am, Viet Bach wrote:
> Mi`nh ddo^?i password tru+o+'c khi cho ho. password, sau khi xong,
> ddo^?i tro+? la.i password quen thuo^.c cu?a mi`nh.  Ne^'u la`
> password cu?a ADSL router thi` kho^ng ai mo` ra ddu+o+.c.  Ne^'u
> la` password cu?a ADSL account thi` ho. co' the^? set password
> mo+'i.

Cu. the^?: Khi mo+? tri`nh duye^.t, go~ va`o di.a chi? 192.168.x.x la` no' 
nha?y ra ho?i ma^.t kha^?u.
Go~ admin + ma^.t kha^?u thi` va`o ddu+o+.c dde^? change lung tung beng.

Ca'i password ddo' la` cu?a ADSLaccount hay cu?a ADSLrouter?

Co`n ca'i ma'nh ddo^?i password tru+o+'c, thi` vo+'i da^n lo'ng ngo'ng, ddo^?i 
ro^`i  coi chu+`ng  . . . que^n luo^n kho^ng come back to sorrie~nto ddu+o+.c 
thi` mo+'i la` che^'t cha!

m k h _ s g n

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[Vietlug] Link /Mail trong ca'c distros

2004-10-08 Hội thoại maikhai04
Hi All!

Ca'c ba.n cho ho?i:

To^i dda(.t /Mail trong /mnt/hda10 (ddo^.c la^.p)
Tu+` Knoppix, Yoper, Kanotix to^i go~:

# ln -s /mnt/hda10/Mail   /home/knoppix (hay /home/kanotix, /home/yoper)

thi` goi $kmail  (o+? Knoppix, Kanotix hay yoper) dde^`u OK.

Nhu+ng ca`i thu+? slackware 10, cu~ng theo kie^?u tre^n, khi go.i

(slack) $ kmail  > bi. tha^'t ba.i.

Ne^'u chown va` chmod cho no' thi` khi tro+? qua Knoppix la.i pha?i chown va 
chmod nu+~a mo+'i OK. Va^.y co' ca'ch gi` gia?i quye^'t? Hay la trong 
Slackware pha?i dda(.t user la` knoppix cho ra?nh vie^.c?

m k h _ s g n

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Re: [Vietlug] Security on ADSL

2004-10-08 Hội thoại maikhai04
On Friday 08 October 2004 02:30 am, Viet Bach wrote:
> Mi`nh ne^n khoa' he^'t ca'c co^?ng, chi? mo+? khi ca^`n.
> Khi co' su+. co^' va` FPT no'i la` ca^`n va`o thi` lu'c ba^'y
> gio+` mi`nh mo+'i mo+? va` mo+'i cho bie^'t password.

Khi co' su+. co^' ta cho ho. password, sau ddo' ta la.i pha?i change password 
hay sao? Tha^.t ra ho. co' du+ quye^`n lu+.c dde^? mo` ra password cu?a ta 
chu+'? Ho. ho?i password cu?a ta la` vi` su+. hay vi` ho. kho^ng bie^'t 
tha^.t? Hay la`m bie^'ng mo`?
m k h _ s g n

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Re: [Vietlug] Security on ADSL

2004-10-07 Hội thoại maikhai04
On Friday 08 October 2004 10:42 am, Hoang Anh Tuan wrote:
> Ne^'u Ba'c kho^ng co' nhu ca^`u cho ngu+o+`i tu+` net truy ca^.p va`o ma'y
> ba'c qua giao thu+'c telnet (dde^? ca^'u hi`nh ma'y tu+` xa) thi` Ba'c
> kho^ng ne^n ca^'m telnet.
   ^^^  nghia~ la` sao?
> Ping cu~ng va^.y\. Be^n ngoa`I cha(?ng co' ly' do gi` dde^? ping router
> cu?a ba'c ca?.

m k h _ s g n

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VietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] Security on ADSL

2004-10-07 Hội thoại maikhai04
On Friday 08 October 2004 10:42 am, Hoang Anh Tuan wrote:
> Ne^'u Ba'c kho^ng co' nhu ca^`u cho ngu+o+`i tu+` net truy ca^.p va`o ma'y
> ba'c qua giao thu+'c telnet (dde^? ca^'u hi`nh ma'y tu+` xa) thi` Ba'c
> kho^ng ne^n ca^'m telnet.
> Ping cu~ng va^.y\. Be^n ngoa`I cha(?ng co' ly' do gi` dde^? ping router
> cu?a ba'c ca?.

