Re: I cannot install gvim7.0

2006-10-01 Thread moonykily
Why not use apt-get install vim-full?
In Debian Etch and Sid there is this deb package, and it works well on my 

On Monday 02 October 2006 00:42, Zheng Da wrote:
> Hello.
> I try to install vim7.0
> But I can't install vim with GUI.
> It seems that configure automatically looks for a GUI, but it always
> tells no in my system.
> "checking --enable-gui argument... no GUI support"
> And I'm sure there isn't gvim in my system.
> I read src/INSTALL. It tells me that I need glib and gtk+ at least
> version 1.1.16, but below 2.0.
> I use Debian, and in my system, there are libgtk1.2, libgtk1.2-common,
> libgtk1.2-dev, libglib1.2, libglib1.2-dev.
> So what else do I need?


Re: splitting $HOME/.vimrc

2006-09-29 Thread moonykily
you can run normal commands with
for example,
:normal dd
will delete a whole line

On Friday 29 September 2006 11:22, Meino Christian Cramer wrote:
> From: "A.J.Mechelynck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: splitting $HOME/.vimrc
> Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2006 05:04:30 +0200
> > Meino Christian Cramer wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > >  for my zsh I split the .zshrc in several files, which contain only
> > >  related things. For example all "bindkey"-related things go into
> > >  .zsh.bindkey.
> > >
> > >  .zshrc only sources those parts if available. Make things more
> > >  readable.
> > >
> > >  I would like to do the same thing with my $HOME/.vimrc.
> > >
> > >  I looked into
> > >
> > >:he source
> > >
> > >  but "source" seems to work for ex commands only, or ?
> > >
> > >  Is there a way, to "source" several files as startup files from
> > >  within $HOME/.vimrc, without a too great performance penalty on
> > >  startup time ?
> > >
> > >  Keep hacking!
> > >  mcc
> >
> > Your vimrc is supposed to consist of ex-commands only (ex-commands are
> > the commands you can type in Normal mode by prefixing them with a colon;
> > in a script such as the vimrc, the colon is not necessary). So you should
> > be able to dissect your vimrc into, let's say,
> >
> > if has('unix')
> > language messages C
> > else
> > language messages en
> > endif
> > runtime vimrc_example.vim
> > source ~/rc1.vim
> > source ~/rc2.vim
> > source ~/rc3.vim
> >
> > An alternative would be to create "user-plugins", scripts which you would
> > place in ~/.vim/plugin/ (for Unix) or ~/vimfiles/plugin/ (for Windows).
> > They would then be sourced automagically in (probably) alphabetical
> > order, just before the global plugins (i.e., after your ~/.vimrc): see
> > the output of the ":scriptnames" command.
> >
> > (and if you don't yet have the required directory, create it with:
> >
> > on Linux:
> >
> > mkdir -p ~/.vim/plugin
> >
> > on Windows:
> >
> > cd %HOME%
> > md vimfiles
> > cd vimfiles
> > md plugin
> >
> >
> > Best regards,
> > Tony.
> Hi Tony, :)
>  thank you for your helpful reply !
>  Initially I thought, ex-commands were only a small subset of all
>  commands, which can be used after ":".
>  But...
>  If _all_ commands, which are valid after ":", are ex-commands...the
> situation is quite simple.
>  By the way: I am using Linux. Since kernel 1.1.54 my room has no
>  windows anymore ;)
>  Keep hacking!
>  mcc
