C++ Syntax highlighting for Identifier, Statement

2007-01-13 Thread Matt England
I'm trying to get function names, class names, objects, variables and 
similar things to appear as non-white text with 'syntax on'.

I thus far have been unsuccessful.  I can get many other constructs 
(constants, types, keywords, etc) to be highlighted, but not the things 
mentioned above.

I've been trying putting different flavors of:


in my .vimrc with no luck.

I've also been trying to change the Identifier and Statement gizmos in 
these settings with no luck.  (I'd like to know how these gizmos map to 
languages like .cpp...but finding the round trip info seems rather 
challenging.)  I've also messed around with the syntax/syncolor.vim file a 
bit, but still no luck.

Where does 'cterm' apply and 'guifg' apply and on and on...

I've designed a lot of different software systems in a variety of 
languages, but I'm not sure I've seen anything quite as broad as the 
settings/things in vim programming.  It's rather overwhelming to me at the 

Thanks for any help,
Dispersed Storage:  http://cleversafe.org

Does automated line unwrap exist?

2006-12-09 Thread Matt England
I frequently use automated line wrap (eg, 'wrapmargin', fmt(1) integration, 
etc) to write documents (like asciidoc sources) in vim.

I'd like to use an automated unwrap feature.  Does such a thing exist in 
vim?  Or a unix/linux command primitive I can integrate (similar to the way 
I use 'map v {!}fmt^M' to fix paragraph wrap while I'm editing them?

Even better, might vim include a programmable feature now or in the future 
to automatically make non-wrapped lines look like wrapped lines much like 
WYSIWYG editors do?

My main goal: I want to be able to use the spell-and-grammar checking of 
editors like MS Word when I'm done writing my asciidoc text, but MS Word 
doesn't handle hard-lines well when doing this.  I haven't found another 
editor that does spell-and-grammar checking as well as word (I couldn't 
figure out how to get OpenOffice Writer to do it well).

There are other goals, but this is the big one.
