Re: vim 7.0, "Edit with Vim", and x64 WinXP

2007-01-16 Thread George V. Reilly

Phil Edwards wrote:

Hello.  I've been using Vim since the 4.0 days and loving it.  I've
just installed 7.0 on an x64 system for the first time.  It works, but
is missing the "edit with vim" popup menu entries.

I re-ran the install.exe program and had it recreate the menu entries,
but nothing changed.

I've followed the instructions under ":help install-registry" and
added the keys there; only some of them had been previously created by
install.exe, so I created the missing ones (very carefully).  Still no

7.0 is running fine on all my other systems, it's only this 64-bit XP
box that doesn't see the new menu entries.  I can't even get an "Edit
with..." entry to appear; that seems to be gone or restricted or moved

Try saving the following to vim.reg and executing that:


[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\Shell\Open with Vim\command]
@="\"c:\\Program Files\\Vim\\vim70\\gvim.exe\" \"%1\""

/George V. Reilly  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The biggest mistake is not learning from all your other mistakes.

RE: How can I do to always opening files into a tab ?

2007-01-16 Thread Sibin P. Thomas
-Original Message-
From: Eddine [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, January 14, 2007 5:06 PM
To: Vim Mailing List
Subject: How can I do to always opening files into a tab ?

Hello Vimmers !

I got few questions for vim under win32 (XP)

- How can I do to _always_ open files into its own tab  ?
   --> Also is there a way to set an option so this tip also runs with
the "Edit with Vim" context menu.

- Is there an option so when a file is vertically splitted, scrolling
down and up, keeps both left and right panel on the same line, in a
way is there a mean to synchronize the up and down scrolling of both
views ?

Hope I have been clear enough with my questions.

Many thanks
and regards !



This is what I do to open files in their own tabs -
1. I browse my working directory with the ":Vexplore" feature of Vim. When I
come across the file I want to open all I do is type "gf" when I am over it.
The following line in my vimrc file is the one that does the trick -> 
"nmap gf c :tabe "
2. go to ur SendTo folder most likely to be at "C:\Documents and
Settings\\SendTo" and by default this folder is hidden.
Once u are there right click and create a new shortcut. When it asks for
location type this -> 
"C:\Program Files\Vim\vim70\gvim.exe" --servername GVIM --remote-tab-silent
(maybe the location of ur gvim is different) and then give it a name u like;
and voila u can right click on any file and send it to it's own tab in gvim.


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Perl debugger

2007-01-16 Thread Marc Bernstein

Please send some pointers about how to point vim to one of my perl
installations (activeperl and cygwin ). Any vimrc setup required (or



Re: Mac Questions

2007-01-16 Thread litespeed59


I recently figured out how to compile Vim on a Mac from source, so here is
the method I used. I too am fairly new at this, so if any Mac users can
improve on my instructions, feel free to do so.

I obtained the Vim sources through Subversion (I keep my source code
downloads in ~/Source). You may need to install a Subversion client on your
system to get this to work. Open Terminal and enter the following commands
(assuming ~/Source already exists):

  cd ~/Source
  svn co

You may get prompted to accept the certificate after the second command ...
I usually hit 't' to accept it temporarily. If all goes well, you should end
up with a new vim7 directory in ~/Source.

I build Vim with Python and Ruby support and the huge feature set. You need
to have both languages installed on your system to build Vim this way. This
is what I would enter next:

  cd vim7/src
  ./configure --enable-pythoninterp --enable-rubyinterp --with-features=huge
  make test

If you don't need support for Python and Ruby, just omit those options from
the ./configure line above. If you need support for other languages like
Perl, see the Makefile in the vim7/src directory for additional options.

If all goes well at this point, you can enter the following command to
install Vim in the /Applications folder:

  make install

This should move to /Applications, and you can launch it from there.

