
 in a previous mail I asked for a way to replace $<variable> with
 ${<variable>} in shell scripts.

 One suggested solution was to apply the following to the script


 which works nicely.

 Now I wanted to extend the above expression to also change
 $-expressions in my shell scripts like


 ...and so on. So I changed (just for a test first) the above
 expression with


 (added [] around \w) which -- as far as I know (and it seems, that
 this isn't enough in this case... ;) -- does not change anything,
 since it simply says: one or more of the itenms in the []s -- and the
 only item is a word-character.

 But suddenly nothing was matched anymore....

 My "final" approach was this one:


 but ....

 What did I wrong here ?

 Thank you very much for any help in advance !
 Have a nice weekend!

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