Re: [Vietlug] Khoa ADSL bang tay

2004-10-02 Hội thoại maikhai04
On Saturday 02 October 2004 09:46 pm, chairuou wrote:
> bo' tu+' chi vo+'i cu. luo^n :-D
> xem ra rhs was lost "Dr. Distro"
> welcome new Dr. Distro

La~o na`y la`m ddo^'c distro
Khe'o kho^ng la`ng nix cu+o+`i o^` mo^.t khi
Ngo^`i buo^`n cha(?ng bie^'t cho+i chi
Chuo^.t ca^`m bo'p bo'p cu~ng thi` gu+?i meo.
Mong sao ngu+o+`i tre? vui theo
DDo+~ cho quo^'c kho^' bi. nghe`o vi` Win

m k h _ s g n

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Re: [Vietlug] Khoa ADSL bang tay

2004-10-02 Hội thoại Moi
On Sat, 2 Oct 2004 07:46:13 -0700, chairuou <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> bo' tu+' chi vo+'i cu. luo^n :-D
/me tha^'y co`n ... so't 1 ca'i :)

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Re: [Vietlug] Khoa ADSL bang tay

2004-10-02 Hội thoại chairuou
bo' tu+' chi vo+'i cu. luo^n :-D
xem ra rhs was lost "Dr. Distro" 
welcome new Dr. Distro

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Re: [Vietlug] Khoa ADSL bang tay

2004-10-02 Hội thoại maikhai04
On Saturday 02 October 2004 11:09 am, Tony Ly wrote:
> Cha'u no'i ba('t dda^`u tu+` ca'i file na`y la` ta.i vi` nhie^`u systems
> va^~n co`n du`ng no' o+? default.  Ba'c tha^'y nhu+~ng services tre^n
> va^~n co`n mo+? la` do /etc/services file.  Ba'c edit ca'i file na`y,
> ro^`i ti`m to+'i port 68 va` 631, bo? no' ra (comment it out with # sign).
>  Xong restart ma^'y ca'i services na`y (ko bie^'t knoppix restart la`m sao
> vi` cha'u ko co' du`ng.  Ne^'u ba'c ko bie^'t thi` reboot cho tie^.n).
> xong cha.y nmap la.i se~ tha^'y no' ddo'ng ma^'t.  Khi mi`nh ddo^?i
> /etc/services thi` no' se~ ddo^?i permanent luo^n.

OK dda~ # 68 ro^`i. Va` reboot roi cha.y nmap cho ke^'t qua? ddu'ng va^.y. 

> > Hie^.n ta.i, khi vu+`a boot ma'y le^n, chu+a cha.y /sbin/myfile thi`
> > cu~ng dda~ va`o net ddu+o+.c ro^`i. Cha.y ca'i /sbin/myfile la` dde^?
> > ta(ng cu+o+`ng ma^'y ca'i o^? khoa' Yale pha?i kho^ng?

> Ca'i /sbin/myfile la` ca'i gi` va^.y?  Co' le~ la` custom script cu?a ba'c
> hay cu?a ai la`m cho ba'c pha?i ko?

/sbin/myfile = /sbin/yourfile hehe.

Nhu+ng yoper kho^ng chi.u xo+i mo'n nmap. No' cu+. nu+. vi thie^'u ca'i lib 
chi chi ddo'. DDe^? mi`nh ca`i la.i nmap ro^i cha.y la.i no' thi` mo+'i ghi 
dd7o+.c ca'i tho^ng ba'o. DDa^y la` ddang cha.y tre^n Yoper vu+`a 
mo+'i ca`i lu'c chie^`u.
 Yoper qua? ti`nh no' nhanh tha^'y ba(`ng ma('t ddu+o+.c.
m k h _ s g n

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Re: [Vietlug] Khoa ADSL bang tay

2004-10-01 Hội thoại Tony Ly
> On Thursday 30 September 2004 10:15 am, Tony Ly wrote:
>> Theo nmap output tre^n thi`:
>> 68/tcp  open  dhcpclient - co' the^? ko ca^`n
>> 631/tcp open  ipp - internet printing: cha('c ko ca^`n luo^n
>> Ba'c co' the^? ba('t ddaa^`u tu+` file na`y: /etc/inetd.conf.  Coi
>> trong ddo' co' ca'i na`o lie^n quan dde^'n dhcpclient va` ipp thi`
>> comment it out (du`ng text editor, bo? da^'u # tru+o+'c ca'i line
> Sau khi cha.y ca'i script /sbin/myfile, go~ :
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/knoppix# nmap -v localhost
> Starting nmap 3.55 ( ) at 2004-10-02
> 05:06 EDT
> Host box ( appears to be up ... good.
> Initiating SYN Stealth Scan against box ( at 05:06
> Adding open port 631/tcp
> Adding open port 68/tcp
> The SYN Stealth Scan took 1 second to scan 1660 ports.
> Interesting ports on box (
> (The 1658 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: closed)
> 68/tcp  open  dhcpclient
> 631/tcp open  ipp
> Nhu+ng trong /etc/inetd.conf ta^'t ca? ca'c do`ng dde^`u dda~ # ca?
> ro^`i (file attach). Va^.y sao khi cha.y nmap -v localhost no' co`n
> ba'o 2 ca'i PORT?

Cha'u no'i ba('t dda^`u tu+` ca'i file na`y la` ta.i vi` nhie^`u systems
va^~n co`n du`ng no' o+? default.  Ba'c tha^'y nhu+~ng services tre^n
va^~n co`n mo+? la` do /etc/services file.  Ba'c edit ca'i file na`y,
ro^`i ti`m to+'i port 68 va` 631, bo? no' ra (comment it out with # sign).
 Xong restart ma^'y ca'i services na`y (ko bie^'t knoppix restart la`m sao
vi` cha'u ko co' du`ng.  Ne^'u ba'c ko bie^'t thi` reboot cho tie^.n).
xong cha.y nmap la.i se~ tha^'y no' ddo'ng ma^'t.  Khi mi`nh ddo^?i
/etc/services thi` no' se~ ddo^?i permanent luo^n.

> Hie^.n ta.i, khi vu+`a boot ma'y le^n, chu+a cha.y /sbin/myfile thi`
> cu~ng dda~ va`o net ddu+o+.c ro^`i. Cha.y ca'i /sbin/myfile la` dde^?
> ta(ng cu+o+`ng ma^'y ca'i o^? khoa' Yale pha?i kho^ng?

Ca'i /sbin/myfile la` ca'i gi` va^.y?  Co' le~ la` custom script cu?a ba'c
hay cu?a ai la`m cho ba'c pha?i ko?

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Re: [Vietlug] Khoa ADSL bang tay

2004-09-30 Hội thoại Larry Nguyen
On 8:45:29 pm 09/30/04 hypoj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Ki'nh ba'c,
> Ca'i vu. na`y thi` mi`nh dda~ hie^?u ro^`i, ba'c gia?ng the^m ca'i
> ddoa.n na`y vo+'i:
> for interface in /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/*/rp_filter
>   do
> echo 1 > $interface
>   done
> Big thanks,

Tu+'c la` no' ba'o to^i muo^'n validate source cu?a connection dde^?
cho^'ng spoofing cu?a IP trong LAN tu+` be^n ngoa`i ma` 0 ca^`n nho+`
dde^'n firewall rules. Ne^'u du`ng firewall rules thi` tho^ng thu+o+n`g na
na' nhu+ du+o+'i

iptables -A FORWARD -i eth0 -s -j DROP
iptables -A FORWARD -i eth0 -s -j DROP
iptables -A FORWARD -i eth0 -s -j DROP
iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -s -j DROP
iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -s -j DROP
iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -s -j DROP

vo+'i eth0 la` external interface.

Ba.n xem trong /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/ co' ra^'t nhie^`u interfaces. Ca'i
do`ng tre^n no' ba'o mo+? le^n he^'t (echo 1 thay vi` 0 la` ta('t) ta^'t
ca? ca'c interfaces hie^.n co' tre^n ma'y.

Ca'c ba?n Linux mo+'i sau na`y ba.n co' the^? ddie^`u chi?nh gia' tri. na`y
ba(`ng ca'ch du`ng le^.nh sysctl. Hay "vi /etc/sysctl.conf".





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VietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] Khoa ADSL bang tay

2004-09-30 Hội thoại chairuou
On Fri, 01 Oct 2004 08:45:29 +0700, hypoj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ki'nh ba'c,
> Ca'i vu. na`y thi` mi`nh dda~ hie^?u ro^`i, ba'c gia?ng the^m ca'i
> ddoa.n na`y vo+'i:
> for interface in /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/*/rp_filter
>   do
> echo 1 > $interface
>   done

 This enables source validation by reversed path according to RFC1812.
 In other words, did the response packet originate from the same interface
 through which the source packet was sent?  It's recommended for single-homed
 systems and routers on stub networks.  Since those are the configurations
 this firewall is designed to support, I turn it on by default.
 Turn it off if you use multiple NICs connected to the same network.