When new patches come out, I just do the following to update my copy of Vim:

  cd ~/Source/vim7
  svn update
  cd src
  make test
  make install

Hope this helps!

Alan G Isaac wrote:
> Would you mind outlining the steps you took for someone who 
> is making the same transition but is not used to compiling 
> their own apps? (I have XCode installed.)
> Thank you,
> Alan Isaac

View this message in context:
Sent from the Vim - General mailing list archive at

RE: omni complete for php is really slooow

2007-01-16 Thread Vu The Cuong
>On my Sempron2200, 512MB RAM it may be not very fast but IMO is acceptable. 
>Looks like something is wrong with your setup. Do 
>you use tags files? 
You mean ctags?
Yes. I'm using it
Anyway thanks for your response. I will recheck my config.

-Original Message-
From: Mikolaj Machowski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2007 3:33 AM
Subject: Re: omni complete for php is really slooow

On wtorek 16 styczeń 2007, vim users list wrote:
> The mail subject says it all:omni complete for php in vim7 in my PC 
> (P4 D, 1GB Ram) is really slooow.
> How about omni complete for php in vim7 in in your  PC? Fast or Slow???
> How can I make it faster?

Only for price in functionality. You can just comment various levels of 
completion logic.

On my Sempron2200, 512MB RAM it may be not very fast but IMO is acceptable. 
Looks like something is wrong with your setup. Do you use tags files?


Re: Upgrading or enabling features in vim

2007-01-16 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

Erin Spiceland wrote:

On Mon, 2007-01-15 at 15:39 -0800, Gary Johnson wrote:

On 2007-01-15, Erin Spiceland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Mon, 2007-01-15 at 14:55 -0800, Gary Johnson wrote:

On 2007-01-15, Erin Spiceland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I just got a new server and vim wasn't installed. I installed 7.0 from
scratch, but there are some problems with missing features or features
not working:

1. syntax highlighting doesn't work. It is turned on in vimrc but I
haven't checked anything else.
2. using the arrows on the keyboard in insert mode puts A, B, C, or D
and newline into the file instead of moving up, down, left, or right.
3. doesn't remember my command history
4. doesn't remember where I was in the file when I closed it.
5. only remembers 1 change, so I can't use the "u" command to undo more
than 1 change.

What can I do to fix these problems or enable these features?
#5 indicates that, as Tim said, you have 'cp' set.  But vim sets 
'nocp' automatically when it detects and sources an initialization 
file named .vimrc or _vimrc.  Therefore, it appears that your vimrc 
file is not being sourced, which would explain #1.

Executing :version will show you where your vim is looking for its 
initialization files and :scriptnames will show you the 
initialization files vim actually sourced.  Reading

:help initialization

will also help you understand what should be happening when you 
start vim and may help you track down the root problem.

system vimrc file: "$VIM/vimrc"

$VIM is set to "/usr/local/share/vim" but /usr/local/share/vim/vimrc
doesn't exist, and a vimrc does exist in /etc. How can I change it to
use /etc?
There is something wrong with your installation.  If vim had never 
before been installed on that server, then the only way for 
/etc/vimrc to have appeared was for your installation process to 
have created it.  But if you configured vim to look for vimrc in 
/usr/local/share/vim, then that's where your installation process 
should have put it.  The "right" place to put it depends on your 
system and where you want to put stuff and, if you are not the 
system administrator, where you are allowed to put stuff.

You'll have to give us more details of your system and how you
configured vim for us to sort this out properly.

You wrote originally that there were some features missing or not 
working in this installation.  That implies that you have used them 
before where they did work.  How did you get them to work then?  Did 
you have your own ~/.vimrc or just a system vimrc?  If you had just 
a system vimrc and that is the file now in /etc, I would just move 
that file to /usr/local/share/vim.  On the Unix systems where I have

installed vim, I don't even have a system vimrc--I just use

There are also ways to set environment variables to get vim to look 
in other places for initialization files, but since you built this 
vim from scratch, it would be better for you to reconfigure and

rebuild it to get it right, or at least self-consistent.

