Re: Why bottom-posting is prefered on Vim Mainling List?

2007-05-29 Thread Michael Henry

Christian J. Robinson wrote:

On Tue, 29 May 2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

As far as I know, most e-mail clients defaults to top-posting (i.e.
replied message shows before the original message),

In my experience it's more that it can be frustrating to try to
automatically position the cursor without the software "guessing"
wrong, and it's not helpful for context replying (see below).  In
other words, it's better to let the user move the cursor where
he wants it.

I wonder whether the cursor starts at the top of the email message 
because that's where the trimming would most naturally begin, rather 
than to facilitate top-posting.  Perhaps it's the default "deletion 
point" instead of the default "insertion point" :-)

Michael Henry

Re: Why bottom-posting is prefered on Vim Mainling List?

2007-05-29 Thread Michael Henry
> Matthew Winn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2007-05-29 16:10:57:
>> That's the wrong attitude. This is the Internet. You're supposed to
>> insist that you know better than everyone else even if they've been
>> using the Internet for decades, and you have loads of lurkers who
>> support your point of view but they're all too scared of The Clique
>> to speak up, and when you're in charge you'll Show Us All.
> I feel you're talking friendly and for good. But due to my poor English
> proficiency I don't seem to catch what you said.  

I think your English is good.  Even native speakers sometimes have
difficulty detecting sarcasm[1], which is notoriously easy to overlook
in written language.  I'm quite sure Matthew was being sarcastic here,
and was actually complimenting your behavior by "stating the opposite of
the intended meaning" (as the Wikipedia article on sarcasm explains it).

> PS: This Off-topic thread has been talked long and I'm sorry to bring
> excess load to vim mailing list, please mail directly to me if any vimmer
> friends wants to talk futher about it. Thanks.

I continue to be impressed by the Vim mailing list.  Contributors are
helpful, willing to spend time answering in detail, and above all very
polite.  This is one of the nicest "top- versus bottom-posting"
discussions I've seen on a mailing list :-)

Michael Henry


Re: undo & replace in multiple files

2007-05-23 Thread Michael Henry

Tim Chase wrote:
I think given those conditions (autowrite and nohidden), there seems to 
be no such way from my experimenting.  However, if you switch to using 
hidden instead of nohidden, you can do

:argdo u

which will undo the last action in each argument.  

I've been casually looking for such a feature, but so far I've come up a 
little short.  After a multi-file search-and-replace, I'd like to be 
able to undo the replace across the files.  The `:argdo u` command 
almost does what I want, but I can't think how to restrict the undo 
operation to changes made only by the replace operation.  For example, 
suppose I create two files and edit them together:

echo "first file" > first.txt
echo "second file" > second.txt
gvim first.txt second.txt

Suppose in first.txt I edit `first` to become `1st` using Vim editing 


Now I perform a search-and-replace to change `second` to `2nd`:

:argdo %s/second/2nd/ge

Now I try to undo my most recent replace operation:

:argdo u

I'd like this to undo only the change(s) made by the s/// command, but 
it also changes `1st` back to `first`. Since the `u` is performed 
indiscriminately in all arguments regardless of whether the s/// command 
made changes there, I can't blindly use the undo trick to reverse an 
arbitrary replace operation.

I've tried saving all buffers before doing the replace operation, but 
`:argdo u` undoes past the save (which generally pleases me greatly, but 
is unfortunate in this case :-)).

I searched for "replace undo" in Vim's plugins and tips, but came up 
empty. Does anyone have a pointer to a plugin or other resource to allow 
blind undoing of multi-file replace operations?

Michael Henry

Re: editor size

2007-05-08 Thread Michael Henry

linda.s wrote:

On 5/7/07, Michael Henry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Try this in your .gvimrc:

set columns=78

I set columns=78 but when I opened vim editor, I found the editor's
column size to be 70. Why?


Are you using a console version (text-mode only, typically invoked with 
`vim`) of Vim or a GUI version (graphical display, typically invoked 
with `gvim`)?  If you are using a console version, settings in your 
.gvimrc won't be used.

In my limited testing, I can make my console-mode vim resize by putting 
this line in my ~/.vimrc:

set columns=120

I can also make it happen with the following one-liner invocation:

vim "+set columns=120"

It also works with gvim:

gvim "+set columns=120"

You may also want to test using the -N and -u NONE options:

vim -N -u NONE "+set columns=120"

(Feel free to change the number of columns to see if you are getting any 

It may help others diagnose your problem if you mention which operating 
system you are using and how you are invoking vim (or gvim), as well as 
the contents of your .vimrc (and .gvimrc if using gvim).