Tru+o+'c TTLong dda~ khuye^n ca^'m ro^`i, va~ dda~ ca^'m. Nhu+ng FPT ye^u 
ca^`u mo+? la.i dde^? , a` cha('c la` dde^? la`m cho to^'t ho+n cha(ng. 
Ba^y gio+` ho. dda~ co' passwd thi` co' the^? mo+? khi ca^`n, va` ta co' the^? 
ca^'m che^' dde^? ngu+`a xa^m nha^.p tu+` ngoa`i ( tru+` FPT). DDu'ng kho^ng?

Tre^n ly' thuye^'t, ne^'u muo^'n ca^'m ca? FPT thi` co' ddu+o+.c kho^ng? 
(dda(.t la.i passwd). Ca^u na`y ho?i cho bie^'t tho^i.

m k h _ s g n 

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[Vietlug] Security on ADSL

2004-10-07 Hội thoại maikhai04
Ca'c ba.n cho ho?i:

Va`o Site Map cu?a ca'i ADSL, dde^'n security tha^'y co' 2 o^ Telnet va Ping 
la` dde^? tro^'ng (tu+'c kho^ng ca^'m). 

Ca^u ho?i la`:

1/ Mi`nh co' ddu+o+.c quye^`n ca^'m ca? 2 cu+?a na`y kho^ng?
2/ Ne^n ca^'m hay kho^ng ca^'m 2 cu+?a na`y?
2/ Ne^'u mo+? luo^n luo^n nhu+ hie^.n gio+` thi` co' nguy co+ gi`?


m k h _ s g n

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Re: [Vietlug] RE: Vietlug e-zine, why not?

2004-10-07 Hội thoại maikhai04
On Tuesday 05 October 2004 04:38 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Váy thà phái lÃm mát bÃi: 5 ngÃy vát lán vái KMail. Dáng nhÆ là 
> kinh
> nghiám thác tá cáa ngÆái sá dáng Linux :)

Ba`i na`y khi vie^'t xong thi` bu.i dda^'t mu` mi.t, kho^ng ai ddo.c hie^?u 
ca?. Chu+a no'i Kmail, no^.i ca'i xvnkb cu?a Mr Chuo^'i cu~ng la`m cho la^'m 
lem ro^`i (trong Knoppix cha(?ng ha.n, no' nha^'t ddi.nh ddo`i na.p tu+` 
terminal cu`ng vo+'i Kmail thi` mo+'i OK).

Nha^n tie^.n tra? lo+`i luo^n ve^` FPTadsl. Sau khi gu+?i mo^.t ca'i meo 
khie^'u na.i, ho. cho nha^n vie^n dde^'n nha` ngay trong nga`y (ghi 1 
ddie^?m). La. qua', hi`nh nhu+ line no' so+. ngu+o+`i nha`, ne^n no' vo.t 
le^n 27KB. Bo'p chuo^.t la` trang web nha?y ra nhanh nhu+ cho+'p. Su+?a xong 
(co' su+?a hay kho^ng, kho^ng bie^'t ddu+o+.c) ho. co`n ye^u ca^`u mi`nh ky' 
va`o bie^n ba?n nghie^.m thu, xa'c nha^.n ddu+o+`ng truye^`n to^'t. Hehe, 
cu~ng ma'nh la('m a`!

m k h _ s g n

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Re: [Vietlug] [OT] Ngu+.a va` Chu+~ (was Re: Vietlug e-zine, why not?)