The preferred replying style in the vim list is to put the quoted 
text on top and your reply underneath, so I have reformatted your 
reply to that style.

Also, don't forget to reply to the list rather than to just the 
author of the message to which you are replying, so that everyone in 
the list can follow the discussion and help in solving the problem, 
or see that it has been solved.


Thanks for the tips.  This server was supposedly a fresh install of RHE.
I say that vim was not installed only because I tried to use it and got
the bash "command not found" message. I downloaded the source from and did "./configure; make; make install."  The machines I have
used vim on before were always preinstalled with vim. I use FC6 at home
and RHE on my other 4 servers.  I've never worked with a vimrc
or .viminfo before, except very minimally.  The five things I listed in
my original email were things that always just worked.  I was very
surprised to find vim was not installed this time.  "rpm -qa | grep vim
shows" that vim 6.3 minimal is also installed, but that isn't the one my
system is using, because vim --version shows 7.0.  Are there any
configure options that I can use or is there an enhanced version that I
might be used to?  Should I reinstall? from source or rpm?



To have Vim use a system vimrc located in /etc when compiled to use 
/usr/share/vim as the default location, just create a soft link from one to 
the other, as follows (in the shell):

cd /usr/share/vim
ln -sv /etc/vimrc

Or you may want to disregard that /etc/vimrc totally.

I suggest you create a .vimrc in your $HOME directory. As its initial 
contents, the line

runtime vimrc_example.vim

will do. (Then you may view $VIMRUNTIME/vimrc_example.vim at your leisure, to 
see what it does.) If and when you decide to tweak your Vim settings, you will 
add additional lines below this ":runtime" comman

Re: how to NOT save history

2007-01-16 Thread Luis A. Florit
* El 16/01/07 a las 18:22, Andy Wokula chamullaba:

> Luis A. Florit schrieb:
> > Pals,
> >
> >How I avoid certain commands and/or substitutions NOT to be saved
> > into the history list? For example, I have a sequence of VIM commands
> > that executes on every email quote to properly format it, and I don't
> > want these to appear in the registries and history.
> >
> >Thanks!
> >
> >L.
> Think I completely misunderstood you (because of the subject), in case
> please forget my previous post.

In fact, your previous post is closer to what I want.

> Commands:
> A  :SomeCommand  will not be added to the history, if you map it to a
> normal mode key (including the ), for example:
>   :map  :Command1:Command2Command3
> Registers:
> You could write data into variables to not touch registers.
> You will need some knowledge about vim script.
>   :h eval
> Search history:
> The search history is always overwritten, although you can backup and
> restore the last search pattern:
>   :let sav_search = @/
>   /some search/
>   :let @/ = sav_search
>   :unlet sav_search   " no need within :function
> ...
> Do you use filetype plugins?
> ...
> Wonder if this has more to do with what you had in mind.

Sorry if I wasn't clear enough... Let me try again.

First, I have is an autocommand to execute a function for, say, every
email I open:

au FileType mail call MyMutt()

Then, my function called MyMutt() executes a bunch of commands,
among them, a perl script to clean adds, signatures, etc. These
work of course by searching for strings and making substitutions.
So, every time I edit an email, these search strings and commands
are stored... Very annoying, and keeps filling my 'good' history
with trash.

So, I want to avoid this. I don't want to store specifically these
commands/searches/substitutions of MyMutt() function into my history.
Hence, I want a "don't-store-the-following-until-I-tell-you" command.

I tried adding a 'rv!' at the end of the MyMutt() function
(tried also with 'wv!' in the beginning, and setting 'history=0'
as you suggested with same result). It works in a strange way...
It keeps cycling between 2 viminfo files, have no idea why.
I mean: I open an email for writting, and I have some search patterns
A,B,C... already stored in the history. I close vim. I open vim in a
mail again, and I have old patterns D,E,F... in history. I close the
email, and open another. Then, I have again the previous patterns
A,B,C... At least, with 'rv!' it forgets the patterns from the
MyMutt() function, as I wanted.

