Folding and the Desert color scheme

2006-08-15 Thread Ben lemasurier

Hey everyone,

I just setup folding and it works great however when using my favorite
color scheme (desert) the fold header (+-- 70 lines: class ClassName
) is black, which makes it invisible on my
terminal. Is there a way to fix this without using a different color



delete lines

2006-08-10 Thread Ben lemasurier

Hey everyone,

Is there a way to make it so that when I am editing something like this:

function foo() {

And then I decide that I want to remove $blah2, so I start to press
backspace from here:

fucntion foo() {
   $blah2; - cursor here

and then when I get to the beginning of the line, it stops. Can I make
it so that it will follow up to the end of $blah on the previous line?



Display the current character

2006-08-08 Thread Ben lemasurier

Hey everyone,

Is there a way to dispaly the current cursor position? e.g,, character 23.



quick regex question

2006-08-04 Thread Ben lemasurier

Hey everyone,

I work with someone who formats their code like this:


i write like this:

if(asdfasfd) {

I wrote a little regex to fix the ) _newline_ { _newline_ problem
but I am getting strange results

here is the regex: %s/)\s*\n\s*{\n/) {\n/ig

It runs through but my code is getting formatted like this now

if(asdf) { ^@ nextline_of_code _newline_

notice the ^@ - where is that coming from???

thanks in advance, I hope I was clear enough

- Ben