Re: color loading sequence in GVIM

2007-02-06 Thread Eric Leenman

Thanks folks, I got it working now.

From: A.J.Mechelynck [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Eric Leenman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: color loading sequence in GVIM
Date: Tue, 06 Feb 2007 04:01:01 +0100

Eric Leenman wrote:


Following your comments, I've converted my file to a scheme and placed it 

C:\Program Files\Vim\vimfiles\colors
For testing I also placed a bw.vim and a print_bw.vim in it.

The problem now is that it doesn't get loaded.
When I type :colorscheme eric it says E185: Can not find colorscheme eric

:colorscheme eric loads (on Windows, with the default 'runtimepath') the 
first one found of the following (and gives an error if none is found):

1. $HOME/vimfiles/colors/eric.vim
2. $VIM/vimfiles/colors/eric.vim
3. $VIMRUNTIME/colors/eric.vim
4. $VIM/vimfiles/after/colors/eric.vim
5. $HOME/vimfiles/after/colors/eric.vim

The script should set g:colors_name to eric.

1 and 5 are for private single-user files, 2 and 4 for system-wide 
files (which all users will see identically on multiuser system), 3 for 
whatever is distributed together with Vim (and users shouldn't meddle with 
it, as any upgrade can silently erase any changes you make there).

When I type echo g:colors_name it says undefined variable
When I type :colorscheme print_bw it switches to this scheme
When I type echo g:colors_name it says print_bw

Copying the print_bw file to print_bw2.vim and changing only the line
let g:colors_name = blabla
gives also the same errors with my ëricscheme



The :scriptnames command will tell you exactly which scripts were 
sourced, and in which sequence.

Best regards,
Peanut Blossoms

4 cups sugar   16 tbsp. milk
4 cups brown sugar 4 tsp. vanilla
4 cups shortening  14 cups flour
8 eggs 4 tsp. soda
4 cups peanut butter   4 tsp. salt

Shape dough into balls.  Roll in sugar and bake on ungreased cookie
sheet at 375 F. for 10-12 minutes.  Immediately top each cookie with a
Hershey's kiss or star pressing down firmly to crack cookie.  Makes a
hell of a lot.

Search for grocery stores. Find gratitude. Turn a simple search into 
something more.

Re: color loading sequence in GVIM

2007-02-05 Thread Albie Janse van Rensburg

Eric Leenman wrote:


I'm doing a reinstall of gvim and placing my color and font setting in 
a seperate file in the plugin.

This file is located in: C:\Program Files\Vim\vimfiles\plugin
And it contains the following:
:hi Commentctermfg=darkgreen  gui=None guifg=darkgreen
:hi Statement  ctermfg=blue   gui=None guifg=blue
:hi Identifier ctermfg=darkredgui=None guifg=darkred
:hi PreProcctermfg=blue   gui=None guifg=darkblue
:hi Type   ctermfg=darkgray   gui=None guifg=darkgray
:hi Constant   ctermfg=redgui=None guifg=red

 GUI font instellingen
set guifont=courier:h7:w7

What now happens is that the font is taken over but the colors aren't
For example:
When I type :hi Comment
vim returns:
Comment   xxx term=bold ctermfg=1 guifg=Blue

What do I do wrong?


Check out all that glitters with the MSN Entertainment Guide to the 
Academy Awards®

Colour files should go into the vimfiles/colors directory, and needs to 
be named according to the filetype you want it to be used for.  For 
instance, sql.vim will be loaded for .sql files.  You can further 
specify what filetype to use for a file by creating a filetypes.vim file 
in the vimfiles/ftdetect directory.  For more info about this, see

:help ftdetect


:help syntax

Hope that helps

Albie Janse van Rensburg (neonpill)

Registered Linux User 438873 |

Re: color loading sequence in GVIM

2007-02-05 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

Albie Janse van Rensburg wrote:

Eric Leenman wrote:


I'm doing a reinstall of gvim and placing my color and font setting in 
a seperate file in the plugin.