2004-10-06 Hội thoại maikhai04
On Wednesday 06 October 2004 07:00 am, Nien Lam wrote:
> Bie^'t ddo.c VIQR ddo^i khi cu~ng la` nie^`m kie^u ha~nh ddo' ba'c
> (ma` cu~ng co' the^? la` nie^`m kie^u ha~nh duy nha^'t). DDe^` ta`i
> nghie^n cu+'u "Ta'c cu?a go~ va` ddo.c VIQR le^n mu+'c ddo^.
> ddo^.ng na~o" co' the^? ddu+o+.c ddu+a ddi xe't gia?i Ig Nobel.
> > du. nhu+ chua^?n tie^'ng Vie^.t xu+a nay la` do Bill Gates giu+~ ba?n
> > quye^`n, ma` nay ta bie^?u thi. no' ba(`ng Viqr, thi` nha^'t ddi.nh ta
> > bi. Bill Gates lo^i ra toa` tu+` la^u ro^`i!
> Cha'u nho+' dde^'n bo^. "Chua^?n kie^'n thu+'c" dde^? thi TNPT :-D
> Nie^n

Coi Viqr la` gia?i pha'p ti`nh the^' thi` mo.i su+. kho^ng co' va^'n dde^` 
gi`. Sao cu~ng xong. Nhu+ng ne^'u no'i cho ca(ng, Tie^'ng Vie^.t, Chu+~ 
vie^'t Vie^.t, thi` ro~ ra`ng pha?i nghie^m tu'c. Va^`n tie^'ng Vie^.t, vi' 
du. chu+~ "chu+~" kho^ng the^? dda'nh va^`n la` " c, h, u, da^'u co^.ng, 
da^'u nga~" ddu+o+.c. Ma` ba('t buo^.c pha?i "c,h,u+ chu+ nga~ chu+~" (ma^'y 
chu+~ na`y ne^n nho+' kho^ng pha?i NHU+ ddang go~ ba(`ng Viqr dda^y).

No'i ca'ch kha'c, va` no'i nghie^m tu'c, kho^ng co' chu+~ Vie^.t ba(`ng Viqr.
Ne^'u co' chu+~ Vie^.t Viqr, thi` pha?i soa.n la.i sa'ch gia'o khoa, la`m la.i 
Tu+. ddie^?n, soa.n ta^'t ca? ca'c thu+' va(n ba?n pha'p lua^.t, ha`nh chi'nh 
vv theo kie^?u chu+~ Vie^.t Viqr, va` no'i chung, pha?i co^ng nha^.n co' 2 
thu+' chu+~ Vie^.t (nhu+ Nha^.t ngu+~ co' ma^'y ca'ch vie^'t ddu+o+.c co^ng 
m k h _ s g n

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Re: [Vietlug] RE: Vietlug e-zine, why not?

2004-10-06 Hội thoại maikhai04
On Wednesday 06 October 2004 02:33 am, pclouds wrote:
> Ne^'u la` web thi` cu+' unicode ma` phang. Ca^`n thi`
> cho phe'p cho.n charset ;)

Ro~ ra`ng dda~ co' 2 y' kie^'n kha'c nhau ddu+o+.c post le^n ML nha! Tui thi` 
muo^'n mo^.t to+` ba'o tie^'ng Vie^.t ba(`ng chu+~ Vie^.t. Ne^n nho+' chu+~ 
Vie^.t chi? co' MO^.T: kie^?u ma` ta ta.m go.i hie^.n nay la`Unicode. (Co`n 
be^n Windows, thi` co' Vie^.t ngu+~ Vni, Vie^.t ngu+~ ABC, Vie^.t ngu+~ TCVN 
vv) Co`n Viqr ta hay du`ng dda^y, tuy ra^'t tie^.n cho ta, nhu+ng chi? la` 
gia?i pha'p ti`nh the^', no' kho^ng pha?i chu+~ Vie^.t. Cu+' ba?o mo^.t em 
be' VN ta'm chi'n tuo^?i vie^'t mo^.t ca^u, ba^'t cu+' xa^'u dde.p the^' 
na`o, va(n pha.m sai ddu'ng ra sao, nhu+ng ddo' chi'nh la chu+~ Vie^.t. Ne^'u 
em be' ddo' ma` vie^'t theo Viqr, thi` vo^ lo+'p a('t bi. co^ gia'o ke'o tai!

