Hello, all. I've been using Aap to keep up on all of the latest patches since Vim 7.0 was released, and until patch 183 everything worked splendidly. Now I get this when I attempt 'aap --update' from my Vim build directory:

Aap: Updating recipe "main.aap"
Aap: Attempting download of "http://www.a-a-p.org/vim/main.aap";
Aap: Downloaded "http://www.a-a-p.org/vim/main.aap"; to "/home/marv/programs/vim_aap/main.aap"
Getting Vim version 7.0 using ftp...
Aap: /usr/bin/patch -p0 -f < ../patches/7.0.001 2>&1 > ../patches/7.0.001.done Aap: Error in recipe "/home/marv/programs/vim_aap/main.aap" line 173: Shell command returned 256
Aap: All messages are in the logfile: /home/marv/programs/vim_aap/AAPDIR/log

The log is rather lengthy, but ends with "Error is recipe..." as above. Is there any sense in posting the whole log?

I'm using the latest version of Aap (1.089, as released January 13). Vim itself still works splendidly, patched to 182.

I apologize if this isn't the place for Aap questions; nevertheless, any and all guidance will be greatly appreciated. Many thanks in advance.


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