Re: why does :save not work with -stdin-

2007-06-05 Thread Edward L. Fox

Hi Mohsin,

On 6/6/07, Mohsin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I usually do search like this:

$ grep  Word *.* | vim -u myvimrc -

$ cat myvimrc

   :autocmd StdinReadPost * :sav! /tmp/x

but when I quit :q, vim always asks me to save the file again,
why is the file marked as modified?

I tried all combinations of flags, but can't get vim to
mark the file as saved,

It's a bug. Here is the patch. Please test it carefully, thanks very
much for reporting this to me. I'll ask Bram to add it to the official
release soon.

Index: buffer.c
--- buffer.c(revision 296)
+++ buffer.c(working copy)
@@ -171,14 +171,6 @@
   /* Put the cursor on the first line. */
   curwin-w_cursor.lnum = 1;
   curwin-w_cursor.col = 0;
-# ifdef FEAT_EVAL
-   apply_autocmds_retval(EVENT_STDINREADPOST, NULL, NULL, FALSE,
-   curbuf, retval);
-# else
-   apply_autocmds(EVENT_STDINREADPOST, NULL, NULL, FALSE, curbuf);
-# endif

@@ -207,6 +199,18 @@
   unchanged(curbuf, FALSE);
save_file_ff(curbuf);  /* keep this fileformat */

+if (read_stdin)
+# ifdef FEAT_EVAL
+apply_autocmds_retval(EVENT_STDINREADPOST, NULL, NULL, FALSE,
+   curbuf, retval);
+# else
+apply_autocmds(EVENT_STDINREADPOST, NULL, NULL, FALSE, curbuf);
+# endif
/* require ! to overwrite the file, because it wasn't read completely */
#ifdef FEAT_EVAL
if (aborting())

any insights appreciated,


Edward L. Fox

Re: 'fileencodings': Why use ucs-2le for cp936 file?

2007-06-05 Thread Edward L. Fox



Recently I want to do some research about 'fileencodings', what I want is
to recognize utf-8, ucs-2le, euc-cn and cp936 encodings.

So I set the 'fencs' in my .vimrc:
set fencs=ucs-bom,utf-8,ucs-2le,euc-cn,cp936

However, cp936 files are always recognized as ucs-2le and I got everything
in a mess...
If I remove the ucs-2le:
set fencs=ucs-bom,utf-8,euc-cn,cp936

That would work, but ucs-2le files cannot get recognized at all.

It is said that unicode files all have BOM, and obviously cp936 files do
not have BOM, so I wonder why cp936 files get recognized as ucs-2le file
without any BOM.

It's not recommended using UCS-2 without BOM. It's not an easy thing
to detect its file encoding automatically. Maybe you need a fenc
detecting plugin, such as FencView. Although the current version of
FencView cannot handle your problem, I think it will be able to do
this after some modifications. Please contact Ming Bai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and tell him your problem.

I tried to change my 'encoding' setting, but it doesn't affect anything.

Any hints?
Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606


Edward L. Fox

Re: Tear off this menu in messages-history

2007-05-30 Thread Edward L. Fox

To Yongwei:

Does this patch solve your problem?

To Bram:

Please consider adding this patch. I think it is really a bug.

Index: src/gui_w32.c
--- src/gui_w32.c   (revision 296)
+++ src/gui_w32.c   (working copy)
@@ -1051,7 +1051,7 @@
   if (pMenu != NULL  pMenu-strings[MENU_INDEX_TIP] != 0
GetMenuState(s_menuBar, pMenu-id, MF_BYCOMMAND) != -1)
-   msg(pMenu-strings[MENU_INDEX_TIP]);
+   msg_outtrans(pMenu-strings[MENU_INDEX_TIP]);
   did_menu_tip = TRUE;

Re: OT: Vi in a browser...

2007-05-30 Thread Edward L. Fox

On 5/30/07, Tobias Klausmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

as for the classic use case of wanting to edit textfields
vim-style (longer blog posts come to mind), I usually use MozEx,
an extension to FF, which allows to use any editor for such
things. It has more features but I don't use any of them.

Most of my Vimmers workmates recommend It's All Text! to me. So I
just gave up MozEx before I had a try on it.

A friend told me that he is developing a Firefox addon to emulate the
Vi/Vim behaviors in all text areas in Firefox, without launching
external applications. I'm looking forward to it.

I can definitely recommend it. Especially considering the
splendid UI of the ticket system I'm forced to use.


In the future, everyone will be anonymous for 15 minutes.


Edward L. Fox

Is it possible to do spelling check for comments only?

2007-05-21 Thread Edward L. Fox

Hi VIMmers,

When programming, I have to turn the spelling check off. Or it will
show a lot of spelling mistakes in the code. I'd like to apply
spelling check for sentences within the comment blocks only. Is it
possible to configure VIM to do this?

Best regards,

Edward L. Fox

Re: Is it possible to do spelling check for comments only?

2007-05-21 Thread Edward L. Fox

On 5/21/07, Swaroop C H [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 When programming, I have to turn the spelling check off. Or it will
 show a lot of spelling mistakes in the code. I'd like to apply
 spelling check for sentences within the comment blocks only. Is it
 possible to configure VIM to do this?

See :help spell-syntax

Hmmm, so that means that I could only define which regions to be
spelling checked in the syntax highlight plugins. But I still do wish
to have an option that could temporarily open spelling checking to the
code regions without closing the syntax highlighting. Maybe I'll send
a wish list to Bram. :-P



Edward L. Fox

Re: Stable Vim version 7.1 has been released

2007-05-13 Thread Edward L. Fox

I finally committed the two missing files from the's shell
server. Let's blame the Great Fire Wall built by the P.R.C.

On 5/13/07, Edward L. Fox [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Vimmers,

On 5/13/07, Bram Moolenaar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Announcing:  Vim (Vi IMproved) version 7.1

 This is a stable release of Vim, version 7.1.  Since version 7.0 lots of
 problems were fixed and runtime files were updated.  It has been one
 year and five days since 7.0!

 Most of Vim 7.1 was already available as patches for quite a while.  A
 couple of test versions were made to spot problems in the distribution.
 Therefore Vim 7.1 can be considered very stable.

 If you are using an older version, it is highly recommended you install
 Vim 7.1.  Several crashing bugs and a security issue were fixed.

 Once you have installed Vim 7.1 you can find details about the
 changes since Vim 7.0 with :help version-7.1.

 I will not make an Amiga or OS/2 binary for Vim 7.1.  A Mac version is
 hopefully available soon on

 Where to get it

 All files can be found below this directory:

 Information about which files to download for what system:

 A list of mirror sites can be found here:

 Vim 7.1 is also available from CVS and Subversion:

 An overview of the files:

 unix/vim-7.1.tar.bz2   sources + runtime files, bzip2 compressed

 extra/vim-7.1-extra.tar.gz extra files
 extra/vim-7.1-lang.tar.gz  multi-language files
 doc/  help files converted to HTML

 pc/gvim71.exe  self-installing, includes all runtime files
 pc/ runtime files for binaries below
 pc/   files for translated messages and menus
 pc/  GUI binary for Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP
 pc/   GUI binary with OLE support
 pc/gvim71_s.zipGUI binary for Windows 3.1
 pc/vim71d16.zip16 bit console version for MS-DOS
 pc/vim71d32.zipconsole version for MS-DOS/Windows 95/98
 pc/vim71w32.zipconsole version for Windows NT/2000/XP
 pc/vim71src.zipsources for PC (with CR-LF)

 unix/vim-7.0-7.1.diff.gzsources + runtime files
 extra/vim-7.0-7.1-extra.diff.gz extra files
 extra/vim-7.0-7.1-lang.diff.gz  multi-language files

 unstable/unix/vim-7.1b-7.1.diff.gz  sources + runtime files
 unstable/extra/vim-7.1b-7.1-extra.diff.gz   extra files
 unstable/extra/vim-7.1b-7.1-lang.diff.gzmulti-language files

 Mailing lists

 For user questions you can turn to the Vim mailing list.  There are a
 lot of tips, scripts and solutions.  You can ask your Vim questions, but
 only if you subscribe.  See

 If you want to help Vim development or get the latest patches, subscribe
 to the vim-dev mailing list.  See

 Subject specific lists:
 Multi-byte issues:
 Macintosh issues:

 Before you ask a question you should search the archives, someone may
 already have given the answer.

 Reporting bugs

 Send them to [EMAIL PROTECTED].  Please describe the problem precisely.
 All the time spent on answering mail is subtracted from the time that is
 spent on improving Vim!  Always give a reproducible example and try to
 find out which settings or other things influence the appearance of the
 bug.  Try starting without your own vimrc file: vim -u NONE.  Try
 different machines if possible.  See :help bugs in Vim.  Send me a
 patch if you can!

 If something needs discussing with other developers, send a message to the
 vim-dev mailing list.  You need to subscribe first.

 Happy Vimming!

 hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
 114. You are counting items, you go 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D

  /// Bram Moolenaar -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --   \\\
 ///sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
 \\\download, build and distribute --
  \\\help me help AIDS victims --

I tried three times but still was not able to commit the latest source
into the subversion repository because of the internal error of Please wait patiently. I'll try to commit again when's services recovered.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] svn]$ svn ci

Re: Stable Vim version 7.1 has been released

2007-05-13 Thread Edward L. Fox

On 5/14/07, David Nečas (Yeti) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Sun, May 13, 2007 at 09:28:11PM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Umm, I suspect there's still an issue for us pesky OSX users with our
  case-insensitive filesystems:
  [long list of successful updates snipped]
  svn: Failed to add file 'src/auto/config.h': object of the same name
  already exists

 Gah. Scrub that. Manually removing the file in question and updating
 again has sorted it (that's the first time I've had Subversion complain
 over several updates).

 Sorry for the noise...

Actually, this is a repository bug.  src/auto/config.h is
fully generated therefore it should not be versioned.

Yes, it's a bug. I can fix the problem, but not yet. Because I shall
also need to delete the corresponding files in the CVS repository to
keep the two repositories' consistency. If Bram would grant me such
permission to delete these unnecessary files in the CVS and SVN
repository, I'll do it right away. I already have the CVS writing
privilege, so the only thing I need is just a permission. :-)





Re: Stable Vim version 7.1 has been released

2007-05-13 Thread Edward L. Fox

On 5/14/07, David Nečas (Yeti) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Sun, May 13, 2007 at 09:28:11PM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Umm, I suspect there's still an issue for us pesky OSX users with our
  case-insensitive filesystems:
  [long list of successful updates snipped]
  svn: Failed to add file 'src/auto/config.h': object of the same name
  already exists

 Gah. Scrub that. Manually removing the file in question and updating
 again has sorted it (that's the first time I've had Subversion complain
 over several updates).

 Sorry for the noise...

Actually, this is a repository bug.  src/auto/config.h is
fully generated therefore it should not be versioned.