Michael Henry

Re: editor size

2007-05-07 Thread Michael Henry

linda.s wrote:

After I set textwidth=78 in the .gvimrc and .vimrc, I opened my vim
editor and the cursor ends at column 68. Everytime I need manaually
drag the editor to make it column 78. Is there a way to make the
editor the desired size (column 78)?


Have a look at the 'columns' variable (:help 'columns).  It controls the 
width of your window.  The 'textwidth' variable controls the column at 
which your text will wrap for things like the "format lines" command 
(:help gq), and it sets the maximum width of text that will be inserted 
(longer lines will be broken at whitespace).

Try this in your .gvimrc:

set columns=78

Michael Henry

Minor fix for Vim Tip #1078 (Closing buffer without closing window)

2007-05-01 Thread Michael Henry


Vim Tip #1078 ("Best way to close (delete) buffer without closing its 
window") is pretty useful.  In the version shown on the tip page[1], it 
doesn't keep your cursor in the window you are trying to preserve.  I 
think the following line is supposed to serve that purpose:

execute "normal " . g:kwbdWinNum . ""

The final pair of double-quotes are likely not supposed to be empty.

If you replace the line above with the following line, the active window 
will be preserved:

execute g:kwbdWinNum "wincmd w"

I would have posted a comment on the tip, but comments are currently 
disabled due to spam considerations.

As a side note, is there hope for re-enabling the comment feature?  I've 
found that many of the scripts have valuable comments, sometimes 
containing bug fixes, sometimes pointing to similar or complementary 
scripts, etc.

Michael Henry


Re: Mapping to and doesn't work

2007-04-27 Thread Michael Henry

Mike Mazur wrote:


I'm running vim in a console using gnome-terminal. I put these
mappings in my .vimrc file:

map  :mksession! ~/.vim/.session 
map  :source ~/.vim/.session 

Pressing those buttons (CTRL+Q or CTRL+S) doesn't work.
What is causing this behavior? Is it the terminal capturing the CTRL+Q
and CTRL+S keystrokes before they reach VIM?

I can't answer with any authority here; however, I have a reasonable 
guess.  I run KDE on Ubuntu Linux, so I use konsole instead of 
gnome-terminal.  I cannot map  or  to anything useful either. 
 I wouldn't be surprised if this is because these two characters are 
historically used for terminal flow control.  The CTRL-S character is 
the ASCII control character XOFF, which pauses the terminal output until 
an XON character (CTRL-Q) is received.  You can see this behavior (using 
konsole, at least, but I imagine almost any terminal emulator would also 
work) by executing the following command:

find /usr

and then, while lots of output is scrolling by, pressing CTRL-S.  The 
scrolling should pause until you press CTRL-Q.  You can press CTRL-C to 
cancel the `find` operation when you grow tired of it.

The GUI version of Vim doesn't suffer from this limitation.  I have 
CTRL-S mapped to :update to match the Windows convention of mapping 
CTRL-S to "Save".

Michael Henry

Re: Mapping doesn't work

2007-04-22 Thread Michael Henry

A.J.Mechelynck wrote:
Thanks for this detailed description. This may mean that on your 
terminal, meta-CR is also the start of the key sequence used to 
represent some other key. Try the following:

vim -u NONE -N
:set timeout timeoutlen=3000 ttimeoutlen=250
:imap  Insert-Meta-CR

Then i or a to start Insert mode, followed by Alt-Enter. Wait at least 
one-quarter of a second. Does something get inserted?

1. mac, console-mode Vim: Pressing option-Enter results in the 
equivalent of Escape followed by CR (goes to normal mode, then moves to 
the next line).

2. mac, GUI Vim: option-CR results in plain CR.

3. Windows, GUI Vim: alt-CR results in plain CR.

4. Ubuntu Linux, console-mode Vim: alt-CR results in Escape, CR.

5. Ubuntu Linux, GUI Vim: alt-CR does nothing at first (waited at least 
6 seconds); the next arbitrary keypress inserts A-with-circumflex 
regardless of the keypress.