Any clues?



Re: omni complete for php is really slooow

2007-01-16 Thread Mikolaj Machowski
On wtorek 16 styczeń 2007, vim users list wrote:
> The mail subject says it all:omni complete for php in vim7 in my PC (P4
> D, 1GB Ram) is really slooow.
> How about omni complete for php in vim7 in in your  PC? Fast or Slow???
> How can I make it faster?

Only for price in functionality. You can just comment various levels of
completion logic.

On my Sempron2200, 512MB RAM it may be not very fast but IMO is
acceptable. Looks like something is wrong with your setup. Do you use
tags files?


Re: latin1 vs utf8

2007-01-16 Thread Bram Moolenaar

DervishD wrote:

> > Did you try setting 'termencoding'?
> My terminal is latin1 and only understands latin1, unfortunately, so
> changing "termencoding" to any different of "latin1" just causes more
> harm. BTW, I use vim always on the virtual console, text mode.

If your terminal always is in "latin1" then you should indeed set
'termencoding' to "latin1".

> > "utf-8" is a superset of "latin1", thus using "utf-8" for 'encoding'
> > should nearly always work.
> Except that then I have to encode my 'showbreak' option as utf8 and
> not latin1 :( I prefer to have it encoded as latin1 (as the rest of my
> files), until I switch to utf8.

Yeah, there are small things like this.  You might want to put this in
your .vimrc:
scriptencoding latin1

> So far, the only combination that does what I want is setting 'tenc'
> to latin1 (which is the correct one for my virtual terminal under
> Linux), and setting 'enc' by hand, leaving 'fenc' empty so it is in sync
> with 'encoding'. Of course, this is dangerous because changing
> 'encoding' is never a good idea, and I shouldn't been changing it, buf
> if I only change 'fenc', I still see 'á' instead of 'á'.

Of course, changing 'fenc' doesn't have any immediate effect.  It only
changes the encoding that Vim will write the file with.

> If I change 'enc', I see 'á', correctly.

You should do ":edit ++enc=utf-8 filename" or include "utf-8" in
'fileencodings' before editing the file.  Then it will work no matter
what 'encoding' is set to.

> What I don't understand is that if I set 'fencs' and let 'fenc' take
> the value from it, the translation is done correctly because vim
> converts the characters. Once the file is loaded, this doesn't happen
> and setting 'enc' by hand seems the only choice. Am I doing anything
> wrong?

Yes.  'fenc' is set by Vim when it reads the file.  Setting it to
another value doesn't cause the file to be reread or conversion to be

What a wonderfully exciting cough!  Do you mind if I join you?
-- Douglas Adams, "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --   \\\
///sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\download, build and distribute --
 \\\help me help AIDS victims --

Re: how to NOT save history

2007-01-16 Thread Andy Wokula

Luis A. Florit schrieb:


How I avoid certain commands and/or substitutions NOT to be saved
into the history list? For example, I have a sequence of VIM commands
that executes on every email quote to properly format it, and I don't
want these to appear in the registries and history.



Think I completely misunderstood you (because of the subject), in case
please forget my previous post.

A  :SomeCommand  will not be added to the history, if you map it to a
normal mode key (including the ), for example:
:map  :Command1:Command2Command3

You could write data into variables to not touch registers.
You will need some knowledge about vim script.
:h eval

Search history:
The search history is always overwritten, although you can backup and
restore the last search pattern:
:let sav_search = @/
/some search/
:let @/ = sav_search
:unlet sav_search   " no need within :function

Do you use filetype plugins?

Wonder if this has more to do with what you had in mind.