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Re: [Vietlug] Khoa ADSL bang tay

2004-09-30 Hội thoại hypoj
Larry Nguyen wrote:

Hi hypoj,
Ne^'u ba.n xem la.i ca'i script, default policy cho INPUT la` DROP. CO'
nghi~a la` khi ba.n mo+? web browser ra va` go~ va`o
thi` tha^'y ca'i browser no' cu+' ddu+'ng im kho^ng nhu'c nhi'ch hay bi.
bao' la` Host not found. Ta.i sao vay? Vi` khi ba.n ddi ra ngoa`i, tu+'c
la` ba.n vu+`a mo+? mo^.t NEW connection, khi no' tra?
lo+`i la.i nhu+ng no' bi. iptables cu?a ba.n no'i hmmm, tao kho^ng cho ma`y
va`o (iptables -P INPUT DROP). Do ddo' mi`nh ca^`n mo^.t ca'i rule dde^?
cho ta^'t ca? ca'c connections na`o tra? lo+`i mo^.t connection dda~ co'
sa(~n (ESTABLISHED) do tu+` ba.n ba('t dda^`u hay la` mo^.t NEW connection
nhu+ng dde^? tra? lo+`i mo^.t ca'i co' sa(~n (RELATED) cu~ng do tu+` ba.n
ba('t dda^`u.
Ba.n ne^n do.c the^m TCP/IP. DDo.c ta`i lie^.u ve^` firewall kho^ng cu~ng
kho^ng tha^'m, pha?i la`m luo^n thi` mo+'i nho+'/hie^?u to^'t ho+n.
Ki'nh ba'c,
Ca'i vu. na`y thi` mi`nh dda~ hie^?u ro^`i, ba'c gia?ng the^m ca'i 
ddoa.n na`y vo+'i:

for interface in /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/*/rp_filter
   echo 1 > $interface
Big thanks,
Microsoft is not the answer, it is the question. The answer is NO!!!

This email is sponsored by: IT Product Guide on ITManagersJournal
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VietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] Khoa ADSL bang tay

2004-09-30 Hội thoại maikhai04
On Thursday 30 September 2004 08:25 pm, Chinh Nguyen wrote:
> chao bac Hai,
> Bac xem thu trong /etc/services (redhat) roi restart
> network daemon.
> Chinh.
> ps: hinh hu bac khong ngu ban ddem thi phai :)

Huh, mi`nh xa`i Knoppix, Yoper, va` ho.c xa`i Debian, hie^.n gio+` 
ddang ngo^`i trong Knoppix 3.6 thi` kho^ng ti`m tha^'y /etc/services.
Tha(`ngKnoppix chi? co' mo^.t ca'i /usr/lib/cups/daemon/ chu+'a 2 
files gi` la(`ng ngoa(`ng.

21g di ngu? thi` 3g sa'ng he^'t phie^n la` pha?i dda.o ro^`i!

m k h _ s g n

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VietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] Khoa ADSL bang tay

2004-09-30 Hội thoại Chinh Nguyen
chao bac Hai, 
Bac xem thu trong /etc/services (redhat) roi restart
network daemon.

ps: hinh hu bac khong ngu ban ddem thi phai :)

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> On Thursday 30 September 2004 10:15 am, Tony Ly
> wrote:
> > Theo nmap output tre^n thi`:
> > 68/tcp  open  dhcpclient - co' the^? ko ca^`n
> > 631/tcp open  ipp - internet printing: cha('c ko
> ca^`n luo^n
> >
> > Ba'c co' the^? ba('t ddaa^`u tu+` file na`y:
> /etc/inetd.conf.  Coi
> > trong ddo' co' ca'i na`o lie^n quan dde^'n
> dhcpclient va` ipp thi`
> > comment it out (du`ng text editor, bo? da^'u #
> tru+o+'c ca'i line
> Sau khi cha.y ca'i script /sbin/myfile, go~ :
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/knoppix# nmap -v localhost
> Starting nmap 3.55 ( )
> at 2004-10-02 
> 05:06 EDT
> Host box ( appears to be up ... good.
> Initiating SYN Stealth Scan against box (
> at 05:06
> Adding open port 631/tcp
> Adding open port 68/tcp
> The SYN Stealth Scan took 1 second to scan 1660
> ports.
> Interesting ports on box (
> (The 1658 ports scanned but not shown below are in
> state: closed)
> 68/tcp  open  dhcpclient
> 631/tcp open  ipp
> Nhu+ng trong /etc/inetd.conf ta^'t ca? ca'c do`ng
> dde^`u dda~ # ca? 
> ro^`i (file attach). Va^.y sao khi cha.y nmap -v
> localhost no' co`n 
> ba'o 2 ca'i PORT?
> Hie^.n ta.i, khi vu+`a boot ma'y le^n, chu+a cha.y
> /sbin/myfile thi` 
> cu~ng dda~ va`o net ddu+o+.c ro^`i. Cha.y ca'i
> /sbin/myfile la` dde^? 
> ta(ng cu+o+`ng ma^'y ca'i o^? khoa' Yale pha?i
> kho^ng?
> -- 
> m k h _ s g n
> > ## # /etc/inetd.conf:  see inetd(8) for
> informations.
> #
> ## # Internet server configuration database
> #
> #
> ## # Lines starting with "#:LABEL:" or
> "##" should not
> ## # be changed unless you know what you are
> doing!
> #
> ## # If you want to disable an entry so it
> isn't touched during
> ## # package updates just comment it out with a
> single '#' character.
> #
> ## # Packages should modify this file by using
> update-inetd(8)
> #
> # 
> #
> ## #:INTERNAL: Internal services
> ## #echo stream  tcp nowait  rootinternal
> ## #echo dgram   udp waitrootinternal
> ## #chargen  stream  tcp nowait  rootinternal
> ## #chargen  dgram   udp waitrootinternal
> ## discard   stream  tcp nowait  rootinternal
> ## discard   dgram   udp waitrootinternal
> ## daytime   stream  tcp nowait  rootinternal
> ## #daytime  dgram   udp waitrootinternal
> ## time  stream  tcp nowait  rootinternal
> ## #time dgram   udp waitrootinternal
> ## #:STANDARD: These are standard services.
> ## ftp   stream  tcp nowait  root/usr/sbin/tcpd
> /usr/sbin/in.ftpd
> ## #:BSD: Shell, login, exec and talk are BSD
> protocols.
> ## #:MAIL: Mail, news and uucp services.
> ## #:INFO: Info services
> ## #:BOOT: Tftp service is provided primarily
> for booting.  Most sites
> ## # run this only on machines acting as "boot
> servers."
> ## tftp  dgram   udp waitroot/usr/sbin/in.tftpd
> in.tftpd /boot
> ## #:RPC: RPC based services
> #:HAM-RADIO: amateur-radio services
> ## #:OTHER: Other services
> ## ## netbios-ssn   stream  tcp nowait  root
> /usr/sbin/tcpd/usr/sbin/smbd
> ## printer stream tcp nowait lp
> /usr/lib/cups/daemon/cups-lpd cups-lpd
> ## vboxd stream  tcp nowait  root/usr/sbin/tcpd
> /usr/sbin/vboxd
> ## saft  stream  tcp nowait  root/usr/sbin/tcpd
> /usr/sbin/sendfiled
> ## ## 3632   stream  tcp
> nowait.100  distccd/usr/sbin/tcpd
> /usr/bin/distccd --inetd
> --log-file=/var/log/distccd.log --nice=10
> ## xtelstream  tcp nowait  root
>/usr/sbin/tcpd /usr/sbin/xteld
> ## ## https   stream  tcp nowait 
> sslwrap.sslwrap /usr/sbin/tcpd  /usr/sbin/sslwrap 
> -nocert -addr -port 80
> ## ## ssmtp   stream  tcp nowait 
> sslwrap.sslwrap /usr/sbin/tcpd  /usr/sbin/sslwrap 
> -nocert -addr -port 25
> ## ## nntps   stream  tcp nowait 
> sslwrap.sslwrap /usr/sbin/tcpd  /usr/sbin/sslwrap 
> -nocert -addr -port 119
> ## ## telnets   stream  tcp nowait 
> sslwrap.sslwrap /usr/sbin/tcpd  /usr/sbin/sslwrap 
> -nocert -addr -port 23
> ## imaps   stream  tcp nowait  sslwrap.sslwrap
> /usr/sbin/tcpd  /usr/sbin/sslwrap  -nocert -addr
> -port 143
> ## ## ircs   stream  tcp nowait 
> sslwrap.sslwrap /usr/sbin/tcpd  /usr/sbin/sslwrap 
> -nocert -addr -port 194
> ## pop3s   stream  tcp nowait  sslwrap.sslwrap
> /usr/sbin/tcpd  /usr/sbin/sslwrap  -nocert -addr
> -port 110
> ## ## ftps-data   stream  tcp nowait 
> sslwrap.sslwrap /usr/sbin/tcpd  /usr/sbin/sslwrap 
> -nocert -addr -port 20
> ## ## ftps   stream  tcp nowait 
> sslwrap.sslwrap /usr/sbin/tcpd 