Another experiment (after the above): hit Esc to go back to Normal mode, 

:redir @"
:redir END

Your mapping should get inserted into the current [No Name] buffer. Move 
the cursor to the character (black box or anything) representing the 
{lhs} of the mapping, then hit


What does Vim reply on the bottom line? (If the {lhs} is represented by 
more than one character, repeat it for each of them.)

What is 'encoding' set to? If it is set to some Unicode encoding (such 
as utf-8) repeat with g8 instead of ga

(Note: I had to replace the :map command with :imap to get the 
insert-mode mappings to show - not sure why.)

1. mac, console-mode Vim: the six characters  were inserted into 
the buffer (not a single UNICODE character).  The line looked like this:

i  Insert-Meta-CR


2. mac, GUI-mode: same as mac, console-mode.  The six characters  
were inserted.


3. Windows, GUI Vim: The line looked like this:

i  {black-box}Insert-Meta-CR

g8 on the black-box character returns 8d.  ga shows the following:

<{black-box}>  <~M>141,  Hex 8d,  Octal 215


4. Ubuntu Linux, console-mode Vim: The line looked like this:

i  <8d>Insert-Meta-CR

g8 on the single-character-wide <8d> showed "c2 8d".  ga showed this line:

<<8d>> 141, Hex 008d, Octal 215


5. Ubuntu Linux, GUI Vim: the results were identical to console-mode Vim 
on Ubuntu (including the encoding setting).

So my results on Ubuntu match Tony's results on openSUSE.  The results 
are similar on Windows and mac.

Michael Henry

Re: Mapping doesn't work

2007-04-21 Thread Michael Henry

Matthew Gilbert wrote:

A.J.Mechelynck wrote:

Matthew Gilbert wrote:

Gene Kwiecinski wrote:

I'm using GVIM on WinXP SP2:
I'm trying to map ALT-ENTER. It doesn't work (I just get enter).

Uhhh, ain't alt-enter trapped by the OS, ie, to switch between
window/console modes?

I'm using GVIM. Also, I can enter CTRL-V_ALT-ENTER and  is 
inserted at the command line without issue. Thanks though. _matt

This at least means that gvim is getting the alt-enter keystroke all 

Can you use at least one of

:inoremap  Meta-Carriage-Return


:inoremap  Alt-Enter

after starting Vim with

gvim -u NONE -N

? If you can, then there is something that overrides it when you use 
your usual vimrc and plugins.

Nope. I still get the regular enter behavior (inserts a newline). Thanks 

I also am unable to successfully map .  Throughout, I'm using 
Tony's suggested clean-startup of Vim:

gvim -u NONE -N

On Windows using gvim 7.0, I get the same behavior described by the 
original poster.  M-CR comes through in insert mode as plain CR.  In 
fact, I get plain CR on Windows for insert-, command-line-, and 
normal-mode mappings like this:

:inoremap   Insert-Meta-CR
:cnoremap   Command-line-Meta-CR
:nnoremap   Normal-Meta-CR

As with the O.P., I'm able to press CTRL-V M-CR on the command-line and 
Vim will insert .

As another oddity, after this mapping:

:inoremap  Insert-Meta-CR

I get the following back from the :imap command:

i  {black square}*   Insert-Meta-CR

where {black square} is a single-character-wide solid black square.  It 
makes me think that Vim didn't translate the six characters  
properly in the initial :inoremap  invocation.  That would go 
along with the fact that pressing CTRL-V M-CR on the command line does 
properly convert the M-CR keystroke into the output .

On Ubuntu Linux using vim 7.0.206, starting clean and without any 
mappings at all, if I press  in insert mode it appears at first 
that nothing happens, but whichever key I press next causes a capital-A 
with a circumflex to appear.  If I execute the following command:

:inoremap  Insert-Meta-CR

Nothing seems to change in insert mode (I still get A-with-circumflex on 
the keystroke after pressing ).  When I look at the mappings with 
:imap, I get this:

i  {box with "00 0D" and blank}*   Insert-Meta-CR

where the curly-braced description represents the outline of a 
rectangular box in which are the numbers "00" above "0D", followed by a 
blank area still inside the outline.