Telefonate ohne weitere Kosten vom PC zum PC:

vim 7.0, "Edit with Vim", and x64 WinXP

2007-01-16 Thread Phil Edwards

Hello.  I've been using Vim since the 4.0 days and loving it.  I've
just installed 7.0 on an x64 system for the first time.  It works, but
is missing the "edit with vim" popup menu entries.

I re-ran the install.exe program and had it recreate the menu entries,
but nothing changed.

I've followed the instructions under ":help install-registry" and
added the keys there; only some of them had been previously created by
install.exe, so I created the missing ones (very carefully).  Still no

7.0 is running fine on all my other systems, it's only this 64-bit XP
box that doesn't see the new menu entries.  I can't even get an "Edit
with..." entry to appear; that seems to be gone or restricted or moved

Re: enclosing a visual block with quotes

2007-01-16 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Bram Kuijper wrote:

anybody a solution to easily enclose parts of text using visual mode?

You can get the latest vis.vim from

or a more stable version from:

and use it as follows:

   v (move) :B s/\_.*\ze\n/"&"/

That'll put double quotes around the character-oriented visual selection.

Chip Campbell

Re: latin1 vs utf8

2007-01-16 Thread Bram Moolenaar

Klaus Ethgen wrote:

> I answer you this way as I am not subscribed to the list and everytime
> subscribing before sending a mail and unsubscribing afterwards is a bit
> painful.

It's very useful for these message to go to the mailing list.  Just
subscribe to the mailing list until the thread ends.

> Am Di den 16. Jan 2007 um 15:04 schrieb Bram Moolenaar:
> > Did you try setting 'termencoding'?
> No. My termencoding is correct. (iso-8859-1)

If it's not empty then you probably set it somewhere.  Is it still at
that value when 'encoding' has been set to "utf-8"?

> > "utf-8" is a superset of "latin1", thus using "utf-8" for 'encoding'
> > should nearly always work.  You can set 'fileencodings' to
> No, this is completely wrong! Take the german umlauts. "ä" is in latin1
> 0xe4 and in utf-8 0xc3a4. The charsets are only compatible in the range
> below 0x80 but latin1 has many think above it.

It's still the same character, it's only represented differently.  The
character sets "latin1" and "utf-8" are completely compatible for the
first 256 characters.  Vim will do the conversion to write and read the
file with 'fileencoding'.

> > "ucs-bom,latin1" to avoid ASCII files being recognized as utf-8.
> That work for most of my files but if I have a utf-8 file without bomb
> mark I get only wast.

Then do ":e ++enc=utf-8 filename".  Make a user command for this if used
more than a few times.

Tips for aliens in New York: Land anywhere.  Central Park, anywhere.
No one will care or indeed even notice.
-- Douglas Adams, "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --   \\\
///sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\download, build and distribute --
 \\\help me help AIDS victims --

Re: latin1 vs utf8

2007-01-16 Thread DervishD
Hi Bram :)

 * Bram Moolenaar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> dixit:
> DervishD wrote:
> > > Keep in mind that when you change 'encoding' in a running Vim then all
> > > text in loaded buffers, registers, variables, etc. will become
> > > invalid. It's better to only set 'encoding' when starting up and then
> > > leave it alone.
> > 
> > Yes, I supposed that something like that would happen, but if I
> > don't set 'encoding' I'm not able to see the characters correctly. I
> > mean, they will be correctly written to the file in utf8 but I won't be
> > able to see them on the screen. I know that this is risky, but the
> > alternative will consider all my US-ASCII files (and any newly created
> > one) as utf8 and I don't want that right now. For me is easier to do the
> > above and take the risk because I seldom edit utf8 files. If I run into
> > trouble, I'll probably use some "BufReadPost" autocommand to properly
> > set both 'encoding' and 'fileencoding'.
> Did you try setting 'termencoding'?

My terminal is latin1 and only understands latin1, unfortunately, so
changing "termencoding" to any different of "latin1" just causes more
harm. BTW, I use vim always on the virtual console, text mode.