Yes, it's a bug. I can fix the problem, but not yet. Because I shall
also need to delete the corresponding files in the CVS repository to
keep the two repositories' consistency. If Bram would grant me such
permission to delete these unnecessary files in the CVS and SVN
repository, I'll do it right away. I already have the CVS writing
privilege, so the only thing I need is just a permission. :-)





Re: Stable Vim version 7.1 has been released

2007-05-12 Thread Edward L. Fox
Transmitting file data
Commit failed (details follow):
svn: PUT of 
500 Internal Server Error (
svn: Your commit message was left in a temporary file:


Edward L. Fox

Re: Stable Vim version 7.1 has been released

2007-05-12 Thread Edward L. Fox
Transmitting file data
Commit failed (details follow):
svn: PUT of 
500 Internal Server Error (
svn: Your commit message was left in a temporary file:


Edward L. Fox

Re: WARNING! Don't update your local svn repository now!

2007-05-11 Thread Edward L. Fox

On 5/12/07, Bram Moolenaar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Nicolas Weber wrote:

  The directories structure of the Subversion repository has been
  changed. Please use this command to checkout the latest sources:
  svn co vim7
  If you had checked out a copy of the sources before, please run this
  command in your source root directory to switch into the current
  svn switch

 Can someone update to reflect these

I was still discussing what should actually be there, and making sure
that SVN contains that.

In my opinion vim7 should get you the latest stable version.  So far
that is 7.0.243, thus 7.0 with patches.  As soon as Vim 7.1 is out of
beta then vim7 should get you Vim 7.1.

vim7.1 should get you the latest version of Vim 7.1.  So far that is
the beta version.  After the release it will be the stable version, thus
the same as vim7.

Still need to check that it actually works this way.

It's already this way.

There might also be other ways to get one of these, but that is less

In my opinion we should keep it easy for the downloader to select one of
the available versions.  The download page would only need one or two

I have never maintained a SVN repository, thus have no idea how
difficult or easy these things are!

I've found an easy way to solve that problem. So now can we can announce?

In a world without walls and borders, who needs windows and gates?

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --   \\\
///sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\download, build and distribute --
 \\\help me help AIDS victims --

Re: WARNING! Don't update your local svn repository now!

2007-05-11 Thread Edward L. Fox

On 5/12/07, Bram Moolenaar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Nicolas Weber wrote:

  The directories structure of the Subversion repository has been
  changed. Please use this command to checkout the latest sources:
  svn co vim7
  If you had checked out a copy of the sources before, please run this
  command in your source root directory to switch into the current
  svn switch

 Can someone update to reflect these

I was still discussing what should actually be there, and making sure
that SVN contains that.

In my opinion vim7 should get you the latest stable version.  So far
that is 7.0.243, thus 7.0 with patches.  As soon as Vim 7.1 is out of
beta then vim7 should get you Vim 7.1.

vim7.1 should get you the latest version of Vim 7.1.  So far that is
the beta version.  After the release it will be the stable version, thus
the same as vim7.

Still need to check that it actually works this way.

It's already this way.

There might also be other ways to get one of these, but that is less

In my opinion we should keep it easy for the downloader to select one of
the available versions.  The download page would only need one or two

I have never maintained a SVN repository, thus have no idea how
difficult or easy these things are!

I've found an easy way to solve that problem. So now can we can announce?

In a world without walls and borders, who needs windows and gates?

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --   \\\
///sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\download, build and distribute --
 \\\help me help AIDS victims --

Re: [Announcement] Subversion repository location changed

2007-05-09 Thread Edward L. Fox

On 5/10/07, Gautam Iyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Wed, May 09, 2007 at 02:20:52PM -0700, Micah Cowan wrote:

   If you had checked out a copy of the sources before, please run this
   command in your source root directory to switch into the current
   svn switch
  This switch command gives me error:
  $ cd vim7
  $ svn info
  Path: .
  Repository Root:
  Repository UUID: 2a77ed30-b011-0410-a7ad-c7884a0aa172
  Revision: 263
  Node Kind: directory
  Schedule: normal
  Last Changed Author: edyfox
  Last Changed Rev: 263
  Last Changed Date: 2007-05-06 23:13:56 -0400 (Sun, 06 May 2007)
  $ svn switch
  svn: ''
  is not the same repository as
  What am I doign wrong ?

I got the same error. My response was

rm -rf vim7
svn co vim7

svn switch can only switch from a directory into another directory
inside the same repository. It doesn't allow the user to switch from
one server to another server. So you will not be able to switch from to So you can try to
switch to sometimes gives out 403 forbidden errors when
doing some maintaining work. The staff recommended to use instead of However, if
you don't want to do any maintaining work, I think both URL will be

 I've a question, though: isn't bleeding-edge development done in ? That /would/ be the
 appropriate line for the latest sources, right?

I don't know. I'm still asking Bram for the latest sources. Currently,
trunk and 7.1 branch will be the same.

I hope so :)


Top Ten New Intel Slogans For The Pentium:
6.831538 You Don't Need to Know What's Inside

Re: Compiling vim in mingw.

2007-05-08 Thread Edward L. Fox

On 5/8/07, Markus Trenkwalder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Tried the ftp versions (including patch 7.1a.001) now.  Same again.  And
as Edward Fox told earlier the SVN repository should be almost the same
as CVS.

*Almost* the same with ftp versions.
*Definitely* the same with CVS.

I also tried to find a better solution but as I could not find macro
that fits better I do also not know any alternative.


:wq  \_  \_\_\_
   \_\_  \_\_  \_\_  \_\_  \_\_
/(bb|[^b]{2})/ \_  \_  \_  \_\_\_\_\_\_  \_\_
Markus Trenkwalder  \_  \_  \_\_  \_\_  \_\_
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  \_  \_  \_\_  \_\_  \_\_
Fragen zu Vim? Kommen Sie zu mich, da werden Sie geholfen! :)

Re: Compiling vim in mingw.

2007-05-08 Thread Edward L. Fox

On 5/8/07, Markus Trenkwalder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Edward L. Fox wrote:
 On 5/8/07, Markus Trenkwalder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Tried the ftp versions (including patch 7.1a.001) now.  Same again.  And
 as Edward Fox told earlier the SVN repository should be almost the same
 as CVS.

 *Almost* the same with ftp versions.
 *Definitely* the same with CVS.

Exept the revisions ;)

Including revisions. I didn't set any keywords properties at any files
within svn repository. So svn will not update any revisions. :-)

To be honest I wanted to express that with my *almost*.


:wq  \_  \_\_\_
   \_\_  \_\_  \_\_  \_\_  \_\_
/(bb|[^b]{2})/ \_  \_  \_  \_\_\_\_\_\_  \_\_
Markus Trenkwalder  \_  \_  \_\_  \_\_  \_\_
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  \_  \_  \_\_  \_\_  \_\_
Fragen zu Vim? Kommen Sie zu mich, da werden Sie geholfen! :)

[Announcement] Subversion repository location changed

2007-05-08 Thread Edward L. Fox

Hi Vimmers,

The directories structure of the Subversion repository has been
changed. Please use this command to checkout the latest sources:

svn co vim7

If you had checked out a copy of the sources before, please run this
command in your source root directory to switch into the current

svn switch

Hope this change won't bother you too much.


Edward L. Fox

Could you please give me the most bleeding-edge sources?

2007-05-08 Thread Edward L. Fox

Hi Bram,

I noticed that you also maintained another CVS repository besides the's CVS repository. And many changes to that internal CVS won't
be applied to the's CVS repository unless a large release is to
be made.

In my opinion, as the SVN repository is now standardized, could you
please give me the most bleeding-edge sources so that I can commit
them into the trunk/ directory of the SVN repository, and some users
who wish to use the unstable experimental version then can help you to
test the code.

Best regards,

Edward L. Fox

Re: WARNING! Don't update your local svn repository now!

2007-05-08 Thread Edward L. Fox

On 5/9/07, Edward L. Fox [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Vimmers,

As many many people requested, I finally decide to obey the svn book's
advice and will build up trunk/ tags/ and branches/. But so far as you
know,'s svn service is not in a good status so I'm not able to
commit all changes once. So I have to commit many times to build up
this structure.



Best regards,

Edward L. Fox

Hi Vimmers,

The directories structure of the Subversion repository has been
changed. Please use this command to checkout the latest sources:

svn co vim7

If you had checked out a copy of the sources before, please run this
command in your source root directory to switch into the current

svn switch

Hope this change won't bother you too much.


Edward L. Fox

Re: [Announcement] Subversion repository location changed

2007-05-08 Thread Edward L. Fox

On 5/9/07, Suresh Govindachar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Edward L. Fox announced:

   Hi Vimmers,
   The directories structure of the Subversion repository has been
   changed. Please use this command to checkout the latest sources:
   svn co vim7
   If you had checked out a copy of the sources before, please run
   this command in your source root directory to switch into the
   current branch:
   svn switch
   Hope this change won't bother you too much.

  Shouldn't there be vim7.1a (the a'th candidate for 7.1) today,
  and eventually, when Bram releases version 7.1, vim7.1?

  So is the last argument to svn co correct?  And isn't today's
  branch/trunk/whatever 7.1a rather than 7.1?

7.1, not 7.1a.

Because as the alphabetical version changes so fast, personally I
don't want to create too many branches for that.


Re: surprised by beta

2007-05-08 Thread Edward L. Fox

On 5/8/07, scott [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

i was surpised by the fact that simply running 'svn update' bumped me up to
7.1a -- from previous posts i had thought there was something extra that had
to be done to get the beta, like create a new 71a directory or something

now i've got the beta i feel committed, and will commence chasing after the
errors it spews from


when i run it -- apparently the install created the 71a directory for me

i am not asking any questions here, it's more like i'm warning those who may
prefer to stay with a stable version

Maybe you'll be surprised again today... Don't simply svn up. Take care~

WARNING! Don't update your local svn repository now!

2007-05-08 Thread Edward L. Fox

Hi Vimmers,

As many many people requested, I finally decide to obey the svn book's
advice and will build up trunk/ tags/ and branches/. But so far as you
know,'s svn service is not in a good status so I'm not able to
commit all changes once. So I have to commit many times to build up
this structure.



Best regards,

Edward L. Fox

[Announcement] Subversion repository location changed

2007-05-08 Thread Edward L. Fox

Hi Vimmers,

The directories structure of the Subversion repository has been
changed. Please use this command to checkout the latest sources:

svn co vim7

If you had checked out a copy of the sources before, please run this
command in your source root directory to switch into the current

svn switch

Hope this change won't bother you too much.


Edward L. Fox

Could you please give me the most bleeding-edge sources?

2007-05-08 Thread Edward L. Fox

Hi Bram,

I noticed that you also maintained another CVS repository besides the's CVS repository. And many changes to that internal CVS won't
be applied to the's CVS repository unless a large release is to
be made.