This file is located in: C:\Program Files\Vim\vimfiles\plugin
And it contains the following:
:hi Commentctermfg=darkgreen  gui=None guifg=darkgreen
:hi Statement  ctermfg=blue   gui=None guifg=blue
:hi Identifier ctermfg=darkredgui=None guifg=darkred
:hi PreProcctermfg=blue   gui=None guifg=darkblue
:hi Type   ctermfg=darkgray   gui=None guifg=darkgray
:hi Constant   ctermfg=redgui=None guifg=red

 GUI font instellingen
set guifont=courier:h7:w7

What now happens is that the font is taken over but the colors aren't
For example:
When I type :hi Comment
vim returns:
Comment   xxx term=bold ctermfg=1 guifg=Blue

What do I do wrong?


Check out all that glitters with the MSN Entertainment Guide to the 
Academy Awards®

Colour files should go into the vimfiles/colors directory,


and needs to 
be named according to the filetype you want it to be used for.  For 
instance, sql.vim will be loaded for .sql files. 

No (see below).

You can further 
specify what filetype to use for a file by creating a filetypes.vim file 
in the vimfiles/ftdetect directory. 

... a filetype.vim file in a directory in 'runtimepath', *and/or* one or more 
Vim script(s) of _any_ name in the ftdetect subdirectory of a directory in 

For more info about this, see

:help ftdetect


:help syntax

and also (more important)
:help :colorscheme

Hope that helps

The files in the colors directory are what is called color schemes in Vim 
parlance, and correspond to what would be called themes or skins in other 
programs. Their names bear *no relation* to the files to be edited with them. 
Vim never loads them automatically but only as a result of the :colorscheme 
name command, which is roughly equivalent to :runtime colors/name.vim 
where name.vim is the name of an arbitrary colorscheme script.

The highlight groups to use for files of a given syntax are in the syntax 
subdirectory of directories in 'runtimepath', and they may define default 
colors for highlight groups not predefined in Vim, by using :highlight 
default commands (see :help :highlight-default).

Best regards,

The average income of the modern teenager is about 2 a.m.

Re: color loading sequence in GVIM

2007-02-05 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

A.J.Mechelynck wrote:
The highlight groups to use for files of a given syntax are in the 

oops. The highlight groups to use for files of a given syntax are defined by 
the script syntaxname.vim (where syntaxname is the relevant setting of the 
'syntax' option), living in the

syntax subdirectory of directories in 'runtimepath', and they may define 
default colors for highlight groups not predefined in Vim, by using 
:highlight default commands (see :help :highlight-default).

Best regards,
Canada Bill Jone's Motto:
It's morally wrong to allow suckers to keep their money.

A .44 magnum beats four aces.

Re: color loading sequence in GVIM

2007-02-05 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

Albie Janse van Rensburg wrote:

A.J.Mechelynck wrote:

Albie Janse van Rensburg wrote:

Eric Leenman wrote:


I'm doing a reinstall of gvim and placing my color and font setting 
in a seperate file in the plugin.

This file is located in: C:\Program Files\Vim\vimfiles\plugin
And it contains the following:
:hi Commentctermfg=darkgreen  gui=None guifg=darkgreen
:hi Statement  ctermfg=blue   gui=None guifg=blue
:hi Identifier ctermfg=darkredgui=None guifg=darkred
:hi PreProcctermfg=blue   gui=None guifg=darkblue
:hi Type   ctermfg=darkgray   gui=None guifg=darkgray
:hi Constant   ctermfg=redgui=None guifg=red

 GUI font instellingen
set guifont=courier:h7:w7

What now happens is that the font is taken over but the colors aren't
For example:
When I type :hi Comment
vim returns:
Comment   xxx term=bold ctermfg=1 guifg=Blue

What do I do wrong?


Check out all that glitters with the MSN Entertainment Guide to the 
Academy Awards®

Colour files should go into the vimfiles/colors directory,


and needs to be named according to the filetype you want it to be 
used for.  For instance, sql.vim will be loaded for .sql files. 

No (see below).