> "utf-8" is a superset of "latin1", thus using "utf-8" for 'encoding'
> should nearly always work.

Except that then I have to encode my 'showbreak' option as utf8 and
not latin1 :( I prefer to have it encoded as latin1 (as the rest of my
files), until I switch to utf8.

So far, the only combination that does what I want is setting 'tenc'
to latin1 (which is the correct one for my virtual terminal under
Linux), and setting 'enc' by hand, leaving 'fenc' empty so it is in sync
with 'encoding'. Of course, this is dangerous because changing
'encoding' is never a good idea, and I shouldn't been changing it, buf
if I only change 'fenc', I still see 'á' instead of 'á'. If I change
'enc', I see 'á', correctly. What I don't understand is that if I set
'fencs' and let 'fenc' take the value from it, the translation is done
correctly because vim converts the characters. Once the file is loaded,
this doesn't happen and setting 'enc' by hand seems the only choice. Am
I doing anything wrong?

Thanks again for your help :)

Raúl Núñez de Arenas Coronado

Linux Registered User 88736 |
It's my PC and I'll cry if I want to... RAmen!

Returning perl hashes

2007-01-16 Thread David . Fishburn

Vim 7

Is it possible to return a Perl hash as a Vim List or Dictionary?

I am pretty new to Perl but need it's features for my extension. I need to
return rows and columns of data which is perfect for a Vim List or


Re: how to NOT save history

2007-01-16 Thread Andy Wokula

Luis A. Florit schrieb:


How I avoid certain commands and/or substitutions NOT to be saved
into the history list? For example, I have a sequence of VIM commands
that executes on every email quote to properly format it, and I don't
want these to appear in the registries and history.



One idea is:
- backup (i.e. write) the viminfo file (:help :wv)
- do some secret commands
- read the viminfo file back in (:help :rv), overwriting the history

In theory I thought this would work:
:echo "public command"
:echo "secret command one"
:echo "secret command two"

But it doesn't (because of my unpatched Vim7?), so I tried:
:set history?
:echo "public command"
:set history=0
:echo "secret command one"
:echo "secret command two"
:set history=1000

My 'viminfo' settings (just info :o):
:set viminfo?
I think the only chars you should be aware of are ':' and '/' (not
present here).

HTH Andy


Telefonate ohne weitere Kosten vom PC zum PC:

Re: latin1 vs utf8

2007-01-16 Thread DervishD
Hi Bram :)

 * Bram Moolenaar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> dixit:
> DervishD wrote:
> > After that, I've set up this mappings to switch manually from
> > one encoding to other:
> > 
> >  noremap   + :setlocal fenc=utf8 enc=utf8
> >  noremap   - :setlocal fenc=latin1 enc=latin1
> > 
> > OK, this is not a perfect solution, and it's a bit crappy and
> > can be automated (for example, using "file -i") but it works for
> > me and I find it very comfortable to use.
> Keep in mind that when you change 'encoding' in a running Vim then all
> text in loaded buffers, registers, variables, etc. will become
> invalid. It's better to only set 'encoding' when starting up and then
> leave it alone.

Yes, I supposed that something like that would happen, but if I
don't set 'encoding' I'm not able to see the characters correctly. I
mean, they will be correctly written to the file in utf8 but I won't be
able to see them on the screen. I know that this is risky, but the
alternative will consider all my US-ASCII files (and any newly created
one) as utf8 and I don't want that right now. For me is easier to do the
above and take the risk because I seldom edit utf8 files. If I run into
trouble, I'll probably use some "BufReadPost" autocommand to properly
set both 'encoding' and 'fileencoding'.

Thanks for the information, Bram, and thanks a lot for Vim :)

Raúl Núñez de Arenas Coronado

Linux Registered User 88736 |
It's my PC and I'll cry if I want to... RAmen!