Re: suggestions for ssh under windows

2006-11-30 Thread Marlin Unruh

Charles E Campbell Jr wrote:


I have a netrw user using WinXP who wants to use ssh; currently, he 
doesn't have such an executable.
I tend to use cygwin, but that's like asking one to build a home instead 
of new cabinets for the kitchen.

So, where can he get ssh for WinXP?

I'm likely to put a synopsis of any answers in netrw's help.

Thank you,
Chip Campbell

Here is a program I use and it works fine. It's just a single exe.

 Marlin Unruh

Re: using :ha under linux

2006-11-17 Thread Marlin Unruh

Benji Fisher wrote:

On Thu, Nov 16, 2006 at 12:05:31PM -0700, Marlin Unruh wrote:

I can print to the printer from OpenOffice or any other program but Vim.

I get "E365: Failed to print PostScript File".

I can't remember what I did once awhile back and it worked. I entered 
something like ":set printdevice=lp0" and it worked. I checked the cmd 
history list but I can't find what cmd I used that time.

 Since you got an error message, read

:help E365

This one is related to the 'printexpr' option, so what does

:verbose set printexpr?

tell you?

HTH --Benji Fisher


:verbose set printexpr? give the following, all in one line.

printexpr=system('lpr' . (&printdevice == '' ? '' : ' -p' . 
&printdevice) . ' ' . v:fname_in) . delete(v:fname_in + v:shell_error

Is this any help?


Re: using :ha under linux

2006-11-16 Thread Marlin Unruh

A.J.Mechelynck wrote:

Marlin Unruh wrote:


In Linux how do I configure Vim to print a hard copy?
Please include syntax example.

I am running Ubuntu and the printer is named Laserjet-4 on LPT #1.

I located the info once and did this but now it eludes me.

Thank You!

What Windows calls LPT1 is usually called something else on Linux -- maybe
/dev/lp0 or something.

On systems other than Windows, Vim prints in PostScript format. If your
printer doesn't understand PostScript, you need some program like 
to translate the PostScript file to whatever it is that your printer can 

Of course, your system must also recognise your printer and be able to
interface with it. If no program is able to print on your LJ-4, don't 

that Vim will be.

See ":help printer.txt".

Best regards,

I can print to the printer from OpenOffice or any other program but Vim.

I get "E365: Failed to print PostScript File".

I can't remember what I did once awhile back and it worked. I entered 
something like ":set printdevice=lp0" and it worked. I checked the cmd 
history list but I can't find what cmd I used that time.


using :ha under linux

2006-11-16 Thread Marlin Unruh


In Linux how do I configure Vim to print a hard copy?
Please include syntax example.

I am running Ubuntu and the printer is named Laserjet-4 on LPT #1.

I located the info once and did this but now it eludes me.

Thank You!