Va^'n dde^` co`n la.i la`: La`m sao cho chu+~ Vie^.t Unicode gu+?i qua 
ai down xuo^'ng cu~ng ddo.c ddu+o+.c. Tre^n ML thi` co' te^? dda(.t ra le^. 
la`ng, tu+'c la` le^. Viqr, kie^?u nhu+ tha^`y So+n mo+'i ro^`i to^'ng va(n 
ba?n ddi ba(`ng Unicode (hay ba(`ng gi` gi` dda^'y) la` vi pha.m no^.i quy, 
ca'i ddo' ddu+o+.c ro^`i. 
Nhu+ng ta la`m ba'o ddie^.n tu+? tie^'ng Vie^.t, kho^ng the^? na.i co+' na`y 
co+' no. ma` la`m cho CHUA^?N TIE^'NG VIE^.T bi. sai ddi  ddu+o+.c. Cu+' gia? 
du. nhu+ chua^?n tie^'ng Vie^.t xu+a nay la` do Bill Gates giu+~ ba?n 
quye^`n, ma` nay ta bie^?u thi. no' ba(`ng Viqr, thi` nha^'t ddi.nh ta bi. 
Bill Gates lo^i ra toa` tu+` la^u ro^`i!

m k h _ s g n

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Re: Ca^'u hi`nh dhcp client tre^n Knoppix Was Re: [Vietlug] Re: VietLUG-users digest, Vol 1 #1661 - 10 msgs

2004-10-06 Hội thoại maikhai04
On Wednesday 06 October 2004 01:54 pm, chairuou wrote:
> du`ng 1 mi`nh ko sao, du`ng nhie^`u ho+n 1 mi`nh la` sao dda^`y tro+`i
> luo^n

Du`ng mo^.t mi`nh thi` no' ke^`u ro^` ro^` kho^ng? Nghe o+'n qua'. Ta.i bo+?i 
vi` . . . ca'i router no' khuye^'n ma~i, ne^'u ddu+'t bo'ng thi` pha?i ddi 
thi?nh ca'i kha'c nhu+'c tu'i la('m.

Ma` FPT no'i xa.o qua': download lu'c khuya cu~ng chi? ddu+o+.c khoa?ng 
30kbps, trong khi no' qua?ng ca'o la` 2Mbps ly' thuye^'t va` thu+'c hie^.n 
128kbps! Ne^'u co' ba'o Ezine ro^`i thi` vie^'t ba`i phang no' lie^`n!

m k h _ s g n

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Re: [Vietlug] RE: Vietlug e-zine, why not?

2004-10-05 Hội thoại maikhai04
On Tuesday 05 October 2004 11:23 pm, 0xdeface wrote:
> Em nghi~ la` ne^'u la`m thi` cu+' du~ng ca?m ba('t tay
> va`o tho^i, tho+`i gian dda^`u cha('c cha('n la` kho'
> kha(n: va.n su+. kho+?i dda^`u nan. Tuy nhie^n sau
> ddo' khi dda~ co' dda` ro^`i thi` vie^.c duy tri`
> Vizine kho^ng kho' la('m.

Nhu+ng ba`n cho ky~ ca`ng, ba`n to+'i ba`n lui, cu~ng kho^ng thu+`a dda^u. Vi' 
du. : xa`i Viqr hay xa`i Unicode? Pha?i nha^'t tri' tru+o+'c ca'i na`y dda~.

Ro^`i co`n va^'n dde^` thua^.t ngu+~. Ai cu~ng bie^'t thua^.t ngu+~ IT cu?a ta 
thi` co' nhie^`u "phe" la('m, nha('c dde^'n tha^'y ra^`u. Va^.y . . . la.p 
xu+o+`ng cu?a chu'ng ta ve^` va^'n dde^` na`y nhu+ the^' na`o? Rie^ng mo^.t 
vu. phie^n a^m, lu'c the^' na`y lu'c the^' kha'c la` kho^ng o^?n ro^`i. Tui 
nghe ma^'y co^ xu+o+'ng ngo^n vie^n dda`i truye^`n hi`nh ddo.c "nho'm go+` 
ba^?y", "dda('p liu dda('p liu dda('p liu cha^'m com", "in te.c ne't", lu'c 
ta^y, lu'c My~, lu'c ta,  thie^.t ti`nh nhu+'c nho^'i qua'!

m k h _ s g n

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Re: [Vietlug] RE: Vietlug e-zine, why not?

