Re: laststatus=2 anomaly (was: I sometimes have to double strike when using gvim7 over Hummingbird Exceed)

2006-06-07 Thread Matthew Winn
On Tue, Jun 06, 2006 at 10:04:14PM -0700, Mun Johl wrote:
 GK Aha!  That beta is actually a German SS, szlig; (sz ligature) 
 GK The 'X' is a math times (times; no?).
 GK All the other (usually) vowels have similar compounding, eg,
 GK [aeiou] with accents of various types (try typing a' or a:,
 GK ferinstance), Polish l/ (slashed-ell, don't know the sgml entity
 GK offhand), Spanish n~ (en-tilde, ntilde;), and so on.
 Very interesting observation!

Did nobody notice when I made much the same observation on Monday
morning?  Hello?  Can anyone hear me?

Matthew Winn ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: laststatus=2 anomaly (was: I sometimes have to double strike when using gvim7 over Hummingbird Exceed)

2006-06-06 Thread Mun Johl
Hi Eric, et al.,

Please see my comments below.

On Fri, Jun 02, 2006 at 04:50 PM PDT, Eric Arnold wrote:
EA On 6/2/06, Mun Johl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

... Text Deleted ...

EA Sorry.  I meant
EA :call feedkeys( /3\CR, t)

This executes fine.  I can substitute any text for the 3 and it works

EA About ^R, you can type ^R in search/etc mode, and there are several
EA things you can do from that point.  See
EA :h i_CTRL-R
EA In the above case, ^R= should put you into expression evaluation
EA mode, and you can type any expression, or your test string:
EA aabbccddeeff

This also works fine.

As time permits, I'm still trying to narrow down my .gvimrc and .vimrc
files to the minimum required to exhibit the problem--but I'm not there



RE: laststatus=2 anomaly (was: I sometimes have to double strike when using gvim7 over Hummingbird Exceed)

2006-06-06 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
After taking a couple of helpful hints from Eric, and doing a bunch of
experiments, I have isolated some odd behavior to 'laststatus'.

As a reminder, this issue only shows up when I compile vim7 using GTK-1;
it does not occur when I compile with Motif or GTK-2.  My system is a
Sun workstation running Solaris 8 and I use gcc 3.3.2 for compilation.

The problem is that when I compile vim7 using GTK-1, certain characters
need to be typed twice on the _search_ line.  Note that it only appears
as if the search line is affected.  Text entry and command entry don't
appear to be affected.

If I set laststatus to 0 or 1, the problem goes away.  If I set it to 2
again, the problem re-appears.

This doesn't always occur either; some files edit just fine.  So there
is some other dependency as well it seems--but I haven't discovered that
yet.  But, when it does occur, changing laststatus to 0 or 1 always
corrects the issue.

Here's a sample of what I get when I type each letter in the English
alphabet twice in a row (e.g.: aabbccddeeff...):

 this is the greek Beta character (in case it
 got lost in the transmission)

Notice how some characters only show up once, and the one greek

Aha!  That beta is actually a German SS, szlig; (sz ligature) iirr.

The 'X' is a math times (times; no?).

All the other (usually) vowels have similar compounding, eg, [aeiou] with 
accents of various types (try typing a' or a:, ferinstance), Polish l/ 
(slashed-ell, don't know the sgml entity offhand), Spanish n~ (en-tilde, 
ntilde;), and so on.

Try some funky combinations like l/, n~, etc., and see what pops up.

If this is the case, then I don't *think* it's an issue with 'vim', but 
something with the GTK1 compile, that maybe it includes as a bonus some 
cooked keystroke editing to be able to easily get weirdo characters right from 
the keyboard for functions like getc(), scanf(), etc.

We may be on to something now...  :D

Re: laststatus=2 anomaly (was: I sometimes have to double strike when using gvim7 over Hummingbird Exceed)

2006-06-05 Thread Matthew Winn
On Fri, Jun 02, 2006 at 03:21:26PM -0400, Karl Guertin wrote:
 On 6/2/06, Mun Johl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  this is the greek Beta character (in case it
  got lost in the transmission)
 That's not a beta, that's a german double s (forget what it's called).

