Re: [Vietlug] Do^` cho+i mo+'i

2005-04-02 Hội thoại chairuou
On Apr 2, 2005 10:04 AM, maikhai [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi SaigonLUGers!
 Co' ca? bo^. Sid 17CDs nhu+ng di~a #1 bi. error.
 Qua?ng ca'o So+n DDo^ng:  CentOS sau khi ca`i xong la` va`o ddu+o+.c
 ngay Website VietLUG ddo.c tie^'ng Vie^.t dde.p he^'t y'!

CentOS la` server oriented cu. a., xa`i cho desktop thi` cha? co' gi`
hay ho, con khuye^n cu. ne^n thu+? ma^'y ca'i nhu+ ArkLinux, Vector
Linux SOHO 5, CollegueLinux ( school oriented )...

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Re: [Vietlug] Do^` cho+i mo+'i

2005-04-02 Hội thoại maikhai
Larry Nguyen wrote:
U?a ba'c xem ba(`ng browser na`o? Firefox thi` dda^u co' ca^`n chi?nh chi,
tre^n ba?n Linux na`o xem cu~ng ddu+o+.c muh?

Vi' du. ca`i Sarge xong ro^`i apt-get install firefox (1.0), thi` sau 
ddo' pha?i add font mo+'i coi ra tie^'ng Vie^.t.

m k h _ s g n

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Re: [Vietlug] Do^` cho+i mo+'i

2005-04-02 Hội thoại maikhai
chairuou wrote:
CentOS la` server oriented cu. a., xa`i cho desktop thi` cha? co' gi`hay ho, 
con khuye^n cu. ne^n thu+? ma^'y ca'i nhu+ ArkLinux, Vector
Linux SOHO 5, CollegueLinux ( school oriented )...

Ca? dda'm no' na(`m trong mo^.t gio? cu?a HTQuynh, burn ma^'y di~a ca`i 
thu+? cho su+o+'ng tay ma` :)

Nhu+ng cu~ng pha?i khen CentOS : fonts ra^'t dde.p, kho^ng hie^?u no' 
xa`i ca'i gi`. Trong sarge mi`nh add mo^.t file arial 12MB, nhu+ng 
kho^ng ba(`ng.

m k h _ s g n

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Re: [Vietlug] Do^` cho+i mo+'i

2005-04-02 Hội thoại Larry Nguyen
On 5:36:24 am 04/02/05 chairuou [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Apr 2, 2005 10:04 AM, maikhai [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Hi SaigonLUGers!
   Co' ca? bo^. Sid 17CDs nhu+ng di~a #1 bi. error.
   Qua?ng ca'o So+n DDo^ng:  CentOS sau khi ca`i xong la` va`o
   ddu+o+.c ngay Website VietLUG ddo.c tie^'ng Vie^.t dde.p he^'t y'!

 CentOS la` server oriented cu. a., xa`i cho desktop thi` cha? co' gi`
 hay ho, con khuye^n cu. ne^n thu+? ma^'y ca'i nhu+ ArkLinux, Vector
 Linux SOHO 5, CollegueLinux ( school oriented )...

Ca'i na`y 0 ddu'ng la('m .CentOS co' ca? KDE va` Gnome. Khi install, no' y
chang nhu+ trong FC: desktop, server, v..v..dde^? ma` cho.n. 

Chi? co' ddie^`u la` no' be^`n va` cha('c ho+n FC nhie^`u. Di~ nhie^n
user-friendly thi` va^~n co`n thua ArkLinux (somewhat).


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[Vietlug] Do^` cho+i mo+'i

2005-04-01 Hội thoại maikhai
Hi SaigonLUGers!
Hoa`ng Tua^'n Quy`nh vu+`a phu.t qua HDD ma^'y ca'i na`y:
dhcppc0:/home/deban# ls -lh /mnt/hdb1/iso/
total 14G
-r  1 root root 645M 2005-04-01 15:18 Free BSD 
-r  1 root root 621M 2005-04-01 15:19 Free BSD 
-r  1 root root 615M 2005-04-01 15:20 CentOS-4.0-i386-bin1of4.iso
-r  1 root root 636M 2005-04-01 15:21 CentOS-4.0-i386-bin2of4.iso
-r  1 root root 635M 2005-04-01 15:21 CentOS-4.0-i386-bin3of4.iso
-r  1 root root 227M 2005-04-01 15:22 CentOS-4.0-i386-bin4of4.iso

Co' ca? bo^. Sid 17CDs nhu+ng di~a #1 bi. error.
Qua?ng ca'o So+n DDo^ng:  CentOS sau khi ca`i xong la` va`o ddu+o+.c 
ngay Website VietLUG ddo.c tie^'ng Vie^.t dde.p he^'t y'!

Ai muo^'n la^'y he^'t (to^?ng co^.ng 15GB) la`m o+n ddem theo HDD vi` 
USB cu?a to^i la` 1.0.

m k h _ s g n

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