Re: Best way to repeat a sequence of keystrokes/commands with a single keypress ?

2007-03-13 Thread Ivan Vecerina
Tim Chase [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
:  While editing a file, I decide to rename someIdentifier to
:  someIdentifier_ - I will need to append the underscore to
:  several (but usually not all) instances of the word.
: The typical way to do this would be something like
:   :%s/\someIdentifier\/_/g
: If you want confirmation, you can use
:   :%s/\someIdentifier\/_/gc

Ok. So a possible shortcut to type this could be:
Then: yn to accept/reject substitutions.

:  The same would happen if I want to rename wonderfulFoo to
:  wonderfulBar.  I tend to type:   *fFceBarESC
: Similarly, one would do something like
:   :%s/\wonderfulFoo\/wonderfulBar/g

Makes sense.
Yet I liked the alternative:

: [...]  For your second example, you have to do a
: little tweaking, as you want to be 3 characters from the
: end, you have to use
:   /someIdentifier/e-2

Nice!  Damn, I remember reading about this flag,
but I failed to think of using it !
So here, the find + replace end of word can be
typed as:   */C-R//e-2CRceBarESC
Then: n.n to accept/reject substitutions.

[ snipped: examples of the power of :s/.../ ]

I like the simplicity/predictability of n., especially when reworking a 
function/small block within a larger file.
But I am not petrified by regular expressions either -- I have been doing some 
perl programming (though I really am a C++ veteran).
After 8 months of vimming (I started with, it is time 
for me to get more fluent with Ex commands.

Just let me first enjoy the /../e trick for a couple of weeks...

: Hope this helps,

It did !  Thanks a lot.

[ Thank you Tony as well for the additional references and advice for 
multi-file substitutions. ]

Kind regards,



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Re: Best way to repeat a sequence of keystrokes/commands with a single keypress ?

2007-03-13 Thread Karl Guertin

I flip between ex commands and macros for semi-automated file
conversion and most of what I'd say has been covered, but I'll toss in
a personal quirk from my .vimrc.

By default, both ` and ' do approximately the same thing in that they
jump to a mark (' is a linewise `, it positions the cursor at ^ in the
destination line). Since I don't find ' to be particularly useful, I
remap it to @a and record my macros to a (qa...q):

 executes the macro in register a
 nnoremap ' @a

 repeats the macro in register a for the entire visual selection
 xnoremap ' :normal @aCR

I find this to be convenient and it provided an easy way to
record/execute macros when I was learning vim.

Re: Best way to repeat a sequence of keystrokes/commands with a single keypress ?

2007-03-12 Thread Ivan Vecerina
Thank you (and Jürgen too), @@ is an easy first step for me.



Tim Chase [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

: Alternatively, problems can often be rephrased in terms of an Ex
command that uses the :%s or :g/:v to perform changes
: across the 
entire file.


: By changing
: your thinking to exploit these commands, sometimes you 
can get
: easy consistent changes without having to manually touch each 
: with a macro. 


I admit that I am currently more of a visual n.n.nn.nn. kind

of person. I should take some time to get into using Ex.


If I may seek further guidance with a concrete example:


While editing a file, I decide to rename someIdentifier to
someIdentifier_ - I will need to append the underscore to
several (but usually not all) instances of the word.

Starting in normal mode at the first instance of someIdentifier,

I would type:   *ea_ESC

But then I cannot use the n.nn. routine to modify subsequent

identifiers -- because the '.' will not apply the change at

the end of the word.   (I would have to type ne.nne.)


The same would happen if I want to rename wonderfulFoo to

wonderfulBar.  I tend to type:   *fFceBarESC

But then I cannot use n.nn. to repeat (but maybe n;.nn;.).


So: I like using the n-dot pair of commands, but I can only

take advantage of it if I rewrite the whole identifier.



How would I use Ex or another approach to save me some typing

during the process described above (for example repeatedly

appending '_' to an identifier) ?

And can this trick still be easily applied if only some instances

of the identifiers are to be replaced ?



Thanks !




[ wow... I'll be called a nuthead for asking such a question

  anywhere else on the net ... hopefully not here ;) ]


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Re: Best way to repeat a sequence of keystrokes/commands with a single keypress ?

2007-03-12 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

Ivan Vecerina wrote:

While editing a file, I decide to rename someIdentifier to
someIdentifier_ - I will need to append the underscore to
several (but usually not all) instances of the word.


