Re: v107m of netrw available -- needs testing!

2006-12-16 Thread scott

i may have horked it up getting it extracted from the vimball and put in
place -- i'm not happy with the paths vimball chooses to place it on --
i want it available both to myself and root, to which end i am copying
all the modules to /usr/local/shr/vim/vim70/whatever

i am running SUSE linux 10.0, my current vim is 7.0.178

i've tried this before in an attempt to get away from the way all these
latest netrws reset my formatoptions for me -- i've noticed they
also replace the latest search argument, another annoyance, so
every time i see another announcement of a new netrw, i struggle
to get it installed and try it out

this one gives numerous errors:

Error detected while processing function netrw#Explore:
E121: Undefined variable: b:netrw_curdir
E15: Invalid expression: b:netrw_curdir
line   68:
E121: Undefined variable: curfile
E116: Invalid arguments for function 
E116: Invalid arguments for function search

then it comes up without syntax highlighting when i clear the errors
-- also it changes my formatoptions, still, so i haven't gained anything
over and above all these new error messages

i will be reverting to my previous version (v98) -- i've got a :so ~/.vimrc
mapped so i can get my formatoptions and whatever else it resets 
back (but not the last search arg!) easily

sorry to be such a pest,


On Friday 15 December 2006 11:08, you wrote:

 I've put a copy of netrw v107m on my website: .

 It needs testing!  There's been a lot of changes, mostly involving more
 code sharing between local and remote
 browsing (and which more simply allows both modes to support the new
 tree listing liststyle).

 Windows types -- I haven't tested it near enough on that platform yet,
 so please let me know any problems with
 it  you may have.  I mention Windows users specifically because
 apparently I had none trying out netrw back
 when vim 7.0 was still in beta release.

 The new version of netrw also has support (thanks to Peter Bengtsson)
 for the Amiga; he gave me code based
 on a not-yet-released version of 107l which I tried to merge, so there's
 a need for testing with it there, too.

 Thank you,
 Chip Campbell


Re: grep and regular expression

2006-12-16 Thread Stahlman Family

- Original Message - 

Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2006 8:06 AM
Subject: grep and regular expression


 I'm writing C++ code, I'm trying to search for all class declaration via the 
following command:

:grep 'class\s*\w\+{' *.hpp

The command fails! although if I do search for the same expression, the search 
succeeds (in a specific file)!

When you invoke Vim's :grep command, Vim's regular expression engine is not used at all. Vim invokes the external grep command 
specified with the 'grepprg' option and parses the stdout from the grep command according to the 'grepformat' option.

:help grepprg
:help grepformat

If you want the matching to use Vim's regular expression dialect, you need to 
use :vimgrep.
:help vimgrep

Hope this helps,
   Brett S.



Fresh builds for Windows

2006-12-16 Thread Meino Christian Cramer

 where can I get recent builds (vim-7.0.178) for Windows ?

 Thanks a lot for any help in advance !

 Keep editing!

Re: Fresh builds for Windows

2006-12-16 Thread Swaroop C H

On 12/17/06, Meino Christian Cramer wrote:

 where can I get recent builds (vim-7.0.178) for Windows ?