I am using gVim 6.4 (on a Windoze platform).

Is there any way to define ALT-anyting mappings on that platform?

The result of :verbose imap <a-c>

i # <C-O>g<C-H> where # is a non-english symbol (actually the greek keyboard equivalent of c - the greek letter gamma - note that I am Greek, so I have also installed greek keyboard/fonts support).

Come on gurus, I am sure you have a workaround for my case.... :-)
Suresh Govindachar wrote:

Elias Chatzigeorgiou indicates that while he can imap <c-p> as follows:

     imap <C-p> <c-o>g<c-h>

 he is unable to imap <a-c>

 What is the result of doing
:verbose imap <a-c>

If that doesn't give a clue, it might be something with your keyboard.


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