Re: [Vietlug] Khoa ADSL bang tay

2004-09-30 Hội thoại maikhai04
On Thursday 30 September 2004 10:15 am, Tony Ly wrote:

> Theo nmap output tre^n thi`:
> 68/tcp  open  dhcpclient - co' the^? ko ca^`n
> 631/tcp open  ipp - internet printing: cha('c ko ca^`n luo^n
> Ba'c co' the^? ba('t ddaa^`u tu+` file na`y: /etc/inetd.conf.  Coi
> trong ddo' co' ca'i na`o lie^n quan dde^'n dhcpclient va` ipp thi`
> comment it out (du`ng text editor, bo? da^'u # tru+o+'c ca'i line

Sau khi cha.y ca'i script /sbin/myfile, go~ :

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/knoppix# nmap -v localhost

Starting nmap 3.55 ( ) at 2004-10-02 
05:06 EDT
Host box ( appears to be up ... good.
Initiating SYN Stealth Scan against box ( at 05:06
Adding open port 631/tcp
Adding open port 68/tcp
The SYN Stealth Scan took 1 second to scan 1660 ports.
Interesting ports on box (
(The 1658 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: closed)
68/tcp  open  dhcpclient
631/tcp open  ipp

Nhu+ng trong /etc/inetd.conf ta^'t ca? ca'c do`ng dde^`u dda~ # ca? 
ro^`i (file attach). Va^.y sao khi cha.y nmap -v localhost no' co`n 
ba'o 2 ca'i PORT?

Hie^.n ta.i, khi vu+`a boot ma'y le^n, chu+a cha.y /sbin/myfile thi` 
cu~ng dda~ va`o net ddu+o+.c ro^`i. Cha.y ca'i /sbin/myfile la` dde^? 
ta(ng cu+o+`ng ma^'y ca'i o^? khoa' Yale pha?i kho^ng?

m k h _ s g n

## # /etc/inetd.conf:  see inetd(8) for further informations.
## # Internet server configuration database
## # Lines starting with "#:LABEL:" or "##" should not
## # be changed unless you know what you are doing!
## # If you want to disable an entry so it isn't touched during
## # package updates just comment it out with a single '#' character.
## # Packages should modify this file by using update-inetd(8)
## #:INTERNAL: Internal services
## #echo   stream  tcp nowait  rootinternal
## #echo   dgram   udp waitrootinternal
## #chargenstream  tcp nowait  rootinternal
## #chargendgram   udp waitrootinternal
## discard stream  tcp nowait  rootinternal
## discard dgram   udp waitrootinternal
## daytime stream  tcp nowait  rootinternal
## #daytimedgram   udp waitrootinternal
## timestream  tcp nowait  rootinternal
## #time   dgram   udp waitrootinternal

## #:STANDARD: These are standard services.
## ftp stream  tcp nowait  root/usr/sbin/tcpd  

## #:BSD: Shell, login, exec and talk are BSD protocols.

## #:MAIL: Mail, news and uucp services.

## #:INFO: Info services

## #:BOOT: Tftp service is provided primarily for booting.  Most sites
## # run this only on machines acting as "boot servers."
## tftpdgram   udp waitroot/usr/sbin/in.tftpd  
in.tftpd /boot

## #:RPC: RPC based services

#:HAM-RADIO: amateur-radio services

## #:OTHER: Other services
## ## netbios-ssn stream  tcp nowait  root/usr/sbin/tcpd  
## printer stream tcp nowait lp /usr/lib/cups/daemon/cups-lpd cups-lpd
## vboxd   stream  tcp nowait  root/usr/sbin/tcpd  /usr/sbin/vboxd
## saftstream  tcp nowait  root/usr/sbin/tcpd  /usr/sbin/sendfiled
## ## 3632   stream  tcp nowait.100  distccd
/usr/sbin/tcpd /usr/bin/distccd --inetd --log-file=/var/log/distccd.log --nice=10
## xtelstream  tcp nowait  root/usr/sbin/tcpd /usr/sbin/xteld
## ## https   stream  tcp nowait  sslwrap.sslwrap /usr/sbin/tcpd  
/usr/sbin/sslwrap  -nocert -addr -port 80
## ## ssmtp   stream  tcp nowait  sslwrap.sslwrap /usr/sbin/tcpd  
/usr/sbin/sslwrap  -nocert -addr -port 25
## ## nntps   stream  tcp nowait  sslwrap.sslwrap /usr/sbin/tcpd  
/usr/sbin/sslwrap  -nocert -addr -port 119
## ## telnets   stream  tcp nowait  sslwrap.sslwrap /usr/sbin/tcpd  
/usr/sbin/sslwrap  -nocert -addr -port 23
## imaps   stream  tcp nowait  sslwrap.sslwrap /usr/sbin/tcpd  /usr/sbin/sslwrap  
-nocert -addr -port 143
## ## ircs   stream  tcp nowait  sslwrap.sslwrap /usr/sbin/tcpd  
/usr/sbin/sslwrap  -nocert -addr -port 194
## pop3s   stream  tcp nowait  sslwrap.sslwrap /usr/sbin/tcpd  /usr/sbin/sslwrap  
-nocert -addr -port 110
## ## ftps-data   stream  tcp nowait  sslwrap.sslwrap /usr/sbin/tcpd  
/usr/sbin/sslwrap  -nocert -addr -port 20
## ## ftps   stream  tcp nowait  sslwrap.sslwrap /usr/sbin/tcpd  
/usr/sbin/sslwrap  -nocert -addr -port 21
## ## ldaps   stream  tcp nowait  sslwrap.sslwrap /usr/sbin/tcpd  
/usr/sbin/sslwrap  -nocert -addr -port 389
## amanda dgram udp wait backup /usr/sbin/tcpd /usr/lib/amanda/amandad

Re: [Vietlug] Khoa ADSL bang tay

2004-09-30 Hội thoại maikhai04
On Thursday 30 September 2004 09:15 pm, Tony Ly wrote:

> Ba'c Ha?i lu'c na`y sung su+o+'ng ha'?  Na`o la` DSL, Knoppix,
> Yoper... Su+o+'ng cho ba'c ma` kho^? cho Tek support (just kidding
> :))

Ngoa`i vi. niubi lao~ tha`nh qua'ch na`y ddang online thi` ne^n 
nho+' ra(`ng co`n co' nhie^`u vi. niubi proxy ddang ddo.c ke' ma^'y 
ca'i na`y! Nha^'t la` SaigonLUG ho^`i na`y mo+'i co' the^m ho+n 70 
members tu+` lo` Larry B018. Tui ba('t chu+o+'c cu. Pha^.t xuo^'ng 
ddi.a ngu.c la`m vie^.c thie^.n ddo'!
Ma^'y ba`i gia?ng la^m sa`ng thu+.c ddi.a ve^` IPTABLES na`y Ra^'t 
bo^? i'ch. Va(n chu+o+ng cu?a ca'c ba^.c Guru thi` to^'i hu`, niubi 
ddo.c lie^`n bi. hoa?ng ho^`n, kho^ng da'm cho+i Linux nu+~a. Cho 
ne^n tuy` duye^n thuye^'t pha'p, chu'ng sanh trong co~i ta ba` dde^`u 
ddu+o+.c lo+.i la.c . . . hehe
m k h _ s g n

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Re: [Vietlug] Khoa ADSL bang tay