Also, the character that falls between the w and the y is not an x,
but a multiplication sign.  It looks as through there's some sort of
automatic digraph processing going on, and it may not be coincidence
that most of the letters that are lost are those that have accented
or similar forms in western and eastern European languages.

Matthew Winn ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: laststatus=2 anomaly (was: I sometimes have to double strike when using gvim7 over Hummingbird Exceed)

2006-06-02 Thread Eric Arnold

On 6/2/06, Mun Johl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


After taking a couple of helpful hints from Eric, and doing a bunch of
experiments, I have isolated some odd behavior to 'laststatus'.

As a reminder, this issue only shows up when I compile vim7 using GTK-1;
it does not occur when I compile with Motif or GTK-2.  My system is a
Sun workstation running Solaris 8 and I use gcc 3.3.2 for compilation.

Have you tried both gvim and vim via an xterm?

The problem is that when I compile vim7 using GTK-1, certain characters
need to be typed twice on the _search_ line.  Note that it only appears
as if the search line is affected.  Text entry and command entry don't
appear to be affected.

I forgot, are you now testing with   gvim -u NONE -U NONE   ?  You
need to be sure that there aren't any plugins or mappings involved.

If I set laststatus to 0 or 1, the problem goes away.  If I set it to 2
again, the problem re-appears.

Does the problem correlate to the presence or absence of the displayed
I.e. can you have  'laststatus' at '1', and have two or more windows
split so that a statusline is displayed.

Do you have anything interesting in the 'statusline' option?

This doesn't always occur either; some files edit just fine.  So there
is some other dependency as well it seems--but I haven't discovered that
yet.  But, when it does occur, changing laststatus to 0 or 1 always
corrects the issue.

Is incremental search on?

Also, you could do a binary search (i.e. chop it up into chunks) on an
affected file to try to find out what text is triggering it.

Here's a sample of what I get when I type each letter in the English
alphabet twice in a row (e.g.: aabbccddeeff...):

 this is the greek Beta character (in case it
 got lost in the transmission)

Notice how some characters only show up once, and the one greek

Too weird.

Any insights would be appreciated.



Re: laststatus=2 anomaly (was: I sometimes have to double strike when using gvim7 over Hummingbird Exceed)

2006-06-02 Thread Mun Johl
Hi Eric,

Please see my comments below.

On Fri, Jun 02, 2006 at 10:42 AM PDT, Eric Arnold wrote:
EA On 6/2/06, Mun Johl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
EA Hi,
EA After taking a couple of helpful hints from Eric, and doing a bunch of
EA experiments, I have isolated some odd behavior to 'laststatus'.
EA As a reminder, this issue only shows up when I compile vim7 using GTK-1;
EA it does not occur when I compile with Motif or GTK-2.  My system is a
EA Sun workstation running Solaris 8 and I use gcc 3.3.2 for compilation.
EA Have you tried both gvim and vim via an xterm?

Note that I am no longer going through Exceed; rather I'm running right
on my Sun box.  So on my Sun box I have tried running vim within my
dtterm.  As expected, there is no problem when running vim within the

EA The problem is that when I compile vim7 using GTK-1, certain characters
EA need to be typed twice on the _search_ line.  Note that it only appears
EA as if the search line is affected.  Text entry and command entry don't
EA appear to be affected.
EA I forgot, are you now testing with   gvim -u NONE -U NONE   ?  You
EA need to be sure that there aren't any plugins or mappings involved.

I did try that, and I didn't see the issue after doing so.  After that,
I started homing in on whether it was the loading .gvimrc or .vimrc that
caused the problem; and then which line(s) until I finally landed on my
laststatus setting.

EA If I set laststatus to 0 or 1, the problem goes away.  If I set it to 2
EA again, the problem re-appears.
EA Does the problem correlate to the presence or absence of the displayed
EA statusline?

Yes.  If 'laststatus' is 1 and I split the window, the problem shows up.
But depending on what file is in the new split window, that window my
not experience the problem.  But if I have a problematic file in both
split windows, they will both experience the problem.