You can further specify what filetype to use for a file by creating a 
filetypes.vim file in the vimfiles/ftdetect directory. 

... a filetype.vim file in a directory in 'runtimepath', *and/or* one 
or more Vim script(s) of _any_ name in the ftdetect subdirectory of a 
directory in 'runtimepath'.

For more info about this, see

:help ftdetect


:help syntax

and also (more important)
:help :colorscheme

Hope that helps

The files in the colors directory are what is called color schemes in 
Vim parlance, and correspond to what would be called themes or 
skins in other programs. Their names bear *no relation* to the files 
to be edited with them. Vim never loads them automatically but only as 
a result of the :colorscheme name command, which is roughly 
equivalent to :runtime colors/name.vim where name.vim is the 
name of an arbitrary colorscheme script.

The highlight groups to use for files of a given syntax are in the 
syntax subdirectory of directories in 'runtimepath', and they may 
define default colors for highlight groups not predefined in Vim, by 
using :highlight default commands (see :help :highlight-default).
Absolutely.  I had my syntax file and colorschemes info mixed up.  I 
hope the OP reads your corrections.  _Syntax_ files need to be named 
according to their application (language), whereas colorscheme files are 
used to change the colours of text _according_to_the_syntax_ file 
definition.  The colorscheme effectively is applied over the syntax 

Indeed. This also means that :syntax on reloads the current colorscheme (if 
any, or sets the default colours if none), which may explain why Eric didn't 
see his colour highlights.

Note that since many syntax scripts define their color highlight groups by 
linking them to the default groups, setting highlights for said default 
groups will usually go a long way towards colouring everything. (For instance, 
by default the colours of the Comment group are reused for cComment, 
htmlComment, vimComment, etc., so unless you want to use different colours for 
each of these -- which IMHO would be rather pointless -- you can content 
yourself with defining Comment highlights and the various somethingComment 
groups will all be set to that.)

:help :colorscheme  indeed.
The OP is talking about a colorscheme file though (the first part, 
defining highlight groups), which should be placed in vimfiles/colors.  
As for the guifont setting, I personally do it in my vimrc file, but 
afaik it should work in a colorscheme file as well.

 From what I can see, the highlight settings are loaded into a 
colorscheme (which will have the name of the .vim file containing them), 
so by running

:colorscheme filename

your highlight groups will get set, Eric.  First move your file into the 
vimfiles/colors directory to avoid unpredictable results.

Best regards,
The USA is so enormous, and so numerous are its schools, colleges and
religious seminaries, many devoted to special religious beliefs ranging
from the unorthodox to the dotty, that we can hardly wonder at its
yielding a more bounteous harvest of gobbledygook than the rest of the
world put together.
-- Sir Peter Medawar

Re: color loading sequence in GVIM

2007-02-05 Thread Eric Leenman


Following your comments, I've converted my file to a scheme and placed it in
C:\Program Files\Vim\vimfiles\colors
For testing I also placed a bw.vim and a print_bw.vim in it.

The problem now is that it doesn't get loaded.
When I type :colorscheme eric it says E185: Can not find colorscheme eric
When I type echo g:colors_name it says undefined variable
When I type :colorscheme print_bw it switches to this scheme
When I type echo g:colors_name it says print_bw

Copying the print_bw file to print_bw2.vim and changing only the line
let g:colors_name = blabla
gives also the same errors with my ëricscheme



 Header information {{{
 Remove all existing highlighting. {{{
set background=light
hi clear
if exists(syntax_on)
 syntax reset

 Name the scheme eric {{{
let g:colors_name = eric

 Define colorscheme as visual C++ {{{
hi Commentcterm=NONE ctermfg=darkgreen  ctermbg=white gui=NONE
guifg=darkgreen guibg=white
hi Statement  cterm=NONE ctermfg=blue   ctermbg=white gui=NONE 

hi Identifier cterm=NONE ctermfg=darkredctermbg=white gui=NONE 

hi PreProccterm=NONE ctermfg=blue   ctermbg=white gui=NONE
guifg=darkblue  guibg=white
hi Type   cterm=NONE ctermfg=darkgray   ctermbg=white gui=NONE
guifg=darkgray  guibg=white
hi Constant   cterm=NONE ctermfg=red  ctermbg=white gui=NONE guifg=red

 vim60: set foldmethod=marker: {{{

From: A.J.Mechelynck [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Albie Janse van Rensburg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: color loading sequence in GVIM
Date: Mon, 05 Feb 2007 17:01:57 +0100