2004-09-30 Hội thoại Tony Ly
> On Thursday 30 September 2004 07:55 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> Nhu+ va^.y la` to^'t ro^`i.  PC cu?a ba'c na(`m sau lu+ng ca'i
>> (ta?i o+? dda^y:
>>  Khi ta?i ve^`
>> ro^`i thi`
>> uncompress va` compile no':
>> tar -jxvf nmap-3.70.tar.bz2
>> configure
>> make
>> make install
>> xong ro^`i cha.y cho ma'y mi`nh:
>> nmap -v localhost
>> Ne^'u output co' cai' gi` kho^ng ca^`n thie^'t thi` remove no' ddi.
>>  Ba'c kho^ng ca^`n ma^'y ca'i iptables scripts ddo' (co' thi` cu~ng
>> to^'t, nhu+ng du`ng va`i ca'i ddo+n gia?n tho^i) vi` mi`nh kho^ng
>> pha?i la` server.  Ddo.c ma^'y ca'i scripts cu?a ba'c thi` chi? co'
>> nu+o+'c ta^?u ho?a nha^.p ma tho^i :)
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/knoppix# nmap -v localhost
> Starting nmap 3.55 ( ) at 2004-10-01
> 21:40 EDT
> Host box ( appears to be up ... good.
> Initiating SYN Stealth Scan against box ( at 21:40
> Adding open port 68/tcp
> Adding open port 631/tcp
> The SYN Stealth Scan took 1 second to scan 1660 ports.
> Interesting ports on box (
> (The 1658 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: closed)
> 68/tcp  open  dhcpclient
> 631/tcp open  ipp
> Nmap run completed -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 1.207
> seconds
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/knoppix#
> Bie^'t ca'i na`o ca^`n, ca'i na`o kho^ng ca^`n? La`m sao xoa' ca'i
> kho^ng ca^`n?
> DDa^y la` mi`nh ddang cha.y trong Knoppix 3.6, kho^ng pha?i Yoper nhu+
> ban chie^`u. :)
> --
> m k h _ s g n

Ba'c Ha?i lu'c na`y sung su+o+'ng ha'?  Na`o la` DSL, Knoppix, Yoper...
Su+o+'ng cho ba'c ma` kho^? cho Tek support (just kidding :))

Cha'u ko du`ng ma^'y distro ddo' ne^n ko ra`nh.  Dda.i kha'i co' nhie^`u
ca'ch dde^? ta('t ma^'y ca'i services ko ca^`n, nhu+ng ca'ch la`m thi`
tuy` thuo^.c va`o distro mi`nh du`ng.

Theo nmap output tre^n thi`:
68/tcp  open  dhcpclient - co' the^? ko ca^`n
631/tcp open  ipp - internet printing: cha('c ko ca^`n luo^n

Ba'c co' the^? ba('t ddaa^`u tu+` file na`y: /etc/inetd.conf.  Coi trong
ddo' co' ca'i na`o lie^n quan dde^'n dhcpclient va` ipp thi` comment it
out (du`ng text editor, bo? da^'u # tru+o+'c ca'i line tu+o+ng u+'ng).
Ba'c ta('t ipp tru+o+'c, ro^`i restart inetd (ne^'u ko bie^'t thi` cho+i
kie^?u M$, reboot :)).  Sau ddo' ne^'u ko tha^'y problem gi` thi` tie^'p
tu.c vo+'i dhcpclient.  Ne^'u bi. problem thi` bo? no' la.i nhu+ cu~. 
Xong ro^`i ba'c cha.y nmap la.i.  Ne^'u la`m ddu'ng thi` se~ ko tha^'y
ma^'y services ddo' nu+~a. Ba^y gi+o` muo^'n cho+i filter gi` ddo' cu~ng
ddu+o+.c.  Nhu+ng ma` nho+' ddi tu+`ng bu+o+'c nho? dde^? de^?
troubleshoot ne^'u co' chuye^.n gi`.

Have fun...

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Re: [Vietlug] Khoa ADSL bang tay

2004-09-30 Hội thoại Larry Nguyen
On 7:09:38 pm 09/29/04 hypoj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Chuong Dao wrote:
> >  Larry's script co' la`m mo^.t trick nho? cho connections dda~
> >  ddu+o+.c ESTABLISHED/RELATED. Scrit na`y se~ cho phe'p INPUT vo+'i
> >  ddie^`u kie^.n la` ba'c initiated the connection. Ho+i ra('c ro^'i
> >  ti' (iptables howto on ESTABLISHED/RELATED).
> Ba'c co' the^? gia?ng gia?i chi tie^'t ho+n ve^` ca'i trick na`y
> kho^ng?   hay la` ba'c co' ca'i link na`o de^~ hie^?u ba'c qua(ng cho
> mo^.t ca'i vo+'i.
> --
> hypoj
> Microsoft is not the answer, it is the question. The answer is NO!!!

Hi hypoj,

Ne^'u ba.n xem la.i ca'i script, default policy cho INPUT la` DROP. CO'
nghi~a la` khi ba.n mo+? web browser ra va` go~ va`o
thi` tha^'y ca'i browser no' cu+' ddu+'ng im kho^ng nhu'c nhi'ch hay bi.
bao' la` Host not found. Ta.i sao vay? Vi` khi ba.n ddi ra ngoa`i, tu+'c
la` ba.n vu+`a mo+? mo^.t NEW connection, khi no' tra?
lo+`i la.i nhu+ng no' bi. iptables cu?a ba.n no'i hmmm, tao kho^ng cho ma`y
va`o (iptables -P INPUT DROP). Do ddo' mi`nh ca^`n mo^.t ca'i rule dde^?
cho ta^'t ca? ca'c connections na`o tra? lo+`i mo^.t connection dda~ co'
sa(~n (ESTABLISHED) do tu+` ba.n ba('t dda^`u hay la` mo^.t NEW connection
nhu+ng dde^? tra? lo+`i mo^.t ca'i co' sa(~n (RELATED) cu~ng do tu+` ba.n
ba('t dda^`u.

Ba.n ne^n do.c the^m TCP/IP. DDo.c ta`i lie^.u ve^` firewall kho^ng cu~ng
kho^ng tha^'m, pha?i la`m luo^n thi` mo+'i nho+'/hie^?u to^'t ho+n.



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Re: [Vietlug] Khoa ADSL bang tay

2004-09-30 Hội thoại maikhai04
On Thursday 30 September 2004 06:55 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> xong ro^`i cha.y cho ma'y mi`nh:
> nmap -v localhost
> Ne^'u output co' cai' gi` kho^ng ca^`n thie^'t thi` remove no' ddi.
Thu+? compile trong Yoper va` cha.y no' thi` :

[EMAIL PROTECTED] yoper # nmap -v localhost
nmap: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open 
shared object file: No such file or directory

m k h _ s g n

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Re: [Vietlug] Khoa ADSL bang tay

2004-09-30 Hội thoại maikhai04
On Thursday 30 September 2004 07:55 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Nhu+ va^.y la` to^'t ro^`i.  PC cu?a ba'c na(`m sau lu+ng ca'i

> (ta?i o+? dda^y:
>  Khi ta?i ve^`
> ro^`i thi`
> uncompress va` compile no':
> tar -jxvf nmap-3.70.tar.bz2
> configure
> make
> make install
> xong ro^`i cha.y cho ma'y mi`nh:
> nmap -v localhost
> Ne^'u output co' cai' gi` kho^ng ca^`n thie^'t thi` remove no' ddi.
>  Ba'c kho^ng ca^`n ma^'y ca'i iptables scripts ddo' (co' thi` cu~ng
> to^'t, nhu+ng du`ng va`i ca'i ddo+n gia?n tho^i) vi` mi`nh kho^ng
> pha?i la` server.  Ddo.c ma^'y ca'i scripts cu?a ba'c thi` chi? co'
> nu+o+'c ta^?u ho?a nha^.p ma tho^i :)

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/knoppix# nmap -v localhost

Starting nmap 3.55 ( ) at 2004-10-01 
21:40 EDT
Host box ( appears to be up ... good.
Initiating SYN Stealth Scan against box ( at 21:40
Adding open port 68/tcp
Adding open port 631/tcp
The SYN Stealth Scan took 1 second to scan 1660 ports.
Interesting ports on box (
(The 1658 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: closed)
68/tcp  open  dhcpclient
631/tcp open  ipp

Nmap run completed -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 1.207 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/knoppix#

Bie^'t ca'i na`o ca^`n, ca'i na`o kho^ng ca^`n? La`m sao xoa' ca'i 
kho^ng ca^`n?
DDa^y la` mi`nh ddang cha.y trong Knoppix 3.6, kho^ng pha?i Yoper nhu+ 
ban chie^`u. :)

m k h _ s g n

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Re: [Vietlug] Khoa ADSL bang tay

2004-09-30 Hội thoại maikhai04
On Thursday 30 September 2004 07:55 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> nmap -v localhost

Down ro^`i la`m lie^`n. Dda^y ne`:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/knoppix/00/nmap-3.70# nmap -v localhost

Starting nmap 3.55 ( ) at 2004-10-01 
21:35 EDT
WARNING!  The following files exist and are 
readable: /usr/share/nmap/nmap-services and ./nmap-services.  I am 
choosing /usr/share/nmap/nmap-services for security reasons.  set 
NMAPDIR=. to give priority to files in your local directory
Host box ( appears to be up ... good.
Initiating SYN Stealth Scan against box ( at 21:35
Adding open port 68/tcp
Adding open port 631/tcp
The SYN Stealth Scan took 1 second to scan 1660 ports.
Interesting ports on box (
(The 1658 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: closed)
68/tcp  open  dhcpclient
631/tcp open  ipp