2004-10-05 Hội thoại maikhai04
On Tuesday 05 October 2004 11:20 pm, 0xdeface wrote:
> OK, e-zine chu+a co' te^n, em cu+' ta.m go.i no' la`
> Vizine, vie^'t ta('t cu?a "Vietlug e-zine" cho nga('n
> go.n ;-)

Vezine cho+'! Chu+~ "Vi" xui la('m, kho^ng ai u+a. Hehe.
Nhu+ng Vezine nghe cu~ng tu+.a tu+.a nhu+ thuo^'c ta^y, kho^ng pha?i ddo^` IT.
Hay la` vie^'t  la` vEzine cho no' ky` ky`, tha`nh logo luo^n (ba('t chu+o+'c 
kie^?u SuSE)
m k h _ s g n

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[Vietlug] Them mot y nho cho e-zine

2004-10-05 Hội thoại maikhai04
Hi All!

Coi trong trang Web cua to bao echip, thay co muc gioi thieu software bang 
tieng Viet cho nguoi dung Windows. E-zine cung nen co cai tuong tu nhu cai 
nay, di nhien ve Linux softwares. No se giup ich cho nguoi dung Linux rat 

(Paste tu echip cai nay, ban nao khong doc duoc Unicode xin mien trach)

m k h _s g n

> Biáu máu náa trong suát ( - 16,384 bytes)
> ÄÃy là mà nguán cáa tÃc giá Triáu Trà TÃm gái Äán cho bán 
> Äác e-CHÃP. Bán
> cà thá xem bÃi viát cáa tÃc giá trÃn e-CHÃP sá 57 vái táa Äá 
> "Táo biáu máu
> náa trong suát hay cà hÃnh dáng bát ká báng VB6".
>  Billy 1.03 (Billy.exe - 678,039 bytes)
> ChÆÆng trÃnh nghe nhác và tát mÃy tá Äáng.
>  BiosPwds 1.21 ( - 130,977 bytes)
> ÄÃy là mát chÆÆng trÃnh gán nhá Äá tÃm lái mát kháu trÃn 
> Award BIOS cÃng
> vái phiÃn bán, ngÃy sán xuát, cháy trÃn mÃi trÆáng Windows.
>  Bios Agent 3.31 (BIOSAgent.exe - 317,119 bytes)
>  Tián Ãch nÃy sá cho biát toÃn bá nháng thÃng tin vá BIOS nhÆ 
> loái BIOS,
> thÃng tin vá bo mách chá, chipset, há Äiáu hÃnh, tác Äá CPU, dung 
> lÆáng RAM
> trÃn mÃy tÃnh.

Re: [Vietlug] RE: Vietlug e-zine, why not?

2004-10-05 Hội thoại maikhai04
On Tuesday 05 October 2004 01:37 am, 0xdeface wrote:
> Ba'c no'i chi'nh ho+.p y' em. Tru+o+'c he^'t ta ca^`n
> xa'c ddi.nh ro~ mu.c tie^u, ddi.nh hu+o+'ng, tie^u
> chi', pha.m vi hoa.t ddo^.ng cu?a e-zine.

Ba`n loa.n xa.:
Xin the^m mo^.t y' kie^'n: Nu+o+c ngoa`i hi`nh nhu+ co' mo^.t to^? chu+'c tu+ 
nha^n, ra^'t ra^'t ddo^.c la^.p, chuye^n dda'nh gia' ca'i na`y ca'i no. 
(hi`nh nhu+ pha^`n cu+'ng). Ta co' ddu? ngu+o+`i dde^? la`m mo^.t ca'i gi` 
gio^'ng nhu+ va^.y kho^ng? Ne^'u e-zine ma` la`m ddu+o+.c ca'i na`y, thi` 
cha('c cha('n se~ tro+? tha`nh mo^.t pha^`n kho^ng the^? thie^'u cu?a ne^`n 
IT Viet Nam (va` cha('c cha('n se~ tha`nh mo^.t ca'i bia hu+'ng dda.n nu+~a)

m k h _ s g n

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Re: [Vietlug] RE: Vietlug e-zine, why not?