Also, the same file will not _always_ have the problem.  It seems that
if I set 'laststatus' to 0 or 1 and then exit and re-open the file with
'laststatus' == 2, I don't see the problem.  So I guess that implies
that the .viminfo file has some influence.  But setting 'laststatus' to
2 and exiting/re-entering doesn't always bring the problem back.  Sigh.

EA I.e. can you have  'laststatus' at '1', and have two or more windows
EA split so that a statusline is displayed.
EA Do you have anything interesting in the 'statusline' option?

I commented out my specific 'statusline' settings for most of the
testing; so that does not seem to make a difference.

EA This doesn't always occur either; some files edit just fine.  So there
EA is some other dependency as well it seems--but I haven't discovered that
EA yet.  But, when it does occur, changing laststatus to 0 or 1 always
EA corrects the issue.
EA Is incremental search on?

Yes.  But, if I turn it off the problem disappears!  If I turn it on
again, the problem reappears.

EA Also, you could do a binary search (i.e. chop it up into chunks) on an
EA affected file to try to find out what text is triggering it.

Heh, wait until you hear this... I took a file that at the time was
experiencing the problem.  I finally got it to the point that if the
file contained the single character 3, then no problem.  But if the
file had two characters 3., I'd hit the problem.  Other experiments
showing file contents and whether or not I saw a problem:

   33   : No problem
   33.  : Problem
   33.3 : Problem
   333  : No Problem

I realize there are MANY other combinations to try; but I don't have
that kind of time :)

EA Here's a sample of what I get when I type each letter in the English
EA alphabet twice in a row (e.g.: aabbccddeeff...):
EA abbcdeffgghijjkklmmnopqqrßtuvvww×yzz
EA  ^
EA  |
EA  this is the greek Beta character (in case it
EA  got lost in the transmission)
EA Notice how some characters only show up once, and the one greek
EA character.
EA Too weird.



Re: laststatus=2 anomaly (was: I sometimes have to double strike when using gvim7 over Hummingbird Exceed)

2006-06-02 Thread Eric Arnold

On 6/2/06, Karl Guertin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 6/2/06, Mun Johl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  this is the greek Beta character (in case it
  got lost in the transmission)

That's not a beta, that's a german double s (forget what it's called).

scharfes s

Re: laststatus=2 anomaly (was: I sometimes have to double strike when using gvim7 over Hummingbird Exceed)

2006-06-02 Thread Eric Arnold

Ok.  So we know three things:

 The incremental search feature
 + the gvim/gui input method
 + the statusline

It would be interesting to try:

:feedkeys( /3\CR, t)

^R=some expression

this will tell us if the problem is in the get char from use vs the
process char with incsearch.

On 6/2/06, Mun Johl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Eric,

Please see my comments below.

On Fri, Jun 02, 2006 at 10:42 AM PDT, Eric Arnold wrote:
EA On 6/2/06, Mun Johl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
EA Hi,
EA After taking a couple of helpful hints from Eric, and doing a bunch of
EA experiments, I have isolated some odd behavior to 'laststatus'.
EA As a reminder, this issue only shows up when I compile vim7 using GTK-1;
EA it does not occur when I compile with Motif or GTK-2.  My system is a
EA Sun workstation running Solaris 8 and I use gcc 3.3.2 for compilation.
EA Have you tried both gvim and vim via an xterm?

Note that I am no longer going through Exceed; rather I'm running right
on my Sun box.  So on my Sun box I have tried running vim within my
dtterm.  As expected, there is no problem when running vim within the

EA The problem is that when I compile vim7 using GTK-1, certain characters
EA need to be typed twice on the _search_ line.  Note that it only appears
EA as if the search line is affected.  Text entry and command entry don't
EA appear to be affected.
EA I forgot, are you now testing with   gvim -u NONE -U NONE   ?  You
EA need to be sure that there aren't any plugins or mappings involved.

I did try that, and I didn't see the issue after doing so.  After that,
I started homing in on whether it was the loading .gvimrc or .vimrc that
caused the problem; and then which line(s) until I finally landed on my
laststatus setting.

