Re: completeopt: menu|menuone + longest = bug?

2006-05-01 Thread Bram Moolenaar

Eric Van Dewoestine wrote:

  I know about this: When you type the . and there no complete
  match was inserted (showing the longest common text in this example),
  Vim assumes you are extending the text to reduce the list of matches.
  Thus the completion still starts at BlahBlah.
  You need to stop completion somehow, e.g., with a space and backspace.
  This is not a nice way to work.  I thought of having all punctuation
  characters stop completion, but that breaks completion of items where
  punctuation can be part of the match (e.g., () for functions).
 Ah, that makes sense.   What about an option for specifying what
 characters end the completion?
   setlocal completedelim+=.
 or something similar?

It's too complicated already, adding another option will mainly cause
more users to get confused.  Also, I wouldn't know what to set it to for

ARTHUR: I've said I'm sorry about the old woman, but from the behind you
looked ...
DENNIS: What I object to is that you automatically treat me like an inferior...
ARTHUR: Well ... I AM king.
 Monty Python and the Holy Grail PYTHON (MONTY) PICTURES LTD

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --   \\\
///sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\download, build and distribute --
 \\\help me help AIDS victims --

Re: completeopt: menu|menuone + longest = bug?

2006-05-01 Thread mzyzik
On Tue, May 02, 2006 at 12:13:37AM +0200, Bram Moolenaar wrote:
 Eric Van Dewoestine wrote:
   I know about this: When you type the . and there no complete
   match was inserted (showing the longest common text in this example),
   Vim assumes you are extending the text to reduce the list of matches.
   Thus the completion still starts at BlahBlah.
   You need to stop completion somehow, e.g., with a space and backspace.
   This is not a nice way to work.  I thought of having all punctuation
   characters stop completion, but that breaks completion of items where
   punctuation can be part of the match (e.g., () for functions).
  Ah, that makes sense.   What about an option for specifying what
  characters end the completion?
setlocal completedelim+=.
  or something similar?
 It's too complicated already, adding another option will mainly cause
 more users to get confused.  Also, I wouldn't know what to set it to for

It's not that confusing. This is not a good reason for not implementing
something like 'completedelim'. A better reason would be that nobody
feels like implementing it and documenting it. So far there are three
options starting with complete. This is complicated? I thought
Vim/Emacs are ultra configurable... and the menu/completion system is a
big feature.

If it were up to me, I would have an option for what characters end the
completion, and also what characters select the current completion and
then end the completion... or something like that. Maybe not. At least
something like completedelim.


 ARTHUR: I've said I'm sorry about the old woman, but from the behind you
 looked ...
 DENNIS: What I object to is that you automatically treat me like an 
 ARTHUR: Well ... I AM king.
  Monty Python and the Holy Grail PYTHON (MONTY) PICTURES LTD
  /// Bram Moolenaar -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --   \\\
 ///sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
 \\\download, build and distribute --
  \\\help me help AIDS victims --

Re: exists(*Foo!garbage) = 1 ?

2006-05-01 Thread Benji Fisher
On Tue, May 02, 2006 at 12:13:37AM +0200, Bram Moolenaar wrote:
 Charles Campbell wrote:
  Bram Moolenaar wrote:
  The problem of changing something like this is that all scripts that are
  included in the release need to be checked for effects.  And there are
  lots of scripts now.  I wouldn't be surprised if, for example, the netrw
  plugin stops working properly.
  In perusing netrw, I believe that all the netrw usages of 
  exists(*func) give exists() a full function
  name; ie. they don't depend on its just being a prefix.  So, I expect 
  that netrw should work ok with
  such a change.
 Bad example...  I meant that there are scripts that are too big to

 I tried

:vimgrep /exists[^)]*\*/ $VIMRUNTIME/**/*.vim

and found that there are 111 matches.  If all we are worried about is
exists(*string) where string contains non-'isk' characters, then I
am willing to check them.  I bet there are very few.

HTH --Benji Fisher

Re: completeopt: menu|menuone + longest = bug?

2006-05-01 Thread Eric Van Dewoestine

 It's too complicated already, adding another option will mainly cause
 more users to get confused.  Also, I wouldn't know what to set it to for

It's not that confusing. This is not a good reason for not implementing
something like 'completedelim'. A better reason would be that nobody
feels like implementing it and documenting it. So far there are three
options starting with complete. This is complicated? I thought
Vim/Emacs are ultra configurable... and the menu/completion system is a
big feature.

If it were up to me, I would have an option for what characters end the
completion, and also what characters select the current completion and
then end the completion... or something like that. Maybe not. At least
something like completedelim.

I thought about this a bit more today, and I agree that adding a new
option is
not the proper solution.  Not because it would confuse users, but because
the set of characters that end a completion could depend on the completion
method, so setting them at the filetype level wouldn't work.

For example, the standard keyword completion (c-n and c-p) only spans word
characters.  Any non-word character should end the completion.  Conversely, a
user defined, or omni completion function may span back over non-word

Without knowing anything about how you've implemented the code completion
internally, I'd guess that perhaps you could let the completion function
decide when to start a new completion by invoking the completion function
again and comparing the original starting column position with the new one.
If they differ, then the function has deemed that it no longer considers the
non-word character part of the original completion.

You've mentioned a few times how the code completion logic is getting
complicated, but is that a good reason for leaving in known issues?  Perhaps
after you have released vim70, vim71 should get a bit of an overhaul in this
area now that you've encountered a broader range of use cases.  While I find
the current behavior I described in my original email very annoying, I still
wouldn't consider it a show stopper for the final release of vim70.  However,
it would be a shame to never fix it just because it's complicated.


gvim + X + geometry + set line + cttrl-f + folding (whew!) : a bug

2006-05-01 Thread Charles E. Campbell, Jr.


This one appears to be a ctrl-f (and ctrl-b) bug.  Here's the setup: 
(using Linux,vim-7.0g, huge)

.vimrc :
 set nocp

.gvimrc :
set lines=21

no .vim/ directory.

Now, for the problem:

gvim -geometry 139x22+0+4 netrw.vim

Note that the ctrl-f does not advance a page; instead, the cursor 
returns to the
top line (which is a fold).  Similar misbehavior happens with a ctrl-b.  
I have to
use hit ctrl-e several times to move the folds off the top; then, ctrl-f 
works again.

Chip Campbell