Nmap run completed -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 1.243 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/knoppix/00/nmap-3.70#

Ca'i na`o ca^`n? Ca'i na`o kho^ng ca^`n? La`m sao xoa' ca'i kho^ng 

m k h _ s g n

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Re: [Vietlug] Khoa ADSL bang tay

2004-09-30 Hội thoại tl
> On Thursday 30 September 2004 12:44 pm, chairuou wrote:
>> sao la.i kho^ng ???, ADSL cu?a cu. ca('m va`o netcard tre^n PC ?
> Line cha.y va`o mo^.t ca'i router, tu+` router cha.y va`o ca'i card
> --
> m k h _ s g n

Nhu+ va^.y la` to^'t ro^`i.  PC cu?a ba'c na(`m sau lu+ng ca'i router,
du`ng private IP (192.168.1.X), cho ne^n be^n ngoa`i ko tha^'y ddu+o+.c. 
Nhu+ va^.y la` ta.m an toa`n.  Bu+o+'c ke^' tie^'p la` remove nhu+~ng
services na`o kho^ng ca^`n thie^'t.  Muo^'n bie^'t  services na`o ddang
cha.y tre^n ma'y mi`nh thi` du`ng nmap (ta?i o+? dda^y:  Khi ta?i ve^` ro^`i
uncompress va` compile no':
tar -jxvf nmap-3.70.tar.bz2
make install

xong ro^`i cha.y cho ma'y mi`nh:
nmap -v localhost

Ne^'u output co' cai' gi` kho^ng ca^`n thie^'t thi` remove no' ddi.  Ba'c
kho^ng ca^`n ma^'y ca'i iptables scripts ddo' (co' thi` cu~ng to^'t,
nhu+ng du`ng va`i ca'i ddo+n gia?n tho^i) vi` mi`nh kho^ng pha?i la`
server.  Ddo.c ma^'y ca'i scripts cu?a ba'c thi` chi? co' nu+o+'c ta^?u
ho?a nha^.p ma tho^i :)

Happy ADSLing

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Re: [Vietlug] Khoa ADSL bang tay

2004-09-30 Hội thoại maikhai04
On Thursday 30 September 2004 07:15 pm, hoan wrote:

> --
> ne^'u chi? "chuo^`ng" tho^i thi` dda^u dde^'n no^~i na`o !!
> To+'i lu'c na`o cu. tha^'y hdd quay le. lie^n tu.c,ro^`i "ps ax "
> tha^'y co' user la` la. kho^ng "ho^. chu`a nha`"  thi` lu'c a^'y
> mo+'i ..lo !!! nha^'t la` user "root" ddang exec find .

Bo+?i va^.y, ddang hi' ho+?n mi`nh co' ADSL bi. Larry do^.i so+ mo^.t 
ga'o, lie^`n ti?nh ngu+o+`i cha.y ddi mo` thuo^'c dda^'y.

Anh co' ca`i cho+i ca'i Yoper la^`n na`o chu+a? No' do` tha^'y ADSL 
thi` nha^?y ra tre^n ca'i  "t h a n h  t a' c  v u." nhu+~ng 2 ca'i 
button, khi co' no^'i thi` nha'ng nha'ng le^n mo^.t ti' . . .
Nhu+ng to^i muo^'n bie^'t la`m sao dde^? nhe't mo^.t ca'i lo.c ca`phe^ 

> OT. co' mo^.t la^`n ba'c co' ho?i Larry Kolivas la` ai : ddo.c
> kerneltrap tha^'y Kolivas la` Tri.nh minh Thanh ngu+o+`i u'c !!!
> Tre? ho+n ddo^i chu't, cu~ng mo^.t con'c si~ ga^y me^ ,say
> su+a "va' " patch kernel va` so sa'nh benchmark
> Thanh cu~ng la` ba'c si~ "tre?",dda~ lie^`u li~nh bu+o+'c va`o
> vie^.c kho' nha^'t  :
> ai cu~ng the^m bo+'t trong vie^.c thua^.t ,tu+. cho mi`nh
> hie^?u ddu'ng nha^'t !
> BTW multi-task=dda nhie^.m vu. (co' ai dde^` nghi. dda nhie^.m
> tho^i) Xin ho?i ba'c maikhai ,-va` ca'c chu': to^i hie^?u chu+~
> "nhie^.m" phu. y' cho chu+~ "vu." dde^? nha^'n ma.nh "vie^.c pha?i
> la`m" (ddo`i ho?i cu?a xa~ ho^.i, cu?a lua^n ly',co' ti'nh cha^'t
> nghie^m trang ,thie^ng le^ng  ) DDe^? gia?i chu+'ng the^m :
> nghi~a vu.=nhie^.m vu. vo+'i y' nghi~a bo' e'p vi` bo^?n pha^.n
> nghie^.p vu. =vie^.c chuye^n nghe^`
> co^ng vu. = vie^.c chung
> su+. vu. = ho+i chu`ng ddo^`ng nghi~a
> ta'c vu.=y' tu+' ha`nh ddo^.ng cho "vie^.c "
> Ai dda~ "thanh ta'c vu. " = taskbar  >>>gio?i thie^.t

Taskbar = Vie^.t : Thanh Ta'c Vu.
Control Panel = Ta`u : Kho^'ng Che^' DDa`i (trong Win Ta`u)

Gia? du. a^m ra la` "Khu'ng Chi' Ta`i"thi` nghe cu~ng kinh tha^.t. 
> multi task=dda nhie^.m << vie^.t (do`ng cuo^'i na`y chu+'ng minh anh minhThanh ho. Tri.nh
> dda~ lie^`u tha^.t : hoan nghe^nh ! )
> wang gia`

La^u qua' kho^ng tha^'y Cu. le^n  va^.y? SaigonLUG hie^.n co' TS 
Nguye^~n Tha'i So+n <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  (DHSP)  ddang ngao du 
be^n Pha'p. Hy tha^`y So+n ga(.p ddu+o+.c Cu. thi` hay la('m a!
m k h _ s g n

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Re: [Vietlug] Khoa ADSL bang tay

2004-09-30 Hội thoại maikhai04
On Thursday 30 September 2004 12:44 pm, chairuou wrote:

> sao la.i kho^ng ???, ADSL cu?a cu. ca('m va`o netcard tre^n PC ?

Line cha.y va`o mo^.t ca'i router, tu+` router cha.y va`o ca'i card

m k h _ s g n

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VietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] Khoa ADSL bang tay

2004-09-30 Hội thoại hoan
maikhai wrote:
>khoe? bo^. xu+o+ng gia`.
>Rie^ng tha^'y trong Yoper no' cha(?ng no'i na(ng gi`, cu+' boot le^n 
>la` gu+?i meo ddu+o+.c. Chi? ho+i so+. so+. la` nhu+ the^' thi` co' 
>bi. co+?i . . . chuo^`ng qua' nhie^`u hay kho^ng ma` tho^i :-)
ne^'u chi? "chuo^`ng" tho^i thi` dda^u dde^'n no^~i na`o !!
To+'i lu'c na`o cu. tha^'y hdd quay le. lie^n tu.c,ro^`i "ps ax " tha^'y
co' user la` la. kho^ng "ho^. chu`a nha`"  thi` lu'c a^'y mo+'i ..lo !!!
nha^'t la` user "root" ddang exec find . 
OT. co' mo^.t la^`n ba'c co' ho?i Larry Kolivas la` ai : ddo.c kerneltrap
tha^'y Kolivas la` Tri.nh minh Thanh ngu+o+`i u'c !!!
Tre? ho+n ddo^i chu't, cu~ng mo^.t con'c si~ ga^y me^ ,say su+a
"va' " patch kernel va` so sa'nh benchmark
Thanh cu~ng la` ba'c si~ "tre?",dda~ lie^`u li~nh bu+o+'c va`o vie^.c kho' 
nha^'t  : 
ai cu~ng the^m bo+'t trong vie^.c thua^.t ,tu+. cho mi`nh 
hie^?u ddu'ng nha^'t !
BTW multi-task=dda nhie^.m vu. (co' ai dde^` nghi. dda nhie^.m tho^i)
Xin ho?i ba'c maikhai ,-va` ca'c chu': to^i hie^?u chu+~ "nhie^.m" phu. y' cho 
chu+~ "vu." dde^? nha^'n ma.nh "vie^.c pha?i la`m" (ddo`i ho?i cu?a xa~ ho^.i,
cu?a lua^n ly',co' ti'nh cha^'t nghie^m trang ,thie^ng le^ng  )
DDe^? gia?i chu+'ng the^m :
nghi~a vu.=nhie^.m vu. vo+'i y' nghi~a bo' e'p vi` bo^?n pha^.n
nghie^.p vu. =vie^.c chuye^n nghe^`
co^ng vu. = vie^.c chung
su+. vu. = ho+i chu`ng ddo^`ng nghi~a  
ta'c vu.=y' tu+' ha`nh ddo^.ng cho "vie^.c "
Ai dda~ "thanh ta'c vu. " = taskbar  >>>gio?i thie^.t

multi task=dda nhie^.m <

Re: [Vietlug] Khoa ADSL bang tay

2004-09-29 Hội thoại chairuou
> Vu+'t ddi nhu+ng co' connect ddu+o+.c kho^ng? Mi`nh co' la`m bao gio+`
> dda^u? Chi? tha^'y TTL ba`y sao thi` la`m nhu+ vay dde^? gu+?i meo.
> Va` nha?y vo^ nha?y ra ti' chu't ro^`i la` ta('t ma'y ddi na(`m cho
> khoe? bo^. xu+o+ng gia`.
> Rie^ng tha^'y trong Yoper no' cha(?ng no'i na(ng gi`, cu+' boot le^n
> la` gu+?i meo ddu+o+.c. Chi? ho+i so+. so+. la` nhu+ the^' thi` co'
> bi. co+?i . . . chuo^`ng qua' nhie^`u hay kho^ng ma` tho^i :-)

sao la.i kho^ng ???, ADSL cu?a cu. ca('m va`o netcard tre^n PC ?