2004-10-05 Hội thoại maikhai04
On Tuesday 05 October 2004 01:37 am, 0xdeface wrote:
> - Gio+'i thie^.u ve^` distro nhanh nha^'t the^' gio+'i
> YOper (cu. maikhai)

Ba`i gi'o+'i thie^.u na`y luo^n luo^n KHO^NG sa(~n sa`ng. Ly' do: Kho^ng 
bie^'t gi'o+'i thie^.u the^' na`o dde^? xoa' ddi no^~i buo^`n kho^ng hie^?n 
thi. to^'t chu+~ Vie^.t trong Kmail. Co' ra^'t nhie^`u a`a`a`a` trong ba?n 
va(n kho^ng sao ma` fix ddu+o+.c hehe.
m k h _ s g n

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[Vietlug] Fwd: كيف تستعد لرمضان

2004-10-04 Hội thoại maikhai04
O^ng na`y la` Bin Ladel kho^ng chu+`ng. Ba.n na`o bie^'t thi` giu`m xin 
ca'm o+n.

--  Forwarded Message  --

Subject: كيف تستعد لرمضان
Date: Monday 04 October 2004 11:09 am
From: "الملتقى الإسلامى" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

كيف تستعـد لرمضـان ؟
هـل فكرت كيف تجعل من رمضان
هذه السنة شيئا مختلفا ؟
كل رمضان وأنتم إلى الله أقــرب
يأتي رمضان كل عام ، وينتظرهالمسلمون بكل لهفة وشوق وبهجة ..
رمضان هو شهر انتصار الإنسان بكل ما تعنيهذه الكلمة من معني...
انتصار علي الشيطان ، انتصار علي الشهوات ، انتصار عليالسيئات ، انتصار نفخة
 الروح علي طينة الأرض.
فهـل أعددت العدة لذلكحتى تحل
البركة في حياتك؟؟؟
كيف يتحقق لك الانتصار في شهرالروحانيات؟
لمزيد من التفاصيل زورونا في قسم" رمضانيات "بموقع " إشراقة "
وإشراقة ... صالون أدبي/ فكري علي شبكة الإنترنت يتناول مختلف فروع المعرفة التي
تربط بين الدين والحياة.
وهـو إشراقة علي المعرفةالإسلامية الصحيحة الممتزجة بالنورانية والقلب السليم
كما يقدم  موقع إشراقة خدمة الإنترنت ذات السرعة المتميزة من خلال رقم 07772721
وجوائز شهرية متنوعة...لمزيد من التفاصيل اضغط هنا ,جوائز شهرية أخري لمسابقات
ثقافية إسلاميةمتنوعة
 - رمضانيات" قسم خاص بمناسبة شهر رمضان"
 - مقالات لكبار الكتاب فيمختلف التخصصات
 - موضوعات إسلامية واجتماعية متنوعة ممتزجة بالدين والحياة
 - قسم خاصبالروحانيات
- الجديد فيعالم المعرفة
- قسم خاصللإعجازالعلميوآخر للمجمع العلميلبحوث القرآن والسنة يتضمن
أهم المحاضرات والأبحاثفي الإعجاز العلمي.
 - كل ما يهم المرأةوالطفلوبيت العائلة
- قسم خاصلإبداعات الشبابونرحب بإبداعات الشباب من شعر وقصة ومقال
- " مشكلات من الحياة "قسم يتناول مشكلات نفسية واجتماعية من نبض الحياة وتقديم
المعالجة الإسلاميةلها ( وجميع المشكلات المطروحة تنشر في جريدة اللواء
 الإسلامي/ باب " دعوةللتواصل "
 - والجديد فيعالم الاقتصاد
- قسم خاص بالمعرفة الطبيةالتيتتعلق بالصحة العامة ومقالات طبية لكبار الأطباء
في مختلف التخصصات
وغيرها من الأقسام الأخرى المفيدة النافعة.
زورونا وشاركونابآرائكم وإسهاماتكم
إدارة وإشراف الكاتبة الإسلامية/ ناهدالخراشي


m k h _ s g n
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Re: [Vietlug] Re: [Vietlug] YOER 2.1 thua 1 Äiám