Here's how I would do that:

Let's assume your current directory (as shown by :pwd) is the top directory 
of the project in question, and that you want to check all *.pro, *.cpp, *.c 
and *.h files in that directory and below.

:args ./**/*.pro ./**/*.cpp ./**/*.[ch]
:argdo 1,$s/\someIdentifier\/\0_/gc | update

The first line sets the argument list to the project files.

The second line runs a common set of commands on all the files in the argument 
list, as follows:

1,$   from first to last line of the file
s/substitute what?
\begin-of-word (zero-length)
\end-of-word (zero-length)
/ replace by what?
\0the whole matched string
_ plus an underscore
/ start of replace flags
g everywhere (not only first time) in the line
c with confirmation prompt
| update  then write the file if modified

The confirmation prompt takes care of your ...(but usually not all)... 
restriction by showing you each possible replace in turn, asking for a yes/no 
decision. The :update command saves each file (if modified) before examining 
the next, and is not needed if at least one of 'autowrite' and 'autowriteall' 
is on (which is not the default).

Best regards,
Sex is one of the nine reasons for reincarnation ... the other eight
are unimportant.
-- Henry Miller

Re: Best way to repeat a sequence of keystrokes/commands with a single keypress ?

2007-03-12 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

Tim Chase wrote:

You can read about :substitute commands and the various
flags at

  :help :s
  :help :s_flags

This is a jet-fuel-powered version of search-and-replace
that one finds in most editors.  The {pattern} portion has
an incredible degree of complexity for finding precisely the
match you intend, including context, repetitions, and the
like.  Far too much erudition can be found at

  :help pattern

far too much indeed, but there is a nice summary at

:help pattern-overview

There are also tricks that can be done in the replacement
portion as well:

  :help sub-replace-special

It's prob. more than you want/need at the moment, but after
tapping the power of vim's searchreplace, it bugs me to use
sr in any other app.


Best regards,
There was a young man of St. John's
Who wanted to bugger the swans.
But the loyal hall porter
Said, Pray take my daughter!
Those birds are reserved for the dons.

Re: Best way to repeat a sequence of keystrokes/commands with a single keypress ?

2007-03-09 Thread Jürgen Krämer


Ivan Vecerina wrote:
 I sometimes want to repeat a sequence of operations
 like I would repeat a single command.
 For example, I can repeat with '.' something like:
  gI//ESC{is a single operation '.' repeats all}
 But I cannot as easily repeat:
  02r/{ '.' will repeat the 2r/ , but not the move to 0 }
 [ Let's not focus on the example sequence I am using here,
   I do know that there are other ways to comment a line ]
 The obvious choice to repeat multiple operations is to record
 a macro (for example:  qq02r/q ), and replay it with @q.
 Unfortunately, '.' after @q only replays the last action
 within the macro, not the whole macro execution.
 So I have to repeatedly type two awkward keys (@q) instead
 of being able to use the dot command to repeat the whole
 sequence of operations.
  [ I wonder why this behavior was chosen. Is there any
way to have '.' repeat the whole macro instead ?]

you can use @@ to repeat the execution of the last macro.


Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere
in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us. (Calvin)

Re: Best way to repeat a sequence of keystrokes/commands with a single keypress ?

2007-03-09 Thread Tim Chase
 I sometimes want to repeat a sequence of operations
 like I would repeat a single command.
 The obvious choice to repeat multiple operations is to record
 a macro (for example:  qq02r/q ), and replay it with @q.
 Unfortunately, '.' after @q only replays the last action
 within the macro, not the whole macro execution.
 So I have to repeatedly type two awkward keys (@q) instead
 of being able to use the dot command to repeat the whole
 sequence of operations.

Once you have run a macro once (with @q), you can re-run it
with @@ which is considerably easier to type.

Additionally, if your macro moves you to the next point where
you'd issue the macro again, and you know you want to repeat it N
times, you can prefix the macro-execution with a count, such as


will run the q macro 23 times.

You can read more if you need at

:help @@

Alternatively, problems can often be rephrased in terms of an Ex
command that uses the :%s or :g/:v to perform changes
across the entire file.  While you didn't want to focus on your
commenting example, one could do something like


which would comment out every line containing foo.  By changing
your thinking to exploit these commands, sometimes you can get
easy consistent changes without having to manually touch each bit
with a macro.  Knowing both macros and obscure corners of Ex, I
find I don't record macros all that often (maybe once every month
or so) but tend to use automated Ex commands to surgically alter
my text.

Hope this helps or at least gives you a couple new ideas,
