If it is a C-style syntax where you're matching together lots of { } areas (or
if/endif blocks, etc), using regions, then you should provide an option to turn
it on/off, because this can be slow on large files (and get out of sync).
Thousands of keywords probably isn't an issue, but if you put them all on one
line it might slow things down (that might be a myth). For readability sake,
maybe 12-50 per line?
Folding using regions is slow, you definitely should provide a way to turn this
feature off.
The new PHP syntax (http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1571) is
quite large, but the only speed issue I've seen is with folding.
Try opening multiple windows of the same file and see if editting becomes slow
as Vim tries to re-sync the other windows in real-time.
Hope that helps,
--- Robert Hicks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is there a size limit that one should set as a ceiling for syntax file size?
> Robert
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