On Ubuntu Linux, if I press CTRL-V M-CR in command-line-mode, I get 
nothing until the next keypress, at which time A-with-circumflex is 

On the mac using gvim 7.0.206, the keyboard is a little different.  Macs 
have both an "Alt" key (named "Option") and a "Command" key.  Both of 
these modifier keys are used in native Mac applications.  "Command" is 
physically in the same position on a Mac keyboard as "Alt" is on a PC 
keyboard; therefore, it's sometimes preferable to map a given function 
to "Alt" + Key on a PC and to "Command" + Key on a Mac.  The letter "D" 
is used in mappings to mean the "Command" modifier.  Starting gvim clean 
and in insert mode, when I press either Option-CR or Command-CR I appear 
to get plain old CR.  When I execute the following:

:inoremap  Insert-Meta-CR

the key Option-CR still does a plain CR.  The :imap command shows the 
correct-looking mapping:

i  * Insert-Meta-CR

When I try to map Command-CR as follows:

:inoremap  Insert-Command-CR

it works properly.  Pressing Command-CR in insert mode actually inserts 
the string "Insert-Command-CR".  Issuing :imap shows the proper mapping 
as well:

i  * Insert-Command-CR

If I press CTRL-V M-CR on the command-line, I get ^M back (CTRL-M, which 
is plain CR).  If I press CTRL-V Command-CR, I get .

So on the Mac, it looks like meta-key mapping of CR doesn't work, but 
command-key mapping does.

On all three platforms, using A-Enter instead of M-CR seems to make no 
discernible difference.

Hopefully this multi-platform test information helps track down the problem.

Michael Henry

Re: IDE's Vim 7 and Apple OS X

2007-03-24 Thread Michael Henry

Joseph White wrote:
While this works fine on Linux;  Mac OS X Vim does not recognize or read 
the $Home/.vim  directory,  is there an alternate location to place the 
IDE files?

On Windows it is the c:/program files/vim/plugin directory or something 
close to that. Can't figure what it might be on Mac.

This may not be much help, but on my mac running OS X the ~/.vim 
directory *is* recognized.  My runtimepath variable is as follows (shown 
by typing `:set runtimepath=` and then pressing  to populate the 
current value of the variable; it's convenient for cut-and-paste):


I don't believe I did anything special to get runtimepath setup like 
this.  I did compile Vim 7.206 myself, with :version information below.

VIM - Vi IMproved 7.0 (2006 May 7, compiled Mar  3 2007 15:21:47)
MacOS X (unix) version
Included patches: 1-206
Huge version with Carbon GUI.  Features included (+) or not (-):
+arabic +autocmd -balloon_eval +browse ++builtin_terms +byte_offset +cindent
-clientserver +clipboard +cmdline_compl +cmdline_hist +cmdline_info 

+cryptv -cscope +cursorshape +dialog_con_gui +diff +digraphs -dnd -ebcdic
+emacs_tags +eval +ex_extra +extra_search +farsi +file_in_path +find_in_path
+folding -footer +fork() -gettext -hangul_input +iconv +insert_expand 

 +keymap +langmap +libcall +linebreak +lispindent +listcmds +localmap +menu
+mksession +modify_fname +mouse -mouseshape +mouse_dec -mouse_gpm
-mouse_jsbterm +mouse_netterm +mouse_xterm +multi_byte +multi_lang -mzscheme
-netbeans_intg -osfiletype +path_extra -perl +postscript +printer +profile
-python +quickfix +reltime +rightleft -ruby +scrollbind +signs +smartindent
-sniff +statusline -sun_workshop +syntax +tag_binary +tag_old_static
-tag_any_white -tcl +terminfo +termresponse +textobjects +title -toolbar
+user_commands +vertsplit +virtualedit +visual +visualextra +viminfo 

+wildignore +wildmenu +windows +writebackup -X11 -xfontset -xim -xsmp
-xterm_clipboard -xterm_save
   system vimrc file: "$VIM/vimrc"
 user vimrc file: "$HOME/.vimrc"
  user exrc file: "$HOME/.exrc"
  system gvimrc file: "$VIM/gvimrc"
user gvimrc file: "$HOME/.gvimrc"
system menu file: "$VIMRUNTIME/menu.vim"
  fall-back for $VIM: "/Applications/"
Compilation: gcc -c -I. -Iproto -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DFEAT_GUI_MAC 
-fno-common -fpas
cal-strings -Wall -Wno-unknown-pragmas -mdynamic-no-pic -pipe -I. 
-Iproto -DMACO

S_X_UNIX -no-cpp-precomp -I/Developer/Headers/FlatCarbon  -g -O
gcc   -L/usr/local/lib -o Vim -framework Carbon  -lncurses  -liconv

Michael Henry