Re: Vim: Reading from stdin

2006-06-13 Thread John Love-Jensen
Hi Mikolaj,

 I get:
 Vim: Reading from stdin

What happens when you do this:

date | /usr/bin/vim -u NONE -

Assuming that your vim is installed at /usr/bin/vim.

What version of Vim are you using?


Re: Vim: Reading from stdin

2006-06-13 Thread John Love-Jensen
Hi Jorge,

 Vim does its job, and after quitting vim I get:

Actually, you are getting the Vim: Reading from stdin... first, and then Vim
does it's job.

When Vim quits, it restores the screen (available in some termcaps), which
includes the prior Vim message that it was reading from stdin.

I believe it is possible to change Vim's termination behavior such that it
does not restore the screen, rather it does a screen clear or just drops the
cursor to the bottom of the screen and exit (keeping the rest of just-quit
Vim's screen contents onscreen, except for the top line or two which may
scroll off, depending on your PS1 or PROMPT setting).

But that's different from the other poster's issue, where Vim would hang
(i.e., not do its job).


Re: Vim: Reading from stdin

2006-06-13 Thread John Love-Jensen
Hi Jorge,

 That would be worse than the message!

You should modify the Vim source code so it does not emit the message, and
compile your own version.

Note:  the message is there so it does not appear that your machine is hung
if vim is being sent a large amount of input, or a input from a slow pipe.

It would be nice if -V0 would suppress the message, but alas.


Re: Extending Vim7 with plugins

2006-05-19 Thread John Love-Jensen
Hi Robert,

 Is there some tutorial out there for a newbie starting with Vim7 to
 learn how to program for it?

There's a general tutorial to get you started with Vim at:

I don't think it covers any Vim 7.0 features.

And I don't think it covers learning how to program in Vim's scripting


Re: page scrolling

2006-05-18 Thread John Love-Jensen
 ^E and ^Y will move the visual window by one line.  Comes in handy to
 adjust the screen to center a block of text.

Also very handy are these keyboard sequences:

z. put line-with-cursor in middle of screen
zCR  put line-with-cursor at top of screen
z- put line-with-cursor at bottom of screen

Re: HTML editing with vim: where to start ?

2006-05-17 Thread John Love-Jensen
Hi Ivan,

 The FAQ contains some obscure information that goes beyond your average
 Vim cheat sheet.

For the aforementioned average Vim cheat sheet...


Re: Indentation and blank lines

2006-05-09 Thread John Love-Jensen
Hi Arménio,

 Isn't this a kind of nasty trick? :-) Does anyone know a cleaner solution?

That is the clean, simple solution.

The nasty solution is to modify the Vim source code, change the behavior of
auto-indent to your preference, and rebuild.


Re: ^M problems with migrating VIM from WinXP to Linux

2006-05-03 Thread John Love-Jensen
Hi Eric,

Do this to see which line-endings the buffer is associated with...

:set ff?

Do this to change them...

:set ff=unix

For info...

:help 'fileformat

On WinXP, I strictly use the unix (0A) line endings, I do not use mac (0D)
or dos (0D 0A).  I wish Vim internally supported nul (00) line endings, but
alas.  Note: if you transfer files to/fro Unix and Windows with FTP, you can
transfer text files as ASCII to do the end-of-line conversion for you.

Note, mac (0D) line endings are found on Apple DOS, ProDOS, GS/OS, and
System 9 and earlier OS's.  OS X is unix (0A) line endings, mostly, these

Note, dos (0D 0A) line endings are CP/M, QDOS, PC-DOS, MS-DOS, DR-DOS,
Win16, Win32, WinNT (3.1, 3.5, 4.0, 2000, XP), WinNT64, OS/2 1.x (16-bit),
OS/2 2.x (32-bit) and later.  (There were some feeble, short-lived, unviable
attempts by IBM to make OS/2 use unix line endings.  Likewise, there were
some feeble, short-lived, unviable attempts by Microsoft to make WinNT use
unix line endings.)

Note, unix (0A) line endings are on Unix and Unix-like OS's (including OS
X), Amiga OS, and are an option as default for the Cygwin environment on

Vim doesn't internally support backwards lf+cr (0A 0D), which was sometime
seen back in the 70's on teletype machines and preferentially used by some
printers and as the communication protocol by some dial-up BBS's.  I don't
know of any OS that utilizes lf+cr as the convention for end-of-line marker.

Vim doesn't internally support nel (85) next line, from ECMA-048 (approved
as ISO 6429).  I don't know of anyone that uses nel for encoding
end-of-line.  Even the Amiga OS, which supported nel (85), did not use it
for end-of-line in files, and only rarely seen as an operational control
character in certain data streams.  Besides, since Windows code pages have
usurped this (80 - 9F) range of encoding code points, and MacRoman puts
glyphs there too, I don't expect there will be much of a revival for them.