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VietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] Khoa ADSL bang tay

2004-09-29 Hội thoại maikhai04
On Thursday 30 September 2004 11:30 am, chairuou wrote:
> to^'t nha^'t cu. vu+'t qua'ch ca'i
> IPTables na`y ddi :-D cu. da^u co' dde^? online 24/7 ddau ma` tu
> chuoc cai phie^`n na~o la`m gi` huh cu.

Vu+'t ddi nhu+ng co' connect ddu+o+.c kho^ng? Mi`nh co' la`m bao gio+` 
dda^u? Chi? tha^'y TTL ba`y sao thi` la`m nhu+ vay dde^? gu+?i meo. 
Va` nha?y vo^ nha?y ra ti' chu't ro^`i la` ta('t ma'y ddi na(`m cho 
khoe? bo^. xu+o+ng gia`.
Rie^ng tha^'y trong Yoper no' cha(?ng no'i na(ng gi`, cu+' boot le^n 
la` gu+?i meo ddu+o+.c. Chi? ho+i so+. so+. la` nhu+ the^' thi` co' 
bi. co+?i . . . chuo^`ng qua' nhie^`u hay kho^ng ma` tho^i :-)
m k h _ s g n

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Re: [Vietlug] Khoa ADSL bang tay

2004-09-29 Hội thoại chairuou
cu. o+i cha'u ba?o ca'i ni` :-D
cu. va`o dda^y generate ca'i script ro^`i
tu+` tu+` thu+o+?ng la~m
lu'c generate cu. chi.u kho' ddo.c help cu?a tu+`ng section :-D

PS: cha'u no'i bu+`a 1 ca^u : to^'t nha^'t cu. vu+'t qua'ch ca'i
IPTables na`y ddi :-D cu. da^u co' dde^? online 24/7 ddau ma` tu chuoc
cai phie^`n na~o la`m gi` huh cu. , co`n cu. thi'ch nga^m cu+'u thi`
cu. ngo^`i nha^m nhi man pages hay va`o ddo.c tho+ phu'
cho no' nha`n ha. ;)

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Re: [Vietlug] Khoa ADSL bang tay

2004-09-29 Hội thoại maikhai04
On Thursday 30 September 2004 05:47 am, Chuong Dao wrote:
> Khong hieu ta.i sao ba'c thi'ch  iptables -A INPUT -j DROP dden nhu
> the^' :)

Vi` ddu+o+.c chi? da^~n ra(`ng go~ ca^u le^.nh na`y xong thi` khoa' 
tuo^'t luo^'t, ga^`n nhu+ ddo'ng cu+?a sa('t kho^ng cho va`o kho^ng 
cho ra. An toa`n xa lo^. ddo' ma`. Chu+' pha?i go~ ma^'y pha't mo+'i 
cha.y no' ddu+o+.c, cu+' nhu+ la` ba('n su'ng ki'p tho+`i Kha'ng 
Chie^'n, cu~ng me^.t bo? xu+`!

> Ca'ch to^'t nha^'t la` kho^ng ne^n go~ no' sau khi cha.i Larry's
> script :)

Mi`nh thu+? to+'i thu+? lui thi` cu~ng nghie^.m ra ddu'ng nhu+ va^.y 
nhu+ng kho^ng hie^?u ta.i sao. Gio+` mo+'i bie^'t ta.i sao. Thanks.
> Co`n ne^'u muo^'n xa`i no' thi` ddu+`ng cha.y Larry's script. Lu'c
> ddo' ba'c se~ ddu+o+.c thoa? ma~n nhu+ y' ba'c muo^'n (no more
> INPUT connectivity).
> Larry's script co' la`m mo^.t trick nho? cho connections dda~
> ddu+o+.c ESTABLISHED/RELATED. Scrit na`y se~ cho phe'p INPUT vo+'i
> ddie^`u kie^.n la` ba'c initiated the connection. Ho+i ra('c ro^'i
> ti' (iptables howto on ESTABLISHED/RELATED).
> Vi` ba'c cha.y ca'i iptables -A INPUT -j DROP sau khi cha.y Larry's
> cho nen no' khong co' stop everything ta.i vi` no' ddu+ng dda(`ng
> sau Larry's script. iptables works theo thu+' tu+.  Tha(`ng rule
> na`o dden truoc la` xai thang ddo'  :)

Vu+`a ro^`i co' post le^n ML 5 ca'i bi' ki'p da de^, da`i lo`ng tho`ng 
kho' hie^?u kinh ngu+o+`i. La`m o+n gia?ng tie^'p ca'm o+n tru+o+'c.

m k h _ s g n

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Re: [Vietlug] Khoa ADSL bang tay

2004-09-29 Hội thoại chairuou
> Ba'c co' the^? gia?ng gia?i chi tie^'t ho+n ve^` ca'i trick na`y kho^ng?
>   hay la` ba'c co' ca'i link na`o de^~ hie^?u ba'c qua(ng cho mo^.t ca'i
> vo+'i.
> --
#man iptables


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Re: [Vietlug] Khoa ADSL bang tay

2004-09-29 Hội thoại hypoj
Chuong Dao wrote:
Larry's script co' la`m mo^.t trick nho? cho connections dda~ ddu+o+.c
ESTABLISHED/RELATED. Scrit na`y se~ cho phe'p INPUT vo+'i ddie^`u kie^.n
la` ba'c initiated the connection. Ho+i ra('c ro^'i ti' (iptables howto on
Ba'c co' the^? gia?ng gia?i chi tie^'t ho+n ve^` ca'i trick na`y kho^ng? 
 hay la` ba'c co' ca'i link na`o de^~ hie^?u ba'c qua(ng cho mo^.t ca'i 
Microsoft is not the answer, it is the question. The answer is NO!!!

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VietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] Khoa ADSL bang tay

2004-09-29 Hội thoại Chuong Dao
Khong hieu ta.i sao ba'c thi'ch  iptables -A INPUT -j DROP dden nhu the^' :)

Ca'ch to^'t nha^'t la` kho^ng ne^n go~ no' sau khi cha.i Larry's script :)

Co`n ne^'u muo^'n xa`i no' thi` ddu+`ng cha.y Larry's script. Lu'c ddo'
ba'c se~ ddu+o+.c thoa? ma~n nhu+ y' ba'c muo^'n (no more INPUT

Larry's script co' la`m mo^.t trick nho? cho connections dda~ ddu+o+.c
ESTABLISHED/RELATED. Scrit na`y se~ cho phe'p INPUT vo+'i ddie^`u kie^.n
la` ba'c initiated the connection. Ho+i ra('c ro^'i ti' (iptables howto on

Vi` ba'c cha.y ca'i iptables -A INPUT -j DROP sau khi cha.y Larry's cho
nen no' khong co' stop everything ta.i vi` no' ddu+ng dda(`ng sau Larry's
script. iptables works theo thu+' tu+.  Tha(`ng rule na`o dden truoc la`
xai thang ddo'  :)