Albie Janse van Rensburg wrote:

A.J.Mechelynck wrote:

Albie Janse van Rensburg wrote:

Eric Leenman wrote:


I'm doing a reinstall of gvim and placing my color and font setting in 
a seperate file in the plugin.

This file is located in: C:\Program Files\Vim\vimfiles\plugin
And it contains the following:
:hi Commentctermfg=darkgreen  gui=None guifg=darkgreen
:hi Statement  ctermfg=blue   gui=None guifg=blue
:hi Identifier ctermfg=darkredgui=None guifg=darkred
:hi PreProcctermfg=blue   gui=None guifg=darkblue
:hi Type   ctermfg=darkgray   gui=None guifg=darkgray
:hi Constant   ctermfg=redgui=None guifg=red

 GUI font instellingen
set guifont=courier:h7:w7

What now happens is that the font is taken over but the colors aren't
For example:
When I type :hi Comment
vim returns:
Comment   xxx term=bold ctermfg=1 guifg=Blue

What do I do wrong?


Check out all that glitters with the MSN Entertainment Guide to the 
Academy Awards®

Colour files should go into the vimfiles/colors directory,


and needs to be named according to the filetype you want it to be used 
for.  For instance, sql.vim will be loaded for .sql files.

No (see below).

You can further specify what filetype to use for a file by creating a 
filetypes.vim file in the vimfiles/ftdetect directory.

... a filetype.vim file in a directory in 'runtimepath', *and/or* one or 
more Vim script(s) of _any_ name in the ftdetect subdirectory of a 
directory in 'runtimepath'.

For more info about this, see

:help ftdetect


:help syntax

and also (more important)
:help :colorscheme

Hope that helps

The files in the colors directory are what is called color schemes in Vim 
parlance, and correspond to what would be called themes or skins in 
other programs. Their names bear *no relation* to the files to be edited 
with them. Vim never loads them automatically but only as a result of the 
:colorscheme name command, which is roughly equivalent to :runtime 
colors/name.vim where name.vim is the name of an arbitrary 
colorscheme script.

The highlight groups to use for files of a given syntax are in the syntax 
subdirectory of directories in 'runtimepath', and they may define default 
colors for highlight groups not predefined in Vim, by using :highlight 
default commands (see :help :highlight-default).
Absolutely.  I had my syntax file and colorschemes info mixed up.  I hope 
the OP reads your corrections.  _Syntax_ files need to be named according 
to their application (language), whereas colorscheme files are used to 
change the colours of text _according_to_the_syntax_ file definition.  The 
colorscheme effectively is applied over the syntax definition.

Indeed. This also means

color loading sequence in GVIM

2007-02-04 Thread Eric Leenman


I'm doing a reinstall of gvim and placing my color and font setting in a 
seperate file in the plugin.

This file is located in: C:\Program Files\Vim\vimfiles\plugin
And it contains the following:
:hi Commentctermfg=darkgreen  gui=None guifg=darkgreen
:hi Statement  ctermfg=blue   gui=None guifg=blue
:hi Identifier ctermfg=darkredgui=None guifg=darkred
:hi PreProcctermfg=blue   gui=None guifg=darkblue
:hi Type   ctermfg=darkgray   gui=None guifg=darkgray
:hi Constant   ctermfg=redgui=None guifg=red

 GUI font instellingen
set guifont=courier:h7:w7

What now happens is that the font is taken over but the colors aren't
For example:
When I type :hi Comment
vim returns:
Comment   xxx term=bold ctermfg=1 guifg=Blue

What do I do wrong?


Check out all that glitters with the MSN Entertainment Guide to the Academy 