2004-10-02 Hội thoại maikhai04
On Sunday 03 October 2004 09:06 am, chairuou wrote:

> OO nhie^`u khi pha?i add fonts manually, cu. dda~ thu+? add font cho no'
> chu+a ?

Sau khi va`o Kcontrol add fonts URW cu?a HTT, va`o OOo dde^? select font. 
Nhu+ng co' le~ vi kho^ng la`m ddu'ng sa'ch vo+? ne^n va^~n chu+a go~ 

m k h _ s g n

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Re: [Vietlug] Khoa ADSL bang tay

2004-10-02 Hội thoại maikhai04
On Saturday 02 October 2004 09:46 pm, chairuou wrote:
> bo' tu+' chi vo+'i cu. luo^n :-D
> xem ra rhs was lost "Dr. Distro"
> welcome new Dr. Distro

La~o na`y la`m ddo^'c distro
Khe'o kho^ng la`ng nix cu+o+`i o^` mo^.t khi
Ngo^`i buo^`n cha(?ng bie^'t cho+i chi
Chuo^.t ca^`m bo'p bo'p cu~ng thi` gu+?i meo.
Mong sao ngu+o+`i tre? vui theo
DDo+~ cho quo^'c kho^' bi. nghe`o vi` Win

m k h _ s g n

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[Vietlug] YOER 2.1 thua 1 Äiám

2004-10-02 Hội thoại maikhai04
Hi All!

Yoper 2.1 (kernel co' nhie^`u ca?i thie^.n so vo+'i ba?n tru+o+'c, 
nhu+ng khi bung Open Office co' sa(~n ra dde^? xa`i, thi` Unicode Vie^.t 
kho^ng go~ ddu+o+.c (vo+'i xvnkb 0.2.7b). Chu+a thu+? vo+'i Unikey.

Co' ba.n na`o fix no' chu+a xin chi? gia'o. Ca'm o+n tru+o+'c.
m k h _ s g n

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Re: [Vietlug] Khoa ADSL bang tay

2004-10-02 Hội thoại maikhai04
On Saturday 02 October 2004 11:09 am, Tony Ly wrote:
> Cha'u no'i ba('t dda^`u tu+` ca'i file na`y la` ta.i vi` nhie^`u systems
> va^~n co`n du`ng no' o+? default.  Ba'c tha^'y nhu+~ng services tre^n
> va^~n co`n mo+? la` do /etc/services file.  Ba'c edit ca'i file na`y,
> ro^`i ti`m to+'i port 68 va` 631, bo? no' ra (comment it out with # sign).
>  Xong restart ma^'y ca'i services na`y (ko bie^'t knoppix restart la`m sao
> vi` cha'u ko co' du`ng.  Ne^'u ba'c ko bie^'t thi` reboot cho tie^.n).
> xong cha.y nmap la.i se~ tha^'y no' ddo'ng ma^'t.  Khi mi`nh ddo^?i
> /etc/services thi` no' se~ ddo^?i permanent luo^n.

OK dda~ # 68 ro^`i. Va` reboot roi cha.y nmap cho ke^'t qua? ddu'ng va^.y. 

> > Hie^.n ta.i, khi vu+`a boot ma'y le^n, chu+a cha.y /sbin/myfile thi`
> > cu~ng dda~ va`o net ddu+o+.c ro^`i. Cha.y ca'i /sbin/myfile la` dde^?
> > ta(ng cu+o+`ng ma^'y ca'i o^? khoa' Yale pha?i kho^ng?

> Ca'i /sbin/myfile la` ca'i gi` va^.y?  Co' le~ la` custom script cu?a ba'c
> hay cu?a ai la`m cho ba'c pha?i ko?