In my opinion, as the SVN repository is now standardized, could you
please give me the most bleeding-edge sources so that I can commit
them into the trunk/ directory of the SVN repository, and some users
who wish to use the unstable experimental version then can help you to
test the code.

Best regards,

Edward L. Fox

Re: WARNING! Don't update your local svn repository now!

2007-05-08 Thread Edward L. Fox

On 5/9/07, Edward L. Fox [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Vimmers,

As many many people requested, I finally decide to obey the svn book's
advice and will build up trunk/ tags/ and branches/. But so far as you
know,'s svn service is not in a good status so I'm not able to
commit all changes once. So I have to commit many times to build up
this structure.



Best regards,

Edward L. Fox

Hi Vimmers,

The directories structure of the Subversion repository has been
changed. Please use this command to checkout the latest sources:

svn co vim7

If you had checked out a copy of the sources before, please run this
command in your source root directory to switch into the current

svn switch

Hope this change won't bother you too much.


Edward L. Fox

Re: [Announcement] Subversion repository location changed

2007-05-08 Thread Edward L. Fox

On 5/9/07, Suresh Govindachar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Edward L. Fox announced:

   Hi Vimmers,
   The directories structure of the Subversion repository has been
   changed. Please use this command to checkout the latest sources:
   svn co vim7
   If you had checked out a copy of the sources before, please run
   this command in your source root directory to switch into the
   current branch:
   svn switch
   Hope this change won't bother you too much.

  Shouldn't there be vim7.1a (the a'th candidate for 7.1) today,
  and eventually, when Bram releases version 7.1, vim7.1?

  So is the last argument to svn co correct?  And isn't today's
  branch/trunk/whatever 7.1a rather than 7.1?

7.1, not 7.1a.

Because as the alphabetical version changes so fast, personally I
don't want to create too many branches for that.


Re: Compiling vim in mingw.

2007-05-07 Thread Edward L. Fox

On 5/7/07, A.J.Mechelynck [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Markus Trenkwalder wrote:
 Hi list,

   checked out vim-7.1a.001 today from svn (#263) and tried to compile it
 with mingw-gcc and got the following error:

 $ make -f Make_ming.mak
 gcc -c -Iproto -DWIN32 -DWINVER=0x0400 -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0400
 -DDYNAMIC_ICONV -pipe -w -march=i386 -Wall -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
 -freg-struct-return -s gui_w32.c -o gobj/gui_w32.o
 gui_w32.c:236: error: redefinition of `struct tagNMTTDISPINFOA'
 gui_w32.c:246: error: redefinition of `struct tagNMTTDISPINFOW'
 make: *** [gobj/gui_w32.o] Error 1

 My naive solution to this problem is:
 --- src/gui_w32.c.000   Mon May  7 08:26:54 2007
 +++ src/gui_w32.c   Mon May  7 07:01:09 2007
 @@ -232,7 +232,7 @@
  LPARAM lParam;

 +#if !defined(LPNMTTDISPINFO)  !defined(TOOLTIPTEXTA)
  typedef struct tagNMTTDISPINFOA {
  NMHDR  hdr;
  LPSTR  lpszText;



You're not the first; there seems to have been a f*ckup in the svn commit
lately. I suggest you scrap your existing 7.1a sources and restart from
scratch, by downloading the 7.1a.000 sources then applying the 7.1a.001 patch.
Here are the files whose download I recommend:

1) the unpatched archives

The first one is not a typo: even for Windows, I recommend the *Unix* + extra
+ lang sources. Together, they have exactly one copy of every source file
needed to compile Vim for *any* platform including Windows.

Unpack them on top of each other at what will become your Vim directory for
compiling, maybe something like D:\build\vim : they will create a subfolder
vim71a and place all the sources in it, creating subfolders as needed.

I don't know if you have a bz2 decompresser program, or if your version of
patch will accept the patch format. In both cases, MinGW may or may not
offer the necessary packages (look there first) but I know Cygwin does. (Even
WinZip knows about the .tar and .gz formats.)

2) the patch

Download it (and optionally its sibling files README MD5 and MD5SUMS) into a
newly-created subfolder named (in my example) D:\build\vim\vim71a\patches then
apply it by using (IIUC)

cd \build\vim\vim70
patch -p0 patches\7.1a.001

Could you please tell me the differences between svn repository and
your downloaded and patched sources? In fact #262 is a broken
committing because the patch 7.1a.001 was applied to 7.0.243, so the
svn sources are broken. But #263 is just synced from the cvs
repository. So if it is broken, so is cvs.

See details at but
replace everywhere the directory name .../vim70/... by .../vim71a/..., even in
the name of what will become your production 7.1a $VIMRUNTIME after
compiling and installing.

I used Cygwin gcc and Make_cyg.mak but using MingGW and Make_ming.mak is not
very different. I trust you will know what to change in the procedure to cater
for any differences between them.

Best regards,
All snakes who wish to remain in Ireland will please raise their right
-- Saint Patrick

Re: Vim version 7.1a BETA -- runtime files ?

2007-05-07 Thread Edward L. Fox

On 5/8/07, Yakov Lerner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 5/8/07, Bram Moolenaar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Yakov Lerner wrote:

  On 5/5/07, Bram Moolenaar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Announcing:  Vim (Vi IMproved) version 7.1a BETA
  I compared runtime files form ftp [1] and from svn [2].
  Both vims are labeled vim71a. But many runtimes are different.
  In svn, many files are labeled 2007. In ftp, they are 2006 versions.
  Why this difference in runtimes ?

 Do I need to hunt down the differences?  Please give a specific example.
 What label are you talking about?

At closer examination, differences turned out to be in $Id..$, $Revision..$
$Date...$ lines only, except for one file which has read differences:

These tags are automatically updated when the files are committed into
the cvs repository. So it's very normal that the cvs versions are
different from Bram's local versions.

runtime/autoload/spellfile.vim -- see diffs below.
By labels I meant the cvs  $Id...$ keywords and other $..$ keywords.
Full diffs are attached. Diffs are produced by the script,
also attached.

diff -r --exclude=.svn
  Last Change:2006 Aug 29
  Last Change:2007 May 06
  Remember the buffer number, we check it below.
 let newbufnr = winbufnr(0)
Careful: Nread() may have opened a new window for the error message,
we need to go back to our own buffer and window.
   if newbufnr != winbufnr(0)
   let winnr = bufwinnr(newbufnr)
   if winnr == -1
  Our buffer has vanished!?  Open a new window.
 echomsg download buffer disappeared, opening a new one
 setlocal bin
 exe winnr . wincmd w
   if newbufnr == winbufnr(0)
We are back the old buffer, remove any (half-finished) download.
   let newbufnr = winbufnr(0)

   exe newbufnr . bwipe!
   if getline(2) !~ 'VIMsug'
 echo 'Sorry, downloading failed'
   if getline(2) =~ 'VIMsug'
 set nomod
 echo 'Sorry, downloading failed'
  Go back to our own buffer/window, Nread() may have taken us to
  another window.
 if newbufnr != winbufnr(0)
   let winnr = bufwinnr(newbufnr)
   if winnr != -1
 exe winnr . wincmd w
 if newbufnr == winbufnr(0)
   set nomod
   set nomod
  Wipe out the buffer we used.
 exe newbufnr . bwipe

The svn version is the same with the cvs version. And it seems that
the svn version is much newer than the ftp version.



Re: surprised by beta

2007-05-07 Thread Edward L. Fox

On 5/8/07, scott [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

i was surpised by the fact that simply running 'svn update' bumped me up to
7.1a -- from previous posts i had thought there was something extra that had
to be done to get the beta, like create a new 71a directory or something

now i've got the beta i feel committed, and will commence chasing after the
errors it spews from


when i run it -- apparently the install created the 71a directory for me

i am not asking any questions here, it's more like i'm warning those who may
prefer to stay with a stable version

No, there won't be any tags, branches here, every thing is just going
linearly, giggling.

Re: Compiling vim in mingw.

2007-05-07 Thread Edward L. Fox

On 5/7/07, A.J.Mechelynck [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Markus Trenkwalder wrote:
 Hi list,

   checked out vim-7.1a.001 today from svn (#263) and tried to compile it
 with mingw-gcc and got the following error:

 $ make -f Make_ming.mak
 gcc -c -Iproto -DWIN32 -DWINVER=0x0400 -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0400
 -DDYNAMIC_ICONV -pipe -w -march=i386 -Wall -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer
 -freg-struct-return -s gui_w32.c -o gobj/gui_w32.o
 gui_w32.c:236: error: redefinition of `struct tagNMTTDISPINFOA'
 gui_w32.c:246: error: redefinition of `struct tagNMTTDISPINFOW'
 make: *** [gobj/gui_w32.o] Error 1

 My naive solution to this problem is:
 --- src/gui_w32.c.000   Mon May  7 08:26:54 2007
 +++ src/gui_w32.c   Mon May  7 07:01:09 2007
 @@ -232,7 +232,7 @@
  LPARAM lParam;

 +#if !defined(LPNMTTDISPINFO)  !defined(TOOLTIPTEXTA)
  typedef struct tagNMTTDISPINFOA {
  NMHDR  hdr;
  LPSTR  lpszText;



You're not the first; there seems to have been a f*ckup in the svn commit
lately. I suggest you scrap your existing 7.1a sources and restart from
scratch, by downloading the 7.1a.000 sources then applying the 7.1a.001 patch.
Here are the files whose download I recommend:

Well, well, well... It seems that the svn repository is nearly the
same with the manually downloaded tarballs...