> Da~ thu+? ca'i script cu?a Larry. Nhu+ng pha?i tru+o+'c he^'t go~ 2
> le^.nh
> # modprobe 3c59x
> # ifup eth0
> ro^`i cha.y ca'i script.
> Nhu+ng sau khi le^n xong, ne^'u go~
> # iptables -A INPUT -j DROP
> thi` hi`nh nhu+ no' kho^ng a?nh hu+o+?ng gi`, vi` va^~n le^n
> ddu+o+.c.
> La.i co`n mo^.t chuye^.n kha'c:
> Sau khi go~
> # iptables -A INPUT -j DROP
> ma` o+? trong Kmail dde^? soa.n meo RE, thi` go~ mo^.t ho^`i xong no'
> kho^ng cho nha^'n Queue nu+~a. Toa`n bo^. Kmail bie^'n tha`nh
> tra('ng, ma^'t he^'t ky' tu+. hie^?n thi..
> La.i mo'c console ra go~
> # iptables -F
> thi` sau ddo' la`m vie^.c bi`nh thu+o+ng (nhu+ng cu~ng pha?i re-open
> Kmail)
> Co`n vie^.c mua mo^.t ca'i router thi` . . . hehe. Nhu+ng nhu+ va^.y
> thi` pha?i bo? ca'i router hie^.n co' (do FPT cho chu`a) hay sao?
> Ca'i na`y cu~ng co' mo^.t nu't nha^'n va`o la` ta('t he^'t dde`n. Co'
> pha?i la` no' kho^ng?
> Ne^'u ta('t ba(`ng nu't na`y, ngay trong phie^n la`m vie^.c se~ kho^ng
> mo+? ON tro+? la.i ddu+o+.c nu+~a.
> --
> m k h _ s g n
> ---
> This email is sponsored by: IT Product Guide on ITManagersJournal
> Use IT products in your business? Tell us what you think of them. Give us
> Your Opinions, Get Free ThinkGeek Gift Certificates! Click to find out
> more
> ___
> VietLUG-users mailing list

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Re: [Vietlug] Khoa ADSL bang tay

2004-09-29 Hội thoại maikhai04
On Wednesday 29 September 2004 08:12 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> iptables -F nghi~a la` delete he^'t nhu~ng rules (cu+?a chu`a
> ro^.ng mo+? cho kha'ch tha^.p phu+o+ng).
> iptables -L se~ list ta^'t ca? nhu+~ng rules mi`nh ddang co'
> ba'c go~ nhu+ va^`y thi` se~ tha^'y su+.c kha'c bie^.t (DROP  
> all  -- anywhere anywhere) lie^`n:
> iptables -F
> iptables -L
> iptables -A INPUT -j DROP
> iptables -L

Ca'm o+n nhie^`u la('m. Tuy ba`i gia?ng chu+a "ta^.n cu`ng ba(`ng 
so^'" nhu+ng dda.i kha'i cu~ng hie^?u so+ so+ ddu+o+.c kho?i pha?i 
a^'m a'ch. 

> Cha'u i't co' du`ng ma^'y ca'i GUI cho ne^n ko ro~ la('m.  Cha'u
> ddoa'n la` sau khi ba'c go~ "iptables -A INPUT -j DROP" thi`
> gio^'ng nhu+ Lan dda~ ca('t gia^y chuo^ng, kho'a cu+?a chu`a la.i
> (trong ddo' co' X-Windows), kho^ng cho Ddie^.p va`o :)  Ba'c thu+?
> mo+? co^?ng chu`a (cha'u chu+a test), le'n cho Ddie^.p va`o, xem
> sao:
> iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -s 0/0 -d 0/0 --dport 6000:6009 -j ACCEPT 
> - Allow X-Windows
> iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -s 0/0 -d 0/0 --dport 7100 -j DROP   -
> Allow X-Windows font server
> Nhu+ cha'u dda~ no'i, ca'ch to^'t nha^'t la` thu+? ca'i tutorial
> cu?a Larry cho hay la` mua mo^.t ca'i router.
> Have fun...

Da~ thu+? ca'i script cu?a Larry. Nhu+ng pha?i tru+o+'c he^'t go~ 2 
# modprobe 3c59x
# ifup eth0
ro^`i cha.y ca'i script.
Nhu+ng sau khi le^n xong, ne^'u go~
# iptables -A INPUT -j DROP
thi` hi`nh nhu+ no' kho^ng a?nh hu+o+?ng gi`, vi` va^~n le^n 

La.i co`n mo^.t chuye^.n kha'c:
Sau khi go~
# iptables -A INPUT -j DROP
ma` o+? trong Kmail dde^? soa.n meo RE, thi` go~ mo^.t ho^`i xong no' 
kho^ng cho nha^'n Queue nu+~a. Toa`n bo^. Kmail bie^'n tha`nh 
tra('ng, ma^'t he^'t ky' tu+. hie^?n thi..

La.i mo'c console ra go~
# iptables -F
thi` sau ddo' la`m vie^.c bi`nh thu+o+ng (nhu+ng cu~ng pha?i re-open 

Co`n vie^.c mua mo^.t ca'i router thi` . . . hehe. Nhu+ng nhu+ va^.y 
thi` pha?i bo? ca'i router hie^.n co' (do FPT cho chu`a) hay sao?
Ca'i na`y cu~ng co' mo^.t nu't nha^'n va`o la` ta('t he^'t dde`n. Co' 
pha?i la` no' kho^ng? 
Ne^'u ta('t ba(`ng nu't na`y, ngay trong phie^n la`m vie^.c se~ kho^ng 
mo+? ON tro+? la.i ddu+o+.c nu+~a.
m k h _ s g n

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Re: [Vietlug] Khoa ADSL bang tay

2004-09-29 Hội thoại tl
> On Wednesday 29 September 2004 12:30 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> Ba'c cha.y 2 commands na`y sau khi cha.y "iptables -A INPUT -j
>> DROP" ifconfig
>> va`
>> iptables -L
>> ro^`i post output le^n xem sao.
>> Anyway, ca'ch to^'t nha^'t la` ne^n mua mo^.t ca'i router/switch
>> nhu+ tha(`ng linksys na`y:
>> Nhu+ the^' ba'c se~ no^'i ddu+o+.c nhie^`u PC cun`g mo^.t lu'c va`
>> la.i an toa`n ho+n nu+~a.  Xong ro^`i ba'c cu+' tu+` tu+` ma`
>> qua^.y vo+'i ma^'y ca'i iptables ( hoa(.c ca'i
>> link cua? Larry cho. Tru+o+'c khi do.c pha' vo+'i iptables thi`
>> ba'c ne^n ddo'ng ta^'t ca? nhu+~ng ports ko ca^`n thie^'t (du`ng
>> nmap dde^? check).
>> Good luck...
> OK no' dda^y:
> (cha.y Knoppix 3.6)
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/knoppix# modprobe 3c59x
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/knoppix# ifup eth0
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/knoppix# iptables -F
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/knoppix# iptables -A INPUT -j DROP
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/knoppix# ifconfig
> eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:10:4B:0F:F4:79
>   inet addr:  Bcast:
> Mask:
>   inet6 addr: fe80::210:4bff:fe0f:f479/64 Scope:Link
>   RX packets:4 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
>   TX packets:9 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
>   collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
>   RX bytes:1608 (1.5 KiB)  TX bytes:1990 (1.9 KiB)
>   Interrupt:21 Base address:0xdc00
> loLink encap:Local Loopback
>   inet addr:  Mask:
>   inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
>   UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
>   RX packets:10 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
>   TX packets:10 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
>   collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
>   RX bytes:500 (500.0 b)  TX bytes:500 (500.0 b)
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/knoppix# iptables -L
> Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
> target prot opt source   destination
> DROP   all  --  anywhere anywhere
> Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)
> target prot opt source   destination
> Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
> target prot opt source   destination
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/knoppix#
> Ghi the^m:
> Sau khi cha.y 2 le^.nh na`y, Kmail hay ca'c Apps kha'c bi. ddo^ng
> cu+'ng kho^ng mo+? ddu+o+.c. Pha?i go~ la.i le^.nh
> # iptables -F
> thi` mo+'i la`m vie^.c ddu+o+.c.
> Va^.y iptables -L co' co^ng nhu+ the^' na`o?
> --
> m k h _ s g n

iptables -F nghi~a la` delete he^'t nhu~ng rules (cu+?a chu`a ro^.ng mo+?
cho kha'ch tha^.p phu+o+ng).

iptables -L se~ list ta^'t ca? nhu+~ng rules mi`nh ddang co'

ba'c go~ nhu+ va^`y thi` se~ tha^'y su+.c kha'c bie^.t (DROP   all  --
 anywhere anywhere) lie^`n:
iptables -F
iptables -L
iptables -A INPUT -j DROP
iptables -L

Cha'u i't co' du`ng ma^'y ca'i GUI cho ne^n ko ro~ la('m.  Cha'u ddoa'n
la` sau khi ba'c go~ "iptables -A INPUT -j DROP" thi` gio^'ng nhu+ Lan
dda~ ca('t gia^y chuo^ng, kho'a cu+?a chu`a la.i (trong ddo' co'
X-Windows), kho^ng cho Ddie^.p va`o :)  Ba'c thu+? mo+? co^?ng chu`a
(cha'u chu+a test), le'n cho Ddie^.p va`o, xem sao:
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -s 0/0 -d 0/0 --dport 6000:6009 -j ACCEPT  - Allow
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -s 0/0 -d 0/0 --dport 7100 -j DROP   - Allow
X-Windows font server

Nhu+ cha'u dda~ no'i, ca'ch to^'t nha^'t la` thu+? ca'i tutorial cu?a
Larry cho hay la` mua mo^.t ca'i router.

