Re: [Vietlug] [ot] :sad

2004-12-16 Hội thoại Tran Vu Hung

Em ddie^?m la.i nhu+~ng tha`nh vie^n ki` cu+.u cu?a
Vietlug nhe'

1. a. Larry( Mi~)
2. a. Quy'( Bi?)
3. a. So+n( DDu+'c)
4. a. anh Trie^'t( U'c).
*6. a. Hoa`ng( Canada ...)*

Ne^'u kho^ng co' ga.o thi` ta nha^.p lu'a mi` tu+` ha?i
ngoa.i cu~ng dduo+.c a. :)


*Xin phe'p cho em ho?i, Ho`ang na`y co' pha?i [EMAIL PROTECTED] hie^.n
gio+` ddang la`m cho IBM canada kho^ng ha? ca'c ba'c. hihihi ha('n co'
nhie^`u a(n o'an vo+'i em la('m a. Ngu+o+`i ho+i dda^`y dda.n 1 chu't.


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Re: [Vietlug] [ot] :sad

2004-12-11 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
--- Foo Bar [EMAIL PROTECTED] $B$+$i$N%a%C%;!<%8!'(B
(B xo'a bo? no^ng tho^n thi` ga.o dda^u ma` a(n. 
(B so+. dde^m ngu? co^`n ca`o  :(
(BEm ddie^?m la.i nhu+~ng tha`nh vie^n ki` cu+.u cu?a
(BVietlug nhe'
(B1. a. Larry( Mi~)
(B2. a. Quy'( Bi?)
(B3. a. So+n( DDu+'c)
(B4. a. anh Trie^'t( U'c).
(B6. a. Hoa`ng( Canada ...)
(BNe^'u kho^ng co' ga.o thi` ta nha^.p lu'a mi` tu+` ha?i
(Bngoa.i cu~ng dduo+.c a. :)
(BYahoo! JAPAN Redribbon Campaign
(BSF email is sponsored by - The IT Product Guide
(BRead honest  candid reviews on hundreds of IT Products from real users.
(BDiscover which products truly live up to the hype. Start reading now. 
(BVietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] [ot] :sad

2004-12-10 Hội thoại Foo Bar
xo'a bo? no^ng tho^n thi` ga.o dda^u ma` a(n. so+. dde^m ngu? co^`n ca`o  :(

SF email is sponsored by - The IT Product Guide
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[Vietlug] [ot] :sad

2004-12-09 Hội thoại Bit Takeshi
Da.o na`y vietlug buo^`n qua' nhi? 
(BToa`n noobs tho^i, guruz cha.y ddi dda^u he^'t ca? ro^`i.
(BDDo.c emails pha't cha'n luo^n. Kho^ng ma^'y ai chi.u
(Bvu hung
(BYahoo! JAPAN Redribbon Campaign
(BSF email is sponsored by - The IT Product Guide
(BRead honest  candid reviews on hundreds of IT Products from real users.
(BDiscover which products truly live up to the hype. Start reading now. 
(BVietLUG-users mailing list