Here is the diff:

diff --exclude=.svn -r vim71a/Filelist svn/Filelist
runtime/icons \

runtime/icons/README.txt \
runtime/icons/*.info \

farsi \

farsi/README.txt \
farsi/fonts/*/far* \

Only in vim71a/farsi: CVS
diff --exclude=.svn -r vim71a/runtime/autoload/ada.vim
 $Id: ada.vim 448 2006-11-05 14:53:19Z krischik $

 $Id: ada.vim,v 1.2 2007/05/06 13:38:48 vimboss Exp $

   $Author: krischik $
   $Date: 2006-11-05 15:53:19 +0100 (Sun, 05 Nov 2006) $

  $Author: vimboss $
   $Date: 2007/05/06 13:38:48 $

 $Revision: 448 $

$Revision: 1.2 $

diff --exclude=.svn -r vim71a/runtime/autoload/adacomplete.vim
 $Id: adacomplete.vim 448 2006-11-05 14:53:19Z krischik $

 $Id: adacomplete.vim,v 1.2 2007/05/06 12:44:46 vimboss Exp $

   $Author: krischik $
   $Date: 2006-11-05 15:53:19 +0100 (Sun, 05 Nov 2006) $

  $Author: vimboss $
   $Date: 2007/05/06 12:44:46 $

 $Revision: 448 $

$Revision: 1.2 $

diff --exclude=.svn -r vim71a/runtime/autoload/decada.vim
   $Id: decada.vim 448 2006-11-05 14:53:19Z krischik $

  $Id: decada.vim,v 1.2 2007/05/06 12:26:20 vimboss Exp $

   $Author: krischik $
 $Date: 2006-11-05 15:53:19 +0100 (Sun, 05 Nov 2006) $

  $Author: vimboss $
$Date: 2007/05/06 12:26:20 $

 $Revision: 448 $

$Revision: 1.2 $

diff --exclude=.svn -r vim71a/runtime/autoload/gnat.vim
   $Id: gnat.vim 448 2006-11-05 14:53:19Z krischik $

  $Id: gnat.vim,v 1.2 2007/05/06 14:13:49 vimboss Exp $

   $Author: krischik $
 $Date: 2006-11-05 15:53:19 +0100 (Sun, 05 Nov 2006) $

  $Author: vimboss $
$Date: 2007/05/06 14:13:49 $

 $Revision: 448 $

$Revision: 1.2 $

diff --exclude=.svn -r vim71a/runtime/autoload/rubycomplete.vim
  Info: $Id: rubycomplete.vim,v 1.39 2006/12/13
21:20:47 segy Exp $

 Info: $Id: rubycomplete.vim,v 1.7 2007/05/06 12:07:59 vimboss 
Exp $

diff --exclude=.svn -r vim71a/runtime/compiler/decada.vim
   $Id: decada.vim 429 2006-10-15 17:43:45Z krischik $

  $Id: decada.vim,v 1.2 2007/05/06 13:56:27 vimboss Exp $

   $Author: krischik $
 $Date: 2006-10-15 19:43:45 +0200 (So, 15 Okt 2006) $

  $Author: vimboss $
$Date: 2007/05/06 13:56:27 $

 $Revision: 429 $

$Revision: 1.2 $

diff --exclude=.svn -r vim71a/runtime/compiler/gnat.vim
   $Id: gnat.vim 448 2006-11-05 14:53:19Z krischik $

  $Id: gnat.vim,v 1.2 2007/05/06 13:43:09 vimboss Exp $

   $Author: krischik $
 $Date: 2006-11-05 15:53:19 +0100 (Sun, 05 Nov 2006) $

  $Author: vimboss $
$Date: 2007/05/06 13:43:09 $

 $Revision: 448 $

$Revision: 1.2 $

Only in svn/runtime/doc: getscript.txt
diff --exclude=.svn -r vim71a/runtime/ftplugin/ada.vim

Re: Compiling vim in mingw.

2007-05-07 Thread Edward L. Fox

On 5/8/07, A.J.Mechelynck [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Edward L. Fox wrote:
 On 5/7/07, A.J.Mechelynck [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You're not the first; there seems to have been a f*ckup in the svn commit
 lately. I suggest you scrap your existing 7.1a sources and restart from
 scratch, by downloading the 7.1a.000 sources then applying the
 7.1a.001 patch.
 Here are the files whose download I recommend:

 1) the unpatched archives

 The first one is not a typo: even for Windows, I recommend the *Unix*
 + extra
 + lang sources. Together, they have exactly one copy of every source file
 needed to compile Vim for *any* platform including Windows.

 Unpack them on top of each other at what will become your Vim
 directory for
 compiling, maybe something like D:\build\vim : they will create a
 vim71a and place all the sources in it, creating subfolders as needed.

 I don't know if you have a bz2 decompresser program, or if your
 version of
 patch will accept the patch format. In both cases, MinGW may or may not
 offer the necessary packages (look there first) but I know Cygwin
 does. (Even
 WinZip knows about the .tar and .gz formats.)

 2) the patch

 Download it (and optionally its sibling files README MD5 and MD5SUMS)
 into a
 newly-created subfolder named (in my example)
 D:\build\vim\vim71a\patches then
 apply it by using (IIUC)

 cd \build\vim\vim70
 patch -p0 patches\7.1a.001

 Could you please tell me the differences between svn repository and
 your downloaded and patched sources? In fact #262 is a broken
 committing because the patch 7.1a.001 was applied to 7.0.243, so the
 svn sources are broken. But #263 is just synced from the cvs
 repository. So if it is broken, so is cvs.

 See details at but
 replace everywhere the directory name .../vim70/... by .../vim71a/...,
 even in
 the name of what will become your production 7.1a $VIMRUNTIME after
 compiling and installing.

My downloaded and patched sources (from the ftp repository, thus bypassing
both cvs and svn) are Bram's official 7.1a.000 full sources and Bram's
official 7.1a.001 patch. If (as you're saying) the svn repository mistakenly
applied the 7.1a.001 patch against the 7.0.243 sources, by doing as I suggest
you won't make that error. And I don't know whether or not the CVS repository
is broken, but AFAIK the FTP uploads are made directly under Bram's own
responsibility, and IIUC those aren't broken (but they're incremental: you got
to apply the patches yourself).

I've already downloaded the ftp version and applied the patch. And in
my previous post I gave out the diff information between the ftp
version and the svn version. In fact nearly every file is the same
except the cvs version tags. spellfile.vim is different but the svn
version is much more fresh. And ftp version even has some unused
folders and files such as CVS directory. So... I don't think I need to
commit my patched ftp version into svn repository. Any suggestions?

Best regards,
If you give Congress a chance to vote on both sides of an issue, it
will always do it.
-- Les Aspin, D., Wisconsin

Fwd: problem with win32 vim 7.1a.001

2007-05-07 Thread Edward L. Fox

-- Forwarded message --
From: Edward L. Fox [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: May 7, 2007 2:22 PM
Subject: Re: problem with win32 vim 7.1a.001
To: Michael Wookey [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On 5/7/07, Michael Wookey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hello vim list,

I've just synced up to 7.1a.001 (svn #263) and built on Win32 (MSVC).

Everything builds fine and I replace my previous gvim.exe and vim.exe
with the newly built versions.  I also sync my runtime from

My vim installation is in:


My config is in:


Additional plugins are in:


This has always worked fine as this is the structure set up by the vim
win32 installer.

I now find that launching gvim/vim doesn't find my _vimrc or my vimfiles
runtime.  I can get it to load my _vimrc by moving it to:


However my runtime isn't picked up as :scriptnames doesn't list any
plugins loaded.

Is it just me or has something broken win32 vim?  My previous sync was
svn#254 (Vim 7.0.236) with a runtime sync from the same time and
everything was fine.

Any ideas?

Maybe you can rename all your directories named Vim70 to Vim71a.

Best regards,


Re: Vim version 7.1a BETA -- svn ?

2007-05-06 Thread Edward L. Fox

On 5/7/07, François Pinard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

[Martin Krischik]
 [Martin Krischik]

  That is probalby because the svn server is a mess.

Only the vim svn archive has no space for tags, braches or releases.

It is not a mess, merely being different.  If there is ever a _real_
need for another organisation of the Subversion repository for Vim, we
can be fairly confident that it will be addressed.

But now, the Subversion repository mirrors a non-Subversion one, this is
for users convenience, and that's very nice already.  Bram currently
does not use Subversion for Vim development, so there is no point
pretending that he does.  If Bram was using Subversion, he might feel
like changing things.  But even then, the needs would mainly be Bram's!

Well, currently the svn repository has no tags, branches and
trunk, unlike most of the other svn repositories. But that's not
because it's a mirror of a non-svn repository - cvs can also uses tags
and branches. The main reason is, Bram doesn't use cvs for
development, either. He maintains another repository internally. So
both cvs and svn are doing the same thing as an ftp server.

But you can do valuable service and still do it wrong [...]

Once again, being different does not imply being wrong.  We should not
be overly dogmatic in such matters.  If the download recipes are clear
and work as expected, the repository fills its role.

Yes. If once needed, we can create the needed trunk, branches,
tags directories very simply with just a few commands. So just don't

François Pinard

Re: Vim version 7.1a BETA -- svn ?

2007-05-06 Thread Edward L. Fox

On 5/7/07, A.J.Mechelynck [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

François Pinard wrote:
 [Martin Krischik]
 [Martin Krischik]

  That is probalby because the svn server is a mess.

 Only the vim svn archive has no space for tags, braches or releases.

 It is not a mess, merely being different.  If there is ever a _real_
 need for another organisation of the Subversion repository for Vim, we
 can be fairly confident that it will be addressed.

 But now, the Subversion repository mirrors a non-Subversion one, this is
 for users convenience, and that's very nice already.  Bram currently
 does not use Subversion for Vim development, so there is no point
 pretending that he does.  If Bram was using Subversion, he might feel
 like changing things.  But even then, the needs would mainly be Bram's!

 But you can do valuable service and still do it wrong [...]

 Once again, being different does not imply being wrong.  We should not
 be overly dogmatic in such matters.  If the download recipes are clear
 and work as expected, the repository fills its role.

Anyway, if the code mirrored on that svn server belongs only to the 7.0
(release) code tree, there are no branches, since every patchlevel comes
linearly on top on the one before, and there is one set of files applicable to
all platforms and featuresets.

_If_ there comes a 7.0.244, _and_ it branches out from 7.0.243 away from
7.1a.000 and 7.1a.001, _and_ both 7.0 and 7.1a are further mirrored on svn,
_then_ there will maybe be a reason to define a branch point. But not before.

Bram won't make such branches. He always commit patches linearly. If
he one day can finally realize that how valuable the branches are,
we'll create the tags and branches directories in the svn directory
right away. It only costs a few commands. :-)

Best regards,
Speer's 1st Law of Proofreading:
The visibility of an error is inversely proportional to the
number of times you have looked at it.

Re: Vim version 7.1a BETA -- svn ?

2007-05-06 Thread Edward L. Fox

On 5/6/07, Yakov Lerner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 5/6/07, Martin Krischik [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Am Sonntag 06 Mai 2007 schrieb Yakov Lerner:

  On 2007-05-05, Bram Moolenaar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Announcing:  Vim (Vi IMproved) version 7.1a BETA
  I tried to build vim7.1 from svn. But all I get from usual
  svn location (, is
  vim 7.0.236. Will vim7.1 be served at this localtion eventually ?

 That is probalby because the svn server is a mess.

I have to disagree. The svn maintainer does valuable service
to the community. The svn service is really stable, unlike the cvs server.
I'd like to really thank the svn updater for keeping the svn updated.

The reason why updates did not make it to svn was that cvs
server was down, as Bram explained above.

I don't think so. I guess the reason why updates did not make it to
svn was that the svn committer was out for holiday. Because the svn
committing work has nothing to do with the cvs service. It only
depends on the ftp service: the committer checks out the patches from
the ftp, not from cvs.


Re: vim 7.1?

2007-04-27 Thread Edward L. Fox

On 4/27/07, Jonathan Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

A.J.Mechelynck wrote:
 - Insane? All is relative. We're only at 7.0.233 as of today. FYI, Vim
 6.2 went to 532 patches, see

Release early, release often :)

Yes, I admit that you are right. But unfortunately Vim is not
developing in Bazaar's way, at least not that way currently.

