RE: Vim 7.0 (1-109 patches) completion bug.

2006-10-09 Thread Igor Prischepoff
Thank you, Bill.
I can confirm same behaviour as you described with my vim.
Now it is up to Bram to decide if this is wrong or right.


RE: Vim 7.0 (1-109 patches) completion bug.

2006-10-05 Thread Igor Prischepoff
Well, i still don't understand vim logic behind that process.

Let's see more realistic example.

gvim -U NONE -u NONE
Let's suppose that  I am a poor pascal programmer and typing code like this:
:set completeopt+=longest
:set complete-=t
var one : byte;
 two : byte;
 two_and_three : byte;
 three : byte; 
// may be this is a word?
// or next one is a a word?
// completion in second C-N still not working here...
// so there is no word? not 'one:=t*' or 't*' words in buffer?
// I still thinks it should be considered as a bug.

 Vim is still in completion mode and there is no word matching one:t
Okay, in above example there is 'one:=three' word specially for vim, but
still no completion.
And why vim looks for 'one:=t' word?  ':' and '=' should not be in the
'word', right?
I think that vim should looks for 't' words. Because '=' and ':'  is not
word, it's not part of identifier.
Part of line -may be, but not words.
 thus you don't get any completions.  If you type CTRL-N one more time
then it works.
Sorry,it's not working for me. (1-105 patches)
I mean that I'm typing Ctrl-N many times in desperate attempts to get some
completion and: no completion absolutely :(.
Even when there is multiply matches for t -starting words.
And what more strange is that if I'm switching to normal mode and then
switch back in insert mode then 
completion on the same construction
one:=tc-n works as expected.
Now vim guesses right about ':' and '='  not being parts of a word, but why
not from the first attempt?


Vim 7.0 (1-109 patches) completion bug.

2006-10-04 Thread Igor Prischepoff
Hi, i think i have found a bug in vim 7.0
Patch level 1-109. 
Windows version +perl +python (i don't think this matters in this case)

here is how to reproduce:
gvim -u NONE -U NONE
:set complete-=tdon't want complete from tags file - it's not
important, just to switch off message
:set complete+=longest  that's important
i now we in insert mode

one two
oC-N:tC-Nnow trying to complete second time -  no completion, nothing
i.e. i've got resulting text in buffer like this:

one two

and no 'two' on second C-N when trying to complete 'two' and message Back
at original

(First completion works as expected, but second didn't shown and not
complete at all)
if remove 'longest' from 'complete' then everything works as expected.

Can you reproduce that bug? 
Or it's intended behaviour?