/sbin/myfile = /sbin/yourfile hehe.

Nhu+ng yoper kho^ng chi.u xo+i mo'n nmap. No' cu+. nu+. vi thie^'u ca'i lib 
chi chi ddo'. DDe^? mi`nh ca`i la.i nmap ro^i cha.y la.i no' thi` mo+'i ghi 
dd7o+.c ca'i tho^ng ba'o. DDa^y la` ddang cha.y tre^n Yoper vu+`a 
mo+'i ca`i lu'c chie^`u.
 Yoper qua? ti`nh no' nhanh tha^'y ba(`ng ma('t ddu+o+.c.
m k h _ s g n

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[Vietlug] yoper 2.1 kernel 2.6.8

2004-10-02 Hội thoại maikhai04
Hi SaigonLUGers!

Co roi. Moi ra LEHOAN 128 BTX. Hoac ghe nha tui.
Cai xong gui meo lien khoi can config ADSL gi rao.
m k h _ s g n

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Re: [Vietlug] The^m mot ddie^?m cho Yoper

2004-10-01 Hội thoại maikhai04
On Friday 01 October 2004 08:15 pm, Larry Nguyen wrote:
> Kmail ca? 2 dde^`u cu`ng mo^.t ba?n ha? ba'c?
> -Larry
> http://www.nhÃ

Ca? hai dde^`u la` KMail 1.6.2 , xa`i KDE 3.2.3.
La.i co`n ca'i na`y: La`m ma^'y ca'i shortcut cho Kmail, xvnkb vv. 
Go.i ra la` go~ to^'t. Knoppix thi` kho^ng ddu+o+.c, luo^n luo^n 
pha?i go.i tu+` console.
Ky' tu+. hie^?n thi. (ma(.c du` dda~ du+o+.c cho.n "alias" dda^`y 
ddu?) cu?a Yoper mi.n ne't, dde.p nhu+ vnlinuxcd. Co`n Knoppix thi` 
gio^'ng nhu+ trong GUI cu?a Woody khi mo+'i su+?a xong pha^`n 

Tra^`n Tha`nh Long dda~ download xong ba?n Yoper 2.1 (kernel 2.6.8-1). 
Chie^`u nay mi`nh se~ ddu+o+.c cha.y thu+? no'.

m k h _ s g n

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[Vietlug] The^m mot ddie^?m cho Yoper

2004-09-30 Hội thoại maikhai04
Hi ba` con!

Vo+'i font  add nhu+ nhau, cho.n lang=en_US.UTF-8 nhu+ nhau, ca'c 
thie^'t la^.p ho^~ tro+. ngo^n ngu+~ cha^u A' dde^`u dde^? theo 
defaults nhu+ nhau, thi` Yoper va` Knoppix co' the^m mo^.t ddie^?m 
ho+n thua la`: 
Trong Kmail, Yoper hie^?n thi. to^'t ca'c ky' tu+. Trung Hoa va` 
Nha^.t no+i email address. Knoppix 3.6 chi? hie^.n ra ca'c o^ vuo^ng 
ma` tho^i.

Xin ho?i ca'ch kha('c phu.c?

m k h _ s g n

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Re: [Vietlug] Khoa ADSL bang tay

2004-09-30 Hội thoại maikhai04
On Thursday 30 September 2004 08:25 pm, Chinh Nguyen wrote:
> chao bac Hai,
> Bac xem thu trong /etc/services (redhat) roi restart
> network daemon.
> Chinh.
> ps: hinh hu bac khong ngu ban ddem thi phai :)

Huh, mi`nh xa`i Knoppix, Yoper, va` ho.c xa`i Debian, hie^.n gio+` 
ddang ngo^`i trong Knoppix 3.6 thi` kho^ng ti`m tha^'y /etc/services.
Tha(`ngKnoppix chi? co' mo^.t ca'i /usr/lib/cups/daemon/ chu+'a 2 
files gi` la(`ng ngoa(`ng.

21g di ngu? thi` 3g sa'ng he^'t phie^n la` pha?i dda.o ro^`i!

m k h _ s g n

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