EA If I set laststatus to 0 or 1, the problem goes away.  If I set it to 2
EA again, the problem re-appears.
EA Does the problem correlate to the presence or absence of the displayed
EA statusline?

Yes.  If 'laststatus' is 1 and I split the window, the problem shows up.
But depending on what file is in the new split window, that window my
not experience the problem.  But if I have a problematic file in both
split windows, they will both experience the problem.

Also, the same file will not _always_ have the problem.  It seems that
if I set 'laststatus' to 0 or 1 and then exit and re-open the file with
'laststatus' == 2, I don't see the problem.  So I guess that implies
that the .viminfo file has some influence.  But setting 'laststatus' to
2 and exiting/re-entering doesn't always bring the problem back.  Sigh.

EA I.e. can you have  'laststatus' at '1', and have two or more windows
EA split so that a statusline is displayed.
EA Do you have anything interesting in the 'statusline' option?

I commented out my specific 'statusline' settings for most of the
testing; so that does not seem to make a difference.

EA This doesn't always occur either; some files edit just fine.  So there
EA is some other dependency as well it seems--but I haven't discovered that
EA yet.  But, when it does occur, changing laststatus to 0 or 1 always
EA corrects the issue.
EA Is incremental search on?

Yes.  But, if I turn it off the problem disappears!  If I turn it on
again, the problem reappears.

EA Also, you could do a binary search (i.e. chop it up into chunks) on an
EA affected file to try to find out what text is triggering it.

Heh, wait until you hear this... I took a file that at the time was
experiencing the problem.  I finally got it to the point that if the
file contained the single character 3, then no problem.  But if the
file had two characters 3., I'd hit the problem.  Other experiments
showing file contents and whether or not I saw a problem:

   33   : No problem
   33.  : Problem
   33.3 : Problem
   333  : No Problem

I realize there are MANY other combinations to try; but I don't have
that kind of time :)

EA Here's a sample of what I get when I type each letter in the English
EA alphabet twice in a row (e.g.: aabbccddeeff...):
EA abbcdeffgghijjkklmmnopqqrßtuvvww×yzz
EA  ^
EA  |
EA  this is the greek Beta character (in case it
EA  got lost in the transmission)
EA Notice how some characters only show up once, and the one greek
EA character.
EA Too weird.



Re: laststatus=2 anomaly (was: I sometimes have to double strike when using gvim7 over Hummingbird Exceed)

2006-06-02 Thread Mun Johl
Hi Eric,

Please see my comments below.

On Fri, Jun 02, 2006 at 03:22 PM PDT, Eric Arnold wrote:
EA Ok.  So we know three things:
EA  The incremental search feature
EA  + the gvim/gui input method
EA  + the statusline
EA It would be interesting to try:
EA :feedkeys( /3\CR, t)

I'll look into this further over the weekend, but when I tried to
execute the :feedkeys command you suggested, I receive E492:

E492: Not an editor command: feedkeys(...)

EA ^R=some expression

I don't understand what you want me to try with the ^R command above.