Have fun...

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VietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] Khoa ADSL bang tay

2004-09-29 Hội thoại maikhai04
On Wednesday 29 September 2004 12:30 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Ba'c cha.y 2 commands na`y sau khi cha.y "iptables -A INPUT -j
> DROP" ifconfig
> va`
> iptables -L
> ro^`i post output le^n xem sao.
> Anyway, ca'ch to^'t nha^'t la` ne^n mua mo^.t ca'i router/switch
> nhu+ tha(`ng linksys na`y:
> Nhu+ the^' ba'c se~ no^'i ddu+o+.c nhie^`u PC cun`g mo^.t lu'c va`
> la.i an toa`n ho+n nu+~a.  Xong ro^`i ba'c cu+' tu+` tu+` ma`
> qua^.y vo+'i ma^'y ca'i iptables ( hoa(.c ca'i
> link cua? Larry cho. Tru+o+'c khi do.c pha' vo+'i iptables thi`
> ba'c ne^n ddo'ng ta^'t ca? nhu+~ng ports ko ca^`n thie^'t (du`ng
> nmap dde^? check).
> Good luck...

OK no' dda^y:
(cha.y Knoppix 3.6)

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/knoppix# modprobe 3c59x
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/knoppix# ifup eth0
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/knoppix# iptables -F
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/knoppix# iptables -A INPUT -j DROP
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/knoppix# ifconfig
eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:10:4B:0F:F4:79
  inet addr:  Bcast:  
  inet6 addr: fe80::210:4bff:fe0f:f479/64 Scope:Link
  RX packets:4 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:9 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
  RX bytes:1608 (1.5 KiB)  TX bytes:1990 (1.9 KiB)
  Interrupt:21 Base address:0xdc00

loLink encap:Local Loopback
  inet addr:  Mask:
  inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
  UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
  RX packets:10 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:10 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
  RX bytes:500 (500.0 b)  TX bytes:500 (500.0 b)

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/knoppix# iptables -L
Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source   destination
DROP   all  --  anywhere anywhere

Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source   destination

Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source   destination
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/knoppix#

Ghi the^m:

Sau khi cha.y 2 le^.nh na`y, Kmail hay ca'c Apps kha'c bi. ddo^ng 
cu+'ng kho^ng mo+? ddu+o+.c. Pha?i go~ la.i le^.nh

# iptables -F

thi` mo+'i la`m vie^.c ddu+o+.c.

Va^.y iptables -L co' co^ng nhu+ the^' na`o?

m k h _ s g n

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Your Opinions, Get Free ThinkGeek Gift Certificates! Click to find out more
VietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] Khoa ADSL bang tay

2004-09-28 Hội thoại tl
> Cha`o ca? nha`!
> Tui mo+? Knoppix 3.6, ro^`i vo^ ADSL ba(`ng tay ba(`ng ca'c le^.nh
> sau:
> # modprobe 3c59x
> # ifup eth0
> # iptables -F
> thi` le^n hay gu+?i nha^.n meo dde^`u OK.
> Nhu+ng khi go~
> # iptables -A INPUT -j DROP
> dde^? khoa' cu+?a sa('t ddi ngu? thi` co' lu'c ddu+o+.c, co' lu'c ma`n
> hi`nh ngay cu ddo+, bo'p chuo^.t va`o Start thi` no' dda~ lo~m va`o
> tu+` tru+o+'c ro^`i (nhu+ la` he^. tho^'ng ddang busy). Pha?i force
> no' ba(`ng ca'ch nha^'n chuo^.t pha?i le^n Desktop ro^`i cho.n Logout
> Knoppix, cho+` no' lu.c ddu.c ca'i chi ddo' mo^.t ho^`i ro^`i mo+'i
> chi.u logout.
> Sau khi dda~ login tro+? la.i, thi` co' lu'c tie^'p tu.c networking
> ddu+o+.c, co' lu'c kho^ng ddu+o+.c. Trong tru+o+`ng ho+.p sau, pha?i
> reboot he^.t tho^'ng ro^`i la.i cha.y ca'c le^.nh ke^? tre^n thi`
> mo+'i la`m vie^.c ddu+o+.c.
> Ca'c ba.n vui lo`ng chi? tui ca'ch kha('c phu.c? To^'t nha^'t la` cho
> tui  xin mo^.t ca'i script dde^? xa`i, ke?o ma` . . . hehe bi. cha'y
> o^ng ddi.a. Thanks.
> --
> m k h _ s g n

Hi ba'c Ha?i,

Ba'c cha.y 2 commands na`y sau khi cha.y "iptables -A INPUT -j DROP"
iptables -L

ro^`i post output le^n xem sao.

Anyway, ca'ch to^'t nha^'t la` ne^n mua mo^.t ca'i router/switch nhu+
tha(`ng linksys na`y:

Nhu+ the^' ba'c se~ no^'i ddu+o+.c nhie^`u PC cun`g mo^.t lu'c va` la.i an
toa`n ho+n nu+~a.  Xong ro^`i ba'c cu+' tu+` tu+` ma` qua^.y vo+'i ma^'y
ca'i iptables ( hoa(.c ca'i link cua? Larry cho. Tru+o+'c
khi do.c pha' vo+'i iptables thi` ba'c ne^n ddo'ng ta^'t ca? nhu+~ng ports
ko ca^`n thie^'t (du`ng nmap dde^? check).

Good luck...

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Re: [Vietlug] Khoa ADSL bang tay

2004-09-26 Hội thoại Larry Nguyen
On 3:51:41 pm 09/26/04 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Cha`o ca? nha`!
> Tui mo+? Knoppix 3.6, ro^`i vo^ ADSL ba(`ng tay ba(`ng ca'c le^.nh
> sau:

DDa~ he'! Ba('t dda^`u download vo^ tu+ ha? ba'c?

> # modprobe 3c59x
> # ifup eth0
> # iptables -F
> thi` le^n hay gu+?i nha^.n meo dde^`u OK.

Di~ nhie^n la` ddu+o+.c bo+?i vi` ba'c mo+'i flush ta^'t ca? ca'c rules
cu?a firewall = le^.nh tre^n ne^'u ba'c 0 co' set default policy la` DROP. 

> Nhu+ng khi go~
> # iptables -A INPUT -j DROP
> dde^? khoa' cu+?a sa('t ddi ngu? thi` co' lu'c ddu+o+.c, co' lu'c
> ma`n hi`nh ngay cu ddo+, bo'p chuo^.t va`o Start thi` no' dda~ lo~m
> va`o tu+` tru+o+'c ro^`i (nhu+ la` he^. tho^'ng ddang busy). Pha?i
> force no' ba(`ng ca'ch nha^'n chuo^.t pha?i le^n Desktop ro^`i cho.n
> Logout Knoppix, cho+` no' lu.c ddu.c ca'i chi ddo' mo^.t ho^`i ro^`i
> mo+'i chi.u logout.
> Sau khi dda~ login tro+? la.i, thi` co' lu'c tie^'p tu.c networking
> ddu+o+.c, co' lu'c kho^ng ddu+o+.c. Trong tru+o+`ng ho+.p sau, pha?i
> reboot he^.t tho^'ng ro^`i la.i cha.y ca'c le^.nh ke^? tre^n thi`
> mo+'i la`m vie^.c ddu+o+.c.
> Ca'c ba.n vui lo`ng chi? tui ca'ch kha('c phu.c? To^'t nha^'t la` cho
> tui  xin mo^.t ca'i script dde^? xa`i, ke?o ma` . . . hehe bi. cha'y
> o^ng ddi.a. Thanks.
> --
> m k h _ s g n

Cha'u chu+a bao gio+` xa`i ADSL :) Gia? su+? ba'c la^'y ddi.a chi? = DHCP,
va` ba'c chi? co' mo^.t ma'y vo+'i mo^.t network card. Ba'c thu+? ca'i
script sau dda^y. Script na`y la` minimum. ba'c ne^n nho+` TTLong ghe' qua
la`m cho script ha^'p da^~n the^m ti' :)


/sbin/modprobe ip_conntrack_ftp
iptables -F INPUT
iptables -P INPUT DROP
for interface in /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/*/rp_filter
   echo 1 > $interface
iptables -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -p udp --source-port 53 -j ACCEPT
iptatables -A INPUT -p udp --destination-port 68 -j ACCEPT

Ba'c co' the^? ddo.c the^m o+? dda^y



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