Vim has a very very large TODO list here:

I sometimes guess it would be nice to import the todo list into some
tracking system such as trac, and then a lot of *submitters* could
participate into the development concurrently. But sadly, most of us
are not able to understand Vim's source code as clearly as Bram. I
also submitted some dirty patches and Bram had to correct many
mistakes for me. So there can't be more *submitters* until some of us
could spend as much time as Bram.

 - What devel tree? I'll believe that a 7.1 is on the rails when I see at
 least an alpha. Before that, AFA-anyone-CT, there's no devel tree.
 Let's not presume about what we know nothing about.

Hence presume.

If you had browsed the svn repository, you'll discovered that there
are no trunk, branches, tags directories. So... You know what I

 - It's not anyone, it's Bram Moolenaar and no-one else; and since he
 now has a full-time job again, it's a small sort of miracle that he
 still finds some time for Vim.

Even if BM is the only one who can actually make a release, I'd imagine others
have opinions on the matter. Anyway, I was just wondering.

That's why Yzis branched out from Vim project. And then, they played so badly...


Re: suggestion

2007-04-17 Thread Edward L. Fox

On 4/18/07, A.J.Mechelynck [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

David Howland wrote:
 Dear Vim gods,

 Please consider adding the following command to Vim:
 :bc  (for buffer close)
 It acts just like :bd , except that if the buffer is in a split window,
 it does not remove the window.
 Thank you.


You mean if the buffer is displayed it would do nothing?

I think he meant that the (:bc)ed buffer should be removed, and a new
*untitled* buffer should be opened in the position of the previous
buffer. So the windows layout would not be changed.

Best regards,
You will lose your present job and have to become a door to door
mayonnaise salesman.

Re: GB18030 != CP936

2007-03-01 Thread Edward L. Fox

Hi all,

On 3/1/07, Yongwei Wu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Bram,

On 3/1/07, Bram Moolenaar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Yongwei Wu wrote:

  My main point is that if our purpose is to make Vim novices edit
  Simplified Chinese files (almost always encoded in GBK) without
  troubles in the zh_CN.GB18030 environment, a hack to set encoding to
  CP936 will be enough for all practical purposes. Vim veterans will
  know how to have their way around. My objection to Patch 58 is only
  that it *disabled* Vim veteran's possibility to edit GB18030 files.

 So basically you want to set 'encoding' to cp936, but not use the
 alias.  So that most files can be edited without trouble, and conversion
 still works for people who need the extra characters.  Thus instead of
 falling back to utf-8 in set_init_1() you would fall back to cp936.
 Then no other options need to be set (hopefully).

 Try this patch:

 *** ../../vim-7.0.205/src/option.c  Tue Oct 17 18:36:03 2006
 --- option.cWed Feb 28 21:52:39 2007
 *** 3290,3295 
 --- 3290,3303 
  * If not, go back to the default latin1. */
 save_enc = p_enc;
 p_enc = p;
 +   if (STRCMP(p_enc, gb18030) == 0)
 +   {
 +   /* We don't support gb18030, but cp936 is 99% the same, thus
 +* use that.  It's not an alias to still support conversion
 +* between gb18030 and utf-8. */
 +   p_enc = vim_strsave((char_u *)cp936);
 +   vim_free(p);
 +   }
 if (mb_init() == NULL)
 opt_idx = findoption((char_u *)encoding);
 *** ../../vim-7.0.205/src/mbyte.c   Tue Dec  5 22:09:02 2006
 --- mbyte.c Tue Feb 27 16:27:44 2007
 *** 364,370 
   {949,   IDX_CP949},
   {936,   IDX_CP936},
   {gbk,   IDX_CP936},
 - {gb18030,   IDX_CP936}, /* only 99% the same */
   {950,   IDX_CP950},
   {eucjp, IDX_EUC_JP},
   {unix-jis,  IDX_EUC_JP},
 --- 364,369 

Thanks, it works for me. (Hi Edward, would you please test whether it
works for you?)

It seems that everything goes well. Then we could release this patch soon. :-)

Sorry for bother you so much with my previous messy work. :-P

One minor comment: is 99% the same is very vague (it is far from
true if we count the coding points). I would phrase something like:

/* We don't support gb18030, but cp936 is a good substitute
 * for many practical purposes, thus use that.  It's not an
 * alias to still support conversion between gb18030 and utf-8.

Best regards,


Wu Yongwei



Re: GB18030 != CP936

2007-02-26 Thread Edward L. Fox

Hi all,

On 2/26/07, Yongwei Wu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Bram,

On 2/26/07, Yongwei Wu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Bram,

 My test shows when I use ++enc to open a file in GB18030, Vim uses
 CP936, which is not correct. GB18030 is a 1, 2, or 4 byte encoding,
 while CP936 is a 1 or 2 byte encoding. The iconv on my system works

 I test with gVim 7.0.201 on Windows XP.

The problem is in Patch 58:

+ {gbk,   IDX_CP936},
+ {gb18030,   IDX_CP936}, /* only 99% the same */

I made the patch. And I knew that GB18030 and GBK is not the same.
Actually it's easy to support GB18030 well. And in most of the cases,
few people use the characters included in GB18030 and excluded in GBK.
So I suggest that these people could use UTF-8 to edit the files and
convert the file to GB18030 later on.

If anybody can offer a patch that makes vim support GB18030 perfectly,
it is highly appreciated.

If somebody specifically says a file is in GB18030, it is NOT GBK then.

Best regards,


Wu Yongwei


Edward L. Fox

Re: GB18030 != CP936

2007-02-26 Thread Edward L. Fox

Hi Vimmers,

On 2/26/07, Yongwei Wu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 2/26/07, Edward L. Fox [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Wu,

 On 2/26/07, Yongwei Wu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On 2/26/07, Edward L. Fox [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Hi all,
The problem is in Patch 58:
+ {gbk,   IDX_CP936},
+ {gb18030,   IDX_CP936}, /* only 99% the same */
   I made the patch. And I knew that GB18030 and GBK is not the same.
   Actually it's easy to support GB18030 well. And in most of the cases,
   few people use the characters included in GB18030 and excluded in GBK.
   So I suggest that these people could use UTF-8 to edit the files and
   convert the file to GB18030 later on.
   If anybody can offer a patch that makes vim support GB18030 perfectly,
   it is highly appreciated.
  It is not needed. With libiconv GB18030 files can be processed in Vim.
  I commented out that line, tested it, and it was OK.

 I don't have any compiler now so I'm not able to reproduce your
 modifications currently. But I still remember that before this patch,
 gvim was not able to handle GBK/GB18030 encodings. The menu bar and
 toolbar's captions were all malformed if you were using GBK or GB18030
 encoding. You can find this tip in many Chinese vim-related websites:

  Fixing the malformed characters in the menu bar and toolbar.
 set encoding=cp936
 so $VIMRUNTIME/delmenu.vim
 so $VIMRUNTIME/menu.vim

 Maybe you are using utf-8 as your editing encoding and use iconv to
 convert the text into GB18030 when you save your file.


 Could you also
 have a test using GB18030 as encoding when editing the file?

I believe it won't work. GB18030 is not something Vim claims to
support natively, and I do not think it needs to be :-).

So I recommended that we keep this patch which alias GB18030 to GBK.
Although it's not correct indeed, few people use the characters
outside GBK and most of the people will be happy that gvim can deal
with 99% of the GB18030 characters correctly. As you see, many
distributions like RHEL uses GB18030 as the default Chinese encoding
and gvim doesn't work with the default settings under these systems.

Best regards,


Wu Yongwei

Any further suggestions are welcome.


Edward Leap Fox

Re: GB18030 != CP936 (Alternative project?)

2007-02-26 Thread Edward L. Fox

Hi Tony,

On 2/27/07, A.J.Mechelynck [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Here is an alternative way to handle it, which may be the right way from a
conceptual point of view, and in the long term, though it may be much more
difficult from the coding point of view. It may or may not be the right thing
to do pragmatically:

Treat GB18030 as what it is, namely, a Unicode Transformation Format. In other
words, whenever 'encoding' is set to GB18030, use UTF-8 internally and convert
when reading and writing, just like we already do for UTF-16le, UTF-16be,
UTF-32le and UTF-32be.

There is still another problem. When using gvim under Windoze with
CP936 locale, we can only set the encoding to CP936. Or the messages
in gvim will become malformed characters. Could anybody offer a good
solution to this problem?

This, of course, also suffers from the performance problems related to
conversion GB18030 = UTF-8.

Best regards,
Love and scandal are the best sweeteners of tea.


Edward Leap Fox

Re: 2html.vim 256 color support

2007-02-24 Thread Edward L. Fox

Hi Calmar,

On 2/24/07, calmar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi all,

I setup for supporting 256 colors as well

I rather guessed on the grey colors 232-255

the colors 16 - 231 seem to be ok, at least it follows some logic.

Even so, I don't think 16 should be black or should it?

Maybe someone wants to tweak that some further and update the
2html.vim then?

Anyway, Cheers

   (o_  It rocks: LINUX + Command-Line-Interface

I'm not able to access your web pages. Could you please send me the
patch as attachment?

Best regards,

Edward Leap Fox

Overflow when striking Ctrl-a on a large number

2006-12-03 Thread Edward L. Fox

Hi Vimmers,

If you strike Ctrl-a in normal mode on 12345678912, you will get
3755744321. Obviously an integer overflow happens here. Do you think
it's necessary to add large decimal related algorithm into Vim to
solve this kind of problems? Or at least we should give out an error


Edward Leap Fox

Re: Overflow when striking Ctrl-a on a large number

2006-12-03 Thread Edward L. Fox

On 12/4/06, Bram Moolenaar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Edward L. Fox wrote:

 If you strike Ctrl-a in normal mode on 12345678912, you will get
 3755744321. Obviously an integer overflow happens here. Do you think
 it's necessary to add large decimal related algorithm into Vim to
 solve this kind of problems? Or at least we should give out an error

Or compile Vim with 64 bit ints.

I'm not sure it is worth adding code for big numbers, they are hardly
ever used.  Vim also doesn't support floating point.  One has to stop
somewhere.  After all this is a text editor, not a spreadsheet.

In fact I don't think it is worth adding the code, either. But I think
it is necessary to add code for showing an error message when overflow

Q:   How many hardware engineers does it take to change a lightbulb?
A:   None.  We'll fix it in software.

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --   \\\
///sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\download, build and distribute --
 \\\help me help AIDS victims --

Re: Patch 7.0.167

2006-11-21 Thread Edward L. Fox

Hi Bram,

On 11/22/06, Bram Moolenaar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I didn't forget it, I just had to go away while waiting for the previous
version to be tagged.  Tagging all the files for a specific version is
quite slow, it's currently the main bottleneck in sending out patched

So... Why not just commit the code to the CVS repository without
tagging them? It's much faster. When you need to check out a specific
version, just use subversion. It is much faster and more convenient.



Re: Convert2HTML Again

2006-09-22 Thread Edward L. Fox

Hi developers,

On 9/22/06, Bram Moolenaar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Edd -

 I have spoken to your development team and I think we have come to a 

 I draw your attention to this thread:

 Lemme know your opinions.

I haven't heard from people who have actually made changes to this
script in the past.  Most remarks I have seen are I think..., which
isn't definitive.

I still don't know why the p /p was there.  There must have been a
reason, it didn't get there by accicent.  I last talked about this with
Edward Fox, let me copy this message to him.  Edward, what is your opinion
about this patch?

This script works perfectly. Edd Barrett also solved another problem
made by the previous maintainer that the leading space doesn't appear
under xhtml mode, which I didn't solved last time I modified this
script. Thanks Edd!

But we should change one thing before we include this patch into the
official version. In the patch file, line 97:

+execute normal! A\npre { font-family: courier; color:  . s:fgc
. ; background-color:  . s:bgc . ; }\e

Should be:

+execute normal! A\npre { font-family: Courier, monospace; color:
 . s:fgc . ; background-color:  . s:bgc . ; }\e

As W3C suggested, every font-family indication must finish with a
*GENERIC* font family name, possible values are serif, sans-serif
or monospace. So I added monospace here.

- Bram

Zen Microsystems: we're the om in .com

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --   \\\
///sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\download, build and distribute --
 \\\help me help AIDS victims --

Best regards,

Edward L. Fox

Re: UTF-8 Problem with Localization in Windows GVIM

2006-08-21 Thread Edward L. Fox

On 8/20/06, Yongwei Wu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

This is really an old problem. It begins with VIM 6.

While it is possible to set encoding=UTF-8 on Windows to be able to
process text file in multiple encodings at the same time, the
localized menu/messages has problems. The simplest _vimrc one may
think of will render anything except the menu incorrect:

set encoding=utf-8
source $VIMRUNTIME/vimrc_example.vim

Reverse the order of these two lines will make the tool tips of the
toolbar buttons correct, but the menu will be corrupt, as well as all
the localized messages.

The best I can get is with this _vimrc (simplified):

source $VIMRUNTIME/vimrc_example.vim
set encoding=utf-8
lang messages zh_CN.UTF-8
runtime! delmenu.vim

In the time of Vim 6, it works well, except the tool tips for the
toolbar buttons. I have to disable the toolbar translations in
menu_zh_cn.utf-8.vim to make it work perfectly.

With the new tab support in Vim 7, more headaches come. When I use
localized messages, the context menu on the tabs (Close tab, New tab,
and Open tab ...) is corrupt and the text is unreadable. Since the
translation seems not in a .vim file, I find nowhere to fix it.
Editing might work, but it seems too incovenient and

The problem, as it seems to me, is that the context menu on the tab
and the tool tips for the toolbar buttons only support the `ANSI'

Any fixes/hacks to make it work?

I knew that. I'll debug it soon. Before I hack out this problem, you
can still do some blaming work to Micro$oft for its *so wonderful*
multilinguagiation mechanics.

I'm sorry but I'm not going to work out this problem for Vim6. So
you'll have to upgrade to Vim7 even if I could solve the problem...

Best regards,

Wu Yongwei


Edward L. Fox

Re: Why is after/colors/colorscheme.vim disabled?

2006-08-20 Thread Edward L. Fox

On 8/21/06, A.J.Mechelynck [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Peter Hodge wrote:

 I am just curious as to why after/colors/ scripts are disabled instead of
 behaving like after/ftplugin and after/syntax scripts?


I'm not sure if it's a bug or a feature, but

Every bug is a feature. :-)

:colorscheme foobar

works like

:runtime colors/foobar.vim

with no exclamation mark after :runtime. To use
~/.vim/colors/foobar.vim as a user addition to
$VIMRUNTIME/colors/foobar.vim, invoke it with

:runtime! colors/foobar.vim

(with exclamation mark) instead. You might even want to define a

:command ColorScheme -nargs=1 runtime! colors/args.vim

:help :runtime

Best regards,

Temporary solution (was: Malformed character ...)

2006-08-14 Thread Edward L. Fox

Hi Bram,

As the problem is caused by iconv and we won't be able to fix the
problem soon, and this problem influences gb2312 - cp936 (gbk)
converting only, so I suggest to remove this line from

scriptencoding gb2312

Because gbk is a super set of gb2312, so we don't need to do any
converting when parsing gb2312-encoded script under gbk environment,
and then everything will be OK. I'll report this problem to the
maintainer of libiconv as soon as I find out the problem.

By the way, thinelephant told me that he sent you a patch of this
translation file some weeks ago. Could you please include his change
in this patch? We can have these three things to be done in this

1. Add gbk and gb18030 as aliases of cp936;

2. Merge the translation patch of thinelephat.

3. Delete the scriptencoding line in the translation file.

Best regards,

Edward L. Fox

Re: Temporary solution (was: Malformed character ...)

2006-08-14 Thread Edward L. Fox

On 8/15/06, Bram Moolenaar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Edward -

 As the problem is caused by iconv and we won't be able to fix the
 problem soon, and this problem influences gb2312 - cp936 (gbk)
 converting only, so I suggest to remove this line from

 scriptencoding gb2312

 Because gbk is a super set of gb2312, so we don't need to do any
 converting when parsing gb2312-encoded script under gbk environment,
 and then everything will be OK. I'll report this problem to the
 maintainer of libiconv as soon as I find out the problem.

OK, I'll disable this line.

 By the way, thinelephant told me that he sent you a patch of this
 translation file some weeks ago. Could you please include his change
 in this patch? We can have these three things to be done in this

 1. Add gbk and gb18030 as aliases of cp936;

 2. Merge the translation patch of thinelephat.

 3. Delete the scriptencoding line in the translation file.

I think I have done all this now.  I'll make a patch for the aliases

Thanks very much~

- Bram

hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
139. You down your lunch in five minutes, at your desk, so you can
 spend the rest of the hour surfing the Net.

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --   \\\
///sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\download, build and distribute --
 \\\help me help AIDS victims --

[OT] Who forwarded my message to eBay?

2006-08-14 Thread Edward L. Fox

Hi Vimmers,

Somebody in this mailing list had forwarded one of my post to eBay
customer support center. I think this mail puzzled eBay so much,
although they still promised that they will still try their best to
help me with my problem. Here is the response from eBay customer

Dear eBay Member,

Thank you for writing to eBay.

I am sorry to inform you that after reading your email, I am unclear as
to the exact problem you are experiencing. I am ready to help you with
this issue, but for me to help, I need you to send in more information.
This will help me answer your question correctly. Please send back a
detailed explanation of your problem and I will reply to you very

I appreciate your patience and understanding regarding this matter and I
am sorry for any inconvenience caused to you.

Shania K.

eBay Customer Support

Original Message Follows:

Hi Bram,

On 8/12/06, Bram Moolenaar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

You may have uncovered a bug that went unnoticed so far.  Please try


discover what causes this problem.  I can't guess why the last


is messed up, looks strange.

Re: failure notice

2006-08-13 Thread Edward L. Fox

On 8/13/06, A.J.Mechelynck [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Edward had it on Windows. From :help encoding-values I gather that
Chinese and prc are alias to cp936 / euc-cn. Maybe gbk and gb18030
can be added to the family?

I'm using Debian Etch. But I had a look at the Windoze system and
found that cp936 is supported well in both Linux and Windoze, however,
GBK is not supported by any of them.

euc-cn is an alias of GB2312, which is only a subset of GBK. So we
should not put them together. GB18030 is not exactly the same with GBK
but 99% of them is the same, the remaining different part is cared by
nobody in the world, and is very very complicated and very very
difficult to support. Moreover, very few X servers support this
encoding. So I suggest to alias GB18030 to cp936, too, simply and
wrongly. :-)

After having discussed about the charset, I think it's right time to
do some work on the malformed characters in the toolbar tooltips. I
made a patch and solved the problem yesterday (or at least it was
seemed to be solved). Can anybody review my changes and give some
suggestions? Thanks.

Best regards,

Re: failure notice

2006-08-13 Thread Edward L. Fox

On 8/13/06, Bram Moolenaar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

[removed the Vim maillist, this is development only]

Edward L. Fox wrote:

 On 8/12/06, Bram Moolenaar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  You may have uncovered a bug that went unnoticed so far.  Please try to
  discover what causes this problem.  I can't guess why the last character
  is messed up, looks strange.

 I think I solved the problem! That was caused by iconv.

size_t iconv(iconv_t cd,
  char **inbuf, size_t *inbytesleft,
  char **outbuf, size_t *outbytesleft);

 The parameter inbytesleft and outbytesleft should all include the
 trailing '\0' byte. In the previous version of gvim, we passed the
 parameter as the length of the string, excluding the trailing '\0'. So
 it is 1 byte less than the correct value.

This is not quite so.  iconv() does not require the terminating NUL (it
can also be used to convert part of a string).  If it does require the
NUL then iconv() is broken.  That's unlikely though.

I wrote a short piece of testing code to test iconv with Chinese
characters. The fact is, if the last character is a Chinese character,
it is always malformed after converting. So I think it should be
necessary to pass the length including the trailing '\0' to iconv.

#include iconv.h

int main(void)
   char inbuffer[256];
   char outbuffer[256];
   int fd;

   fd = iconv_open(cp936, euc-cn);

   for (;;)
   int inlength, outlength;
   char *inptr, *outptr;
   inlength = strlen(inbuffer);
   outlength = 256;
   if (inlength == 0)
   inptr = inbuffer;
   outptr = outbuffer;
   iconv(fd, inptr, inlength, outptr, outlength);
   printf(%s\n, outbuffer);


   return 0;

Your change suggests that the length that is passed should be one more.
Thus only one byte of the last double-byte character is currently
converted.  I can't quickly figure out where the wrong length is
computed or passed.  You probably already know the call stack, please
have a look at where the length comes from.  It's probably an off-by-one
error somewhere.

I traced the code again and again but nothing special happened. You
called string_convert and pass 0 as the length of the string, so in
string_convert_ext you calculates the length of the string with
STRLEN, then call iconv_string, last iconv. There is nothing wrong
with the length anywhere. So... Maybe it is still iconv's fault.



Edward L. Fox

Re: failure notice

2006-08-13 Thread Edward L. Fox

I traced the code again and again but nothing special happened. You
called string_convert and pass 0 as the length of the string, so in
string_convert_ext you calculates the length of the string with
STRLEN, then call iconv_string, last iconv. There is nothing wrong
with the length anywhere. So... Maybe it is still iconv's fault.

Sorry all. I did more tests and searched more documents and found that
it was a bug of libiconv, not gvim. The problem occurs only when
converting gb2312 to gbk. I'm trying to debug libiconv...



Edward L. Fox

Re: failure notice

2006-08-12 Thread Edward L. Fox

On 8/12/06, Bram Moolenaar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 But gvim doesn't support an encoding named 'gbk'. If the system
 encoding is 'gbk', the menu and toolbar get malformed.

What do you mean by system encoding?  How does Vim see this?

I meant the $LANG variable.

GBK is right an alias of cp936, so it is proper to add this alias
entry into mbyte.c. But the situation with GB18030 was much more
complicated and the current version of gvim is not able to handle it
correctly. About GB18030 there is another long and not-so-funny but
ridiculous story. If you like, I can tell you the detailed GOSSIP

Because over 99% part of GB18030 and GBK is the same, and the
remaining part is too difficult to handle, I want to set GB18030 as
another alias of cp936. Do you think it is OK?


You may have uncovered a bug that went unnoticed so far.  Please try to
discover what causes this problem.  I can't guess why the last character
is messed up, looks strange.

In fact this bug was noticed years before. But most of the Chinese
people decided to tolerate this situation. Anyway, I'm going to work



Edward L. Fox

Re: failure notice

2006-08-12 Thread Edward L. Fox

Hi Bram,

On 8/12/06, Bram Moolenaar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

You may have uncovered a bug that went unnoticed so far.  Please try to
discover what causes this problem.  I can't guess why the last character
is messed up, looks strange.

I think I solved the problem! That was caused by iconv.

  size_t iconv(iconv_t cd,
char **inbuf, size_t *inbytesleft,
char **outbuf, size_t *outbytesleft);

The parameter inbytesleft and outbytesleft should all include the
trailing '\0' byte. In the previous version of gvim, we passed the
parameter as the length of the string, excluding the trailing '\0'. So
it is 1 byte less than the correct value.

As we know, every Chinese character is presented with 2 bytes in GBK encoding:

 4 characters

Because we passed the parameter as the length of the string (8 in this
example), so iconv treated the input string as 1 byte less (7 in this
example), then the 2nd but last letter was not able to be converted
because it is only half of a character, so gvim changed it to a
question mark:


After that, gvim tried to convert the remaining 1 byte to the target
encoding but also failed. Then vim changed it to a question mark, too.


That is why every last character of the tooltip became 2 question
marks. Menu doesn't get malformed because most of the menu items are
not ended with a Chinese character. In fact, some menu item ends with
Chinese character also get malformed.


It's quite simple after finding out the problem. Here is the patch, in
which I also alias GBK and GB18030 to cp936. That solved the previous
problem I requested:

*** src/mbyte.c2006-05-14 20:32:49.0 +0800
--- ../ 2006-08-12 19:22:06.0 +0800
*** 372,377 
--- 372,379 
 {5601,  IDX_EUC_KR},/* Sun: KS C 5601 */
 {euccn, IDX_EUC_CN},
+ {gbk,   IDX_CP936},
+ {gb18030,   IDX_CP936},
 {euctw, IDX_EUC_TW},
 #if defined(WIN3264) || defined(WIN32UNIX) || defined(MACOS)
 {japan, IDX_CP932},
*** 3250,3256 

   to = (char *)result + done;
!   tolen = len - done - 2;
   /* Avoid a warning for systems with a wrong iconv() prototype by
* casting the second argument to void *. */
   if (iconv(vcp-vc_fd, (void *)from, fromlen, to, tolen)
--- 3252,3259 

   to = (char *)result + done;
!   tolen = len - done - 1;
! ++fromlen;
   /* Avoid a warning for systems with a wrong iconv() prototype by
* casting the second argument to void *. */
   if (iconv(vcp-vc_fd, (void *)from, fromlen, to, tolen)

Best Regards,

Edward L. Fox

Re: failure notice

2006-08-12 Thread Edward L. Fox

Hi Bram,

On 8/12/06, Bram Moolenaar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

You may have uncovered a bug that went unnoticed so far.  Please try to
discover what causes this problem.  I can't guess why the last character
is messed up, looks strange.

I think I solved the problem! That was caused by iconv.

  size_t iconv(iconv_t cd,
char **inbuf, size_t *inbytesleft,
char **outbuf, size_t *outbytesleft);

The parameter inbytesleft and outbytesleft should all include the
trailing '\0' byte. In the previous version of gvim, we passed the
parameter as the length of the string, excluding the trailing '\0'. So
it is 1 byte less than the correct value.

As we know, every Chinese character is presented with 2 bytes in GBK encoding:

 4 characters

Because we passed the parameter as the length of the string (8 in this
example), so iconv treated the input string as 1 byte less (7 in this
example), then the 2nd but last letter was not able to be converted
because it is only half of a character, so gvim changed it to a
question mark:


After that, gvim tried to convert the remaining 1 byte to the target
encoding but also failed. Then vim changed it to a question mark, too.


That is why every last character of the tooltip became 2 question
marks. Menu doesn't get malformed because most of the menu items are
not ended with a Chinese character. In fact, some menu item ends with
Chinese character also get malformed.


It's quite simple after finding out the problem. Here is the patch, in
which I also alias GBK and GB18030 to cp936. That solved the previous
problem I requested:

*** src/mbyte.c2006-05-14 20:32:49.0 +0800
--- ../ 2006-08-12 19:22:06.0 +0800
*** 372,377 
--- 372,379 
 {5601,  IDX_EUC_KR},/* Sun: KS C 5601 */
 {euccn, IDX_EUC_CN},
+ {gbk,   IDX_CP936},
+ {gb18030,   IDX_CP936},
 {euctw, IDX_EUC_TW},
 #if defined(WIN3264) || defined(WIN32UNIX) || defined(MACOS)
 {japan, IDX_CP932},
*** 3250,3256 

   to = (char *)result + done;
!   tolen = len - done - 2;
   /* Avoid a warning for systems with a wrong iconv() prototype by
* casting the second argument to void *. */
   if (iconv(vcp-vc_fd, (void *)from, fromlen, to, tolen)
--- 3252,3259 

   to = (char *)result + done;
!   tolen = len - done - 1;
! ++fromlen;
   /* Avoid a warning for systems with a wrong iconv() prototype by
* casting the second argument to void *. */
   if (iconv(vcp-vc_fd, (void *)from, fromlen, to, tolen)

Best Regards,

Edward L. Fox

Re: failure notice

2006-08-10 Thread Edward L. Fox

Hi vimmers,

Sorry for sending this mail for the second time because my previous
mail with attachment was rejected by the mail daemon. :-(

On 8/11/06, Bram Moolenaar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


The menu.vim file should never change 'encoding'.  It should load menus
that are appropriate for the current 'encoding' and language.

But gvim doesn't support an encoding named 'gbk'. If the system
encoding is 'gbk', the menu and toolbar get malformed. In the past two
years (or more), all gvim users in mainland China should add the
following two lines in their .vimrc if they are using Linux with GBK

set enc=cp936
so $VIMRUNTIME/delmenu.vim
so $VIMRUNTIME/menu.vim

That's why I had wanted to change the encoding value in menu.vim. :-)

If the intention is to have the default for 'encoding' use something
specific in $LANG then this must be done in enc_locale() in src/mbyte.c

I modified mbyte.c, added gbk as an alias of cp936, then the
menubar was displayed properly with the unmodified menu.vim. But there
is still some problem with the toolbar - every last character of the
tooltip becomes two question marks. I'm trying to debug the code and
will send you another patch as soon as I solve the problem. Hope you
can offer me some hints, too. :-)



Edward L. Fox

Patch (Unofficial): Malformed characters in menu and toolbar when using zh_CN.GBK encoding under Linux

2006-08-10 Thread Edward L. Fox

Patch Unofficial
Problem:Menu and toolbar: Doesn't display properly when using
zh_CN.GBK encoding under Linux.
Solution:   Use gb2312 to generate the menu and toolbar to get proper
display, then use cp936 instead of GBK which is a correct alias under
Files:  runtime/menu.vim

*** runtime/menu.vim  2006-04-18 06:06:31.0 +0800
--- ../ 16:21:03.0 +0800
*** 48,53 
--- 48,56 
  same menu file for them.
 let s:lang = substitute(s:lang, 'iso_8859-15\=$', latin1, )
 menutrans clear
+ if s:lang == zh_cn.gbk || s:lang == zh_cn.gb18030
+ set enc=gb2312
+ endif
 exe runtime! lang/menu_ . s:lang . .vim

 if !exists(did_menu_trans)
*** 1094,1097 
--- 1097,1104 
 let cpo = s:cpo_save
 unlet s:cpo_save

+ if s:lang == zh_cn.gbk || s:lang == zh_cn.gb18030
+   set enc=cp936
+ endif
  vim: set sw=2 :

Re: sh indent script

2006-07-30 Thread Edward L. Fox

On 7/20/06, Edward L. Fox [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi VIMmers,

The default sh indent script in VIM7 indent the following sample file this way:


SYSTEM=`uname -s`

case $SYSTEM in
echo My system is Linux
echo Do Linux stuff here...
echo My system is FreeBSD
echo Do FreeBSD stuff here...
echo Unknown system : $SYSTEM
echo I don't what to do...

But I preferred the indent of each case label be decreased to the same
level of the case statement, like this:


SYSTEM=`uname -s`

case $SYSTEM in
echo My system is Linux
echo Do Linux stuff here...
echo My system is FreeBSD
echo Do FreeBSD stuff here...
echo Unknown system : $SYSTEM
echo I don't what to do...

So I hacked the indent script. Any suggestion and feedback are welcome. :-)

Can anyone hack the script and support this indent flavor, too?


SYSTEM=`uname -s`

case $SYSTEM in
echo My system is Linux
echo Do Linux stuff here...
echo My system is FreeBSD
echo Do FreeBSD stuff here...
echo Unknown system : $SYSTEM
echo I don't what to do...


Edward L. Fox

I supported the both formats now.

:let g:sh_indent_case_labels = 0 for the first indent style.

case ...

:let g:sh_indent_case_labels = 1 for the second indent style.

case ...