EA this will tell us if the problem is in the get char from use vs the
EA process char with incsearch.
EA On 6/2/06, Mun Johl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
EA Hi Eric,
EA Please see my comments below.
EA On Fri, Jun 02, 2006 at 10:42 AM PDT, Eric Arnold wrote:
EA EA On 6/2/06, Mun Johl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
EA EA After taking a couple of helpful hints from Eric, and doing a bunch of
EA EA experiments, I have isolated some odd behavior to 'laststatus'.
EA EA As a reminder, this issue only shows up when I compile vim7 using 
EA EA it does not occur when I compile with Motif or GTK-2.  My system is a
EA EA Sun workstation running Solaris 8 and I use gcc 3.3.2 for compilation.
EA EA Have you tried both gvim and vim via an xterm?
EA Note that I am no longer going through Exceed; rather I'm running right
EA on my Sun box.  So on my Sun box I have tried running vim within my
EA dtterm.  As expected, there is no problem when running vim within the
EA dtterm.
EA EA The problem is that when I compile vim7 using GTK-1, certain 
EA characters
EA EA need to be typed twice on the _search_ line.  Note that it only 
EA appears
EA EA as if the search line is affected.  Text entry and command entry don't
EA EA appear to be affected.
EA EA I forgot, are you now testing with   gvim -u NONE -U NONE   ?  You
EA EA need to be sure that there aren't any plugins or mappings involved.
EA I did try that, and I didn't see the issue after doing so.  After that,
EA I started homing in on whether it was the loading .gvimrc or .vimrc that
EA caused the problem; and then which line(s) until I finally landed on my
EA laststatus setting.
EA EA If I set laststatus to 0 or 1, the problem goes away.  If I set it to 
EA 2
EA EA again, the problem re-appears.
EA EA Does the problem correlate to the presence or absence of the displayed
EA EA statusline?
EA Yes.  If 'laststatus' is 1 and I split the window, the problem shows up.
EA But depending on what file is in the new split window, that window my
EA not experience the problem.  But if I have a problematic file in both
EA split windows, they will both experience the problem.
EA Also, the same file will not _always_ have the problem.  It seems that
EA if I set 'laststatus' to 0 or 1 and then exit and re-open the file with
EA 'laststatus' == 2, I don't see the problem.  So I guess that implies
EA that the .viminfo file has some influence.  But setting 'laststatus' to
EA 2 and exiting/re-entering doesn't always bring the problem back.  Sigh.
EA EA I.e. can you have  'laststatus' at '1', and have two or more windows
EA EA split so that a statusline is displayed.
EA EA Do you have anything interesting in the 'statusline' option?
EA I commented out my specific 'statusline' settings for most of the
EA testing; so that does not seem to make a difference.
EA EA This doesn't always occur either; some files edit just fine.  So there
EA EA is some other dependency as well it seems--but I haven't discovered 
EA that
EA EA yet.  But, when it does occur, changing laststatus to 0 or 1 always
EA EA corrects the issue.
EA EA Is incremental search on?
EA Yes.  But, if I turn it off the problem disappears!  If I turn it on
EA again, the problem reappears.
EA EA Also, you could do a binary search (i.e. chop it up into chunks) on an
EA EA affected file to try to find out what text is triggering it.
EA Heh, wait until you hear this... I took a file that at the time was
EA experiencing the problem.  I finally got it to the point that if the
EA file contained the single character 3, then no problem.  But if the
EA file had two characters 3., I'd hit the problem.  Other experiments
EA showing file contents and whether or not I saw a problem:
EA33   : No problem
EA33.  : Problem
EA33.3 : Problem
EA333  : No Problem
EA I realize there are MANY other combinations to try; but I don't have
EA that kind of time :)
EA EA Here's a sample of what I get when I type each letter in the English
EA EA alphabet twice in a row (e.g.: aabbccddeeff...):
EA EA abbcdeffgghijjkklmmnopqqrßtuvvww×yzz
EA EA  ^
EA EA  |
EA EA  this is the greek Beta character (in case it
EA EA  got lost in the transmission)
EA EA Notice 

Re: laststatus=2 anomaly (was: I sometimes have to double strike when using gvim7 over Hummingbird Exceed)

2006-06-02 Thread Eric Arnold

On 6/2/06, Mun Johl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Eric,

Please see my comments below.

On Fri, Jun 02, 2006 at 03:22 PM PDT, Eric Arnold wrote:
EA Ok.  So we know three things:
EA  The incremental search feature
EA  + the gvim/gui input method
EA  + the statusline
EA It would be interesting to try:
EA :feedkeys( /3\CR, t)

I'll look into this further over the weekend, but when I tried to
execute the :feedkeys command you suggested, I receive E492:

E492: Not an editor command: feedkeys(...)

EA ^R=some expression

I don't understand what you want me to try with the ^R command above.

Sorry.  I meant

:call feedkeys( /3\CR, t)

About ^R, you can type ^R in search/etc mode, and there are several
things you can do from that point.  See

:h i_CTRL-R

In the above case, ^R= should put you into expression evaluation
mode, and you can type any expression, or your test string:
