Is it possible to get CVS version numbers in file-explorer ?

2006-08-16 Thread Christian MICHON

Hi vimmers,

I would like to know if such script already exists: fire up a
file-explorer, and if it is a check-out from a CVS repository,
highlight version numbers and file change, if any.

All in vim (native, if possible vim-6.x). Actually, today,
I have no solution else than java to get to do this in a
multi-platform environment.

Any hints (even on where to start changing explorer.vim)
would be greatly appreciated.


Re: Hiding lines

2006-09-19 Thread Christian MICHON

Interesting discussion.

Wouldn't it be easier to:
1st: fold the lines you do not want to see
2nd: conceal all folded lines (using conceal patch)

I know how to do the 1st point, how can I go around the 2nd,
knowing conceal is mostly a syntax add-on ?

Keep vimming!

Re: Single-File Vim?

2006-09-25 Thread Christian MICHON

I created a 7-zip self-extractable executable for Windows.

When it executes, it extract runtime files in %temp%, it gives you
the full power of gvim, and when you close it, the 7z.tmp directory
is removed.

This is the most portable solution I found/created for Windows.
I'll send you the executable privately, not to pollute the list.

On 9/22/06, Dmitriy Yamkovoy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi all,
Is there a binary compiled for Windows which allows me to run Vim
without any of the runtime files?  Long story short, I want something
I can keep online or on a USB key and just copy to the desktop of any
computer I sit at.



Re: Single-File Vim?

2006-09-25 Thread Christian MICHON

I created a new gvim7 sfx for windows.
It's ready for mass testing. Feedback is welcome.
(I've no other hosting capability for this file yet)

fill up the number section and submit to start the download.
Happy vimming!

On 9/25/06, Christian MICHON <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I created a 7-zip self-extractable executable for Windows.

When it executes, it extract runtime files in %temp%, it gives you
the full power of gvim, and when you close it, the 7z.tmp directory
is removed.

This is the most portable solution I found/created for Windows.
I'll send you the executable privately, not to pollute the list.


Re: Single-File Vim?

2006-09-25 Thread Christian MICHON

never had one in my pocket. But what I heard is bad: it leaves plenty of
stuff in the registry and you need house cleaning when removing u3.

On top of this, it's proprietary and not opensource. At least, with 7-zip
sfx, it's clean by construction: when you close gvim, unless the process
was killed uncleanly, the temporary extracted version will clean itself and

I actually built many sfx this way when I looked into u3

On 9/25/06, Gene Kwiecinski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Is there a binary compiled for Windows which allows me to run Vim
>without any of the runtime files?  Long story short, I want something
>I can keep online or on a USB key and just copy to the desktop of any
>computer I sit at.

I saw the entire thread so far, and while there are lots of possible
solutions, wouldn't it just be easier to get a U3 flash-thingy, that's
supposed to do exactly this?

I don't have a U3 flash-thingy nor have I ever used one (no need as
yet), but this is supposed to be what U3 is all about, ie, to let you
install whole apps on a flash-thingy and transport them all from machine
to machine wherever you go.


Re: Single-File Vim?

2006-09-26 Thread Christian MICHON

On 9/26/06, Gene Kwiecinski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hope you don't mind if I pass along your critique above (name/email
redacted, natch; I try to respect other peoples' privacy) to another
private list, as U3 was a topic about a month or so ago.  Someone liked
the idea of being able to put Firefox and other stuff on a flash-thingy
and be able to have all his settings, bookmarks, etc., all able to be
dragged from machine to machine.  Don't know if he went and got a U3
thingy yet, but if this is an issue, he and others should know.

go ahead. Please try the sfx I created to see what I mean by running
and cleaning up.

( )

I remember creating firefox and thunderbird sfx plugins.
Just know this: unlike gvim, these will create Application_Data.


how to fold lines not containing a pattern ?

2006-06-05 Thread Christian MICHON

Hi vimmers,

I would like to fold all lines not containing a keyword like
'warning'. Basically, I want to be able to open a file,
apply this filter and immediately see all warnings
related in my file.

Is there a one-liner way to do this? or must I do a
specific syntax folding file, or even a vim script?

any help/hint appreciated. thanks in advance

Re: how to fold lines not containing a pattern ?

2006-06-06 Thread Christian MICHON

excellent trick! (as usual)

thanks a lot!

On 6/5/06, Tim Chase <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> and how do I do if I want it to be case insensitive ?
> ie I want to detect "Warning" "WARNING" "warning"

   :help expr-=~?

set foldmethod=expr foldexpr=getline(v:lnum)=~?'warning'?0:1

I also tried another approach of

set foldexpr=(match(getline(v:lnum),'warning\\c')+1)?0:1

which also seems to do the trick.



Re: How can I substitute on several files?

2006-07-11 Thread Christian MICHON

:set hidden
:argdo %s///ge

On 7/11/06, Jeremy Conlin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hello all.  I have several files where I want to make the same
substitution.  I can make the substitute command work on a single
file, but I want to make it work on all the files.  I have the files
loaded in buffers in vim.  Any suggestions?