Here is the patch:

Patch unofficial

*** /usr/local/share/vim/vim70/indent/sh.vim2006-07-24
11:12:22.0 +0800
--- runtime/indent/sh.vim  2006-07-30 14:20:45.0 +0800
*** 1,7 
  Vim indent file
!  Language:   Shell Script
!  Maintainer:   Nikolai Weibull [EMAIL PROTECTED]
!  Latest Revision:  2006-04-19

 if exists(b:did_indent)
--- 1,8 
  Vim indent file
!  Language:Shell Script
!  Maintainer:Nikolai Weibull [EMAIL PROTECTED]
!  Modified:  Edward L. Fox [EMAIL PROTECTED]
!  Last Modified: 2006-07-30 14:20:45

 if exists(b:did_indent)
*** 9,15 
 let b:did_indent = 1

 setlocal indentexpr=GetShIndent()
! setlocal indentkeys+==then,=do,=else,=elif,=esac,=fi,=fin,=fil,=done
 setlocal indentkeys-=:,0#

 if exists(*GetShIndent)
--- 10,16 
 let b:did_indent = 1

 setlocal indentexpr=GetShIndent()
! setlocal indentkeys+==then,=do,=else,=elif,=esac,=fi,=fin,=fil,=done,)
 setlocal indentkeys-=:,0#

 if exists(*GetShIndent)
*** 27,50 

Add a 'shiftwidth' after if, while, else, case, until, for, function()
Skip if the line also contains the closure for the above
   let ind = indent(lnum)
   let line = getline(lnum)
   if line =~ '^\s*\(if\|then\|do\|else\|elif\|case\|while\|until\|for\)\'
   \ || line =~ '^\s*\\k\+\\s*()\s*{'
   \ || line =~ '^\s*{'
 if line !~ '\(esac\|fi\|done\)\\s*$'  line !~ '}\s*$'
   let ind = ind + sw

Subtract a 'shiftwidth' on a then, do, else, esac, fi, done
Retain the indentation level if line matches fin (for find)
   let line = getline(v:lnum)
!   if (line =~ '^\s*\(then\|do\|else\|elif\|esac\|fi\|done\)\' ||
line =~ '^\s*}')
   \  line !~ '^\s*fi[ln]\'
 let ind = ind - sw

   return ind

--- 28,64 

Add a 'shiftwidth' after if, while, else, case, until, for, function()
Skip if the line also contains the closure for the above
   let ind = indent(lnum)
   let line = getline(lnum)
   if line =~ '^\s*\(if\|then\|do\|else\|elif\|case\|while\|until\|for\)\'
   \ || line =~ '^\s*\\k\+\\s*()\s*{'
+ \ || line =~ '^\s*[^(]\+\s*)'
   \ || line =~ '^\s*{'
 if line !~ '\(esac\|fi\|done\)\\s*$'  line !~ '}\s*$'
   let ind = ind + sw

+   if line =~ '^\s*case\'  g:sh_indent_case_labels
+   let ind = ind + sw
+   endif
Subtract a 'shiftwidth' on a then, do, else, esac, fi, done
Retain the indentation level if line matches fin (for find)
   let line = getline(v:lnum)
!   if (line =~ '^\s*\(then\|do\|else\|elif\|esac\|fi\|done\)\'
! \ || line =~ '^\s*[^(]\+\s*)'
! \ || line =~ '^\s*}'
! \ )
   \  line !~ '^\s*fi[ln]\'
 let ind = ind - sw

+   if line =~ '^\s*esac\'  g:sh_indent_case_labels
+   let ind = ind - sw
+   endif
   return ind

svn, cvs

2006-06-17 Thread Edward L. Fox

On 6/18/06, Suresh Govindachar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  Since svn sources haven't been updated,

The content in subversion repository is the same with the CVS
repository, at most 1 day later. It doesn't update only because Bram
had been out for holiday since last month.

  and since they differs from the cvs sources by CR/LF in some files

Give me the list and I'll fix.


Re: SVN and svn:eol-style

2006-05-12 Thread Edward L. Fox

On 5/13/06, Brandt, Servatius [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

So I suggest to use a svn:eol-style setting of LF instead of

Previously when I didn't set the svn:eol-style property, all text
files were using LF as end-of-line character. Bill complained so I
change the end-of-line character to native, in order to please
everyone. But now, here is another opinion. As you see, changing the
svn:eol-style will cause everyone downloading all modified files
again, it will cost about one hour. So I think I should not make any
furthur change before the final decision is made.


Any opinions to this?

- Servatius

Servatius Brandt Phone: +49 89 636-41504
Fujitsu Siemens ComputersFax:   +49 89 636-48716

Re: SVN and svn:eol-style

2006-05-10 Thread Edward L. Fox

On 5/11/06, Bill McCarthy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Wed 10-May-06 9:43pm -0600, Anduin Withers wrote:

 Why do you want CR-LF files?  A single LF should work just fine.  The
 only place where I know it doesn't work is when you read Make_ivc.mak
 into Visual Studio.

 Automatic LF to CR-LF translation always causes trouble somewhere.

 CVS did it automatically, as long as binaries are properly tagged there
 shouldn't be (and wasn't, at least for me) a problem.

 One reason is consistency: This is the behavior CVS had, it is the format
 the releases are in on the ftp site, it also makes things look better when I
 edit my .vim files with notepad.

 Just another request for native line endings.

Some days it is better for me to read my mail from newest to
oldest - or at least read through everything before

Well stated.  I now wish I used a different example that
notepad - although that is indeed a good one, since every
Windows user has it and it is frequently a default in

Hopefully, the gentleman maintaining the svn repository
(Edward L Fox) will talk to the gentleman who properly
marked the files in CVS.

Well, well, well... I prop-setted most of the file that I recognized.
If you find anything wrong or prop missing, plz contact me.

The bad news for everyone is, after prop-setting the files, everyone
has to download the prop-setted files again. That will cost quite a
long time.

I have also had no problems with the CVS distribution

That's because CVS doens't support that features at all and every text
file is forced to use native linebreaks.

Best regards,

Re: Patch 7.0.001

2006-05-09 Thread Edward L. Fox

Hi all,

On 5/10/06, Gautam Iyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Tue, May 09, 2006 at 02:37:08PM +0200, Bram Moolenaar wrote:

 Patch 7.0.001
 Problem::set spellsuggest+=10 does not work. (Suresh Govindachar)
 Solution:   Add P_COMMA to the 'spellsuggest' flags.
 Files:  src/option.c

Hi Bram,

Will your patches be in the subversion source tree? I recently ran svn
update, and found no changes from vim7...

Unfortunately sourceforge had encountered some unknown errors and I'm
not able to log in to the CVS repository these two days. I'm trying to
contact the administrators of sourceforge. But if this problem could
not be resolved, I'll try to sync the code with the patches manually.



'Common' Proof Techniques:
12. Proof by obfuscation -- A long plotless sequence of true and/or
meaningless syntactically related statements.


Edward L. Fox

Re: Patch 7.0.001

2006-05-09 Thread Edward L. Fox

On 5/10/06, Hisashi T Fujinaka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.1.1 (2006-03-10) on

Disk died and they're hot swapping it. However, hot swapping for
those guys is taking overnight.

Well, so I'm patching the code with Bram's patch and uploading them to
subversion now.

On Wed, 10 May 2006, Edward L. Fox wrote:

 Hi all,

 On 5/10/06, Gautam Iyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Tue, May 09, 2006 at 02:37:08PM +0200, Bram Moolenaar wrote:

  Patch 7.0.001
  Problem::set spellsuggest+=10 does not work. (Suresh Govindachar)
  Solution:   Add P_COMMA to the 'spellsuggest' flags.
  Files:  src/option.c

 Hi Bram,

 Will your patches be in the subversion source tree? I recently ran svn
 update, and found no changes from vim7...

 Unfortunately sourceforge had encountered some unknown errors and I'm
 not able to log in to the CVS repository these two days. I'm trying to
 contact the administrators of sourceforge. But if this problem could
 not be resolved, I'll try to sync the code with the patches manually.



 'Common' Proof Techniques:
 12. Proof by obfuscation -- A long plotless sequence of true and/or
 meaningless syntactically related statements.


 Edward L. Fox

Hisashi T Fujinaka - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
BSEE(6/86) + BSChem(3/95) + BAEnglish(8/95) + MSCS(8/03) + $2.50 = latte

Re: Network problem

2006-05-05 Thread Edward L. Fox

On 5/5/06, Edward L. Fox [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi VIMmers,

I'm sorry that I'm not able to sync the SVN repository with the CVS
repository on time today, because the network is suffering some
problems. I had tried different routes but all failed. Maybe there is
something wrong with the main gateways of the whole country. :-(

I'll sync the code as soon as the network recovers. Please wait for my
notice. Best wishes~

OK now! The newest snapshot was uploaded to subversion repository. Bless~


Edward Leap Fox

Network problem

2006-05-04 Thread Edward L. Fox

Hi VIMmers,

I'm sorry that I'm not able to sync the SVN repository with the CVS
repository on time today, because the network is suffering some
problems. I had tried different routes but all failed. Maybe there is
something wrong with the main gateways of the whole country. :-(

I'll sync the code as soon as the network recovers. Please wait for my
notice. Best wishes~


Edward Leap Fox

Network problem

2006-05-04 Thread Edward L. Fox

Hi VIMmers,

I'm sorry that I'm not able to sync the SVN repository with the CVS
repository on time today, because the network is suffering some
problems. I had tried different routes but all failed. Maybe there is
something wrong with the main gateways of the whole country. :-(

I'll sync the code as soon as the network recovers. Please wait for my
notice. Best wishes~


Edward Leap Fox

Re: Svn and patches

2006-04-27 Thread Edward L. Fox
On 4/28/06, Bram Moolenaar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Suresh Govindachar wrote:

Does the stuff downloaded from svn include all
the latest patches?  I suspect it does since
the version from yesterday's download says 7.0f02.
If so, how latest?  Meaning, I suppose Bram commits
before sending notice of the patch to the mailing
list -- how much after that will it appear on a
svn checkout?

Hi, I'm the subversion repository maintainer. I sync the subversion
repository with the CVS repository everyday at about 9:00 (+0800), or
1:00 (GMT). So if you checkout the code at about 2:00 (GMT), you can
get the latest version. :-)

I recommend getting sources via svn -- it was
really very trivial -- much simpler than getting
and starting with tar.bz2 and extra.tar.gz.

 I mostly make a new snapshot every night.  They should be in SVN within
 some hours.  I don't know exactly how often Edward updates it, but you
 can assume there is a fresh Vim every morning.  The zip archive is
 available earlier.

 An indication you must be a manager:
 You give constructive feedback to your dog.

  /// Bram Moolenaar -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --   \\\
 ///sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
 \\\download, build and distribute --
  \\\help me help AIDS victims --

CVS updated?

2006-04-18 Thread Edward L. Fox
 Is the idea that this is a complete switch to SVN, or will the CVS
 tree still be updated once it's back online?

I'm not sure at this moment. Bram and other VIM developers uses not
only CVS it self, but also a lot of other scripts which relies
strongly on the output information of cvs. So switching to svn will
cost more effect. Any way, I'll try my best to switch the whole
project to svn, without disturbing the other developers too much.

 -Original Message-
 From: Edward L. Fox [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Maybe we should go to Subversion at SourceForge after all, since their
 SVN servers are not experiencing hardware problems.
Well, is there someone who can transfer the CVS stuff into Subversion?
And repeat that for every snapshot?
   I can do that. My only question is, should I use the subversion
   service supplied by sourceforge, or use some other host? If use the
   sourceforge svn service, please grant me the corresponding privilege,
   my sf ID is edyfox. If you decide to use other host, I'll make a
   site available in two or three days.
  We can do this on SourceForge, I suppose.  I have added you to the Vim
  group.  Use it responsibly!

 I'm doing the work now but unfortunately I find that I don't have
 enough privilege to enable the subversion service nor access the svn
 repository. Could you grant me the privilege, too?