Re: changed-yet-not-saved-lines highlighting feature

2006-08-11 Thread Yakov Lerner

On 8/11/06, Gary Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 2006-08-10, Eddy Zhao [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Very often, I open a lot of files to edit. When I exiting vim, vim
 prompt me to save every file which contain changes not saved yet. So,

  - Is there plugin that could highlight the
 changed-yet-not-saved-lines (possibly with yellow background), so that
 I could easily locate and check those changes and decide whether to
 save it or not.

  - Furthermore, is there plugin that could highlight the
 changed-and-saved-lines in a vim session in the file (possibly with
 green background), so that I could easily audit all changes of a file
 in a vim edit session.

This command was posted by Piet Delport a few years ago.  I use it
all the time.

command DiffOrig vert new | set bt=nofile | r # | 0d_ | diffthis | wincmd p | 

This deserves to be put into


Re: changed-yet-not-saved-lines highlighting feature

2006-08-11 Thread Mark Woodward
Hi Gary,

On Fri, 11 Aug 2006 13:20:15 -0700
Gary Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 2006-08-10, Eddy Zhao [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Very often, I open a lot of files to edit. When I exiting vim, vim
  prompt me to save every file which contain changes not saved yet.
   - Is there plugin that could highlight the
  changed-yet-not-saved-lines (possibly with yellow background), so
  that I could easily locate and check those changes and decide
  whether to save it or not.
   - Furthermore, is there plugin that could highlight the
  changed-and-saved-lines in a vim session in the file (possibly with
  green background), so that I could easily audit all changes of a
  file in a vim edit session.
 This command was posted by Piet Delport a few years ago.  I use it 
 all the time.
 command DiffOrig vert new | set bt=nofile | r # | 0d_ | diffthis |
 wincmd p | diffthis

I can see why you use this all the time. BRILLIANT!
It should certainly be a tip on if it isn't already!!

I just threw this in my .vimrc and I'll too be using it all the time.
(I used :command! though (note the !))



Re: changed-yet-not-saved-lines highlighting feature

2006-08-10 Thread Yakov Lerner

On 8/10/06, Eddy Zhao [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  Very often, I open a lot of files to edit. When I exiting vim, vim
prompt me to save every file which contain changes not saved yet. So,

  - Is there plugin that could highlight the
changed-yet-not-saved-lines (possibly with yellow background), so that
I could easily locate and check those changes and decide whether to
save it or not.

  - Furthermore, is there plugin that could highlight the
changed-and-saved-lines in a vim session in the file (possibly with
green background), so that I could easily audit all changes of a file
in a vim edit session.

   BTW, this feature is borrowed from a commercial editor I tried
sometime ago, and find very useful when editing a lot of source code

You can invoke vimdff to see differences. That requires temp copying:
1. :!cp % %.orig
   :diffsplit %.orig
   :vert diffsplit %.orig
It would be more convenient if :vimslpit allowed diff of the current buffer
with original file on disk directly, but as far as I can see it
doesn't allow it,
you need to copy the file. It's not that bad, can be assigned to a macro:
   :nmap F5 :!cp % %.origcr:vert diffsplit %.origcr

2. :w! %.tmp
   and invoke 'vimdiff file file.tmp' in the other window

3. Less sophisticated method of revewing the changes:
:w !diff -u - %
(NB you must have space between 'w' and '!'). It does not highlight any
lines but it's simple an it let you review your changes.


Re: changed-yet-not-saved-lines highlighting feature

2006-08-10 Thread Marc Weber
On Thu, Aug 10, 2006 at 11:02:50PM +0800, Eddy Zhao wrote:
  Very often, I open a lot of files to edit. When I exiting vim, vim
 prompt me to save every file which contain changes not saved yet. So,
  - Is there plugin that could highlight the
 changed-yet-not-saved-lines (possibly with yellow background), so that
 I could easily locate and check those changes and decide whether to
 save it or not.
  - Furthermore, is there plugin that could highlight the
 changed-and-saved-lines in a vim session in the file (possibly with
 green background), so that I could easily audit all changes of a file
 in a vim edit session.
   BTW, this feature is borrowed from a commercial editor I tried
 sometime ago, and find very useful when editing a lot of source code

I would have proposed using the  diff commands, too..
(See DiffWithFileOnDisk in my privious post.)
Perhaps it would be better to save to tempname() because those files
will be deleted automatically..

Another waay  would be : do u until vim no longer shows the modified tag
;)  u will also show you what you've done.

Marc Weber

Re: changed-yet-not-saved-lines highlighting feature

2006-08-10 Thread Bob Hiestand

On 8/10/06, Marc Weber [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Thu, Aug 10, 2006 at 11:02:50PM +0800, Eddy Zhao wrote:

  Very often, I open a lot of files to edit. When I exiting vim, vim
 prompt me to save every file which contain changes not saved yet. So,

  - Is there plugin that could highlight the
 changed-yet-not-saved-lines (possibly with yellow background), so that
 I could easily locate and check those changes and decide whether to
 save it or not.

  - Furthermore, is there plugin that could highlight the
 changed-and-saved-lines in a vim session in the file (possibly with
 green background), so that I could easily audit all changes of a file
 in a vim edit session.

   BTW, this feature is borrowed from a commercial editor I tried
 sometime ago, and find very useful when editing a lot of source code

I would have proposed using the  diff commands, too..
(See DiffWithFileOnDisk in my privious post.)
Perhaps it would be better to save to tempname() because those files
will be deleted automatically..

I think Tim's method is better in that it doesn't require a file at
all.  Depending on personal preference, it might be better to
explicitly make the diff buffer a scratch buffer, in something like
the following:

command! -nargs=0 ShowDifferences
 \ let ShowDifferencesOriginalBuffer=bufnr('%')
 \|execute 'bufdo diffoff'
 \|execute 'buffer' ShowDifferencesOriginalBuffer
 \|unlet ShowDifferencesOriginalBuffer
 \|below vert new
 \|set buftype=nofile noswapfile bufhidden=wipe
 \|r #

There's a little extra there to clear diff mode from other buffers to
avoid including more than the two intended buffers in the diff mode.